Naruto The Chakra Sage

By kyuusora

12.6K 266 54

This fan fiction is diverged from another writer who is better than me in the arts of fan fiction so this is... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 2

1.6K 27 14
By kyuusora

Hinata woke up in the morning, feeling completely refreshed. There was a few days before Team Placements, so she was about to find out something to do, when someone came into her room.

"Lady Hinata. I was just about to wake you." The Branch member said.

"I take it my father wants to see me about my recent disappearance acts?" Hinata asked, earning a nod. "Then please let him know that I'd rather gouge my eyes out than tell anyone. All he really needs to know is that I've been working on ways to make the Jyuuken work for me with a friend. This is something I have to do myself, as the majority of the Hyuuga clan would not be able to help me in that regard."

Another person came up to them. "And why would that be, my daughter?" It was Hiashi Hyuuga.

"Father, there is a reason the Jyuuken was never easy for me to learn. I have found out the reason with my friend's help, and like I told them: I would gouge my own eyes out before I said anything on it. I swore it on my Hyuuga Status, and even then I'd still lose my eyes. That should tell you how serious I am about this." Hinata told him, her voice never waning.

"I see you've grown a bit of a backbone." Hiashi turned to the Branch Member. "Please leave us. I need to talk to my daughter in private. No one is to interrupt, not even the Elders."

"Yes sir." The man bowed and left, prompting Hiashi to activate a few Barrier Jutsu.

"Hinata I am proud that you have been trying to get it to work for you, and even gained some confidence. At least let me know who your friend is. That way I can thank him properly." Hiashi said.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that." Hinata said. "Not until I'm finished with everything that we've been working on. All I can say is that he's not a Hyuuga, and he is the one that helped me realize my problem with the Jyuuken."

"And just what is the problem?"

"Before I answer that, I have one question. How many Hyuuga have there been that has Water as their dominant Chakra affinity, with Wind as the Second Best?" Hinata asked.

"Only one. Your mother." Hiashi had a looked of indifference, but his eyes showed he still mourned her. "She was the only Hyuuga not known to have an Earth Affinity. What does this have to do with anything?"

"Everything." Hinata replied. "Those are my two best Elements. Water being the highest, and Wind being the Second highest. I have found no skill in Earth element, and that's the problem. The only ones that use the original Jyuuken used it based on the Earth element. Defense only. My main element is Water, which is balanced, while my secondary is Wind, which is mainly Offensive. Add in my flexibility, and you realize that the way other Hyuuga are taught would never work for me."

"Who managed to figure this out?" Hiashi asked.

"My friend has scrolls everywhere in his house. He's been doing extensive research on everything he can. History of the clans currently in Konohagakure included. I still have to work on the Jyuuken Specific Techniques, and manage to implement them into it. It will take a while longer before I can, and even have a few ideas to do just that. I would suggest you tell the Elders to back off, and not question me about my training, and not to place the Caged Bird Seal on me because I'm supposed to be inept. Instead, I'm learning things in a way that would work for me. I already know that the Hokage himself wouldn't be able to find the place, much less enter it. There are only 4 that are currently alive that can enter the place due to a security measure that was implemented years ago." Hinata told him.

"Let me guess... Space-time Barrier Ninjutsu?" Hinata tensed when he said that. "Thought so."

"No one can know where I've been going for this. I've gone too far to turn back now, and he has been teaching me better than the Hyuuga Clan has. I'd almost say he's a better teacher for me than you are."

"I already know who it is you're talking about." Hiashi said. "And I have no intentions of letting the Elders know about that. They would try to kill you like they did your mother. You're too much like her, and I thought that you would never get out of the ridiculous shell. He not only brought you out of it, but he brought a fire to your eyes I haven't seen in anyone since Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. It's a wonder why they never married."

Hinata inwardly smirked at this. "Did I mention he's single, and happens to have both of them as his parents?"

Hiashi tensed at that. "What do you mean?"

"Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze happen to have one son. No daughter. This son is the one that was helping me, and no one ever noticed anything about that connection." Hinata said. "I have seen the proof myself, so I know. You can't, and I can't show it to you, but I know it's there."

Hiashi was suddenly livid. "Those idiotic fools... The council will hear about this."

"No, he doesn't want to be known as his father's son. He fights in their memory, yes. But he has no intentions on taking his father's name until he becomes a Chuunin. Now that he's a Genin, he's one step further. He already gained his inheritance, by stumbling upon it on accident. He's glad he did, and has been working on it all for over a month now. He's the one that will reveal his father's formerly unfinished projects."

"I look forward to it." Hiashi said. "Have you seen any of them?"

"Only one, but that one was the first one he finished. He tends to use it in his personal spars against 100 Shadow Clones. I watched him once, and saw what it did. I still can't believe it has that many possibilities. He figures he hasn't hit the tip of the iceberg with the Possibilities, and he's already come up with several thousand."

"I look forward to when he unveils it. For now, no one will know. I'm proud you found someone that can help you where I failed. Just know that you have inherited more from your mother than you think." Hiashi turned around. "Down to tastes." Hinata caught this and wondered what he meant before a couple of pictures came to her mind.

'Does this mean my father was a second choice? If that's the case... his father was my mother's first choice and then that means... I can go where my mother couldn't due to interference from other girls! It's official: This is the best week of my life.'

Hinata got ready, ate breakfast with her family and went out.

She walked for a while and found Naruto at Ichiraku's with Iruka. "Naruto, Iruka-sensei. What's up?" Hinata walked up.

"What's up Hinata?" Naruto asked. "I'm not training today, and they're just working on the projects I have right now."

"Oh, okay." Hinata replied. "So Iruka-sensei, how's your injuries?"

"Nothing too serious. I just can't do anything strenuous for a while. Walking around for a bit is no problem." Iruka replied. "Naruto I'm glad you got her out of that little shell. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never have thought she'd do that."

"He's just one of the fools of the village who let stupidity and ignorance blind him." Hinata said as she sat down. "I'll take pork ramen, please."

"Coming right up!" Teuchi Ichiraku said happily. There was a girl behind the counter. "So you're one of the select few that don't care what the other villagers think, huh?"

"It's not that I don't care what they think. In fact, I do care. I don't want them hurting him like they did the rest of his life. I'd probably do more for him than I would for my own father, and he knows it." Hinata told her. "Hinata Hyuuga."

"Ayame Ichiraku." The girl replied.

"By the way Hinata, I didn't know that."

"I wasn't sure if you did, but I wasn't exactly talking about you there. I was referencing my father. He already knows it. He even said that it was only a matter of time for this to happen. My mother was probably close to your father, after all." Hinata told him.

"You already told him?"

"No, he figured out most of what he knows on his own. I couldn't keep my self from tensing up when he mentioned the barrier. That's probably when he figured it all out." Hinata said. "He already knows not to tell anyone, and the Hyuuga Elders can shove it."

"Well, I'm glad. I know I can trust you with my entire being. That's why you were allowed in. It was only speculation at first, but now I know for fact." He finished off another bowl that came up to him quickly. "Nothing like good ole' Ichiraku Ramen to lift the mood. Sorry I couldn't come for a while. I've been busy lately."

"I can see that Naruto." Ayame said. "Just know that if you betray the trust he puts in you..."

"I wouldn't dream of doing that Ayame." Hinata cut her off. "He's the reason I actually want to get up in the morning. He's the reason I've gotten better at what I have. If those fools that the village calls a Council can't see the gem they have dulled, then they are truly idiotic."

"I take it the Drive you found has something to do with me?" Naruto asked, confusing Iruka.

"Naruto, what are you talking about?"

"When I went up against Sasuke in that spar, I was hoping she was listening in on it. That wasn't just for Sasuke. Those words were also directed at her." Naruto explained.

"Yeah I heard it. I want to help you in any way I can. That is my drive." Hinata replied.

Naruto noticed that someone was coming up to them. "Incoming Uchiha." Hinata recognized the wording, and found that the subject was to be dropped.

"So the rumors are true. You really do eat nothing but ramen." A voice said that entered. It was Sasuke.

"So what do you want teme?" Naruto asked.

"Train me." Sasuke replied.

"I already told you what you had to do. I don't train arrogant assholes who are stuck up on revenge. The only way I would train you myself is if you gave up revenge in favor of something else. Or at least have a different reason for it. I want revenge myself, but I am not consumed by it. For me, Protecting comes first, Revenge comes Second."

"What would you have to avenge?" Sasuke had a bit of malice in his voice.

"The one that killed my parents happens to be alive. You may not realize it but he was also there during the Uchiha Massacre, helping Itachi. I only found out about him over the past month, but I know the consequences. He'll go down, but that's only after I get strong enough on my own power. Until then, there is nothing I can do, so I won't bother chasing after him. He killed my mother with one action, and through that, my father died. In essence, he killed them both the day I was born." Naruto told him.

"What are you talking about, Naruto?" Iruka asked.

"Iruka-sensei, my mother bore the same burden I do now. When she was relieved of that burden, she was basically on her deathbed. He's the reason it happened, and the consequences of that had my father die that same night. I haven't forgiven him, and probably never will. However I know I won't be a match for him for a long time. Plus there's also the fact that he'd be coming after me, and not once have I forgotten his name. I don't plan on it, either." Naruto replied, causing shock to appear on Iruka's face.

Naruto then tensed up. 'I knew that cyclops was up to no good!'

"You and me both, kit. You know, for someone who's as paranoid as him, he keeps pretty detailed records."

'I noticed.' "Iruka-sensei, I have to get going. Something just came up." Naruto told him, paying for his 12 Ramen bowls. "Later Ayame!"

"Bye Naruto!" Ayame turned to Hinata. "Why do you truly like him?"

"He's stronger than anyone in this village. If not in skills, than emotionally, and mentally. No one, not even the Aburame, would be able to survive what he went through and still stay sane. He still pushed on, even when no one else wanted him to. I heard that his mother was the same way, but she had it a lot better than he did. They didn't know she had that burden. They know that he does, and no one can tell him about it. And you know what?" Hinata paused at that. "I don't care about that burden. In fact, the fact he can hold on to something like that and still stay sane is a feat in itself. A feat that I know that even I wouldn't be able to handle. He needs someone to be there for him when no one else will. I'm glad to be that one person."

Ayame was silent. She didn't expect that kind of answer. Iruka decided to ask a question. "What about his parents?"

"I know about them, and still don't care about that. My feelings for him didn't change when I found out about his burden, nor did they change when I found out who his parents are. They may have increased when I realized just how bad he had it due to the burden, but it wasn't the burden itself that changed it. His parents don't make him. He makes his parents, and he's determined to make them proud. I only hope that I'm on his team so I can help him with what he needs done."

"What could he possibly bear to cause all of that?" Everyone apparently forgot Sasuke was still there, listening to every word.

"Sorry Sasuke, but that's an S-rank secret. He's the only one that can make exceptions, and I'm the only one he made an exception to so far." Hinata told him. "I'm not allowed to tell anyone what it is myself. Only he can, and he doesn't trust you. Not even Tsunade's right hook can send Jiraiya farther than his current level of distrust to you. I'm only going to say this once. Rethink your priorities, get those sticks out of your ass, and find a Drive that he would approve of. When you do that, maybe he'll think about it. Arrogance and a sense of Superiority are two things that he can't stand. You have both."

Hinata paid for her ramen, and left. Sasuke was shellshocked at the response. Iruka saw the usual expressionless face disappear completely and only have shock plastered on it. There was suddenly a flash. Sasuke was knocked out of his stupor and looked at Teuchi who had a picture in one hand, a camera in the other. "I know a few people who would die to have a photo like this. The Last Uchiha gets Shellshocked."

Sasuke grunted, and left in anger. Iruka was containing his laughter. "Teuchi... make a copy for me please."

"With pleasure, Iruka." Teuchi replied, an evil smirk on his face.

-Hokage's Tower-

"Jiji I just found out a lot of things you probably won't like about an old guy on the Council." Naruto said, the moment he came in.

Sarutobi looked at him, activated a few privacy seals, and nodded for him to continue. He explained that he found Danzou sneaking around one day, and decided to follow him without being noticed. He managed to find an entrance, which he snuck in, and got around easily. He then explained what he found in the data vault. "It's times like that that I love my mother's old Shadow Door Jutsu. I didn't have to mess with the lock period." He explained in great detail what he found on a few things.

"If you got in there again, would you be able to get out with the evidence and not be caught?" Sarutobi asked.

"All I need are a few distractions, and there would be no problems." Naruto replied.

"What did you have in mind?"

Naruto grinned like he did before he pulled off a huge prank. "Nothing you really need to worry about. But tomorrow, I suggest you don't go looking for me, or enter any Clan Estate."

"Don't tell me you intend to prank everyone in the village."

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Naruto asked. "I don't intend to catch the entire village. Just enough to cause mass mayhem and chaos that the ANBU would be focused solely on that, and not on me. I'll get the information to you the day after Team Placements."

"How do you intend on pulling this off?" Sarutobi asked.

"I'm a Prank Master, and I have access to a few hundred seals. What does that tell you?" Naruto asked.

"I'll leave you to it. Just remember, that I don't know anything about it." Naruto nodded, the seals went down, and he left through the window.

-The next day-

At 12:00 Noon a series of pranks went off every 10 minutes. Hinata was told to be at Naruto's house working on her Jyuuken, but he wouldn't be there until late afternoon. She was thankful that she was in a protected area. The chaos hit the Hyuuga Estate first, followed by the Inuzuka clan, The Aburame, Akimichi Clan, Nara Clan, Yamanaka Clan, Sasuke's house, and so on. Every councilor, Civilian or shinobi Clan Heads were hit. The Elders personal homes were also hit, aside from Danzou.

Naruto got in, got to the vault, got everything in there and sealed it all into scrolls, and got back out. He sealed them all into another scroll once he got back to his place. Then he joined Hinata, and then Danzou was hit.

Sarutobi was in his office, watching the carnage, privacy seals active, laughing his ass off.

The chaos was still there for the rest of the day, and into the next day.

Hinata had already gotten permission from her father to stay at Naruto's house as a sign of trust. He still had no idea why she had to leave in the morning. Then the string of pranks came along. Now he knew why she had to be there. She was supposed to be out of the line of fire. And Naruto was nowhere to be found either.

After the chaos had settled down, Naruto and Hinata made their presence known, but they were both surprised at what happened. Hiashi spotted them extremely quickly.

"Naruto, where were you during all the chaos yesterday?"

"My place, apparently. I don't know who managed to pull something like this off, and if it's already been a day, and they still haven't been caught, I have to admit I applaud their skills to cover their tracks. I know I wouldn't be able to pull this off so easily. I would've been caught the moment it went off."

"It went off in intervals. 10 minutes each." Hiashi narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"Wow, they even timed it. Whoever did this, they obviously were trying to create some kind of distraction. As for what it was, I don't know, but if there happen to be any missing prisoners, then we actually have someone that could've pulled it off. Or at least a way to point in the right direction." Naruto said, looking around. "If they were aiming for mass chaos, then it's obvious that they caused it."

Hiashi was analyzing his face. He thought Naruto could have been lying, but everything he said was the truth. 'Damn. It couldn't have been him. Any doubt I had before was immediately destroyed before he finished.'

"What about you, Hinata?" Hiashi's gaze landed on her.

"I was sticking to Naruto's place. There's a lot of things in there that happen to be extremely interesting. Between training myself, the garden, and all the information there, I was quite busy."

"And what exactly did you do?" Hiashi inwardly smirked at that.

"I was working on my father's projects that still haven't been finished for most of the morning, and late into the evening. We didn't really interact much until late afternoon, but I did help her out more on her personal Jyuuken techniques." Naruto replied.

"Mainly training, reading, and admiring the flowers. Aside from eating, and he's a great cook by the way, we only spent training on the Jyuuken together. He made it a note to relax every now and then, and that's why I was admiring the flowers in the area." That was her reply.

'Dammit! These two are are either telling the truth, and lying so expertly that even I can't tell the difference.'Hiashi's mind was forced to accept what they said as the truth, nodded, and he walked off.

"Hinata, that was some Class A Truth Bending." Naruto said in his mind.

"And to think that he wasn't able to tell the difference."

"I know, right? It just goes to show you, Impossible is nothing but a word."

"Hey, Kyuubi? I have a question."


"Why did you think this was a useful skill?" Hinata asked.

"For the life of a Ninja, there is little room for error, and as such, you'd need to be able to tell the truth to someone, and answer their question, without giving away the big details. You did that without any help on our part. You haven't completely mastered it, but you're obviously good."

"Thanks, I guess." Hinata replied.

"I told him I'd help him, and since he's helping you, I might as well help where I can. Am I right?"


"You know, Kyuubi. There is something else you can do for her." Naruto said.

"Naruto, that is not going to happen and you know it. Not unless she is already married to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's something that I'm wholeheartedly against, as there is a side effect that no one in this god forsaken village would accept the moment they found out about it. We've got Naruto on the Council's shit list. We don't need you there as well."

"How bad could it be? I mean, if I turn into a Hanyou, or a demon, I wouldn't mind."

"I know you wouldn't."

"So do I, but there is a massive problem with this particular course of action regarding the idiotic civilians. I can allow you to summon Kitsune once your Reserves are higher, as I intend on letting Naruto do the same later on. As much as this village hates foxes due to me, You two can help change this. Since I am sealed like I am, only Naruto can summon me, and this is not through the contract. It requires a different chain, for one. Another reason is because, though I am a Kitsune, I hold the title of Bijuu, and as such am a Guardian."

Naruto and Hinata found themselves in a Graveyard, though Naruto didn't recognize this one. It was sparsely placed. "Okay, is it just me or did we find our way into a new or unused Graveyard while talking?"

"No, I'm pretty sure we did." They looked around and found a pair of graves that Naruto walked up to."These are my parent's graves."

"This is not where they are buried though. You father I can understand, but your mother is one I wouldn't. She held no symbol of extreme power since Whirlpool was destroyed, so I would expect she would be here. Her body, or ashes, are not in the area."

Naruto was silent, as was Hinata. They both stared at the gravestones."Someone's coming."

Naruto and Hinata were instantly on alert, but relaxed when they saw it was the Hokage. "Jiji, what are you doing here?"

"Stumble across your parent's gravestones?" Sarutobi asked.

Naruto nodded. He turned his head. "I don't think my mother is buried here." Sarutobi paled.

"What do you mean she isn't buried here? I dug the graves, made the Gravestones, and put her in the casket to lower her into there. The only other one that knows where these gravestones are exactly happens to be Kakashi Hatake, he's the only witness I can say, and only because he was your father's student. He knows that she was buried here, as he saw it."

"Kyuubi, any ideas to figure out just what is wrong?"

"The only one I can think of is digging up whatever is supposed to be there. And if it's not, then we have someone that defiled your mother's grave."

Naruto then went through a few handsigns. "Suiton: Rock Carver." The grave of his mother shifted, and a coffin came up. "I figure that if she isn't here, then she wouldn't be in here." He opened the casket, and found that she wasn't there period. "That's fox 32, Hokage 3."

"Pardon?" Sarutobi asked.

"See for yourself." Naruto said, pointing inside finding there was nothing there.

'No way... Someone took Kushina out of her grave? Whoever did this was trying to do something with the body itself.' "Naruto, what have you found out about the Uzumaki clan that would have something to do with a bloodline of sorts?"

"If they're trying to get the Uzumaki Bloodline, it won't work. If they tried to recreate it then the one it is implanted into would die within 24 hours of the implant. Not even a Newborn, which can be used for a Bijuu, can adapt to it. They have to be an Uzumaki by blood naturally. Our Bloodline can detect a change in the original DNA, and would destroy the body as quickly as it could. No one knows of the Uzumaki Bloodline aside from the Clan, but even then, few know of it. Luckily, I know how to force it to activate."

"Force it?" Hinata asked. "Why would you do that?"

"Hinata, you already know of my burden, and that comes with more trouble than anyone would think. I've also found that the only ones to ever house him, happens to be of Uzumaki blood. He can help me when I get the final requirement for it. I may have all the pieces, I just need to get them ready for it before it can happen." Naruto then turned to Sarutobi. "Jiji, what elements did my mother have. The top 3 should do."

"Water, Wind, and Earth. Why?"

"And that's the one difference between me and her." Hinata and Sarutobi were both confused. "The Uzumaki Bloodline is completely dependent on the Elemental Affinities. If they can't activate it, it will still pass down. There is only one requirement. Out of the 3, the biggest one cannot be Lightning. I have Fire, instead of Earth, and Wind is my best. Fire is a close second."

"That would be deadly with you knowing the Shadow Clone Jutsu." Sarutobi admitted.

"You don't know the half of it." Naruto replied. "With me, those two elements alone happens to be extremely dangerous if used properly. Add in water, you could say I happen to have one of the Best combinations the Uzumaki Clan has ever had. My mother had the second best."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you aware of what Water and Earth make? Or Water and Wind?" A nod. "Well, I can't combine Water and Wind like my mother. Once all three are mastered, I combine all 3 of them naturally to form an Element that has only appeared Twice in the entire history of the Uzumaki Clan. I'm literally the Third one to have the possibility to access it, but because of this, I can't combine two Elements. Once I pull that off, I'll tell you right now, no one would be able to piss me off beyond recognition and live."

"That would be the truth either way because of him." Hinata said, earning a nod.

"True as that is, that would be blind rage. This particular element gets rid of it, and I have my own mind, mostly. An Uzumaki that can use that element, and I have been studying up on it, is not affected in the slightest by a Bijuu once they can use it. Legend has it that same element has killed Demons with utmost ease, and the chakra usage for an S-rank Jutsu of that Element would equal that of a Low B-rank, or High C-rank Jutsu of any other element. The Grand Fireball Jutsu for an Uchiha is one such Jutsu."

"What is this Element?" Sarutobi asked, completely curious.

"I'm not at liberty to say until I can use it. I've got a while to go for Water Manipulation, while Wind I've already got to the correct level, and Fire... Well, that was simpler than you tying your own shoes, Jiji. The reason lies in my burden. He's the reason I've got Fire, and he actually transferred his control over it to me. Water is all I have to up for this."

Sarutobi was a little shocked at the declaration. "Why would you trusthim, Naruto?"

"Because he has not lied to me once yet, and I have tested out what he has said myself." He stepped away from them for a second. "Just watch what I can do with it." Naruto was suddenly encased in a Cloak of Fire. "And you know something? I don't feel a thing. I know I'm surrounded by Fire, but it's made of my own Chakra. As such, I'm not affected by it. Go ahead, try a Fire Jutsu on me. Doesn't matter the strength. This thing is considered an A-rank Jutsu among Ninja, but in reality, it's only a Low B-rank Kitsune Jutsu, if that."

"Are you sure about this, Naruto?" Hinata asked.

"Completely." Naruto turned to Sarutobi. "Whenever you're ready, Jiji."

He went through several handsigns. "Katon: Grand Fireball Jutsu." Naruto didn't bother moving, and it hit him dead on.

"No..." Hinata's voice was quiet.

"Seriously? I thought I said that the strength of it won't matter?" Naruto voice rang through her ears. The Fire Armor was still there. "I didn't feel a thing." He had his trademark smirk on his face.

"Naruto..." Hinata was about to hug him, but remembered that he had Fire surrounding him.

"Naruto, this may not be an A-rank Jutsu." Sarutobi said. "Would you mind taking one of my strongest Fire Jutsu?"

"Lay it on me!" He silently told Hinata not to worry, and don't interfere with this. Sarutobi went through handsigns. "Katon: Dragon's Flaming Breath!" This Fire Jutsu was the pinnacle of fire Manipulation for a Ninja. A High A-class, almost S-class, Fire Jutsu that he hoped would not hurt him.

Naruto showed himself once more. "Now that was more like it." Naruto's voice said, before releasing the Flames. "I have to admit, that was pretty powerful. I could feel the Chakra itself, but no heat."

"That jutsu... is no A-rank. It is an S-rank at the least." Sarutobi stated.

"Huh. Thought it would be a little lower, to be honest." Naruto said carelessly. "The scale would place it as a High A-rank Ninjutsu, but is only a Mid C-rank in Kitsune terms. Plus, it should help me out, in case he is getting out of control and forms a cloak. He taught it to me because of the fact that they can produce similar results."

"The Jinchuuriki Cloak?" Hinata asked. "You mean he's already helping you cope with it?" Naruto shrugged. "You know, you're acting like an idiot." Naruto was about to protest this. "Then again, you're my idiot."

Naruto was unable to respond there. Then he remembered something, and made sure that no one was watching. Finding no one for at least half a mile, and no Active Byakugan, Naruto nodded at something. "Jiji, I found the documents you wanted. They're at the house right now, where I know they'll be safe."

"Remember, I want them by the day after Team Placements." Sarutobi said, earning a nod. Naruto then looked at Hinata, sent her a message mentally, and then ran off.

"Okay, when did you manage to communicate with just a look?"

"Who said it was only a look?" Hinata asked, before walking off. Sarutobi instantly caught the innuendo, and inwardly smirked. 'The two are obviously close enough for him to want to share his thoughts with her. Those two are going to go far some day.' He looked off into the distance.'I wonder when Jiraiya will finish his next book?'

-a few days later-

Naruto and Hinata found themselves in a classroom with the other graduates of their class. They sat next to each other, earplugs in, while they watched the rest of the girls fawn over Sasuke.

"I don't know why I ever fell for Sakura. She's too much of an idiot."Naruto said mentally.

"Tell me about it. Hey, I got a pretty insane idea." Hinata replied.

"I'm listening." Hinata told him the plans she came up with. "Alright, that is just downright devious. Still, you know I wouldn't like it if you did that."

"That's the point of it all. I know that you'd want to kick his ass, and they would all want to kick my ass for it."Hinata replied.

"I'll be watching. Remember, make it look like he did it, and that would screw over their minds eternally."

Hinata then got in front of Sasuke, a frown on her face. "You know, Uchiha, you're not the best as everyone thinks you are. It's too bad you're too much of a Narrow minded fuck that would never see his own flaws to improve. At least I could correct my flaws. You don't even try to."

"Get lost, you bi.." Sasuke was cut off when someone bumped against her back causing her lips to fall on his, making everyone watching stare in wonder. Hinata immediately pulled away and slapped him. "You did that on purpose!"

"What? No I didn't!" Sasuke's face showed some emotion, mainly denial.

"You lie!" Hinata yelled at him. The Fangirls were glaring daggers at Hinata, when they suddenly felt an extremely large Killing Intent catching everyone's attention.

Everyone turned their head to Naruto. "Sasuke Uchiha..." The voice was not the loud, over-confident, and stupid one of the Naruto they knew. No, this was the voice of someone who had just read a death warrant for someone they wanted to kill. Sasuke was pissing himself in fear.

'What is going on here?'

Hinata, instead, was talking with the Kyuubi. "Alright, what are you doing, Kyuubi?"

"I have nothing to do with this. It's all him. At least I know it's mainly a Scare tactic. If it were true rage, it wouldn't be words that came from mouths. It would be blood."

"No one kisses my girl but me." His voice was deadly serious. Emphasis on deadly. The Sasuke Fangirls were backing away from him, his Aura of death visible. Sakura was the first one to find the wording, and noticed that he was talking about Hinata. "D-don't talk to S-sasuke like that."

Naruto's glare landed on her, and she shut up quickly. "Anyone who lays a finger on her beautiful head: will lose theirs." Sasuke was completely afraid, but nodded... after falling out of his chair. He turned to Hinata, and they both clasped hands, making Naruto's pissy mood vanish instantly. The both vanished and ended up in the corner, apparently they were meditating the entire time.

"What you saw may have only been a Genjutsu, but that threat was entirely real." Naruto said, without opening his eyes. "I really will behead you if you touch one hair on her beautiful head." His voice showed no malice, hatred, or emotions in general. "Remember that. If you don't, you will regret it." His tone of voice didn't shift at all.

Iruka walked in at that point, knowing that Naruto's recent escapade was finished. "Alright class, settle down." Apparently, the effects of the little situation allowed Iruka to get their attention quickly. "You are now Genin of this village, and as such, are now considered adults." He went on his long winded speech, that few truly paid attention to. After a pause, he continued. "Alright, now for the teams. Team 1..."

Teams 1-6 didn't get any noticeable marks in Naruto's mind. "Team 7 will consist of Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga," They both smiled at this. "And Sasuke Uchiha." They all looked at each other. Naruto, as one could see, was not exactly ecstatic, but he was happy that Hinata was there. He was also quite happy that he already knew who his Sensei was. He tuned out the rest of the team announcements as they meant little to him now. When he called out the last Team, he paused.

"Once again, congratulations on Graduating. Your Jounin Sensei will be here shortly." Jounin were coming in one after another, except for two that seemed to be dating to Naruto. Hinata recognized one of them as Kurenai Yuuhi.

Naruto got out a deck of cards, and challenged Sasuke to a few rounds of poker. Hinata decided to join in, not knowing what she was doing. Once everyone else was gone, Team 7 and Iruka were basically playing Texas Hold 'em style Poker. Naruto was winning every hand except for one, which Hinata won.

"How do you keep winning Naruto?" Iruka asked, clearly impressed. "You're not stacking are you?"

"Sometimes, I wonder that myself." he confused the others. "It's not just poker, but any game that relies on Gambling, from slots, to cards, even roulette. For some reason, I easily win without trying. I guess you could say I have the Devil's luck."

"That would explain it." Hinata said. "The question is, where did you get the Devil's Luck? I can think of Two places, but I can't really mention either of them without breaking any laws."

"I had the same thought, but honestly? I don't really care. I even left town once and found out that I'm a Natural Gambler. Added on to my family's account, and no one noticed." Naruto shrugged.

"What family? You're an orphan." Sasuke's voice held less malice.

"My parents may be dead, and I may not have any siblings, but I do have family. Like you, my family is dead, though not once have I gotten to know anything about them in person. I know that my father is by far the most noble man this village has ever seen, and my mother... Out of everyone you don't want to piss off, she's in the top 3. Any Uzumaki are up there, and I currently beat her and the other ones out, mainly because I'm alive, and they are not. At one point or another, we all had the same burden. Anyone with a similar burden are people you don't want to piss off. And for good reason." Naruto said.

Sasuke looked at him in surprise. "What kind of burden would make that true?"

"I could tell you, but right now, you'd only get so high strung on it, you'd think it should belong to you. For now, all you need to know is that it gives me close to God like chakra reserves, extreme healing levels that would leave scars on anyone, and a second opinion on some matters. Everyone with this burden at least gets the Chakra boost. Healing is a maybe, and the Second Opinion? That's just a side effect of getting along with the burden." Naruto said. "However, anyone with this burden, especially an Uzumaki, that is pissed off, don't make them turn it on you. While some show a bit of mercy, most wouldn't due to harsh lives that no one should live."

"Some kind of Bloodline?"

"Uzumaki temper? You could say that. The others? No. It requires a special condition, one that few, if any, would have by choice. Some become mentally insane because of it. Most notable records are in Sunagakure for that, though there are some in Kirigakure." Naruto explained. "The Uzumaki Clan does have one, but it is currently unknown to anyone but those I've told."

"I have seen the details of it myself. He has quite a bit left before he can activate it." Hinata said, confusing Iruka.

"Do you know what it takes?" Sasuke asked.

"What I want to know is what it is." This was Iruka.

"I'm not going to say, as I don't think it necessary to say just yet." Naruto replied. "And yes, I know what it takes, and believe me when I say, it's not easy to do so at my current age. In fact, for what I can do with it, most people wouldn't even be able to use anything of the base magnitude of it until they're Chuunin. I need it for what I intend to do, and that is why I have made some progress with it."

"I won't say, because it's not my position to say." Hinata told them.

Sasuke was about to glare, but then he realized what Naruto wanted before he would bother training him, and relented. Iruka just nodded. Sasuke did look at the others, and they already seem close. 'Why is that?'

Naruto noticed this and looked at him. "If you're wondering why the 3 of us are this lax around each other, it's because they still like me, even with my burden. Everyone in the village hates me except a select few, and all because of my burden."

Sasuke noticed the sad look in his eyes, but didn't ask, figuring that the Burden was a gift that was both a Blessing and a Curse. "How bad do you think you have it with your burden?"

"Worse than anyone else in the village, though you're a really close second. For someone who hasn't been in either of our positions, you having you family killed in front of you, and me never even knowing who my parents were, then they'd think you had it worse, and my burden? That's the only reason I have it worse." Naruto told him, a sad look in his eyes, until Hinata put a hand on his shoulder.

Sasuke watched them, and though he thought it was unnecessary, he wanted to know. "I know that I ask you to train me... more like ordered... but if I forget about that, and instead you at least try to trust me," Sasuke was cut off by Naruto's hand.

"If you want me to tell you, I'm afraid I can't just yet. It doesn't sit well with me right now, and that's only because the only side of you that I know, isn't too appealing, and you're likely to blow it in my face." Naruto told him. "It's nothing personal, but something like this is not a good idea to let too many people know."

Sasuke understood the need for secrecy when it was needed. Now it was needed. "Naruto, I just found something really strange."

'What do you mean?'

"Remember you're father's projects? One of them seems to have the potential to help him out."

"You mean the one codenamed Omega 72?"

"That's the one. I think it can help him trust you, and make it more likely for you to trust him. Besides, that one's almost finished."

"And when it is, I let him test it out?"

"No, you should test it out yourself, while heading to the Uchiha Compound. See what you can find out."

"Noted." Naruto then turned to Sasuke. "What would you say if I could possibly help you with your little Clan problem?" Sasuke looked disgusted at the idea, but Naruto shook his head. "Not the repopulating part, geez." He sighed. "I'm talking about the extermination part. The dead hold no secrets, and those that didn't pass on would be able to tell me when I'm finished with a Project I'm working on. If it works, and I find someone close to you that didn't pass on, I could give it to you and you could talk with them more."

"What is there to know? Itachi killed off the entire clan but me!" Sasuke was getting close to a yell, but was trying to restrain his emotions.

"Did you tell you the reason he did?" Naruto asked, causing Sasuke to glare at him.

"He did it to test his power."

"Then why did he attack civilians?" Naruto asked. "If he were to test his power, wouldn't it make sense if he left those that never planned to become a Ninja?" Sasuke took in the words, and lost his glare thinking about it.

'Now that I think about it, it does make sense... Wait, why am I agreeing with him? What he says... it does make sense. Itachi wouldn't have killed everyone, but I wasn't able to look past him at that point, and didn't see what he was trying to say.' Sasuke looked at Naruto with a thoughtful look. "If he didn't do it as a test, what would you think he'd do it for?"

Naruto shook his head. "I don't know him on a personal level, so I can't say for sure. However, I do know that something could have been happening, and someone had to stop it. Before it all happened, has he ever wanted to truly hurt someone he cared for?"

"No, but..."

"Has he always tried to avoid useless bloodshed?"

"Yes, but..."

"Then would it make sense if the clan itself was planning something that would cause useless bloodshed, the Hokage found out about it, and he was ordered by the Hokage to stop it, since he was in ANBU?" Naruto asked, causing Sasuke to look at him in surprise.

Sasuke's mind was running a mile a minute. He then started to feel lightheaded, and almost passed out. He started piecing together thing he never has thought to piece together. And they fit. The only thing he could think of that the Uchiha Clan would have done was... "It all makes sense now." They all looked at him in surprise.

"Everything that was done, all the rumors about the Uchiha clan, moving our Clan Estate, everything points to one thing. I was too stupid to notice it before, and if you hadn't got me thinking about things already, I would never have noticed."

Iruka looked at him. "What did you come up with?"

"Rebellion." Sasuke said, though his voice held contempt. "If that's really what they were going to do, and Itachi was to stop it, he left me alive so I can kill him, that way he can be defeated by someone of Uchiha Blood, and I can make things right."

"First we have to find out if that was truly the cause of it. Is there anyone else in your Clan that you know would not like it if a Rebellion broke out?"

"Yeah, my mother." Sasuke said, sadness in his eyes, but not his voice.

"What's her name? As I'd still have to test it out, and finding her would be a good start."

"Mikoto. Mikoto Uchiha." Sasuke said, trying not to show emotion.

"Then when it's done, I'll be heading to the Uchiha Estate, and see if her spirit is still around. If it is, I can ask her what truly happened, and then hand the device over to you, so you can still talk to her until her regrets are dissolved." Naruto said. Sasuke nodded in agreement.

They went back to playing cards, Sasuke baring a small smile on his face. Naruto's the only one who noticed, but didn't call him on it.

It was about an hour later that someone opened the door to find them still playing Poker. "Looks like someone realized I was going to be late."

Naruto just nodded, without turning to him. "Kakashi, I'm glad you're our sensei. It helps us both. No bell test, though. We've already been trying to build some kind of relation to each other, and all 3 of us are alone for one reason or another." Sasuke and Hinata nodded.

Iruka looked at them. "I saw what they've been doing, and it seems like Sasuke was warming up to them. But your tardiness probably screwed that up."

"Actually, I figured he was going to be late, so that's why I brought the cards in the first place." Naruto said, making Sasuke shrug, and Hinata shake her head.

"Alright. Since I'm not a big fan of classrooms, meet me on the roof in five minutes."

"If you're one second late for this I'm putting a picture of you without that mask all around Konohagakure, and in the most seen spots for locals and Foreigners." Naruto said.

"You don't have such a picture." Kakashi said.

"I didn't take it." Naruto admitted. "Your sensei did, and I found it."

"No he didn't. I would've known."

"We'll see." Naruto turned to his teammates. "Come on guys. Let's go." Naruto was surrounded by a spiral of flames and disappeared. Hinata and Sasuke looked at each other and shrugged. They both left. Iruka looked at Kakashi.

"Naruto has had a tough life. If he didn't find his inheritance by accident..."

"He would probably still be an idiot. I'm actually glad he found my sensei's home." Kakashi said.

"I wouldn't test Naruto, if I were you, though. When he says things like that, it's obvious he's either up to something, or he's serious. Not even I can tell." Iruka told him.


Kakashi was 3 seconds late, and noticed that Naruto had dispelled a Shadow Clone. "3 seconds late, dick head."

Kakashi narrowed his visible eye. "What was that?"

"It's a fitting nickname, since you have a tattoo of a dick put on your right cheek, am I right?" Naruto said, while Kakashi visibly paled.

"You... you..." Kakashi couldn't even form a sentence. "By the way, what I want to know is: why would Rin give you something like that?"

Kakashi looked down. 'He wasn't kidding when he said he knew of it. But how did he know that Rin is the one that gave it to me in the first place?'

He then looked back up. "Alright. Let's go for introductions, and start missions tomorrow. I'll go first." he sighed. "Kakashi Hatake, likes are already dead, dislikes are those who treat their friends like crap, hobbies... I'll have to find a new one."

-somewhere in Fire Country-

A man with white hair felt a shudder in his back. 'I feel a disturbance in the Perversion force. Someone is giving up being a pervert.'

-back to Konohagakure-

Kakashi felt a shudder. He ignored it for the time being. "I don't have a dream as of right now. You're up next." he pointed to Hinata.

"Hinata Hyuuga. Like are Naruto, foxes, and cats. Dislikes... People who can't tell the difference between a Jar and the Mayo, you should know what I mean by that sensei," she paused, seeing a nod. "and those that treat others like garbage just because they can't do what is expected of them due to a lack of something they don't bother to check on. Hobbies? I guess you could say hanging out at Naruto's place. Never a dull moment. My dream is to help Naruto with his dream."

"Naruto Uzumaki, likes are those who don't care about my burden while knowing full well what it is, so that number is few, Hinata, and training. Dislikes are basically the same as Hinata but with the additions of Rapists, perverts, and I do have a few ways to deal with them, arrogance, and Ignorance. I could go on, but I'd rather spare you the details. Anyway, my hobbies are training, did I mention I was a Ramen nut?" He paused. "My dream... It used to be to become Hokage, but now, I just want to be the best I can possibly be, while making my parents proud, even in death."

"Alright, duck-butt. You're up."

"Sasuke Uchiha, my likes and dislikes have been screwed up recently. My hobbies are none of your business, and my dream... it used to be to kill one man, but now I think I'll have to find a new one."

'This is really odd. None of the reports match up. Well... in Sasuke's case I don't get it. Naruto and Hinata, on the other hand, I'm not surprised.'

"Now normally, Jounin would put you through another test, but the way I see things, you probably wouldn't need it. Tomorrow we start missions. It's going to seem boring at first, so fair warning." Kakashi said. "Training ground 7 at 1000. See you then." Kakashi vanished in a Shunshin.

Sasuke just sat there. Naruto looked at Hinata, who seemed a little distracted. "Uh... Hinata?" She pointed to the sky, and he saw a strange bird flying around. Naruto looked at it, and brought out what seemed to be a bracelet. He looked through it, and saw that it was on fire, but not hindered by the flames. "Phoenix... Why is there a Phoenix in the area?"

Sasuke looked at him, and saw his confusion. It was then the Phoenix turned and charged straight towards Naruto. He almost panicked, but stood his ground. It stopped to land in front of him. "Are you Naruto Uzumaki?" It asked, scaring Sasuke half out of his wits.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name, Phoenix?" Naruto was on guard.

"Relax your guard, Uzumaki. I am here on behalf of your father, though I am sorry it took so long to find you. It's hard to find his son when he's not even using the surname of the father."

"I'm sure you know why that is." Naruto replied, his guard slowly relaxing.

"Indeed. As for your question, your father, though known for the Toads, was able to summon the Phoenixian race. As to who I am, my name is Kon. We were supposed to find you when you were 5 years old to tell you, if he didn't, but since he died, and you didn't take his surname, it was tough going. We almost lost hope, thinking you were dead like he was. I'm glad you stumbled across his old abode, as that is what changed our minds completely."

"Wait, I thought that no one can sign more than 1 Summoning contract. Wouldn't that mean he wouldn't be able to summon toads?"

"While that is technically true, several Contracts only need to be signed once, and then every descendant of that person can summon the same creature without signing. We Phoenixians are one of them."

"The Kitsune Contract is the same way, so you know."

"That would come in handy. Is there any limit to those kinds of Contracts to be signed?" Naruto asked.

"No one knows, as no one has been able to find a second one. However, each one of those have a different set of handsigns from each other, and then there's the original chain for those that don't fall under that Category. Why?"

"Because I've already been offered to sign the Kitsune Contract, and apparently it functions the same way." Naruto said.

"I see." Kon then turned to Sasuke."You are an Uchiha, are you not?"Sasuke nodded, a little afraid."Beware of your bloodline, for it is cursed. If you awaken it, ask young Naruto to summon any Phoenix, and we can help remove that curse."

"Why is it cursed?" Sasuke was suddenly curious.

"I would ask the Kyuubi no Kitsune that question, but alas, I don't know where he is." Naruto's eye gleamed at that. "What's with the eye?"

"I know where he is." Naruto said, a smirk on his face.

"It's dead." Sasuke said. "The only place it would be is hell."

"A Bijuu can't be killed Sasuke." Naruto replied. "Besides, if he were truly dead, all Uchiha would have gone blind when he died."

"He's right, Uchiha. The Kyuubi no Kitsune is still alive somewhere. And just where is he, anyway? No one has heard from him in years."

Naruto sighed. "My gut." Sasuke raised an eyebrow, while the Phoenix gasped.

"Why is he there?"

"The Yondaime had to seal him into something, since he couldn't kill him, and sealed him into me the day I was born." Naruto admitted, though not very happy about it.

Kon was silent. Then he spoke. "If you find a dead fox, any kind will do, you can transfer his essence to the new body, allowing it to roam on his own, but he will still be tied to you, especially if he used the Seal I think he would. Reaper Death Seal."

Naruto nodded at that. Sasuke looked at Kon. "Kon, is it possible for me to sign the Phoenix Contract?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I feel like I need something to help out, and if this can get me closer to Naruto, then I'd gladly take it. His past was rough. So was mine. I'd like at least one more thing in common with him. If this is how I can do so, then I'll do it without hesitation."

Kon was silent, analyzing Sasuke."Why do you want to be closer to him?"

"He has experienced pain. More than I have, and for that, he needs someone to work with him. Hinata may be there, but if I'm right about this, he'll need more than just her by his side. As someone who knows pain and loneliness, I believe it would benefit us both." Sasuke said. "At least, that's how I'm looking at it."

Kon shook his head. "You are truly something else, Uchiha. There wasn't a single lie in that. Tell you what. I'll let one of the Phoenixian Allies know about you. Pass their test, and then you can sign with them. You don't go to them, they will come to you."

"And if I fail?"

"Then you are basically screwed in that department. It's do or die with us, and only one who wishes for the ability to summon us after they are born would have to take the test, at the discretion of the Summon itself. Naruto, the handsigns you will need to know will come to you after I leave. Summonings like the Kitsune and Phoenix Clans do not require blood, like other summons, but are a lot more picky. I advise you to be careful."

"Thanks, Kon." Naruto replied. "Any clue as to who you're going to send to Sasuke?"

"I'll leave that to the wind." Kon flew up, and away, before disappearing in flames.

Naruto then went out to the Forests, Hinata deciding to go to his place to see the photo. Sasuke decided to go home, and not bother much with anything else.

-A week later-

Team 7 had the day off, and Sasuke was at Training Ground 7, meditating. Something swooped down in front of him, knocking him out of his trance.

"Sasuke Uchiha?" The being had bat-like wings, reptilian eyes, a long snout, a tail, and 4 legs. Put simply, a Dragon.

"That's me. I take it the Phoenix clan told you about me?" Sasuke asked.

"I was told to test you, but you don't look the part. The way I see it, you're nothing but a green rookie."

"That's your opinion. I may be young, but that doesn't mean I'm not strong." Sasuke glared at the Dragon.

"You really think glaring at me is gonna work?"

Sasuke smirked. "Now why would I think that?" Then a voice appeared behind him. "Especially when you're talking to a mere illusion." The Sasuke in front of the Dragon faded, and it turned to the Uchiha.

"Clever boy."

"I'll admit I wasn't prepared for a fight, but I guess I can play for a bit." Sasuke got into a stance.

"You're delusion, kid. No human has bested me in over a Century!"

Sasuke didn't respond to that with words. His form blurred, and then the Dragon found someone on his back."How did you get up there?"

"When you gloat, you leave yourself distracted. Because of this, along with the hint of arrogance in your voice, you didn't notice that I was analyzing you the entire time." he pushed some Chakra into his hand, and pushed it through the neck, in between two scales. The Dragon promptly fell down.

"What did you do?"

"I shut down your nervous system temporarily. It will be back up in 30 minutes, or when I release it. Note that means those organs that need to Brain to work, will shut down later on. Vital organs included. You'd be dead before the 30 minutes are up. Surrender now, and I will release it." Sasuke said, an even tone in his voice.

"FINE! You pass! Now please, turn it back on!" The Dragon spit out the Contract.

"Thank you." he then walked over to the contract, signed it in his own blood as he was told. "Oh, and by the way, it's actually 30 seconds, and no vital organs are affected."

It was that point that the Dragon regained movements in his limbs. He just stared at Sasuke. "Your trickery is like that of a snake, but your heart is that of a Dragon. Sasuke Uchiha, you have earned your spot as a summoner of the Dragon Clan. If you see a Phoenixian, let them know that the Dragons send their regards, and their thanks."

"Will do." Sasuke replied. "and thanks."

"The handsigns will come to you once I am back in the Dragon's Realm. Farewell, Sasuke of the Dragons." The dragon flew off, and disappeared in a Flash of light.

Sasuke instead left the training ground to look for Naruto. Ironically, he was in the Hyuuga Estate. He decided to wait outside for him, so he could give out the news. He was waiting for 20 minutes before Naruto and Hinata came out and noticed him.

"Why are you here, Sasuke?" Hinata asked.

"I got it." was his reply.

"Got what?" she asked again.

"Last week. The offer Kon made. I got it." He smirked. "I passed."

Naruto and Hinata instantly knew what he was talking about when he mentioned the offer. "Congratulations, Sasuke." Naruto was the first to speak. "Who tested you?"

"Some random dragon. Apparently, they are not that good with Trickery." Sasuke said. "I didn't ask for a name. What about you two?"

"I just watched Hinata kick her sister's rear end and shock the hell out of the Hyuuga Elders." Naruto replied. "You should've seen it."

"I only did what you taught me, Naruto. You advice really helped. I'm also glad I took to the medical Ninjutsu, so I could heal her afterwards." Hinata said.

"Don't just stand there, fill me in." Sasuke was eager.


Hinata and Naruto came up to the Hyuuga Estate. A branch member saw them approach. "Lady Hinata, I wasn't aware you were bringing someone over. Does Lord Hiashi know about this?"

"My father is about to find out why we are coming here. Currently, he is not aware of it, as this was decided a few moments ago." Hinata admitted.

"I shall lead you to him." The Branch member bowed, and led them to the gardens, where Hiashi was meditating.

"Hinata, Naruto." He opened his eyes. "To what do I owe the visit?"

"It's done." Hinata said, hoping he'd catch on. He did.

"Shall we test it out now?" Hiashi asked.

Hinata nodded. "It should be Hanabi, as it used to be."

Hiashi nodded. "Bring Hanabi to the Dojo. We will be there shortly."

"Yes, Lord Hiashi." The Branch member left. "Are you going to join us, Naruto."

"Only as a spectator. This is her fight. I'm only here for moral support." Hiashi nodded.

They then walked over towards a bigger building in the area. Hanabi and the Clan Elders were in the area.

"Hiashi, why did you call for this, and bring in an outsider?"

"I am only here at Hinata's request, you idiots." Naruto told them. "and If you say anything about me being a Demon, then you might lose your head. And I'm not the one that will do so."

Hinata inwardly smirked. Then one of the elders said something. "What are you talking about Dem..." He was cut off due to his head going through the air.

"Anyone else want to insult him like that when I'm around?" Hinata asked, causing them to turn to her. She had a scowl on her face, and Naruto put his hand on her shoulder, much to the Elder's displeasure.

"You know, you didn't have to do that." Naruto told her, and she relaxed. "Then again, you never did like those that insulted me." He then turned to the elders. "I'm pretty sure I warned you about that, did I not?"

Everyone else was silent. They couldn't deny the fact he had warned them. The poor guy didn't listen, and paid the price. Hinata and Hanabi went towards the center of the Dojo, while Naruto, Hiashi, and the remaining elders sat down in the stands.

Naruto watched the two intently. "I'd pay close attention if I were you." He said to the Elders. "What Hinata is going to do is something that only she can do, even among the Hyuuga Clan. And you'll also see why she hardly progressed under your wing." One of the elders looked at him.

"What are you talking about boy?" The man asked.

"There's a reason for everything. Finding that reason can be more trouble than it's worth, but there are times when the reason is worth the trouble." Naruto told him. "Pay close attention to the differences between the two. You'll see what I mean."

Hanabi went for an offensive strike, that Hinata was never able to stop. Hinata twirled out of the way, and hit Hanabi's arm 4 times, before resuming her Jyuuken stance. Her Byakugan wasn't even activated.

"So, you have gotten better at the Jyuuken. How did you pull it off?" Hanabi asked. "You shut down 4 Tenketsu."

Hinata looked at her. "And if you didn't notice, I have yet to activate the Byakugan." This shocked everyone watching, but Naruto, who Hiashi found was smiling.

"You're bluffing." Hanabi said.

"You'll never know, will you?" Hinata retorted. Hinata then went on the offensive, and launched a few strikes at Hanabi, shutting down even more Tenketsu, but this time, Hanabi could confirm it. Hinata STILL didn't have the Byakugan active.

"How are you doing this? Your Byakugan isn't active, and you're still shutting down my Tenketsu!"

Hiashi just stared at Naruto, whose smile just widened. "Hinata and I found something strange when it came to the Human body, and the Chakra Network. I may not be able to see the Chakra Network myself, but Hinata can. You see, we found that the Chakra Network actually has a static position, but sometimes, it's not always in that position. It all depends on the biggest Chakra Element the user has. An Earth main has it's Chakra System rarely move, if ever. It will simply expand as the body does. A Water main, can manipulate their Water Chakra to move their own Chakra System, but only if they are proficient enough with it. Hanabi is an Earth main, I'd wager, while Hinata is a Water main."

"That doesn't explain how she's doing so." Hiashi replied.

"I'm getting there, actually." Naruto said. "Hinata's a Water main, but the extent of it is far beyond my own for Wind. And I'm a Wind main, with a near God-like affinity for Wind. She learned to manipulate the water from a distance, and force my Tenketsu into a position that she can close it as she's striking. She doesn't need to use the Byakugan for the Tenketsu, because she's been manipulating Hanabi's Tenketsu as she's striking."

Hinata then twirled away from Hanabi's strikes. "And the dancing?" An elder asked.

"Part of her style." Naruto watched the fight. "You see, since Hinata is a Water main, with Wind as the Second best, she could never use the same style of Jyuuken as Hanabi is using. We've been working to develop a version for her, one that would work for her, and this is the result. It appears to be a dance, but in reality, her body is flowing like a river. And to think that we finished all of this, without her using the Byakugan."

"What are you talking about?"

"She still has it, but I had her learn without using it. I'm sure her mother would say something along the lines of "Don't rely on your Doujutsu". I may not have met her myself, but that is something that I feel would be needed. Just because you can see it, doesn't mean you can react in time. With this in mind, she worked on it."

"How did you manage to get her to attack her own sister?" Hiashi asked. "She always valued family above everything else."

"She found a drive, and she's using that drive to her advantage." Naruto said. "In her mind, she's not fighting her sister in this fight. She's fighting someone that is stopping her from her goal, and using her drive to get past that obstacle, and to that goal."

The elders stared at him. Hiashi looked curious, but hid it highly well. "Has she told you that drive?"

"And here I figured it would be obvious with her action earlier." Naruto replied. "Her drive is to help me any way she can. If she doesn't get past her own obstacles, then she can't help me in her mind. With that in mind, what do you think is going on in her head?"

No one answered. They were all confused. "What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything." Naruto replied. "All I truly did was tell her of my burden, since I already knew of it. She doesn't care about it. In fact, she openly stated that she couldn't go through everything I have, and still retain some sanity. Her motives are her own, and though I am inspiration, her choices are her own. I made no attempt to persuade her either way. She decided she wanted to improve. I helped find the path. She made mistakes, I told her about them and gave suggestions. She makes the decisions, and I've been helping her follow through with them. I haven't gotten anything from her aside from her time. Not once have I had to force her for anything. Compare what she was like a month before she graduated from the academy to now. Do you see how she has progressed?"

The Elders just nodded. Hiashi had a smirk on his face. "Alright, what's with the smirk?" Naruto asked him.

"Nothing about you." Hiashi said. "Just 4 words for the Elders: I told you so."

Naruto chuckled at that, and then noticed that Hanabi was tired, while Hinata still seemed fresh.

"How have you gotten so strong?"

"It's the style. Had I used the same form you are, I would've been on the ground long ago. The original Jyuuken would never work for me, so I had to modify it so it could." The Elders held in a gasp. "The end result is what you see now. This version of the Jyuuken is my own, and might have been similar to our mother's but I will never be able to find that out now. My natural flexibility, along with my Water Element Chakra allow me to do this with ease. It's that same Chakra that wouldn't allow me to use the original Jyuuken properly."

"You think you've won?"

"I've already won this match." Hinata replied. "The fact of the matter is, your Chakra system has been severely depleted, and you're exhausted, while I still feel the same way I did when we started. You already have this match lost. If you can't see that, then you are truly blind."

"I'm what?" Hanabi's voice was a little strained.

"You need to see that you've already reached your limit. If you can't do that, then you are truly blind. The Byakugan is not All powerful as is believed. You've used yours the entire time, while I haven't used it once. Byakugan is merely a tool for use. Jyuuken is best used with it, however, Jyuuken is not where I excel. I excel in my own version, one that feels natural for me, and I don't need the Byakugan for it, unless I am up against 6 or more opponents. You've lost this round, Hanabi."

"I have not lost!" Hanabi charged. Hiashi frowned, and the Elders shook their heads.

Hinata dodged, and landed a strike to her left shoulder blade, cracking the front side of 3 ribs, causing her to fall down to the ground, breathing heavily. Hiashi noticed the wound, and then shouted. "This match is over!"

Hinata looked at her father who was running towards them both, and then turned Hanabi onto her back, before clearing the spot of the bones. She then started using Medical Chakra mixed with Water Chakra, and the bones were mending on the spot. Naruto got next to Hinata watching the healing at work. It was thrice as fast as usual Medical Chakra would heal. He barely noticed that Hinata had the Byakugan active.

After the wound was healed, and everything back in place, Hiashi checked on Hanabi's chest, and found everything was alright. "How did you manage to pull this off?"

"Medical Chakra mixed with Water Chakra. It increases the effectiveness, but is a lot harder to pull off without making a mistake. It's the purity and balance of Water that allows this to do just that. She'll need to rest, but aside from that, she'll be fine." Hinata explained, before wiping her forehead of some sweat. "I almost killed her."

"You didn't, and that's all that matters now." Naruto said, grabbing her shoulder lightly.

"Not quite." An Elder said. They both turned to the Elders. "How is it that you were able to help her without anyone else noticing?"

"How did you learn anything about the Jyuuken?"

"One question at a time, please." Naruto told them. "First off, the location can only be reached by a select few. In fact, there are only 4 people, including myself, that are alive and can get there. To anyone else that tries to follow all they'd see is a forest, and they wouldn't be allowed in. As for the second question, that is because where I have been training her, there is a complete list of history, chakra theory and development, Seals, Jutsu, anything that could be useful information wise. The history goes back almost 400 years, up until a few days before the Kyuubi attack. The Jyuuken is normally an Earth Based Taijutsu style, unless I'm mistaken."

Hiashi nodded, while the elders were surprised. "Because of this, and Water being her main element, learning the Jyuuken the same way you do would only cause more problems than progress. Learn the deficiencies in what you can do, and don't be so arrogant to think there are none, and adjust to what works for the individual. She used more Chakra to heal Hanabi than to take her down. About 5 times as much, to be exact."

"Why have we never heard of such a place?" Another Elder asked.

"You probably have. I know Hiashi has. He already knew that she was working on making the Jyuuken work for her, but he didn't know how. There would be no way for him to get there, as they have to have either Namikaze or Uzumaki blood, or be one of the exceptions. Hinata is one such exception, because I actually trust her. Not even the Hokage himself can get in there due to the Barrier surrounding it."

Hiashi nodded. "It is the Yondaime's house. The one he used to get away from everything. If I may ask, who are the other 2 exceptions?"

"Jiraiya of the Sannin, and Kakashi Hatake. Sensei and sole surviving student of the Yondaime himself." Naruto said. "I made the exception for Hinata, because I actually trust her. And as I said before, she doesn't care about my burden."

"and you didn't include us?" Another Elder was practically Livid.

"the reason I didn't include any of you is because of 2 things. One I need a blood sample, as it only works for them, and not a clone. Not even a Blood clone can get in like that. The other reason is because you are all too arrogant, while she is not. She knows she's not the best out there. She doesn't want to rely on her Doujutsu, because one day, it might be useless, and as such, she'll need other ways of fighting. Arrogance is the leading cause of any Legend's death, tied with self-sacrifice. Get your heads out of your asses, drop the arrogance, and maybe I'll make an exception." He turned to the door. "No guarantees though." He walked out.

"He's right you know?" Hinata told them. "You really do need to work on your arrogance, as that is what's holding the clan back." She ran after him.

Hiashi and the Elders just stood there like statues as the two left.

-Flashback over-

"And that's what happened." Naruto finished.

Sasuke was smirking at that. "Anyway, Naruto you said your main element was wind, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was searching through the Uchiha Clan scrolls, and found a lot of Wind Jutsu. Thought you might want to take a look." He told the blonde.

"Why not?" He looked at Hinata, and she nodded. They were about to walk off, before a Hyuuga came up to them.

"Lady Hinata, you have been summoned in front of the Elders."

"I've seen more then enough of them today." She replied. "Can't it wait?"

"I'm not sure it can, they were frantic." The man said. "I have never seen them get this flustered over something."

"Then when I'm done with what I have to do, I'll come back, and then we'll talk. And if it has anything to do with the Caged Bird seal, tell them I said shove it. I've already got a suitable replacement, without the danger or the slave piece. Sasuke Uchiha has it as well to protect his bloodline." Hinata told him.

Naruto then tensed up a bit, but no one noticed. "Sasuke I have to get something from my place. I'll head over there when I get it."

"You mean..." Sasuke's eyes widened.

"Yeah, time to test it out." Naruto then went out in a swirl of flames.

"Hinata, I highly doubt they will wait. If what I heard about the Hyuuga Clan is correct, then nothing good can come of making them wait. Heiress or not." Sasuke said. "I'll let him know, but remember that other seal we have on, at my request. Just make sure no one hears of it."

"Fine. But let Naruto know about this."

"Will do." Sasuke said as he left.

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