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Authors P.O.V
It had been a year since she had committed suicide. Since she shocked the world. Who expected the youngest Ziegler to commit suicide?

It was such a surprise to many people. But what surprised much more people was that she survived-

Well kinda.

Mackenzie had been on a coma for the past year and a half. It had been much better than actually dying, but it was still hard. Maddie had been sitting by her sisters hospital bed, her bloodshot eyes scanning her. She felt guilty. Guilty for leaving her in the dark.

Maddie hadn't been the same since her sisters suicide attempt. She wished that she never took her for granted.

She wished that she can just turn back time and spend more time with Mackenzie, congratulate her when she beat her in the competition. It hurt that she didn't.

"I'm sorry." Her voiced cracked. She held her sisters hand, staring at her pale face. Mackenzie's hair would fall onto her face, that had lost its color.

"I'm sorry for leaving you in the dark. That I-I didn't notice how sad it made you when I'd ignore you. They said you can hear me. Ca-can you?" She said, sniffling. She hoped for a response, but she didn't get a response. She squeezed Mackenzie's hand. Maddie had tear stained cheeks, she would mostly have sad blue eyes, and she hasn't posted anything on the media. Many people had worried that Maddie would try to commit suicide next. But she wasn't going too. She was going to be strong. For Mackenzie.

"Mackenzie, I wish you were here. Laughing. Smiling. I miss your smile. I miss your weird jokes, and your weird acts. I miss you, I miss when we'd run home from the school bus," She sniffled, a small sob escaping her lips.

"Why was I so stupid not to realize? I could've helped you, but I didn't." She said, her body trembling. She'd never felt this way. She didn't want to lose Mackenzie. No one did.

But what they say is true Maddie realized.

'They will only care when you're gone.- Marylin Monroe'

Maddie realized that she was apart of they.

She hated herself for that.

The book is about to finish! Should I make a sequel? Please vote and comment, I love your feedback! Bye lovelies! ♡

Was // mfzDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora