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Ally p.o.v
I go and lay on my bed feeling hurt. I am pretty mad and sad at weston. He kissed me but he doesn't think it meant anything. You know what I don't want to start a new life like this. I have school tomorrow I should go to sleep.

I wake up at 6:00 am. I yawn but then I get up. I'm tired but I need to get ready for school. I go to my clothes pile and search for all the new clothes I got.

I finally pick something after like 30 min. Black skinny jeans, a pink crop top, and some converse on.
I put them on my bed then I go to take a shower
10 min later---
I get out of the shower, put a towel around my body and head back to my room. I see Emily still asleep. I can smell bacon so Veronica is probably up. I get In my room and throw my clothes on. I put socks and my converse on. I check the time and it reads 6:50. The bus leaves at 7:15 so I got to go fast

I dry my hair with the towel then I throw it in a high ponytail. I see mascara so I put it on my eyelashes.

I run downstairs with my phone and I saw Emily eating. Veronica asked me if I wanted anything but i rejected, I wasn't to hungry.
She then gave me a backpack that was from Vans. I head out the door and start for the bus. Emily is probably getting a ride from Veronica cause she starts school at 8:00.

I get to the bus stop and see a couple kids waiting as the bus pulls up. I get in and the bus driver who is a middle aged lady greets me. I look at the kids in the bus and they are throwing paper. Or listening to music.

I see a empty seat in the back so I walk to it. The kids were yelling fresh meat but I ignored them.i got to the seat and I pulled out my phone. I just went to it so I was distracted from the teens on this bus.

The bus took another stop and more people came. Nobody sat next to me. Thank god... If you can't tell I'm nervous, and these people are crazy.

We get to school and it is like 7:30. I am the last person out of the bus and I see the middle school in front of me.

People are walking into the school and some are on the phones outside. I mean it is 70 degrees outside and it is December. I walk into the school and I can see everybody eyes on me. I'm nervous... I can't handle this and I have anxiety. I look for the nearest bathroom and I run to it ignoring everybody.

I get into the bathroom and start freaking out but what is more worse is that Brooke was there.

" look who it is." She chuckles while she crosses her arms. Two other girls are behind her smiling. That's probably her minions.

"Oh hey Brooke." I try to say as I try to get into the stall next to her but she blocks it.
"Where do you think you're going?" She questions with an evil smile
"I have to go to the bathroom" I stutter
"Look you little slut, you better stay away from weston, I saw you two yesterday but sweetie he doesn't like you...sorry to tell you and if you don't you will get hell from me." She chuckled as she leaves with her friends

I stand their... What do I do... Is that what it's gonna be like. Me being afraid... I can't stand up for myself though. The bell rings and I exit the bathroom hoping nobody is out there.
I peak my head out and see kids scrambling into class. Now it's just me and the empty halls.

I start to walk to find the office. I wonder around the school then I finally find it. Main office this way a sign said.
I walk into the office and greet the front desk lady.
"Uh hi I'm ally and I'm new here. I need my locker number and schedule please."
She hands me it and a agenda and smiles.
I start to walk to find my locker and it's easy cause the number is w 289. Which means it's on the second floor.

I find it easily. I put my stuff in it and grab the necessary. My first class is English. I grab a notebook, binder, pencil and agenda. I head to class 209. I find the class it's upstairs.
"Hi...I'm ally." I greet the teacher
"Yes ally your new." She states and I nod
"You can take a seat anywhere you like" she offers
I look around and see a empty seat in the back.
I head there and I'm greeted.
"Hi ally. " he smiles while he stutters
I look him straight in the eyes as I sit down
"Hi weston..."

Ahahah what is happening? Things are gonna get worse though. And I'm probably gonna update every night now so thanks for reading. 😘

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