Was // mfz


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Mackenzie Ziegler was confident. Mackenzie was loved. Mackenzie was happy. Mackenzie is giving up. After all... Еще

Before You Read
Maddie and Mackenzie
hi guyz


300 11 1

Mackenzie P.O.V
I woke up in my bed. I quickly grabbed my laptop and put my fake glasses on. I went on YouTube and put the volume down seeing it was 4:27 AM. I plugged in my earbuds and quietly sang alone to the music, playing.

I wish Abby and the studio didn't AutoTune my voice. I think I had a nice voice that doesn't need to be auto tune. Anyways, they only make me sing because they want the money. I don't get anything from it, I'd like at least 10$, to buy candy. But no all of that money goes to Abby and the studio. I sigh at that thought and continue listening to music. I grab a book off my counter and start reading it, its called The Outsiders. There are two gangs, the Socs and the Greasers. The Socs are the rich ones and the Greasers are the poor, dangerous, and scary ones. But Ponyboy is nice, he's in the Greasers. I'm only on Chapter 2. The chapters are very long, so by the time I finish its 5:56. I made it to Chapter 4. My stomach growls, but I ignored it.

I continued reading and listening to music, humming along to it. By the time I finished Chapter 6, it was 7:18 AM. It was Tuesday. I got a up and changed into jeans, a red t-shirt, and my converse. I have school, I'm not home-schooled like Maddie. I don't really mind or care. I was in 6th grade and on the honor roll. I brushed out my hair and pulled on a beanie. I put my water bottle in my book bag and I grabbed my phone. I pulled on a Aeropostale hoodie and swung my book bag on my back. I walked downstairs to my mom cooking breakfast. "Hi Mackenzie! Are you hungry?" She said, cheerfully. I shook my head. "I ate before." I lied, walking into the living room and taking my lunch bag. I put my lunch bag in my book bag and pulled my book bag back on. "Bye mom! Love you!" I yelled, and I left the house. Maddie isn't awake yet, so I yelled a bit loud.

I take the bus to school, so when I get on, everyone rushes to me. It's annoying, to be honest. I walked to my bus stop and hid behind a tree right next to the bus stop. The bus finally came and I got on. I sat on the first seat and tugged my beanie lower. Surprisingly, no one came to me. I smiled at that thought. The bus finally arrived at the school and I quickly got off. I walked inside the school, to my locker. My teachers sent me smiles, I returned fake ones. They liked me because I was famous.

I opened my locker and put my book bag inside. I put my iPhone in my hoodie pocket and grabbed my binder. I closed my locker and walked to homeroom. It got quiet when I walked in, then everyone burst out laugh.

"Mackenzie! Mackenzie! Crying like a baby" they sang, it didn't even rhyme. Then I got it. They saw the scene of me crying on the show. I sighed and sat at my desk as the teacher told the kids to be quiet. I opened my binder and took out a piece of loose-leaf paper and a pencil. I could care-less about my grades, the teachers change my answers on the test anyways. I started writing my favorite quotes in different fonts.

By the time the bell rang I wrote seven quotes. I quickly put my pencil and paper in my binder and walked off to chorus. The chorus teacher would use my fame for the competitions, she would always make me the solos. It annoyed me, if I was being honest. I got to chorus and did my regular solos. The bell rang at 9:44. I got my binder and walked off to art, my favorite subject. I had a couple, four friends, there. Jamie, Ellie, Luke, and Josh. They were all nice and they didn't use me.

My art teacher didn't use me either, she gave me her honest opinion. I finally got to art class after the long walk. I sat at my table, waiting for my friends to come. I continued drawing my building, we are pretending to be architects. Luke arrived and sat next to me. "Hi" he said, kindly. I replied with 'Hi' as well, and continued outlining my building.

He got out his drawing and did the same thing, then Josh, Ellie, and Jamie came. We were all dirty minded at 11-12 years old. So we said dirty jokes. We talked about school, how 6th graders are dating already, and about the drama. I was happy in this class, I wish I had this period all day. "Mackenzie, can you help me with the sign?" Luke asked, I nodded. I stood up and stood in front of his paper and did the sign. I smiled and he smiled back, I sat on my chair and continued drawing.

The dirty jokes went on and our conversation went on until the bell rang. We put all of our drawings in our folder and went downstairs. I had 4th period, science, with Luke. "So, how did you think you did on your test?" I asked, as we walked down the stairs. "Bad" he said, we both chuckled. He smiled, and I smiled back. I have to admit, Luke was cute. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and he's not that tall but he's not short either. A lot of girls like him and hate me for being so close to him.

We made it to science and separated to different tables. I sat at the girls table, I didn't talk to them, Luke sat at the boys table. I didn't talk to the girl because what they talked about was shoes, clothes, and boys and girls they liked. I mean we were in the sixth grade how did you know your sexuality already? But I could care less about what they talked about. I had nothing against gays. We were grading the test, I luckily got Luke's. He did bad. He got a 68% but he passed. It was time to exchange the tests. I got up and bumped into Luke. He handed me my paper and I handed him his.

The rest of the period was free time. So I just went on my phone and texted Brynn. She was home schooled so it didn't matter. The bell finally rang and I headed off to 5th period. I don't do anything 5th or 6th period so I'm going to skip that. I got to 7th period, my lunch period.

I don't eat lunch, even though I'm dying of hunger. I go outside to the soccer field and kick the soccer ball around. I wish I still played soccer but my mom won't let me. I sighed and walked back inside seeing 8th period is about to start. I walked into Social Studies, 8th Period, I liked this class to be honest. I had a couple of friends and Luke and I sit next to each other, the teacher assigned us next to each other.

Luke and I would just fool around since we are in the back. We would also play on our phone, the teacher doesn't care about us, luckily. That whole period Luke and I just drew, played games, and told dirty jokes. The bell rang indicating it's time to go home. I got up and grabbed my binder. Luke and I were walking home together since he just lives a couple houses away from me. I put my binder in my book bag and pulled it on. Luke was waiting for me at my locker. While I was putting my library book in my book bag a girl went up to Luke, and started flirting with him.

I felt a bit....jealous? Why was I jealous? He was just Luke! Luke smiled and tried to push her away but she stayed. I finally closed my locker and swung my book bag over my shoulder. I put my beanie on and ray bands on because of paparazzi. I turned around and saw Ashley still flirting with Luke. Ashley. She hates me. She has long blonde hair, she's taller than me. Oh and she dated a lot of boys, looks like Luke's the next victim. I chuckled and waved goodbye to him. I walked outside the school and waited for him, of course. I was texting on my phone when someone tapped on my shoulder. I saw Luke. "Finally" I muttered. "Sorry, Ashley was holding me up" he said, I chuckled.

"Ashley, huh?" I said, as we starting walking home. "I don't like her, but I mean who can resist this" he said, beginning to be cocky. I rolled my eyes. He chucked and pulled out his phone. I then saw a paparazzi. I grabbed Luke'd hand, with it unusual, and ran behind a bush. "What ar-" I cut him off "Shut up! The paparazzi" I said, letting go of his hand and pulling my beanie down. I pushed my ray bands up my nose and got up. "C'mon" I muttered, looking around. No sign of paparazzi. Luke got up and we continued our walk home.

"Sorry...about paparazzi" I said, looking down at my converse. "It's alright. I get it" he said, smiling. We continued talking, laughing, and having a good time. Then I got home. I sighed as I reached my house. Luke lived 3 houses down. "Well I'll see you tomorrow" I said, he nodded and walked to his house.

I walked inside the house and got ready for dance. Ugh.

Well???? How do you like the first chapter? Yeah, Luke is being played by the actor who's in game shakers. Am I the only one who thinks he looks like a mini Niall Horan?

Yeah? Okay.

Anyways I'm enjoying writing this book! It's not going to be like 'Kidnap' at all! Maddie isn't the main character and the storyline is different! When I was in 6th grade there was a lot of dating, lesbians, and drama. It was to much for me.

I was the girl who'd eat a lot but I'd stay skinny somehow. I wouldn't date even though some people liked me, I still acted 5. 😂. I was a smart ass. Anyways I will update more quickly. Remember I have 3 other stories to do! Tomorrow is Friday! Woo!

Finally time to sleep all day. At least that's what I do on the weekends. Yep, I'm a loner. But loners are kewl asf. DID YOU GUYS WATCH DANCE MOMS ON TUESDAY? oMg! That episode was the bomb.

Season 6!! WOOO! This is really long. Uhm... Please vote and comment! Bye my lovely lovely readers!

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