Love or friendship? That is t...

By JustRogTaylorLove

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A beautiful childhood friendship between Yasmin and Roger will survive over time through a variety of events... More

Chapter 1: Truro / Cornwall - September 6, 1960.
Chapter 2 - Truro / Cornwall - December 1961.
Chapter 3 - Sixteen years old . - part 1.
Chapter 4 - Sixteen years old - part 2
Chapter 5 - Drive my car
Chapter 6 - Broken.
Chapter 7 - Father and son
Chapter 8 - Car accident .
Chapter 10 - Friendship Bracelet .
Chapter 11- 1967 Year of choices
Chapter 12 - Hurt
Chapter 13 - Decision
Chapter 14 - Friends again.
Chapter 15 - Eighteen years .
Chapter 16 - London.
Some explanations
Chapter 17 - Studies .
Chapter 18 - 1967 Christmas.
Chapter 19 - All you need is love
Chapter 20 - jealous brother .
Chapter 21 - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 22 - 1968.
Chapter 23 - 1968 - Part 2
Chapter 24 - 1968 - Part 3 - Brian and Victoria.
Chapter 25 - 1968 - Part 4 - ads .
Chapter 26 - 1968 - Part 5 - Band Smile .
Chapter 27 - 1968 - Part 6 - Roger teacher and shows the band Smile .
Chapter 28 - 1968 - Final part - Party New Year / Hey Jude .
Chapter 29 - Confused with a woman and the red dress.
Chapter 30 - Trip to Truro, family, confessions and virginity.
Chapter 31 - Feijoada , caipirinha and return to London .
Chapter 32 - Tim and Yasmin - Love Story
Chapter 33 - Fights.
Chapter 34 - Fights - Part 2 - Friendship undone .
Chapter 35 - It's over. - End of the first season.

Chapter 9 - The Party and the kiss.

169 5 0
By JustRogTaylorLove

When I got home with my mother went straight to my room and cried a lot. Roger is being unfair to me. After all I've done for him, stand beside him at the worst times it just does not want to see me and not talk to me.On the issue of his father I did what I think right. As much as Roger is hurt by this situation Michael one hour will have to end.But since Roger made that choice I will respect it. I do not try more. In school I pretend it does not exist. This will from now on.My mother called me for dinner, but I did not. She came into my room and stroked my hair.- Daughter, eat at least a little. Come dinner. Tomorrow is a new day as you always say. Roger does not hate you, he's just upset.- Tomorrow is a new same day, Mom. Let me cry for today, tomorrow I will not have that anymore. As for him being upset it soon will. We are no longer friends. I do not want to talk to him too.My mother hugged me affectionately and kissed my head.

- Roger loves you and you love Roger . If you were not friends , would be a perfect pair of lovers . Give it time my love. If you want dinner then I leave the food in the refrigerator. 

My mother came out of my room . My mother got to be kidding . Roger and I boyfriends? NEVER. We have had our disagreements when we were friends , imagine if we were lovers. I bet it would have been gored by him several times. Roger is not true and never will. It is best to forget it once . I turned on the radio and was listening to The Beatles, Rolling Stones. After a while my eyes were getting heavy with sleep . I turned off the radio and went to sleep . A wonderful night of sleep would help face the reality of tomorrow.

POV RogerAfter nearly three hours in the hospital, I was released. Peter, James and Hugo were also released and their parents came to search it. As for the breakdown of the van I'll pay. The next band concerts I get my money will pay maintenance. I decided that with the guys. Nothing but fair, after all he was driving the vehicle. And although we are with bruises on the body, will make the presentation of the band tomorrow. I will get Peter to his house with the car of my mother, since he is unable to walk because of me. Will be in the wheelchair for a fortnight. I feel bad for having caused it to my friends. They say I have no guilt, but of course I have. I was the driver. Also it was bad not only for this issue. My father appearing in the room to see me shook my emotional. I do not hate Michael, but I want away from him. At the time it makes me sick. I get melancholy to be near him. I want to distance Michael. Let him be happy away from me and my sister.But worst of all was the discussion I had with Yasmin . Until now it hurts in my chest. She betrayed my trust . I may be exaggerated, but that's how I feel. She knows she does not want to see Michael and made whole appearance . Hurt the very words I spoke to her. I know she's very hurt me, but I 'm more hurt than her. I do not know if I can forgive her.I do not think 'll hold long without talking to Yasmin . My mother and my sister talked to me and told me to make peace with Yasmin . My mother said Yasmin only wanted to help because though Michael is my father and I was really worried about me .I say to my mother and sister did not want to talk about Yasmin . Nor I had dinner tonight. I'm hungry. My day was busy due to my car accident, to visit my father in the hospital and discussion with one of the people I love most in the world.I fall asleep , dreaming of the gorgeous colored eyes Yasmin honey .

I get up the next day at around ten in the morning . I take a shower and eat breakfast then . My mother had gone to the supermarket. Clare was in the kitchen taking his cereal. 

- Good morning my beautiful brother. - She kisses my face. 

- Good morning, my princess. I picked up a cup and put coffee with milk and a little sugar and as a piece of toast with cheese . 

- And the body pains , gone Rog ? 

- Are gone my sister. But I still have to take the drug for five days the doctor passed. 

- If I could go with you today the June Festival . I wanted to see the band's performance , but I have school work to do with my group. The staff comes later .

- Do not worry sister , there will be other presentations and you will .

 - Take your beautiful smile, brother. I hate to see you sad. 

- My heart is sad, Clare. It is impossible for me to smile today . 

- Make peace with Yasmin . She just wants your good. She loves You.

I was silent before the words of my sister. Finished breakfast , I kissed Clare's face and went up to my room. I picked up my guitar and I was playing a few songs . But it reminded me of Yasmin . A short time later my mother came home from the supermarket. And the hours passed quickly. Did some school exercises for the next week and then went to lunch . Around four in the afternoon I started to get ready. Then I put my battery in the trunk of the car my mother. At four -thirty was just leaving . 

- Mom, I 'm already going. I will go in Peter 's house and from there we will have to party. 

- Good presentation son. May God protect you . - She kisses me on the cheek . - And please , Rog , drive my car carefully. Very careful.

- OK Mom. I'll be careful . - And put a smile on that handsome face my son. I love you .  

- I love you too, Mom. Hey shorty . - I said calling my sister. - I'll bring the candy you asked me ok ? 

- Ok my brother. - Clare hugs me . - I love Rog .

- I love you princess. - Kiss your face - See you later. I go out and get in the car and step in Peter 's house. I help you get around in the wheelchair to the car. Put the wheelchair in the back seat of the car and we go to church. After all I went through yesterday I drive more carefully than usual.

POV Yasmin. 

 According around nine in the morning. I take a bath and then a hearty breakfast as there was not eaten dinner the night before. My parents drink coffee with me and we decided to go to the park and then had lunch at a restaurant in town of Truro. We had a day in union family. I too love my parents and will be painful when I go to university and have to leave them. We returned home at about four-thirty. My parents tonight would have a dinner at the home of friends. My mother asked if I wanted to go and said no. So my father said he would take me to the June Festival in the church. At first he said he did not want to go, not to see Roger, but my parents convinced me. My father said he would ride Layla and Victoria as well and when the party had nearly over I call him and he would seek me. I accepted and called Layla and Victoria. They already arrumariam because at one time my father to seek. I took another shower because it was very hot and put a black dress white ball which was just above the knee, black shoe, tied my hair in a ponytail, still putting some clips, I spent a little makeup in the eye and red lipstick and put my white mittens at hand. My mother saw me and said:

- My daughter. You are a true princess . A little doll . Audrey Hepburn style . Hit with the boys , especially with one. 

- Thank you, Mom, but I do not want to know the boys. Just I want to have fun today , dance a lot , eat, drink and chat with my friends. 

- When it has all of the party. - she smiled. - Now go to your father 's waiting for you . I kiss the face of my mother taking my purse when there were women's accessories .

Forty minutes later my father leaves me with Layla and Victoria in front of the church hall there would be a party. He said that when the party had the ending I called pay phone at the house of his friends . He left the phone number with me and wished us a good party.

- Victoria and you are also gorgeous . For me the guys looking . I do not want them today.

- Yasmin, you are very beautiful friend . - Layla said. - The boys already look at you . 

- this is impossible. There are many guys here. - Victoria smiled .In the distance we see Paul and Roger talking to the guys in the band . The girls look at me .- If you want you can go greet them . I'll be here.- None of Yasmin , you'll come with us - Layla said - No need to talk to Roger , ignore it .- That's right Yasmin . Come with us. So Roger will see how much you are beautiful . - Victoria smiled pulling me by the arm .We approached us boys . I greeted all the guys except Roger . Roger was beside Paul glancing at me sadly and with surprise. According to Layla and Victoria I was impressed by my beauty .I saw Peter in the wheelchair . He said that in a fortnight would be walking again. The girls and I went to close the boys and went to talk with other school girls. 

Layla and Victoria said to me that Roger just kept looking at me. But not given importance .  

POV RogerYasmin ignoring me deeply hurt me. But I wanted it so. Yasmin know him very well and I know she will not speak to me anymore . She is so beautiful, a princess. Paul said smiling :- Want a bib, Rog ? To tell the truth Yasmin is beautiful , a spectacle.- Beautiful she always was . - I sigh. - I already go to the stage mounting the equipment. In a moment begins the band's performance .I went on stage and helped the boys to ride the equipment unless Peter is sitting in the wheelchair just testing your guitar . I kept looking for Yasmin . She is like a magnet .Yasmin POVShortly after the band The Reactions begins the presentation. The boys stand out especially Roger . He sang and played superbly , but he did not show courage . He was very sad . Our eyes met several times .At the end of the presentation the boys were applauded and several girls were talking to them.I continued to talk to Layla , Victoria and other girls. Soon came other guys from other school rooms and I was talking to them as well. Who had tried to kiss me too, but not left . Shortly after I realized that Roger and Paul were discussing . I was intrigued . I wonder what they were discussing ? And worst of all, realize that sometimes the two looked at me as if they were talking about me . Layla and Victoria realized and told me to prepare myself because Roger anytime talk to me .

POV Roger

I realized that one of the boys in another room tried to kiss Yasmin, but she backed away. I felt an uncontrollable jealousy when Paul said :

 - Roger , then make peace with Yasmin . There Yasmin without Rog Rog and without Yasmin . You are destined to be together in love or friendship. 

- Love? Or friend more we are, Paul . And another : just feel attracted to Yasmin . She is very beautiful today. 

- There are more friends because you do not want . Wide to be silly, brother. He will talk to her. - Paul looks at Yasmin - Solve things with her.

- Paul , do not tell me what to do. - I speak angry . - I do not want to talk to her . Looks like she's having fun with friends and new friends .- Talk to her before it's too late .Right now Paul turns away from me going to talk to a girl . 

I take a glass of soda , still looking for her. Shortly after I see it going towards the terrace of the ballroom. I'm going after it.

POV Yasmin. 

 Going towards the terrace of the ballroom. From there I see the whole city of Truro. I want to be alone for a while. Some kids have asked to stay with me, but all refused. I do not want to get involved with anyone. I'm taking a glass of soda and thinking about everything that happened. Shortly thereafter I feel a person next to me. 

- Hi. 

At the time I look at the person that I note is Roger. I roll my eyes and pull away a bit, but before I left he pulls my arm. 

- Yasmine wait. I need to talk to you. 

- For you is Yasmin. And I have nothing to talk to you. 

When I uttered these words his eyes filled with tears. 

- Now you hate me right? 

- Hate is a very strong feeling, I do not hate you, but I want away from you, after what I heard yesterday. 

Roger puts his glass of soda and mine on the table and he grabs my hands. 

- Forgive me. I'm still very sorry for everything that happened. Hey, I'm wrong. Lately there is only sadness in my heart. To complete the damn car accident yesterday, I saw my father and ... have discussed with you. 

- Did you just Roger. Okay, I admit I overdid it, but if I did all that is because I can not bear father and son quarreled. I'm afraid of losing my parents and all in all you should thank God for their parents alive, however much they make mistakes and that can hurt you. You do not want to talk to me anymore. You said yesterday that to me. So why now you want to talk to me?  

He pulls me over to the back row, so that other guests do not see us. 

- I can not live without you, Yasmine. Today I realized that. My Saturday until this moment is horrible. I have no desire to smile. Forgive me, please. 

I looked at him beautiful blue eyes and her babies so beautiful face. Just saw sadness in his eyes. I could not resist and held her close. He hugged me back stroking through my hair and sniffing my neck. 

- Your floral scent is wonderful. - He says softly in my ear. - You are wonderful, kitten. I will not resist. 

- Resist that? - I ask blankly. He snared my belt with care and looks deep into my eyes. 

- No longer resist its beauty. I must kiss her. 

This time he kisses my lips gently, very carefully. I reciprocate his kiss. Roger kisses very well. Your kiss is intoxicating. We were kissing for a while. It is extremely nice to me. This kiss does not show just a simple attraction. It seems that there is much more than that. After a while we cut the kiss and it takes a few pecks on my lips and finally smiled. 

- You make me Crazy. You're just too good, Yasmine. It's so sweet, you know take care of me. It's a real princess. I am speechless with his statements and just smile. I confess that I am feeling increasingly uncontrollable attraction to Roger, but I do not want to keep it that way. I'm afraid to hurt me and put the lost years of friendship. But think about it later. I want to enjoy this moment with him. Roger hugged me kissing my hair, stroking my face. I smiled at him and I kissed him on the lips this time. We spent much of the party secretly kissing for anyone to see. Then we went back to be with our friends as if nothing had happened. Just said that we had made the peace. The party late Roger took Peter and Paul home and then came for Layla, Victoria and me. My father did not have to look for us.

When Roger parked the car in front of my house I said :- Do not forget the Clare candy inside the car. - I smile. - Thanks for the ride , thanks for the party.- Thank you for forgiving me . - He kisses my lips again. - Go to the movies tomorrow just you and me - smiled.- Ok angel. Good night baby.- Good evening my princess.I walked into the house and Roger started the car . My heart was racing . There were many emotions today. 

I wonder what the fate reserve Roger and me?  


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