Love or friendship? That is t...

By JustRogTaylorLove

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A beautiful childhood friendship between Yasmin and Roger will survive over time through a variety of events... More

Chapter 1: Truro / Cornwall - September 6, 1960.
Chapter 2 - Truro / Cornwall - December 1961.
Chapter 3 - Sixteen years old . - part 1.
Chapter 4 - Sixteen years old - part 2
Chapter 6 - Broken.
Chapter 7 - Father and son
Chapter 8 - Car accident .
Chapter 9 - The Party and the kiss.
Chapter 10 - Friendship Bracelet .
Chapter 11- 1967 Year of choices
Chapter 12 - Hurt
Chapter 13 - Decision
Chapter 14 - Friends again.
Chapter 15 - Eighteen years .
Chapter 16 - London.
Some explanations
Chapter 17 - Studies .
Chapter 18 - 1967 Christmas.
Chapter 19 - All you need is love
Chapter 20 - jealous brother .
Chapter 21 - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 22 - 1968.
Chapter 23 - 1968 - Part 2
Chapter 24 - 1968 - Part 3 - Brian and Victoria.
Chapter 25 - 1968 - Part 4 - ads .
Chapter 26 - 1968 - Part 5 - Band Smile .
Chapter 27 - 1968 - Part 6 - Roger teacher and shows the band Smile .
Chapter 28 - 1968 - Final part - Party New Year / Hey Jude .
Chapter 29 - Confused with a woman and the red dress.
Chapter 30 - Trip to Truro, family, confessions and virginity.
Chapter 31 - Feijoada , caipirinha and return to London .
Chapter 32 - Tim and Yasmin - Love Story
Chapter 33 - Fights.
Chapter 34 - Fights - Part 2 - Friendship undone .
Chapter 35 - It's over. - End of the first season.

Chapter 5 - Drive my car

243 7 0
By JustRogTaylorLove

POV Roger .

I am the party of sixteen Yasmin . Layla and Victoria are talking with some boys of our class. I'm dancing with Elisa music of the Beatles you've got to hide your love away when I realize that Yasmin is dancing with my friend , Paul.I saw them dancing agarradinhos . Paul is one of my best friends, so I did not see problem with Yasmine he dance , but at the same time felt a twinge of jealousy. Damn, I do not understand what 's going on with me. I'm dating Elisa , a beautiful super girl , sweet, intelligent and am jealous of my best friend with my best friend . My heart is a little confusing .Yasmine is becoming a beautiful woman. It lacks the biotype of British women, but of Brazilian women. Yasmine has medium height, not fat nor thin, has a sculptural body, a guitar body, has slightly wavy long black hair and hazel eyes. His eyes hypnotize any boy. Including me. Its beauty is already fixed in school. All the boys comment. In addition to beautiful outwardly, Yasmine is very gentle with everyone, smart, charismatic, caring. The boy who dates it will have much luck.Still dancing with Elisa, but noticing Yasmine and Paul. Damn, I have to stop looking for her. Otherwise everyone will notice.At this time Yasmine dancing with Paul looks at me intently. Deep exchanged glances when I come in her angelic face one killer smile. Quickly look away.My God what's happening to me? Lately I have felt an increasingly intense jealousy by Yasmine.I try to pull my friend of my thoughts and continue dancing with Elisa. I like Elisa, so I'm with her.

Yasmin POVI

'm dancing with Paul and I see Roger staring at me seriously as if hypnotized . Frankly I do not understand more my friend . Rog is a little weird lately . He's a little more thoughtful , mysterious . I bet he's feeling jealous of me with Paul . But I do not care. I want him to feel jealousy same . I know he's with Elisa and is happy , but for once I fear losing him . Lose it to another girl , to attention. He keeps looking at me. Of smile suddenly for him, but not a sweet smile but a bolder smile, showing that I am also very well with Paul .The rest of the party talk with all guests, have fun , drink, dance More songs by the Beatles, then I asked Roger to put an LP of The Who and the Rolling Stones. Layla and Victoria said they realized the entire game to look between Roger and me.- Know what, Yasmin : I think Roger likes you, but not just as a friend. Is attentive to the friendly signals. - Layla said.- I also think , Yasmin . Give it time and see what happens. I think Roger will not be much time with Elisa . Our friend is a womanizer . Are several girls around him . And as much as he likes you otherwise my friend, is not with him . You may suffer .- It will not happen girls. Roger and I will always be friends. And unfortunately our friend even though he is very young womanizer. This is one of Rog defects. - I sigh.I think of all that Layla and Victoria said. Roger is a person of love, a great friend, counselor, beautiful in every way, charitable, is gentleman, but is very jealous and possessive womanizer. The Rog defects make me angry.And if by chance one day he will fall in love with me ever stay with him. Why I do know that if I stay with him as much as he loved me would not be entirely true. Roger can not do without women. Each week is a different girl. Very admire him be with Elisa. I hope he is faithful to her and do not suffer.The party is in half and continue dancing with Paul. My friend is very funny, affectionate. I really like Paul. Roger and he are my best friends. Until you say:

- Yasmin, I have to do something, I'm sorry, but I'm not resisting.

- What Paul? - I say smiling.

At this time Paul kisses me on the lips with love, linking my waist. I reciprocate the kiss not because I'm in love with him. I wanted to make jealousy Roger. We kissed for a few seconds. When was missing the air, cut the kiss.

- Wow, my friend. You kiss very well. I'm sorry I done it, but now you are simply irresistible. Know that every day you are more beautiful. A truly princess.

- No need to apologize Paul. - Smile - You kiss well my friend. 

At this time we kissed some more and then we hugged. When I look at the guests see Roger leaning against the pillar near the entrance to the kitchen of my house with a glass of beer in hand. He was with an unreadable expression.

- Roger for the way he saw it. - Smiling Paul said. - Our friend is getting more jealous day with you, Yasmin.

- He dates the Elisa and should worry about her and feel jealous of her. Not me. Paul honestly I do not understand some attitudes Roger.

- It is quiet Yasmin, then talk to Roger and say that our kiss did not mean anything. I know you're not in love with me and I am also not in love with you, just feel attracted to each other today.Layla and Victoria are close to me and start talking. Elisa also comes over and pulls conversation with me. We were four of us talking talking about cinema, fashion and music.

Right now Paul goes toward Roger to talk to him.

POV Paul.

I approach my best friend. Roger pretended I was not there. He continued with an unreadable expression on his face and taking his beer.

- Are you enjoying the party, Roger? It is quite excited.

- I'm enjoying Paul. The Yasmin parties are animated. And our friend is doing very successfully boys do not you think? First it was Jonny, then are the other school kids and now you. I did not know you liked Yasmin. You do not remarked to me. I thought we were friends.Roger's words were highly sarcastic.

- We're friends, Roger. We have always been.

- If we're friends at least be honest with me. I hate that people lied to or omit something. I like the truth, always, no matter how much it hurts.

- Roger, ever lie or omit something to you. And one wonders: I am not in love with Yasmin nor her for me. Just we feel attracted to each other today. Yasmin is beautiful and just kissed. I felt like.

- And by the way Yasmin also felt comfortable and loved the kiss. - Said Roger finished taking his glass of beer going to the kitchen to pick up another.

- Rog, what's your problem, brother? Jealous again Yasmin?

- Yeah. - He said louder. - I'm jealous of her and do not know the real reason. I'm in love with Elisa, but feel jealous of my best friend. How ironic is not it?

- Roger accompanies me to the garden, please.Roger and I are going to towards the garden and sat on a bench. He remains thoughtful, quiet.

- Brother open the game with me. All that talk here will be between us. Or Elisa and Yasmin know. I promise.

- The same promises? - Said Roger.

- I promise in the name of our friendship. - Smile.

Roger told everything he felt. At the end of the conversation he said:

- Paul is just between us all that talk here. One day maybe I even tell Yasmin.

- Count me Rog. Everything happens at the right time. Yasmin a day will know the contents of that conversation, but not today. - Smile amiably at him.

- Yasmin is my best friend of women and you're my best friend of men. Glad you understand me and my friend advise me well.

- We will always be together, my brother.

After a while he was talking to Layla , Victoria and Elisa , Roger and Paul come in our direction smiling .Layla , Victoria and I exchanged looks enigmatic . Paul embraces me with love and hugs Roger Elisa . Paul starts up a conversation and then we all went back to talk cheerfully.Paul and Roger certainly talked. But I do not ask them the contents of that conversation. If you want to talk to me after some they speak , otherwise better to leave things as they are .

Midnight finally arrives and my parents are back. They sing congratulated me, along with my friends. I cut the cake, making three requests . I am sure that the three be held at the time appointed by God .Gradually the guests have left. Paul, Roger, Elisa, Layla and Victoria help me clean up the mess of the house. Around two in the morning they go away together. All they are living close to each other.

Toward the end of the month of September Jonny left the band. Roger took over the vocals of Johnny Quale and The Reaction and continued playing drums. Your battery has been moved backwards on stage. Rog and exceptional drummer is a great singer. He said he would invest in the singing career, as singing very well, but I spoke to him for the millionth time that I will be a very important journalist.Missing almost a year to finish high school and has started searching for best UK universities to journalism school. And since I'm watching three: University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and University College London. I battled to get study in one of these three institutions.

In the second half of December, on a Saturday, I was finishing making lunch. The city was already in the Christmas mood. This year my maternal and paternal grandparents and some aunts and cousins ​​would spend Christmas and New Year's Eve with us here in Truro. Roger finally would meet my family.My mother was working at the hospital, I was on duty and my father was at home watching television when pressed the bell.My father answered and it was Roger . They talked a bit and continued preparing lunch . Shortly after Roger walked into the kitchen and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a hug . He showed me his driver's license and said, smiling :

- Finally princess, now I'm able to drive. I just need to buy my car, but in the meantime I use the weekends the car my mother or my father.

- Rog , this is wonderful news . Now you can offer me a ride - said smiling. That proud of you.

- I'm in the car my mother. She lent me to go out this afternoon . You want to walk with me ?

- And Elisa? Why will not she with you ?

- Elisa came out with parents and only back at night. Then I go out with her. I want you to leave me first. - He smiled.

- I'm finishing up making lunch. After lunch we go. Harnesses and lunch with me and my father.

- Ok I eat lunch with you.. I love their food. - He smiled. - Meanwhile I talk to his father in the room.

Roger went to the room and talked for a while with my father. Only heard the laughter of the two. They talked about football, music, college. Half an hour after lunch was ready. Roger had lunch with us. I had prepared a typical Brazilian food: rice, beans, steak and chips with lettuce salad.My grandparents sent monthly Brazilian foods for us as rice packages, Brazilian beans, pasta, things were harder to find in England. Roger loved the lunch I prepared.

After lunch my father washed the dishes and told me to change clothes and go out with Roger. I brush my teeth and change clothes.Shortly after I returned to the living room with a flowered dress above her knees and a white sneaker and my long hair like a braid.Roger looked at me hypnotized and said, smiling:

- You are beautiful princess.

- Thanks for the compliment, Rog. - smiled embarrassed.

My father gave several recommendations to Roger Responsible driving, but something told that Rog was not an entirely easy rider.Roger and my father said goodbye, I told my father that by the end of the afternoon would be back.Outside, I got in the car, which is a black Cadillac Eldorado model late 50s I sat in the passenger seat with the goose bumps. Then Roger sat next to me in the driver's seat.

- Relaxes Yasmine. I know you're a little afraid, but trust me. - He smiled. 

- Actually I'm a little scared, but I want to see how you're driving. Let's walk.

- Ok, princess. - He starts the car - If safe, Yasmine.

Roger started the car, tire singing. I looked at him scared and he just laughed. We walk around the city of Truro for more than an hour and a half. Sometimes Roger drove slowly, sometimes too fast. Rog is an excellent driver, he drives very well, but at the same time is crazy and dangerous at the wheel. After an hour and a half walking around the city, Roger took the highway heading east to the county of Devon. I cried in the car:

- Rog, you are crazy? Let's leave the highway now. Highway is very dangerous. You do not practice.

- But that's how you get practice. - Smiled. 

- Yasmine, is calm, we will not go very far. Soon we will return to the city. Lowers the window and feel the wind blowing in your face.

- I'm more mad at having accepted to come to you - smiled getting quieter and lowered the glass from the car window and felt the wind bump into my face. It was the best feeling of freedom I felt in recent times and Roger increased the speed of the car a bit more.Roger drove too fast on the highway, but gradually I lost the fear . He asked me to turn on the car radio . I did so and was playing the new music of The Beatles: Drive My Car 's new album Rubber Soul . The song was released a few days ago and it was a huge success in the UK and worldwide.Roger and I started singing very loud music. This song is our guy. Everything that is related to car Roger likes , to the songs .We both went to the county of Devon , returning only in the evening . The sense of freedom alongside Roger was perfect . A magical moment .

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