Falcon Feathers

By iceman0116

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Derek Sky has just turned fifteen and finally gets his totem and becomes an adult in his tribe. But he did no... More

Falcon Feathers
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 2)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 3)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 4)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 5)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 6)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 7)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 8)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 9)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 10)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 11)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 12)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 13)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 14)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 15)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 16)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 17)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 18)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 19)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 20)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 21)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 23)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 24)
Falcon Feathers (Chapter 25)

Falcon Feathers (Chapter 22)

311 10 3
By iceman0116

Author's note: sentences in italics are telepathic conversations. :) Enjoy.


Chapter 22


Derek's POV

"You sure work fast." I said as Unule touched the ground.

"Time is of the essence," She said. "Joelle is already busy working so I marked her first."

"Marked?" Angel asked.

"The spell works by drawing a symbol on the surface of the target. It's a simple form of magic that takes very little energy to do but is very effective." She said.

"So it's like a magic tatoo?" Will asked his ears perking up.

"Pretty much, only they fade away over time in addition to thier effects." She said.

"So goes first?" I asked.

"Alec" Unule said. Alec stepped forward and held out his bare arm. Unule pressed her index finger to the skin and began gliding her finger over a small area. When she lifted her finger a swirling silver pattern and etched itself onto the exposed flesh. Alec winced as the final lines appeared.

"Those look like the patterns on the armor I trained with before I came to the Plane Academy." I said.

"Ace was a clever guy," Unule began. "How do you think you made so much progress before?" The truth was I had been amazed at how far I had come and all the things I could do. (Ace and Una really did do alot for us.) YEAH THEY DID. I felt a wave of melancholy wash over me. In an instant I crushed it. (I can't think like that right now.)

"Let's see if it works." I said.

"Ooh can I try summoning an animal like you guys do?" He said bouncing up and down.

"Ah, sure. I mean, you can try," I said summoning Gagan to my shoulder. "Like this." (Too bad he doesn't know that you can't summon a guardian spirit without a totem.) MAYBE YOU SHOULD TELL HIM THAT. (I think its best that he learn through experience what he can and cannot do.)

Alec took a few steps away from us and closed his eyes, which had gone back to normal. Almost immediately the air began to shimmer around him. (This is just like when I first summoned you, Gagan.) ONLY THE RIPPLES I MADE WERE MUCH SMALLER. THESE ARE HUGE. As I looked on, I saw what he meant. The entire area around Alec was humming with energy.

"I think we should step back" I said and we all took several steps away from Alec. As the energy built up a large figure began to take shape. With a thunderous ripping sound the holographic image began to solidify into flesh and blood, and scales. Alec fell forward from the strain. Just before hitting the ground the creature's tail shout out under him and hoisted Alec up onto its back a good ten feet off of the ground. The creature had a long serpentine neck, a pair of taloned legs, and a row of spikes starting at the head and ending at the end of its sweeping prehensile tail.

"Did it work?" Alec asked huffing.

"I'd say so" I called up to him. "Look down." Alec did just that and gasped. The creature turned its crocodillian head back to look Alec in the eye. It opened its mouth and exposed a row of sharp razor like teeth and an extended pair of fangs. Alec mimicked the gesture exposing his own pair of fangs and teeth. It tilted its head to the side and let a single drop of venom drip onto the grass below. Once again Alec imitated the gesture. The creature dipped its head and looking pleased swiveled its head around to look inspect the small group of onlookers. It lowered its head to eye level swung its head past each of us. When it got to Unule it bowed, to which she curtsied. It then raised its head eleven feet off of the ground and addressed us.

"Greetingss, little sspirit mastersss and Lady Unule, it is a pleassure to make your acquaintancce." It said.

"Hey" Will said waving.

"It's niccce to ssee you again Derek." I raised an eyebrow. (Again?) Alec looked from the beast to me looking confused. ("I'll explain later.") Alec nodded.

"What's your name?" Alec asked patting the creature's neck.

"I am called Tssskshliss Alsaksl" It siad simply.

"Tssskshliss Alsaksl?" Unule said with perfect pronunciation.

"Yess." Tssskshliss Alsaksl replied.

"Well I'm Angel Cross." Angel said.

"Will Andrew." said Will.

"Derek Sky." I said.

"And I'm Joelle Hex," Joelle said leaning on the doorframe with the grimoire in her hand. "I come out here to see what all the commotion is and I find that you all are goofing off playing the name game."

"Well you know you don't need to get your shorts in a bunch" Unatsi called from the kitchen.

"And you don't need to be in everyone's business" Will called chuckling.

"But its soo much fun!" Unatsi complained. Joelle just rolled her eyes.

"I'm Nala Pride," Nala said poking her head around Joelle. "Woah, who's that?"

"This is Axel" Alec said beaming. Axel turned his head to look at Alec. "Oh come on! How am I supposed to remember that? I'm only eight years old."

Axel sighed and, "As you wish."

"Well um, if you don't mind I'm going to get back to work. I suggest you all do the same." She said looking particularly at Will and Angel.

"Yeah, Joelle is right we should get to work on our training." Angel said and started heading off towards the trees.

"I'll help you!" Will said and walked after her.

"Don't forget your marks!" Unule called as she flitted over to them. She worked using both her left and right hands to mark both Will and Angel at once. She quickly finished and hurried over to Nala and marked her.

"Well now that everyone is off getting to work, I have to admit I have no idea how to train someone who doesn't have an avian guardian spirt." I said turning to Alec.

"What?" Alec asked.

"He means birds" Axel said.

"Oh" Alec said.

"Don't worry though, I just need to make a call and then we can get you started training," I said. "For now just get used to quickly turning your beast cloak off and on. Also get acquainted to Axel."

"Okay." Alec replied. He patted Axel on the back and slid down his tail to the ground landing on his feet. He grinned and looked up at his spirit.

(Something tells me he won't be doing much training.)

"You got that right."  I laughed as I went inside.

I went to my room and went into the bathroom. I filled the sink to the brim with water and muttered a quick scrying spell. Concentrating on the guild's meeting room. It the water went dark for a moment and I could hear muffled voices coming from the other side.

"William who's calling?" A female voice asked.

"Um just a moment the picture is still fuzzy," he said. Suddenly I could see William and Akita standing in the meeting room.

"Derek!" Akita said after she turned around.

"Hey, I need a favor." I began.


Alec's POV

I slid down Axel's tail one more time before I saw Derek step outside. I waved and smiled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur coming towards me. I jumped back and barely dodged a foot that shot past my face. I saw that the foot belonged to a girl who was now crouching in an offensive position. Before I could react, Axel attempted to chomp the attacker. However, she darted to the side and leapt up landed two quick jabs before she hit the ground. As soon as she touched down she barrelled into me and knocked me to the ground. Before I could move a blade was to my neck. She leaned close to my face, her fangs extended and said, "That was your first lesson. Nice to meet you."


Angel's POV

 Will and I walked into the woods. After a few moments of walking in silence, we reached a clearing.

"So how do we start with training?" Will asked.

"Well I was going to train with Atsila, but I can't find him." I said.

"Well we could collaborate" Will said. He got closer to me and locked his fingers in mine. We were inches apart now. As soon as our lips touched, there was steam. And I mean litterally there was steam.

"Whoah" I said stepping back. Will stared at me looking puzzled. "I have an idea on how to train."

"Oh" Will said sounding disappointed. I kissed his cheek causing him to smile.

"Can you shoot a shard of ice into the air?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, I think so" Will said and concentrated. He stretched his arm out and fired a fist sized ball of ice into the air. I conjured a ball of flame and shot it at the ice. When they collided the only thing that happened was a slight fizzle.

"You should try condensing the flame" a voice came from above us. I whipped around and looked up. On a high branch in a nearby tree Atsila was perched looking down with a slight smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"You're trying to make a steam explosion yes? Then you need to super heat your flames. Concentrate and condense the flame." Atsila said the same smug look on his face.

"Wait," Will began. "How long were you standing there?"

"The whole time" Atsila said.

"I told you it was a good idea to follow them" Unatsi said stepping out onto a branch on the other side of the tree.

"You too?" Will asked flustered.

"It was my idea," Unatsi said looking proud. "Oh don't worry you'll forgive me in like two seconds."

"I'm not so sure" said Will. Unatsi rolled his eyes and produced an odd pair of vambraces from his robes and tossed them down to Will. "What are these?"

"Put them on and find out" Unatsi said. Will did just that. He flexed his forearm and fingers.

"Umm they're nice" he said.

"Now channel some magic into it. Do be careful though. Don't point it at pets or people" Unatsi said sipping a cup of coffee. (Where did he?) I looked up at Atsila [Just let it happen.] Will focused for a moment and chains appeared around the greaves. He raised his arm and spread his fingers. In a flash a large harpoon head shot out at the end of the chain and lodged itself in the ground twenty yards away.

"Woah" Will and I said in unison.

"As you get better at using it you can increase its agility." Unatsi said.

"Huh". I said.

"Now channel some ice into it" Unatsi said. Will retracted the chain. As he concentrated frost floated in the air around the vambraces. When the barb shot out and hit the ground a plume of ice shot up.

"I guess I put a little too much energy into it" Will said.

"Oh yeah, Angel, here's your spear" Atsila said. I looked up and caught my spear.

"Thanks" I said.

"Channel fire magic into it" he said. I sent fire coursing into the spear. In an instant the tip expanded into a burning trident. The flames it emitted were huge.

"Condense the flames" Atsila said. I struggled to focus the flames into a smaller blaze. I foucsed all of the force into the middle spike of the trident. The tip glowed red hot as I fought to contain the blaze. "Fire."

"Ok" I said levelling the point at the ice that Will had made. I let all of the power flow out of the weapon in a blast. The ice pillar exploded upon impact.

"Congratulations, you just 'collaberated' to make a steam explosion." Atsila said picking at his teeth. I smiled and gave Will a hug.


Nala's POV

 "Ok that should do it" I said examining the adjustments I made to my assain blades. NOW YOU HAVE MORE REACH WITH THEM. (That's the idea Aurus.) BUT WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT AN ENEMY WHO IS FASTER THAN YOU? (Well that's why I'm increasing the reach.) THOSE WON'T BE ABLE TO CATCH SOMEONE WHO CAN FLY. (Then I'll just have to be faster than my opponents.) ARE YOU STILL GOING TO REFRAIN FROM USING THEM? YOU WERE THE BEST IN THE DOJO'S ADVANCED CLASS. (The whole point of coming here was to get better rounded as an individual. If i rely on ninjitsu then that would defeat the purpose.) IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFUL WE COULD BOTH DIE. THIS ISN'T A GAME, NALA. (I know.) YOU SAY YOU WANT TO BE MORE ROUNDED BUT PART OF YOUR INITIAL TRAINING TAUGHT YOU TO MIX AND MATCH FOR DIFFERENT SITUATIONS. (Yeah so?) I started to understand where Aurus was getting at. I opened my bag and pulled out my box. Inside the box was my uniform, but that wasn't what I was looking for. I put it aside and reached down farther into the box. I ran my hand over the surface of all of my different tools, kunai, forehead protector, needles, wire, smoke bombs, and a pouch. I reached inside and pulled out shuriken. (I forgot how much I loved these.) ARE YOU READY? (Yeah.) I'll have to mix ninjitsu and magic.


Derek's POV

"Alec," I called as he tried to land a hit on Akita. "Akita will handle your training."

"Okay" he said panting from the strain of trying to catch her. Contented with his sparring practice I headed inside and got my bow. [Derek.] (Yeah?)

"Let me see your bow" Unule said. I handed it to her. It glowed a bright silver and then my bow was gone. In its place were two crossbows. I raised an eyebrow. "It's time for an upgrade."

"Yeah I guess." I said.

"Also there's something else." Unule said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"The book that you recovered, have you looked in it?" She asked.

"Not since I woke up" I said struggling to keep the images from resurfacing.

"I looked in it myself to see if it was a curse that knocked you out, and found that there were no curses. It also appears that those visions were a one time thing."

"That's a relief."

"But after looking at it, I realized that it was encrypted. I was only able to make out the dedication on first page."

"Which was?"

"For Derek Sky."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Ace left that book there for you. That's why it survived the blast."

"It was protected." I said dumbstruck.

"I think whatever is inside those pages will help you more than any training I could give in a week." Unule said and disappeared. I looked over and saw the book sitting in the middle of the desk. I sat down and cracked the book open. After an hour and a half of looking through the pages I still had made no progress. I began flipping through the pages. I stopped when I came to a picture of a little sapling. It looked familiar. THE TRAINING FIELD. Then I remembered the little sapling in the forest that became the silver tree. I had to give something to get something back. That's it. I poured a little bit of magic into the book. Almost instantly the letters started rearranging themselves into coherent words and sentences. I poured more energy into the book and it became clearer and clearer. The letters stopped moving. Even after the book was readable, the passages were still cryptic and impossible to understand.

"Aaaagh" I exhaled in frustration. I got up and left the room. Going to kitchen, I looked outside. I watched Alec and Akita spar with each other. I could already see improvement in Alec's moves. They were quick like a serpent's and strikingly like Akita's.

"Someone's making progress" I yelled once they broke apart.

"You don't know the half of it," Akita said huffing. "The kid's a genius. He lands one hit on me and all of the sudden he starts keeping up with me matching my moves blow for blow."

"Huh, that's crazy." I said. (He really is special.)

"Thanks" Alec called. Akita looked puzzled.

"He can read minds" I explained. (Just like Lance can.) Then things began clicking in my mind.

"Alec have you always been able to read minds?" I asked.

"Uh, no only recently," He said.

"In your 'training sessions' with Lance did you ever hit him?" I asked. Alec thought for a moment and looked uncomfortable. I hated to put him through those memories again but this was important.

"Um. I did once" he replied. That proved my theory.

"I think you can copy abilities." I said.

"Really?" Alec said looking shocked.

"Yeah you do it by hitting an opponent and part of their power or thier life force gets transferred to you. Once that happens it mixes and changes into your own it just retains attributes of whatever you copied." I said.

"Wow. I guess that's why I can keep up with Akita so easily now haha" He said. Akita quickly took his feet out from under him, and he fell to the ground.

"Don't get too cocky Mr. Copycatt" she said. Then something else made even more sense. I dashed from the kitchen to my room. (Of course!) I quickly picked up the book and flipped through the pages. It all made sense now.

"Is something wrong?" Unule asked appearing in my doorway.

"The book," I said. "It's a spell diagram."

"Oh. What kind of spell?" Unule asked.

"A magic absorbtion spell." I said.

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