Prince of Knights (An Arabic...

By TheQueenofDarkness

2.9M 180K 38.5K

Winner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Historical Fiction. Winner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Spiritua... More

MUST read if you want to read further :)
Prince of Knights (A Muslim's Love Story)
Prince of Knights Chp1
Prince of Knights Chp2
Prince of Knights Chp3
Prince of Knights Chp4
Prince of Knights Chp5
Here to answer Questions.
Prince of Knights Chp6
Prince of Knights Chp7
Prince of Knights Chp8
20 facts about the Queen.
Prince of Knights Chp9
Prince of Knights Chp10
Prince of Knights Chp11
Prince of Knights Chp12
Prince of Knights Chp13
Prince of Knights Chp14
Prince of Knights Chp15
Prince of Knights Chp16
Prince of Knights Chp17
Prince of Knights Chp18
Prince of Knights Chp19
Prince of Knights Chp20
Prince of Knights Chp21
Prince of Knights Chp22
Prince of Knights Chp23
Prince of Knights Chp24
Prince of Knights Chp26
Prince of Knights Chp27
Final decision
Prince of Kights Chp28
Prince of Knights Chp29
Prince of Knights Chp30
Prince of Knights Chp31
Prince of Knights Chp32
Prince of Knights Chp33
Prince of Knights Chp34
Book Cover!
Prince of Knights Chp35
Prince of Knights Chp36
Prince of Knights Chp37
Prince of Knights Chp38
Prince of Knights Chp39
Prince of Knights Chp40
Prince of Knights Chp41
Prince of Knights Chp42
Eagle of Knights
Prince of Knights Chp43
Prince of Knights Chp44
Prince of Knights Chp45
Prince of Knights Chp46
Nominated for Best Spiritual book
Prince of Knight Chp47
Prince of Knights Chp48
Prince of Knights Chp49
Prince of Knights Chp50
Prince of Knights Chp51
Prince of Knights Chp52
Prince of Knights Chp53
Here to help Muslim Authors
Prince of Knights Chp54
Prince of Knights Chp55
Prince of Knights Chp56
Prince of Knights Chp57
Prince of Knights Chp58

Prince of Knights Chp25

43.8K 2.8K 555
By TheQueenofDarkness

Salam my readers, insha'Allah all of you are well. Enjoy this chapter =D 


~*Set your life on fire, seek those who fan your flames." Rumi~*

After a prolong while Raghad wandered around the tribe astray, with the bowl of butter clutched in her sweaty palm. She did know where to proceed or what to commit. There was a deep frown between her brows and a petrified countenance knitted on her face. She desired to ask the tribesmen but was apprehensive that her actions might cause another wave of wrath from her unwanted spouse. Raghad glared at the camel fence Faris had mentioned. However, there were no houses nearby. Did he premeditatedly misguide her?

Indignant and agitated the bride pivoted around ready to return to sheikh Mubarak's house, but a vexed growl escaped her lips when she recalled that she was unaware of the path that led to the house. Where was Bu Hammad when she needed his aid drastically? Where were the Rashideen knights that her beloved Badr stationed in this tribe to shield her? Rage and horror crawled at her heart like ravenous spiders. Raghad gathered her gown in her free hand and sat on her feet, contemplating what to do.

Seconds prodded their fingers into the sand and tugged out minutes. Raghad commenced to move her form back and forth with her bottom lip rolled between her teeth and eyes narrowed. Why has Umm Faris not sent someone for her aid? She was certain the hours she was away were more than two prolong hours.

"Masha'Allah. It is indeed a sublime place to sit and gaze at the camel herds with a bowl of butter in hand and no brain." Raghad grit her teeth at the voice that sounded from behind, she was well aware who was the owner of that gravelly voice that sounded like a faraway thunder. "Did I not apprise you where the house was located? Then what on earth are you doing here, woman?" Faris's sandals crunched stones and sand grains under his feet as he ambled to her then halted in front of his bride.

She turned her head away from his sight still on her feet and heard the brute sigh in displeasure. "Rise on your feet bint-ash-shiekh." Raghad rebuffed to look at him, there were unfathomable sentiments in her thumping heart. She could not decided whether she was revolted from his presence, or relieved.

"I do not need your aid." She responded in a dour tone.

"Is that so?" The bride only had few seconds to comprehend as to what occurred. In a trice, his sturdy hands encased around her arms and he hoisted Raghad's form up effortlessly. Faris glowered when she yelped then glared at her. "If you behave like a child how will you endure this tribe, this life?" He jeered, eyes narrowed into slits.

Raghad opened her mouth to verbalize words but remained hushed. She knew the beast of a man was indeed correct. If only she had requested the tribesmen to aid her, they would have helped Faris's spouse without even a second thought. It was that imperious conceit in her that refrained her. She lowered her gaze, inhaled and then became aware of the large hands that still swathe her arms. Raghad tilted her head back to peer at him, what she witnessed in his pitch-black eyes caused a shiver to caress the length of her spine.

His eyes, those inky eyes that always seem to ignite with detestation brimmed with an emotion she was unaware of. Raghad could have sworn the look he displayed on his prepossessing face was almost like he empathized with her. Faris al Fursan never unveiled any feelings towards her, at this a prompt wave of vertigo rammed needles in her brain. Raghad's throat went dry as if she swallowed a handful of sand. She stepped back from his grip and Faris let his hands fall on his sides.

"Come, I shall escort you to the house." He turned his back on her. "Do not fall behind woman." With that Faris proceeded ahead and Raghad peered at his retreating form yet once again. With a sigh she followed him, away from the fence towards the houses.

Her doe-like eyes observed him in quietude and downright bafflement. Faris, her spouse stopped now and then when men from his tribe halted to utter their greetings. She could not believe that a man like him, a man who was dreaded among the tribes could be so gentle with the elderly. She watched as Knight of knights bent down rested his large hand on the shoulder of an elderly shepherd and planted a kiss on his shoulder then his head out of respect. This was the individual the Borkan tribe followed, the man who would hand over his life for his tribe just like Fahad, his younger sibling had mentioned once.

At long last they reached the house Raghad had been searching. Suddenly, Faris fell a few feet behind his woman. Muddled Raghad looked at him over her shoulder with puzzled eyes. "Go, finish your task. If I appear in front my father's sister she will coax me to stay for lunch, which is something I cannot grant her today."

Raghad gave a nod then ambled to one of the many wooden doors. She took hold of the door knocker and rapped it on the wood a few times. The bride waited but there was no response from the other side. Raghad turned to look at Faris, who stood there in the alleyway with his arms crossed over his broad chest, sword hanging from his right and dark eyes set on her. The passersby gaped at Faris, their knight, their notorious leader. However, Knight of knights did not pay heed to them. Faris jerked his head as an indication to knock again, she nodded and rapped the metal door knocker against the wood again. This time there were movements behind the door and a moment later a young boy emerged from the other side. He stood tall, with his slender form grabbed in a white thobe and dark eyes.

"Salam alikum." Raghad greeted in a small voice.

"Wa alikum as salam. Who are you?" The boy inquired and averted his gaze from Raghad, for she was someone he did not know.

She held the bowl out for him. "This was sent by Umm Faris, she ordered me to deliver it to your mother, Shamma." Raghad replied in a gentle tone, almost inaudible.

"You must be Faris's spouse." A grin materialized on his lips and here he allowed his eyes to land on her.

"Indeed I am."

Without another word the boy stepped out causing Raghad to back away instantly. Still with a smile on his face he looked left then right and chortled. "Wallahi ya Faris I knew you were there."

A smile lifted the corner of the knight's lips. "How are you Badr?" The man sauntered up to where they stood with his left hand on the hilt of his sword and greeted.

Raghad's head turned to the boy in a rapid movement. Badr, his name was Badr. Badr's dark eyes peered at Faris with utmost appreciation, he stood as tall as Raghad and she knew he would be taller as more summers faded. "Alhamdulilah I am well. What brings you here, Ibn Aami?"

Faris grinned again and his eyes for a fraction of a second landed on Raghad then back on Badr. "Young cousin I am here to aid my woman for she is unfamiliar with our tribe." He stretched his hand for Raghad, who without a word placed the bowl on his palm. "Here, take this to your mother. I am certain she is waiting for the butter."

"Insha'Allah," Badr took the bowl from Faris then cleared his throat. "Come, come inside, you must have ghawa with me. Mother will be delighted to see you."

"La ya Badr, I must depart now. My knights await me. Insha'Allah next time I shall come for not only ghawa but for a pleasant feast as well." The knight placed his hand on Badr's shoulder and gave it a few pats.

"Zain, fe aman Allah." Badr pronounced and shook the knight's hand.

Faris gave a nod then ushered his cousin to turn back in the house. Badr laughed at him then stepped in the house and shut the wooden door. "Yallah ya sheika, it is time you return home." He did not glance at her when he verbalized the words and marched ahead, away from her.


A conflict ascended among the gloomy clouds and the radiant sun as afternoon approached. The sun yearned to witness the day, however clouds wished to drench the world and welcome yet another phase of chilly weather. After a prolong while the glorious sun was victorious as it propelled the clouds further away from the tribe with a luminous smile and warmth directed to the tribe.  

Raghad, along with her sister-in-law Shouq and Umm Faris were assembled in the main room of the house, surrounded by heavenly gowns and scarves that Umm Mubarak, Faris's grandmother had brought for them. "Masha'Allah this velvet gown is beautiful. It will appear ravishing on Batool."Raghad held the gown in her hand and smiled at Shouq, who in return nodded.

"Yaddati was rather doleful that she could not gift gowns to her beloved Faris's spouse. If only she knew what had occurred ya Raghad, your chamber by now would be decorated with innumerable gowns."

"La it is okay. She was bountiful enough to gift me her gold torc." The bride responded and ran her fingers over the gown that lay on her lap.

"Raghad binty, if you fancy the gown you must have it." Umm Faris beamed at her with sagacious eyes.

She shook her head. "Some of my wedding gowns are still untouched, Aamty. I do not need new ones" Raghad folded the dark maroon gown on the drugged then picked the white gown alongside it.

"Oh yes, this is the one Umm Shaheen brought, right Ummaya?" Shouq enfolded her fingers on the other half of the gown.

"Yes it is. Insha'Allah next one will be your wedding gown."Umm Faris smiled, looking up from her task of cleaning wheat grains.

"Are you not knackered from the same argument mother?"Shouq bit the corner of her bottom lip.

Umm Faris shook her head. "You are the daughter of a sheikh, you must wed and halt rejecting every man that asks for your hand," she turned her head to look at Raghad who was hushed. "Binty, Raghad you must convince her."

Raghad opened her mouth, took in a deep breath. "Your mother is correct." Those words were pronounced with a frown. Promptly, Raghad was petrified that the same fate would unfurl its roots on Shouq's path, that her pairing would be a cage of darkness as well. That was the prime cause she did not wish to shoulder Umm Faris.

"Indeed I am," the elderly woman rose to her feet gracefully. "Now you two must clean the room and come aid your mother in the cookery." With that she walked away.

Raghad peered at Shouq from beneath her lashes. "How many men did you refuse?"

Shouq grinned. "I do not know, but I believe near eight."

Raghad chuckled. "Why, if I may ask?"

"None of them justified of what I imagined my spouse to be, ya Raghad."

"I am afraid in the search of the man who resides in your mind, you might remain here."

Shouq laughed then clamped her hands together. "Is that not better? We shall spend our days here as sisters."

"Shaheen is your cousin is he not?" Shouq nodded at Raghad. "He is a man of exceptional supremacy. A man from the sheikh's family."

The Borkan shook her head yet once again. "Indeed he is, however, I do not wish to marry him."

Raghad gasped and placed her hand on her bosom. "Is there_ Is there I mean," she paused. "Is there possibly someone you wish to pair with?"

Shouq gazed at her for a while, color tickled her cheeks but then she shook her head in denial. "If there was such an individual who overshadowed my imagination do not you think I would have apprised mother of it?"

Raghad did not believe her words, still she nodded well aware that Shouq did not wish to divulge further on this certain topic. "You mustn't marry if you do not desire to." She averted her gaze. "If you do so, life will be insufferable for you."Her heart wept at her own words.

"Raghad please do not ponder badly of me. I have been willing to converse with you since uncountable nights now."Shouq tangled her fingers, her voice anxious. The bride exhaled well aware of what Shouq wished to verbalize. "I am aware how unbearable your life is. Faris is not an individual you can tolerate and in your place I believe breathing is torture for you."

"Habibty Shouq you must stop." Raghad blinked a few times and her fingers curled around the fabric in her hand.

"No, listen to me, for your own sake if not for Faris's. For the tranquility of your brain attempt to be amiable with him, disregard his mockery. I cannot see you in this state, aching and grieving every passing moment." Shouq caught hold of Raghad's cold fingers in hers and gave them a squeeze.

This was the second time a Borkan presented her the same guidance, to be tolerate. Fahad desired to see his brother content with Raghad. If only what they demanded was unchangeable for her to commit. She did not have the fortitude to look at Faris, rage and horror clouded her senses like thick sheets of fog whenever he was around. Then how on earth could she be humane with him?

"Please Raghad, for once endeavor to be gentle with him." Shouq entreated eyes brimming with perturbation.

Raghad closed her eyes then gave a nod.

"Ya salam ya Shouq, you are imploring the Rashideen to be genial with your sibling. I did not envision such behavior from you." A voice from the door caused them to turn their heads and stare at Adhari. Her hazel eyes were on Raghad, filled with wrath and such drastic rage that is distressed the bride.

Raghad sat straight and welcomed a deceased glare in her big brown eyes. "Adhari what are you doing here?" Shouq stood up.

"This is my uncle's house I am permitted to pay a visit whenever I wish to." She cut her eyes at Shouq then looked at the bride again.

Raghad sat there staring at Adhari with cold eyes, her insides kindled with something she was unfamiliar with. The veins in her form commenced to knot, blood started to pulsate in a rapid manner and her head began to throb from Adhari's mere sight.

"Very well what you say is valid. But do not you know it is impudent to listen to our conversation?" Shouq hissed, irked.

"Trust me bint Aami, I do not possess any interest in your trivial chatter. However, when I heard Faris's name I had to know what this woman was ploying."

"That is enough Adhari." Shouq stepped forward, repulsed at her cousin.

A smiled spread on Raghad's lips and here to stood up. "Wa alikum as salam ya Adhari. I suppose this is where I shall pronounce it is pleasant seeing you here," she took a step forward, "But I will not, it is rather the opposite."

"How dare you speak to me?" Adhari growled, her eyes incensed.

Raghad clicked her lips. "Trust me bint al halal, I do not posses any interest in conversing with you,"she repeated her words. "However, you are a guest in my house and it is my duty to serve you with great hospitality."

Shouq smiled at Raghad's remark and Adhari narrowed her big eyes. Before she could respond to what Raghad had uttered, loud and angered voices ignited in the air, alerting the whole tribe of Sheikh Mubarak.


Like I promised the chapter is here. Let me know what you think in your comments. Follow the instagram account to know bout my updates. 


Ummaya= mother. 

Yaddati= grandmother

Zain= Okay or yes.

Ibn Aami= Cousin, or Uncle's son. 

Sry for the mistakes. 

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