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That's Ashley 👆🏼 yep another Nickelodeon star. 😂

Mackenzie's P.O.V
I was woken up by my mom shaking me. "Kenzie. . .Kenzie, wake up. Get ready for school" she whispered, my eyes slowly opened. I squeezed my eyes shut at the light and groaned. "Kenzie its 7:05" she said, my eyes suddenly flew open and I ran up the stairs to my room. I quickly slipped on black legs, my vans, and a pink t-shirt. I slipped on my red holister hoodie and I swung my book bag on my shoulder. I grabbed my phone which had 89% charge, I mentally groaned at not charging it but I ran back down the stairs. But then I ran back up the stairs and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and used the bathroom. I then ran down the stairs and grabbed a slip of bacon and ran out the door without saying goodbye to my mom. It was 7:35.

I basically jogged to school, it was embarrassing, like think of it. A girl jogging down the streets, eating bacon, and with a backpack on. My face was flushing red of embarrassment when I made it to school. I quickly ran to my locker and put my combination. Of course with my luck, my locker didn't open. I groaned and opened my locker after my second try. I quickly took out my binder, and put my backpack in my locker. I shut my locker and grabbed my binder then walked off to homeroom. As I walked in the homeroom, people clapped. I rolled my eyes and sat down on my seat. People came to my class, asking for autograph, which I denied. I said I was tired and I would sign them later.

I felt eyes burning holes into my back, I hated that feeling. So I turned around and saw Ashley, she had a evil smirk on her face. She flipped her blonde hair and walked away. I rolled my eyes turned back to see the teacher already writing a math equation on the board. I sighed and 'did' the math.

•I liked food.

•I like feeling pain.

•Ashley's opinions are facts.

•If I committed suicide, will everyone have a party and celebrate?

•I'm ugly.

•I'm alone.

•I'm fine.

That's when the bell rang, I picked up my binder and went to chorus. Today was my last day of chorus, since today was the last day of the second quarter. I was excited if I was being honest,
I decided to skip this class. I walked threw the hallways, just staring at all the lockers and classes. Right as I was about to enter another hallway I heard familiar voices. I popped my head out and saw Luke and Ashley, they were awfully close. If Ashley wasn't such a bitch, I would ship them. Ashley's eyes flickered to me them Luke, before Luke could turn around and check, Ashley kissed him.

My breath hitched and I walked away from that hallways, I walked as far as I can. My stomach felt weird and I just wanted to throw up. I didn't know why. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and as soon as I made it in there, I just stared at the green stall and hiccuped. Why am I feeling this way? I gulped and then I heard the bell ring. As I opened the bathroom door the halls were already crowded with 6, 7, and 8th graders. I started walking to art, I didn't know why I was feeling this way. As I walked inside the bell rang, I walked to my seat next to Luke and just say there. I finished my architect project, so I just played with the nail polish on my nails. Everyone else was in conversations, but I stayed quiet. I wish I didn't skip second period, I wish Luke would never tell us. I hope he doesn't tell us, the thought of him saying he's dating Ashley makes my stomach churn. I mentally gagged.

I heard my name being called by Ellie. I looked at her with a questioning look. "Why are you so quiet?" She asked,
I shrugged. I walked over to Ellie and whispered in her ear. "Luke and Ashley kissed, I don't know if I should be telling you" I said, her eyes widened and she told Jamie, who told Josh, who told James. But James isn't so good at keeping his mouth shut. "You had your first kiss!" James whispered-yelled to Luke, Luke eyes widened. His head immediately shot to me. "Who told you? How'd you find out? Why'd you tell everyone" he yelled, I winced at his sudden outburst. The class got quiet, everyone heard him. The art teacher was in the hallway right now, luckily. Every head was shot to Luke but then people started their conversations again. Our eyes were wide. Ellie poked me. "Want to switch seats?" She asked, I nodded. She was next to Josh. We switched seats and I ignored Luke. I was talking to Josh right now. "Remember in the beginning of the year? You said you would break my ankle" he said, I chuckled. "I'll leave a bruise or I can just smack you on the head" I said, he nodded. He shut his eyes. "1, 2, 3" I said and I smacked him on the head, pretty hard. He winced but then hugged me. "Oh Kenzie, Kenzie. That didn't hurt" he said, I gasped and pushed him away. "Fine, I'll break your ankle soon!" I said, grinning and he had a horrified look on his face.

"Are you guys like dating now, because I thought I was going to be with Kenzie" James jokes, my eyes flickered to everyone. Luke had a tint of anger? But Josh and I said 'no!' at the same time.

"So who's going to be your Valentine's dance dates?" I said, wiggling my eyebrows. "Hmm.... I'll go with Josh" James joked, we all laughed. "I'm going to pair you people up. Josh and Ellie, and James and Jamie" I said, wiggling my eyebrows. "And Luke and Ashley, and I'll go with someone from my dance" I said, Luke groaned. "Oh shut it, you'll be dating her by tomorrow. She was your first kiss!" I said, with fake excitement and happiness in my voice. "How do you know it's my first kiss?" He said, crossing his arms and walking towards me. I raised one of my eyebrows and crossed my arms. I also walked towards him. "So who was your first kiss?" I said, I didn't realize how close we were. "My pillow" he said, I giggled but then I realized how close we were. I blushed and then sat back down on my seat. Then an idea popped in my head. "I can set you up with Mackenzie! From rotten apples!" I said, I saw Jamie's eyebrows furrow. "Why would you do that?" She said. "He said he likes Mackenzie" I said, Ellie face palmed. She walked towards me and whispered in my ear. "Mackenzie, Luke likes you!" She whispered, my eyes widened but I immediately flushed red.

The bell rang and Luke was immediately out the door.

Ugh, I have to talk to this kid.

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