No happy endings (Weston Kour...

By Kaitlyn_cloud07

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"I hate the moment when suddenly my anger turns into tears." More

New house
What do I say to that?
Shopping then more
The kiss
Do i like him?
Is our friendship gone?
2 months later
Hanging out with mark
Seeing them
Where is he?
Late for class.
"I like you"
Whats happening
Not an update
Why is he leaving?!
After he leaves...
Senior year
He's back
Almost a wet dream
Im finally doing an update
Im dating mark
I dont know what to call this so...
Live broadcasting
Abandoned water park
First date (technically)
He likes her...I know it

The best way to say goodbye

2.1K 55 24
By Kaitlyn_cloud07

"When you get famous don't forget about me..." I say with a smile.
He chuckles and lays down. We stare at the stars, and just talk about what has happened ever since we met.

I told him he was my first kiss which was embarrassing but I don't care when I'm around weston.
Weston comes closer to me and puts his arm around me. We sit up and look at eachother. He leans in and so do i.Are lips are centimeters apart.then there is no space between us...

We don't have a full on make out session but we kiss for a couple seconds.

I smile and look at weston who is also smiling.
It's just silence right now but I manage to break it.
"What time do you leave tomorrow?"
"Like noon." He says
"Oh" I say

It's probably really late, but I don't care. It feels like weston and I have been out here forever. I lay my head on his shoulder and look up at the stars... A breeze comes through.i rub my arms and my teeth start to chatter a little.
Weston notices and he looks at me.

He starts to take off his fleece sweatshirt and he hands it to me.
"Here, I'm not that cold." He says
I smile and take it.its pretty big on me.
"Thanks" I say as I put it on. It smells really good,like him. And if you are wondering what he smells like,he smells like the guys cologne that smells really good.

"You can keep it by the way." He says and I smile to him.
"Weston,I just want you to know you have changed my life." I start to say
"Ally you are the one who changed showed me that I don't need a popular girlfriend to live and you also helped me when I was sad.

I smiled at his response.
"Wanna go in your room,it's a little cold?" Weston asked, and I nodded.
We climbed down my roof to my room.
I had a game counsel, with black ops,life is strange, and some more.
"What you wanna play." I asked leaning against the table.
"Black ops." We say at the same time.i knew him to well so I mine as well say it with him.
"I'll go get some food so I'll be right back." I say as I head to the door.
I walk down the hall walking past Veronica and tims room, making sure not to wake them.

I manage to be quiet,the i head to the kitchen.
I grab the Cheetos, and potato chips in the cabinet.then I grab two cokes out of the fridge.

I manage to carry all of that in my arms then I head back to my room.
As I enter my room I see weston already playing black ops
"Hey you ass! You gonna wait for me...?" I chuckle.
He smiles then comes to help me with the food and drinks.
"Mhm...that's what I thought" I laugh and so does he.

We sit down and eat are Cheetos and Doritos while playing black ops.
I take a sip of my soda while weston chugs his. I smile and start to beat weston in the game.
I win and the i gloat a little.
"Ha! I win!!" I smile
He looks at me and gives me a funny death stare.
"Trying to look cool after you lose, I see?"
Weston smiles and puts his arm around me.
"This is the perfect way to say goodbye..." I smile to him while I kiss his cheek.
He looks down and laughs...
"It is isn't it?" He continues.
"Ally I'm gonna miss you." He looks full eyed at me.
"I'm gonna miss you too." I say as I feel tired.
It's full on silence until weston asks where the bathroom is.
"Down the hall. Just be quiet cause Veronica, Emily and Tim are sleeping." He nods his head then goes to urge bathroom.

After weston leaves the room I lay on the ground nuzzling his sweatshirt against me. My eyelids get heavier and heavier until it's just black.

Weston's Pov
I go to the bathroom quietly then I head back to ally's room.
As I walk through her door I see her laying on the ground.asleep. Peacefully.

I realize that I'm just staring at ally sleeping.creepy but what ever.

I go over to her and pick her up bridal style. I carry her to her head and lay her down. She spreads across the bed and I smile. I pull the covers over her small body and I kiss her forehead.
"Goodnight ally." I whisper.
I head over to her window and turn my head back to her. She is fast asleep and she looks beautiful.
"Sweet dreams." I say as I head over to my room.

Next morning-ally's pov
I wake up in my wearing Weston's sweatshirt still. i wonder how I got here? I then look around my room but I don't see weston anywhere he must of left...left! wait...what time is it?!

I see a clock but it's far. I squint my eyes to see the red numbers. It focuses better and I see the reads 9:00!
He leaves at noon but I want to spend time with him. I quickly run to my closet and grab clothes.
I get skinny jeans, a crop top that has a fisherman on the moon, Weston's sweatshirt and some converse. I put my hair in a high ponytail then run to my window. I hope Veronica and Tim aren't up.

I open the window and see weston sleeping in a blow up mattress in his room. I smile but I also feel sad. I climb to his side and open the window quietly. I walk over to weston and go by weston.
I lay down next to him and put my arm around him.
I sit up a little and smile at him. His eyes are closed and he has a half of smile on his face. I kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear
"Weston, wake up."
His eyes then Pop open. He looks up and smiles at me.
"It's 9:00." I whisper while looking down.
"Let's hangout before I leave then."

We get up and walk over to his door.
"Mom, ally and I are gonna hang out before we leave." Weston shouts
"Ok well you have to be back soon cause we are leaving right away." His mom replies.i look down at her response, no I'm not sad he's leaving I can't be!!!

Weston looks back to me and smiles "come on" he waves for me to go to his window.
"Where are we going?" I ask
"You'll see." He smirks to me as we climb down the branch.
"Don't you wanna hang out with your friends though?"I ask
"They are doing the meet and greet too,well some of them." He smiles to me and I smile back.

Weston then takes my hand and leads me to wherever we are going.we end up by a river. I see a tree with a branch that looks sturdy enough to hold people.  We stop and I look at him.we are staring at eachother and he smiles. He then leads me over to the tree. We climb up it then sit on the branch that is over the river.

Our legs are dangling down, and the river is calm. It's early in the morning but still is nice. The sun is reflecting off it and it looks beautiful.
"So I guess this is our second goodbye" I say
Weston chuckles then shakes his head.
"Ally you are so beautiful."
I just blush. I lay my head on his shoulder and we just sit their. We then started talking about our separate  futures cause we won't be there to see each other's.

We just sit and talked for a couple hours.
I sit up realizing we have to go cause weston...weston is leaving.
"Weston we got to go..." I sigh feeling like I'm gonna break down in tears.but I just keep it on the inside.
Weston nods and we start to climb down the tree.

We walk back to his house. We began walking and talking about random stuff. Weston then suddenly grabs my hand. I smile to myself but I'm crying in my head.  I don't want to keep walking but we have to. Every step though makes it easier for weston to leave.
We continue walking but I was thinking about slowing us down. Like I could pretend i broke my ankle or just fall down and pretend I fainted but I need to keep going no matter how hard it is for me to let him go...

We end up in front of his house. His mom and dad are getting in the car with everything packed. Weston looks at me and smiles.i don't know if he's sad or excited but all I know is I'm sad...just sad.

"Weston come on honey say goodbye to ally." His mom shouts as she waves over to her.

Weston gives me a hug and I nuzzle my head into his chest. God he smells so good. I wanna cry so badly but I can't. I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Goodbye ally..."
"Goodbye weston..." He walks over to his car and they all get in and start to drive. I stand there wishing he would just turn around and stay but it won't happen.
They drive past me and weston waves...I wave back with tears brimming in my eyes. His car drives down the street and turns the block. The car disappears with weston.
I crouch to the ground and I let it out. All the tears, sadness and the anger. I have tear stained cheeks and a red face.i don't care if anybody sees me, all I want is weston back but I know that will never happen.

"Goodbye again weston..." I whisper to myself

Okay this chapter is long and crappy.the ending wasn't to good but things are gonna happen. I might do a time jump and Ya.
Also I'm sad cause I wanted to go to the impact meet and greets but they are to far...😑
Anyways thanks for reading.

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