Messages ∞ cake

Av pigletmichael

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luke: so is this the real casey moreta??????????????? Mer

character ask
22 (the end)


682 61 69
Av pigletmichael

hemmotron 3000: casey? I know you're probably busy writing (as usual) but I really need someone to talk to

Casey Moreta is typing...

Luke bit his lip. If he was going to tell anyone about the rape, it should be his mum. But he still found himself confiding in his favourite guitarist.

Well, favourite guitarist that he has a crush anyway. No one can beat Jack Barakat when it comes to guitar.

Casey Moreta: I'm always here for a fan. How can I help?

Luke bit his lip. He began to type.

Calum sat on the couch, chuckling quietly. "Casey already knows what happened Luke. You got raped and traumatised. Not a big deal," he said.

Luke finished typing, he hesitated before pressing send.

hemmotron 3000: sorry again if this bothers you. I know you're super busy and stuff. yeah, sorry

Casey Moreta: look, I never said this but I think you're more than a fan. we're friends, and friends are there for each other, right Luke?

Luke froze. Casey Moreta, his Bae, had just called him his friends.

"Fuck me I'm friends with Casey Moreta!" Luke squeaked.

"All those Facebook profiles are fake Luke! Please unfriend that stupid guitarist!" Liz yelled.

Luke chuckled slightly.

hemmotron 3000: yeah friends definitely

Casey Moreta: I don't think you should go to the police about this whole thing. it'll just become something it doesn't need to be, but you should get this Michael guy out of your life

hemmotron 3000: what do you suggest I do to get rid of him? it'll be impossible

Casey Moreta: block him on all social media, block his number, just get rid of him. start getting homeschooled. that'll be the best way to avoid him

It was all becoming too easy for Calum. It's actually incredible how dumb Luke was, for a straight A student.

hemmotron 3000: thankyou for your help casey. you should sleep, it's probably pretty late in LA.

Calum chuckled. "So naive," he mumbled. He closed the app, going back down into his basement and looked at all the guns and knives on the wall.

Calum picked up a gun, running his hands along it. "You'll be the one to kill Luke baby. You and I can enjoy the sweet splatter of blood together," he whispered, putting the gun back.

Calum picked up a knife, smirking. "And you can be the one to end it all. Once we're done with Luke, we're done forever. The only thing left for me to do will be to die."

Calum put the knife back, starting to whistle as he walked up the stairs and turned of the light.

"Good night my precious babes. Soon you'll all get the taste of Luke's blood, but for now rest," he said, shutting the basement door.



I feel bad cause I didn't update for like six months SO IM GONNA KEEP UPDATING UNTIL THIS IS OVER which may be very soon (pls don't kill me)

how does everyone feel about this chapter?

what do you think Calum / Casey is trying to do?

How do you feel about Calum's relationship with his weapons?

and this has nothing to do with the book but I posted a cover of I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. It will be on the top or the side and if I get 10 likes and views  I will have continuous updates tomorrow.

thankyou so much for reading everyone! see you next update!

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