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Authors P.O.V
No one really knew why this happened.

Why she suffered all these disorders?

None of her friends knew. Her family didn't either. No one knew her thoughts but Mackenzie. She knew everything. Every single word, glare, abuse she heard or got. She knew why, when, what, but what she didn't know was why.

Why was Mackenzie getting hate?

The other girls barely got any.

Melissa had been looking through her daughters room, no one had stepped in it since the incident. Tears would well up in her eyes, a lump in her throat.

She carefully looked around, she hugged Mackenzie's pillow, missing her happiness.

She knew when Mackenzie had collapsed, that she had favorited Maddie this whole time.

She felt like total shit.

Maddie had been receiving hate, but she handles it much better. Usually. She had been crying and sobbing. She would look back at Mackenzie's musical.lys, tweets, pictures, daily.

Everything seems plain. No color.

Her friends have been taking it rough. Luke, Jamie, Ellie, Josh, and James felt defeated.
Defeated. Sad. Angry. Regretful. So many emotions.

They regret all the times Mackenzie would call them, and they didn't answer because they were busy.

At some points they would regret meeting her. They didn't want this feeling, these tears, any of this.

Her bullies felt like shit. They didn't think she'd actually do it, they were suspended for verbal abuse and threats. They had seen it all in the security cameras.

Mackenzie's dad was furious. Furious with Melissa to let media and fame get to her head. He wished he had gotten custody of Mackenzie.

The girls were shocked and regretful. They regretted leaving her in the dark and making her feel useless. They cried.

No one was alright.

No one saw color.

No one realized Mackenzie was their crayon. The crayon that colors in everyone's life.

Mackenzie could make everyone happy but herself.

Melissa let out a sob as she saw a picture of Mackenzie when she was five. Some of her teeth were missing but she was on Maddie's back, grinning happily.

"Mackenzie." She mumbled sadly, a sob escaping her lips.

Maddie had been denying all the jobs she would get. Acting, dancing, anything. She felt stupid. Stupid for leaving Mackenzie in the shadows.

Not one person realized Mackenzie was depressed.




No one realized Mackenzie just wanted someone to care for her.

They realized to late.

Everyone realized to late.

Her friends.

The girls.




Do you think Mackenzie is dead? ;ooo

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