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Skip to Saturday

Mackenzie's P.O.V
All of the girls and I were on the bus to go to the competition. I was on my phone texted my friends because I had no one to talk to.

Luke: so how's the bus

Mackenzie: boring

Luke: sounds like fun!

Mackenzie: 🖕🏻

Luke: fine then I have better things to do

Mackenzie: no you don't

Luke: i know

Mackenzie: 😂👏🏼

Luke: it's not funny, not everyone goes to dance competitions every week

Mackenzie: so, you can go outside and play or something

Mackenzie: or go hang out with James, duh

Luke: do you like James?

Mackenzie: no, he's just cute. all of us are cute and pretty

Luke: even me?

Mackenzie: i wish i could teleport

Luke: why

Mackenzie: to smack you in the head :)

Luke: why

Mackenzie: because you are apart of all

Luke: i feel like doing the loner dance

Mackenzie: it would suit you


Mackenzie: don't start

Luke: k

Mackenzie: Luke who do you like? i know you don't like Ashley

Luke: Mackenzie

Mackenzie: what

Luke: no I mean I like Mackenzie

Mackenzie: from the rotten apples?

Luke: yeah.

Mackenzie: okayy, well Uhm.... I have a secret

Luke: and that is?

I exhale my breath and as I was going to type the message, we arrived at the competition. I stuffed my phone in my back pocket and got up. We went outside and took pictures and signs autographs. We finally made it to our dressing room and my makeup and hair was getting done. I started getting really nervous about my solo. My makeup was finally done, then I went backstage to wait for my name to be called.

My name was finally called and I walked on stage and on my starting position. The music started and I started doing my solo. I put all my hate and annoyance toward Ashley and her group into it. So when I finished everyone was clapping and were standing out of their seats. I flashed a giant smile and left the stage to our room. When I entered, the girls were snickering and on my phone. My eyes widened. I ran to my phone and looked at my kik. Luckily, they didn't text Luke but they looked at our messages. "Luke likes Mackenzie!" They chanted, I rolled my eyes.

Jojo, Maddie, and I had solos in the same division. They were all really good. I was a bit worried if I was going to place.

'Jojo in 3rd Place!' The announcer said.

Maddie and I held hands.

'Maddie in 2nd Place'

Oh no, I didn't place. Well rip to me. I sighed and started breathing heavily, I'm going to die-

'Mackenzie in 1st Place'





I got up and got the award, I beat Maddie. Oh my gosh, I beat Maddie. Maddie pulled me on a side hug, but I knew she was pissed off. We went back to our dressing room and Maddie was pissed off. She told mom to shut up and my mom told me to shut up! Wow thanks mom. I feel very favored, we are going to celebrate my win today, I didn't really want to though. All the girls left to the bus and the moms stayed in the dressing room. I put my ear to the door.

"Melissa do you think Mackenzie should've beat Maddie?"

"No, I'm sorry"

I sighed and looked down. I made my way to the bus and I sat down at my seat.

After the Partying, at her house

I walked into my bathroom and grabbed the piece of glass. I put 3 fresh cuts on both arms, tears falling as I did. I wish I was Maddie sometimes. But then again, I'm not even Mackenzie.


I know it's a sucky chapter, I'm very sorry. I'll update as soon as I can! Please vote and comment! Bye my lovely readers!

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