Your Crush Imagines


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Hey !! Im Tomra !! Okayy so can i ask you the biggest favor in the world !!! I was just wondering if you cqn... More

Your Crush Imagines
hey guys!!!
Attention Everyone !!
imagine ....
Imagine ......
Heyyyy xD
Imagine ......
heyy !!
imagine ......
imagine .....
imagine ..... ( personal )
imagine ....
hey !!!! (x
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you and your best friend are walking down the halls if your school as your eyes rool at this girl that you have beef with ( in other words: she dont like you abd you dont like her) :D she passes you two and she decides to turn back and confront you.

she pushes you.

" what you givin me dirty looks for??" she asks you trying to be bad

" look S/H ( stupid hoe) im just tryna get to class so can you please just leave me alone??" you ask trying to be nice but holding back your rage

you try to walk away but she wouldnt let you go. she pushes you by your shoulder and she pushes you back to the spot you started off in.

" not until you ansewr my question!" she said to me getting closer to your face

you look down and you think. should i beat the living sgiznit outta this troll or ignore her?? you realize youve been nice enough

" look S/H ive been nice enough to you about this. now if you dont want the naps beaten out of your head then i suggest you go back to the little planet you came from and stop making everyone suffer!!" you say

by this time alot if people were crouded around you. includin your betfriend

" ugh me?? your gonna wish you hadnt said that" she said pushing you on to the floor.

you landed on your butt as she walked off. the whole cround was starring at you. including your crush. his name is Y/C. you werent really paying that much attention to him or your bff or anyone in that circle.

your rage inside of you built up. and you get up off the floor and go towards S/H. but you felt a hand on your shoulder stop you.

you turn around to see Y/C starring into your eyes.

" she is not worth it Y/N."

you stood there froze. what do i say?? do i continue to walk towards her?? or listen to Y/C??

" wait a second.... you know my name??" you said turning into the sweetest girl ever

" well yeah. i know all the pretty girls names" he said smiling at you as you realize that he just called you pretty!!!!

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