| The Confessions of a cake s...

By LiveLife_ShipCake

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The diary of cake shippers, where a bakery full of cupcakes confess their beliefs in cake. Beware; no muke al... More

The Confessions of a Cake Shipper
ten facts about moi
introduction and whatnot
Hiya :)
hello bitchez & dick carriers
dramatic fanatics
april fuckin fools
the world of gay
One-Word Prompts
luke af
new AU¿
Future Hearts
Poor mikey :(
sHiP rAnT {mostly muke lmao}
nice guy
imagine thIS
I'm okay i promise
countdown to cake
Cupcake Bakery Meeting
Cake Debate: Otp questions
Cake thingies: imagine your otp
WOULD U RATHER {cake af}
Bake me in a oven bc i'm still cake af
Squad reinvented
Real bands save fans, real fans save bands.
new year's nostalgia
everything is going to be okay
jayden is v anger
'Happy birthday to me, we're gay af'
guess who's back back again heather's back tell a friend
*sigh* music tag
Cake and SLFL
Fan art
Cake Community AU?
dog w a blog
Cake is ALIVE thanks
Kneel for me
listen this is the only proof I am still alive
the ballad of me and my brain
have mercy on my soul
shamless self promo lol

it's gonna be alright

247 32 25
By LiveLife_ShipCake

aYe. Long time no talk my cute lil cupcakes.

usually I'd do this on 'masterpieces' but i figure the majority of you read this too, and I'd like as many people to see this as possible.

There's exams for some people (me, ew) the holidays are over, lots of reasons to be upset and sad but i just want to comfort in general, whatever you're hurting about I'm here. Okie.

Dear cupcakes,

i love you.

Seriously. Like, it's such an easy three words to type out, and it's thrown away way too much, but i really do love you all.

i don't know all of you personally, all i know is we share one thing in common; being cake asf. But i do know that all of you are so special and have something to live for. And you may not know what that something is, but guess what? That's totally okay, and you'll find it eventually and i can't wait for that moment when you all do because it will be beautiful. Those of you stressed bc you're not sure if you want college, you're not sure what you want to, where to go. That is normal. But the straight up truth is, if you have a dream (even if it's a scary one) go for it. if you want a dream and you're confused, search the world honeys bc there's a place for you, i promise.

And we're all in different situations. i don't like when people say 'there's people worse off than you' no, that isn't fair. Bc we're all fighting our own battles, we all have different hearts that bother us in different ways.

Your parents may be getting a divorce, if so, I've been there and do not let their anger affect and stop you. Their actions are not yours or your fault. Your parents may have been divorced for a while,, and you're still not completely over it. Same advice, live cupcakes. don't let your past make your future bc it's you who has to move forward you know? School may be a thing that's hard for you. All your friends make A's and it seems you always have to study harder and it's never good enough. School's a temporary thing in this long life. if you stress about it 25/8 it's gonna fly by and as a adult you're going to wish you enjoyed it more. Do the best you can do.

Maybe you're depressed or have anxiety. Maybe all you need is a hug, or maybe your parents won't acknowledge it all. Either one, you will get through it. Your mind is acting as a prison and once you break free all the pain and tears will be worth it and that will happen for all of you, just hang on. Maybe you're being bullied or in a bad friend relationship or romantic relationship. Get out of it. you may feel like you need those people so you're not alone, but you deserve the best. There's tons of people here on the Internet! i met my best friends and gf on here and it doesn't make you a freak, there's love in different ways and if irl isn't doin it for you babes, that's okay. As for bullying, please speak. It's not easy, i know. But there's trustworthy people on this earth, i swear to you.

Maybe you're not all that happy about your appearance. i was there. Guies, as long as you're happy with yourself that's all that matters. Even if you're not religious (which is totally okay) i am, and i believe God made us all imperfectly Perfect and you all have this talent and light in you, and some beautiful quality(s) don't wait for someone to tell you them, find it in yourselves. Your mirror isn't your enemy, i promise you.

Maybe it seems like your family or a family member is against you, and maybe they are. A sibling that won't just back off or a overbearing mom who expects you to be Perfect. A homophobic dad who you're afraid will disown you. A deadbeat parent that wasn't there. Whatever it may be, they're gonna do their best to make you feel shitty and their your family, yes, but you do not have to let that negativity weigh on your soul. They may think they have the right bc they're 'family' but family isn't always blood, you're you and if they can't accept that, they can't fuck off (savage des whoops)

Maybe nothing particularly bad is even going on right now. You're just going through the motions of life and it's boring and empty. find a spark. It's harder than it sounds and it may take a while, but you can't just exist beauties. join something? if you're socially anxious, find something comforting at home that you like. i want you to realize life can actually be really fuckin beautiful if you let it.

now, whatever it may be. Your past, your future, anything i mentioned, know one important thing. You're allowed to feel upset about it. i hate when people try to validate other people's emotions. No. It's okay. It's okay that you're pissed, sad, stressed. The world may not be on your side at the moment. And that's okay. but it's not against you. Don't become permanently upset at it so that you cannot live. just know you're totally justified and don't feel guilty for those darks thoughts bc honestly you can't have your rainbow without your rain first. But know it can't happen magically either (magic's hella cool tho) jump? Even if it's a little, take a chance. It could change your lives.

Take this from a girl that's not completely healed herself yet; it does get better, it will. And it may take a long time but you're strong. You can do this. Please message me if you're down or just wanna rant. Life is full of bumps but the smooth Parts are great asf, stick around for it. Art, our bands (who btw, some of them have endured the same thing and they're livin ok), kissing, nature, all such beautiful stuff. i am here for you, find a flicker in your darkness, grab onto it. If you're okay right now, that's great. You're still allowed feelings, too. Whatever you prefer, look like, feel like, i love you. And i hope that you know someone cares, I'm not much but i can see greatness in everyone, including you reading this. You're not perfect (hell, no one is. hard to accept for some but it's okay) but sure as shit worth it.

(And ok, music totally saved my life jus sayin. There's a song for everything, every emotion your feeling. Music's just always there. Ima put my list of 'it's gonna be okay' songs and they're gonna range from depressing asf to positive asf but the depressing ones are meant to relate to so you feel less alone.)

But i love you all, you're worth it, and you're okay. You'll get there, just hang on beautifuls. Hang on.

My go to 'feelin down' playlist

(I'll try to multiple genres instead of just screamo lmfao)

•missing you by all time low ((and ok on a v personal note, this song saved my life)

• move along by the all American rejects

•the middle by jimmy eats world

•hold on till may by pierce the veil

• fucking Perfect by p!nk

•better off dead by sleeping with sirens

•the strays by sleeping with sirens

• guts by all time low

•weightless by all time low

•invisible by 5sos (this song fucks me up cri)

airplanes by 5sos

• therapy by all time low

•be alone by paramore

• last hope by paramore

pressure by paramore

•human by Christina Perri

• broken home by 5sos

•family portrait by p!nk

• holding on by Jamie Grace

• stressed out by Tøp

• I'm gonna show you crazy by Bebe rexha

• happy song by bring me the horizon

• concrete angel by Martina mcbride

(Aye there's tons more jfc hmu if you want more music, maybe give these a listen if you haven't heard them before? Love you cupcakes)

~Mama cake pop (Des)❤️

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