Camp Northway (Rewriting)

By elxquencex

47.3K 823 94


The Meet Up
The Cut
His Room
Wandering Friends
Boys Hurt Too
Flirtatious Ways
Sam Porter Isn't As Innocent As We Thought
Would You Call This Cheating?
My Everything
Okay, You Would Call This Cheating
Sing To Me
Sleepless Nights
The Truth


1.6K 53 0
By elxquencex

I wake up tangled in the sheets. Olly's arm is wrapped around my waist with my back facing him. I turn around to look at him. His hair is messy, in a cute way. He had a sort of smile plastered onto his face while he slept. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I place my hand on his cheek, moving a bit of his hair out of his face. He slowly opens his eyes, and he smiles at me.

"Good morning babe." he says in a raspy voice, which made me become even more attracted to him, if that was possible.

"Hey." I smile at him. He tries to pull me closer, but then I remember my boundaries that I had set, so I push him off and check my phone. He pouts but I ignore him. I check the time and it reads:

9:30 a.m.

"Shit! Olly get up!" I say scrambling out of the bed.

"What?" he asks confused. I pick up a pillow that was on the floor and throw it at his face.

"We are 30 minutes late!" I yell while picking up my clothes.

"Oh fuck!" Olly yells back and jumps out of bed. He goes into a drawer and pulls out a pair of shorts. As I begin to run out the door, I turn around to say goodbye. When I turn around I see a shirtless Olly, searching for the perfect T-shirt. I gulp, stunned at his muscles and embarrassed for staring. He sees me staring, and laughs.
"Sexy right?" he smirks.

"Uh, wait for me when you're done please...Okay bye." I say quickly and run out of the door.

I quickly put on my clothes (pic). I brush my teeth and leave my light brown hair in its natural wavy state. Then I slip on my shoes and run out of the room.

As I shut the door, I accidentally run into Olly.
"Oh ow, sorry." I groan.

He laughs, "Its all good babe." he winks at me. I roll my eyes at the comment.

"Alright you flirt, lets go." I say to him. He grabs my hand, not waiting for a reaction out of me, and we run down the halls together... hoping the instructor wouldn't be pissed off at us the first day.


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