Fight Or Flight

By OneHellofaGrell

11.5K 655 696

Trafalgar Law has never been one for hights. Hell, he had never even been able to live above ground level. So... More

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Fight Or Flight- 15 -END

Fight Or Flight- 1

1.3K 55 46
By OneHellofaGrell

I'm in a metal coffin. A large metal coffin with windows. Windows that don't fucking open! Where was the nearest exit again? Why the hell is it so hot in here? The walls are too close. Holy fuck, I can't breathe!

The man's chest heaved as he screwed his eyelids shut.

The normally cinnamon skin of his knuckles had been bleached a bone white with the force with which he gripped the armrests of his first-class airplane seat.

Don't look out the window. Don't look out the window. Don't look out the window. Breathe, Law! Fucking breathe!

The seat next to him so far remained empty and he was grateful for that.

Other passengers and flight attendants walked past him, giving Law strange and sometimes sympathetic looks, but never actually doing anything to comfort the terrified man.

They hadn't even left the terminal, after all. They had no idea why he was freaking out before actually getting in the air.

Law released his hold on the seat handles for a moment to wipe his sweaty palms down his jeans and in that moment a rather large (to put it lightly) man came around and plopped down right next to him.

Even though the seats were a good and comfortable distance from each other, Law still found himself squished against the plane's wall; forced there by the sheer girth of the fat man next to him.

If the walls felt too close before, then now Law was positive he would die of panic-induced asphyxiation.

SCREW IT! I don't care of I lose my job, I'm getting the fuck off of this metal death trap!

Just as he was about to get up, however, a deep voice cleared it's throat.

Both Law and the fat man looked up to find a well-dressed redhead standing before them.

"Excuse me, you're in my spot." The pale redhead stated, staring coldly down at the fat man. "Trash belongs in the back of the plane, not the front."

The fat man growled and shouted out a few curses, but one heated glare from the muscular redhead sent him packing.

Law took a deep breath, relishing in the sudden increase in space, but choked on air when the redhead sat down next to him.

The two sat in silence for a while after that, the redhead watching the flight attendants' safety presentation and Law trying not to leap out of his skin.

He only started to pay attention to his surroundings when the plane began to move.

Law clenched his teeth and tightened his seat belt as much as he could, his nails digging into the armrests.

The man beside him raised a nonexistent eyebrow down at Law, then smirked and leaned over.

"First time flying?"

Law jumped at the deep voice and opened his eyes to look at the redhead. Without the glare the man looked much more docile, but he still seemed to give off an intimidating air.

Law nodded his head shakily and the man chuckled, holding his gloved left hand out to him.

"You can hold on to me until we're in the air." The redhead offered good-naturedly.

Law was about to refuse, but the plane began to pick up speed and he found himself clinging to the stranger's arm as if his life depended on it; which, to him at least, it did.

The redhead only chuckled as Law buried his face into the man's shoulder, his arms wrapped as tight as they could around the man's unnaturally firm arm as the plane left the ground.

By the time they reached cruising altitude, Law was sure he had cut off circulation to the man's arm completely, but that didn't mean he would let go. Hell no he wouldn't let go.

The stranger looked down at Law, then held out his free hand.

"I'm Kid, by the way. Eustass Kid."

Law looked up and shook the man's hand. "Trafalgar Law."

Kid smirked and reclined in his seat a bit, Law still throughly attached to his arm.

"Well, Law, business or pleasure?"

Law scoffed at the question. "Buisness. Who in their right mind would get on one of these death traps for pleasure?"

Kid raised a nonexistent eyebrow once again, his eyes this time catching onto the tribal looking tattoos that adorned Law's hands and arms and the dollop of black ink that was only just peaking out from beneath the cinnamon skinned man's collar.

"You know, I hear that you'd have a higher chance of getting hit by lightning than being in a plane crash. By that logic we'll be absolutely fine."

Law groaned at Kid's words and gripped his arm a little tighter. "I know you're trying to help, Mister Kid, but please, for God's sake, shut up."

Kid snorted in amusement, then hailed a lovely looking flight attendant with long orange hair as she walked by. "Rum and coke, please. Law you want something?"

"Strongest thing you got." The ravenette groaned, his eyes having caught on the window and the endless ocean below.

Something flickered just past range of his peripheral vision, making Law stop.

He stopped moving. He stopped breathing. He stopped everything.

Kid furrowed his brows at his fellow passenger, wondering why the man suddenly became as rigid as a statue.

"K-Kid..." Law breathed, his eyes wide as he stared outside the window. "Why is the plane getting closer to the water...?"

Confused, Kid glanced out the window just as the lovely flight attendant came back into the cabin, her own eyes wild with fear.

The seat belt light was illuminated and Law felt the pressure change in the plane.

The flight attendant was shaking as she picked up the intercom, but Law marveled at her bravery in keeping her voice calm and leveled even though it was clear she was terrified.

"Passengers, please fasten your seat belts and prepare for impact. We are having some technical difficulties. This is not a drill. Please fasten your seat belts-"

She was cut off as the plane shook and the compartments above the seats began to swing open, sending luggage flying down to screaming passengers.

Law bit his lip until it bled and screwed his eyes shut as tight as he could, his grip on Kid's arm tightening as well.

This can't be happening! THIS CAN'T BE FUCKING HAPPENING!

The plane pitched forward and Kid could only stare out the window with wide golden eyes, the screams of passengers all around the plane filling his ears.

It just... didn't seem real.

None of this felt real.

How did this happen? Why him? Why Law? Why any of them?

For whatever reason, Kid found himself focusing on Law's scent. He smelled like sandlewood with the faint undertones of hospital antiseptics and it comforted the redhead.

He reached over and pulled the trembling Law into his embrace just as the water rushed up to meet them.

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