I Love The Things We Do, When...

By what-about-the-booty

9.5K 204 61

Lynn Gunn and y/n are juniors in high school. They met through school but hit it off quickly when they run in... More

Are You New?
I Didn't Know You Liked This Band
What Do You Guys Want To Watch?
I Heard It's Haunted
You're Cute When You're Scared
Tell Me All About Her!
I'll Walk You To Your Door

I Like You

869 19 3
By what-about-the-booty

You told Dane Lynn's address and you were in front of her house in under twenty minutes. 

You: Lynn! We're outside!

Lynn: ok give me a minute! I'll be right there. 

"Okay guys.. she's coming so don't be weird." you warned your friends. "she's coming?" Sam said with a wink. "SAM! I just said don't be weird." "I had to get it out of my system! I promise no more weird stuff." You guys laughed until Lynn was climbing in the third row with you. 

"Uh.. hey guys." Lynn said shyly. "HEY LYNN" all of your friends yelled at slightly different times making it sound like an off key choir. She laughed and you introduced everyone. "So Lynn, Dane, Sam's boyfriend, is driving, you know Sam, this is Lex, Sam's sister, that's Tay, and that's her girlfriend, Jenna." Lynn introduced herself to everyone and your friends kept looking at you and smirking like they knew something you didnt. You expected this. 

"Alright, now that we all know each other... are you all ready to go?" Dane asked. You all agreed that you were and Dane pulled off. For the next hour your friends got to know Lynn and continued to give you confusing looks. The seven of you sang along to Sam's playlist and talked about music for a while. Especially about Dane and Lex's upcoming ep, Lynn's band making an album, Tay's album that was just released, and Jenna's band changing their sound up for their next album. 

Eventually Dane pulled up to the creepiest gate you had ever seen in your life. You knew Lynn would be excited. Everyone got out of the car and walked over to the trunk. Dane, Sam and Lex opened it and grabbed a camera each. Tay and Jenna grabbed two guitars and what looked like a tent, and you and Lynn grabbed snacks. Dane really came prepared. You all followed him into the creepy forest and after about thirty minutes of walking you finally arrived at a lake with an open area perfect for a fire and a tent. "Dane, this is so much cooler than i expected!" Tay said causing everyone to laugh in agreement. "Don't underestimate me!" Dane whined. 

Tay and Jenna got to work setting up the huge tent that could probably fit all of you if you were determined. Dane and Lex started to get a fire going and randomly recording things (you knew Lex would turn into an amazing vide), and you and Lynn started opening up the snacks. Sam was walking around taking candid pictures of you guys on a polaroid camera. 

Once everyone was settled in and sitting around the campfire. (From left to right was Lex, Sam, Dane, Tay, Jenna, You then Lynn.) Lex and Dane grabbed the two acoustic guitars and started to play some songs they were working on. Lex sang and played rhythm while Dane was backup vocals and played lead. "GUYS THAT WAS AMAZING." Sam said after they finished two songs, Do It  Over and My Own. You all agreed and said you couldn't wait for the ep to come out. They passed the guitars to Jenna and Tay who played a couple of their songs. Eventually the guitar got to Lynn and everyone was shocked when she played a song she was working on for her band's album called Smoke. "What'd you guys think? I wrote that song in like an hour yesterday haha" Lynn said nervously, waiting for everyone to respond. "Lynn that was so good." "You're probably the most talented out of all of us." Your friends said and you all agreed. Lynn was blushing and everyone was looking at you for reasons unknown. You decided not to let it bother you that much. 

"Hey guys would it be cool if my friends/bandmates, Brian, Alex and Justin came to hang out with us?" Everyone thought that would be a great idea. "The more the merrier!" Dan shouted. "Alright cool. they should be here in about twenty minutes." You had no idea who Lyndsey's friends were. 

"I hope they like me"  you thought to yourself.

Twenty minutes went by fast. It was spent talking and laughing until a tall guy with stretched ears and forearm tattoos and a short, but buff guy, with a tattooed sleeve showed up. "He you must be Alex and Brian! Ok so who's who?" You asked. The tall one introduced himself as Alex and Alex introduced Brian as his boyfriend. "Nice so I'm y/n, That's Lex, Dane, Sam, Tay and Jenna." As you introduced your friends they gave Alex and Brian smiles and waved. "Come sit guys! Where's justin?" Lynn shouted and Alex took a seat next to her and Brian next to him. Then he told Lynn that Justin was at work and wouldn't be done until late tonight. 

You talked about Lyndsey's band, PVRIS, for a while. You felt like you had to do something to impress your new friends because you were the only one not in a band. "Hey Jenna, pass me that guitar?" Jenna handed you one of the acoustic guitars and everyone looked at you confused. "So i have a confession. I've been working on a song for a while now." Everyone had a smile on their face waiting for you to start playing. They had no idea what to expect because none of them had really heard you sing unless in the car, but that doesn't count. 

You started playing the intro and made eye contact with Lynn. She gave you an encouraging thumbs up as you sang. 

"you are my peach, your are my plum. you are my earth, you are my sun. I love your fingers, I love your toes. the back of your head, the tip of your nose. and you are the reason I'm smiling, when there is nothing to smile about. and you are the reason I'm smiling when theres nothing to smile about. One day you will find someone who will love you like you deserve. But for now I'm the only one here so I'm betting it's a fact that you will never learn."

"What did you guys think?" you asked shyly, mostly talking to Lynn. "Y/N I NEVER KNEW YOU COULD SING LIKE THAT" Tay yelled. "ok so how long have you been hiding your talent from us?" Jenna added. Sam looked shocked. "why did i not know you could sing like that?" she asked, laughing. Dane and Lex were whispering something to each other. "Dane? Lex? What did you guys think?" They looked up at you for a second before Dane spoke. "We think you should join our band." Everyone went silent for a moment. "Are you guys serious? You already have an ep coming out!" Lex laughed. "Yes we're serious! Then you'll join just in time for us to start working on an album!" You were so excited. You glanced at Lynn for approval and she looked so happy for you. "Okay then i guess I'm joining Heir!" 

Everyone cheered in congratulations. 

You spent the rest of the day talking with Lyndsey and getting to know Brian and Alex. Turns out they're pretty cool dudes. You learned that Alex dropped out of school and Brian graduated last year. You felt like Lynn was more focused on you than either of them throughout the entire conversation. 

It's probably just in my head you thought to yourself 

Dane interrupted your thoughts when he tapped you on the shoulder, grabbing both yours and Lyndsey's attention. "It's getting late and me you and Sam have a chem test tomorrow so i think we should go." You were about to answer but Alex beat you to it. "Really dude? It's kind of early and we we're having a good time! Y/n, if you want, me and Brian could drive you and Lyndsey home in like an hour?" You looked at Lynn to see what she thought but she looked just as confused as you. "Uh.. yeah sure i guess so. But i dont think we should stay out any later than an hour." you answered. "Yeah sure, I'll drive you home then." Alex assured you. "Well, alright. I'll see you tomorrow then y/n. Bye Lynn!" Dane said before jogging back over to Sam, Lex, Tay and Jenna who all waved goodbye to the four of you. 

Once they left you turned to Alex and said "What was that all about?" 

Alex looked pleased with himself but Brian looked like he knew his boyfriend was up to something. 

"Oh come one y/n! We all know you sang that song earlier for Lynn! And Lynn,I heard you sang smoke earlier! The song you said you specifically wrote for y/n! Admit you like each other already!" Lyndsey went to object but Alex cut her off. "Lynn, we are not leaving until you admit you like y/n, I am done with you constantly talking to me and Brian about how amazing she is ever since she showed you your locker. Clearly she likes you too! Go for it! She's literally sitting in front of us!"

You needed a minute to take it all in. You knew Lynn liked you at least a little by now. But she wrote Smoke about you and constantly talks to her friends about you?  And ever since you first talked to her too? You couldnt keep the smile off of your face.

"Okay Alex! I like her, I do. I like her a lot."

You thought you were imagining it. Did Lyndsey just say she liked you a lot?

"Don't tell me Lynn! Tell her!"

Lyndsey turned to you and looked like she was excited and about to cry at the same time. 

"I-i- uh i like.. you..." 

after she said it, she turned away and looked at the ground. You tapped her shoulder, getting her attention back. When she turned around, you didnt think twice about it.

You kissed her. 

A/N: AHHHH! y/n kissed Lynn! What did you guys think of this chapter? 

Also: Bonus points if you can tell me what song y/n was singing 

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