Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

95.9K 1K 188

When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 7: Dad's opinion
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 12: Moving in
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

1.9K 28 5
By imfeelinghappynow

Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Lucy in the sky with diamonds Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies. Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers that grow so incredibly high I smiled as my Beatles cd was blasted through my room, it was Sunday night before school and I was spending it putting up more posters round my room. As soon as I’d done, I smiled and looked at all the Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, All Time Low, Fall out Boy, Bring Me the Horizon etc. etc. poster’s before I pulled on my Of Mice & Men oversize t-shirt and went down stairs into the living room where my dad and Christine were. “Where’s Connor?” I asked, looking from Christine to dad, they both looked at me and just shrugged so I slipped my feet in my pumps and went outside where I saw Connor walking across the road with Imogen, “Heya” I shouted and walked to the end of the path, “Hey” Imogen said and we hugged before turning to Connor and kissing him. “Come on Connor boy, my dad and Christine are watching a movie downstairs so I thought we could watch one in my room?” I suggested as we walked up the path, Connor nodded and we ran up the stairs and into my room before sticking on Mama as I went down to get some popcorn and we spent the evening watching that.

When I finally woke up from my sleep, I looked at the clock and saw it was already quarter to 8 “Shit!” I shouted and jumped out of bed “Why did nobody wake me?!” I shouted down then jumped in the bathroom and started brushing my teeth, just as I was about to get in the shower I heard my dad shout up to me “See ya, Kaitlin” he shouted and I just shouted bye back, not even bothering to ask where he was going as I jumped in the shower. As soon as I’d done, I quickly dried my hair and straightened it then did my make-up and pulled on my black skinny jeans and the rest of my uniform. I ran down stairs and grabbed a slice of toast “How’re you getting to school?” Christine asked as I shoved my arms through my blazer, I just pointed out the window and Christine nodded when she saw Barry. I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door greeting Barry with a quick hug before jumping in the car.

Once we’d parked up in the school car park, Barry got out and threw the keys to me before running off after Dynasty, I sighed and opened the car door as Jack came into the gates “Jack” I shouted and he came running over “What’s up?” he asked leaning against the car “Nothing just wanted to see ya since Barry’s gone off with Dyn” I said and climbed out the car before locking it and shoving the keys in my pocket. Jack held out his arm and I linked with him as we walked up the steps and into the school, settling down on a chair with Imogen and Connor. We’d been sat talking for about 10 minutes when I saw the teachers walking out the staff room “What’s going on?” I asked, pointing to them all. We got up and heard them say about walking out “How long ya striking for, sir?” Jack shouted to Mr Clarkson “AS long as it takes!” Mr Clarkson shouted back, “Yes! No teachers. We rule the school!” Jack shouted and ran back before jumping on a seat causing all of us to cheer. I ran over to Jack and laughed as he jumped on my back and we started running off, cheering as we went at the fact that the teachers were on strike. “Oi! Stop that!” I heard someone shout and spun round to see Lorraine and Nikki “Nah you’re alright, Lorraine, no teachers. We can do what we want” I shouted and dropped Jack on his feet as we ran off past the two teachers.

When the bell actually went, I went with Jack to where we were supposed to be and just sat on the desk, talking to Jack and Rhiannon. We’d actually become friends, me and Rhiannon, I don’t know how but we had. “Give us the magazine” I said and held out my hand, Rhiannon passed over what she was reading and watched me as I flicked through it before stopping on a page “You should get that dress, Rhiannon, it’d look nice on you” I said pointing to a flowery maxi dress, Rhiannon smiled and nodded “Aw yeah that’s actually really nice” she said and we sat forwards so we could look through the magazine together as music was playing behind us. “Aw put some decent music on for god sake” I said, I jumped down from the table and walked over to the docking station that was on, I pulled out the iPod that was in and put my own iPhone in. I quickly selected an Ellie Goulding song and went back to Rhiannon and Jack. Me and Rhiannon looked up when we heard the door open and looked at each other when Maggie walked in “Alright miss?” Rhiannon asked, putting the magazine down “You lost or summit?” I asked, hearing Jack laugh beside me. “Have you’s not got a teacher?” she said loudly, over the music “They’re all on strike, miss” Jack said,  Maggie bent down and stopped the music before turning back to us as we stopped talking “Yes, I know that, but didn’t they get someone to cover the class?” she asked, looking round at us all. We all just shook our heads before she continued “Have you not got something you could be getting on with? Reading maybe?” “Nah miss, we’ve read everything” Rhiannon said and she looked over at the pile of Hamlet books on the desk then back to Maggie who walked over and picked up the top book. “How about we all take turns reading this?” “What for?” “Well this is an English class and reading books is part of English” “Yeah, but you’re not an English teacher” “Yeah, but I can read, Jack” Maggie said, I looked at Jack and laughed “Ha. Burn” I said and everyone else including Maggie laughed as Jack went quiet. “But you can’t take us for a subject you know nothing about” Jack suddenly piped up again and I just rolled my eyes, getting bored now, I jumped off the desk and grabbed my phone as they carried on debating. “Alright then, get ya things, line up at the door” Maggie said, I groaned and went back, I grabbed my bag and pulled Jack up from his seat, throwing his bag at him as well.

We followed Maggie out the classroom and down the hall, once we entered the canteen I realised what we were doing and went ahead of everyone. I knew where everything was so I dumped my bag to the side and grabbed an apron from the cupboard “Someone’s eager” Maggie said as she walked in, I just laughed and got out the simple ingredients for a cake. “Can we make a chocolate cake, Miss?” I asked, holding up the flour and sugar “That’s a fab idea, Kaitlin” Maggie smiled and helped everyone get an apron and the equipment they needed before we all grabbed some ingredients and poured out the right amount. I was working next to Jack and after a couple of minutes together we’d started throwing flour at each other “Oi, give over, we need that flour” Maggie shouted and we stopped, our faces almost completely white from flour. We’d been there for about 10 minutes when Nikki came in “Oh, my…” was all Nikki said, I wasn’t listened as I started flicking flour at Jack again “Oi you two, stop flirting” I suddenly heard Maggie say, I looked at Jack then at Maggie “Ew” was all I said before carrying on making the cake. After a couple more minutes, we all stopped when Maggie started clapping her hands “Er everybody, I need you to stop what you’re doing and pack up” she shouted to us, “Aw what? That’s fucking crap, Miss, I wanna finish this cake for me dad” I said in a huff “Er, Kaitlin Byrne, I will not have language like that used in my kitchen” Maggie said pointing a wooden spoon at me, “My cake’s not even in the oven!” Rhiannon groaned, slamming down herb bowl on the worktop, “I don’t care, do as I say, Miss” Maggie said, pointing the spoon at Rhiannon. “Sorry Miss” Rhiannon mumbled and went to take her apron off. “So what would you like me to do with them?” Maggie asked, turning to Nikki again “Actually scrap that. What are you doing the rest of the afternoon?” Nikki asked, I smiled at Maggie then started back on my cake.

The whole lesson was a double period so by the time it was lunch, I’d finished the cake and managed to decorate it with icing “That looks wonderful, Kaitlin” Maggie said once everyone had gone out the canteen “Thanks, Miss, I used to cook a lot with my mum, she was a chef ya know Miss?” I said and put the cake onto a cake plate Maggie had given me “Is it okay if my dad comes down to see it? He said he’d come in at break” I said as I picked up my bag “That’d be fine, darling” Maggie said, I smiled and walked out the canteen, waling as quickly as I could to meet my dad. I walked into the main entrance and asked one of the girls if they’d seen him and they pointed to the hall, I looked inside and saw my dad talking to Nikki and Lorraine so I slipped inside the hall silently. Once Nikki and Lorraine had gone, my dad turned around and smiled when he saw me “What’s up, Kait?” he asked and came over to me, putting his arm over my shoulder “Come and look what I did with Maggie instead of English” I said and pulled him out by the wrist, I dragged him back to the canteen and took down the cake plate with my cake on it. “Oh wow, Kaitlin, that’s amazing!” dad said, he looked at me and smiled widely. “If you want, I can drive it home now and we’ll have it after tea tonight?” dad suggested, I looked over at Maggie “Maggie? Would it be alright if I take the cake plate home and I’ll bring it back once we’ve finished the cake?” I asked, Maggie just nodded and turned back to serve some food, I took the cake and walked with my dad to his car, putting it carefully in the boot. I quickly hugged him before running back into the school, I went along the corridor but stopped when I heard shouts coming from round the corner “BARRY!” I shouted as I ran round to see him punching Kevin, I ran over and pulled Barry off of him as Dynasty, Imogen and Connor came through the doors “It’s his fault! You. Steve-O. Mum!” Barry shouted after he’d shaken me off and walked away a little “No, Barry. You’re wrong. This our mess caused by our messed up family!” Dynasty said, I just stood there and looked between them both not knowing what to do or who’s side to take “If you leave with him tonight, then you are nothing to me” Barry snapped, pointing at Dynasty. “Fine” Dynasty said and Barry just walked off, I looked at Dynasty helping Kevin and decided to go after Barry. “Barry” I shouted and he stopped then turned around “You can’t blame Dynasty for this, Barry, he raped her. You don’t realise what she’s going through but you’re not helping in any way!” I shouted at him, he just stared at him then smirked “And what would you know about rape?!” He said, not caring how I might take it “You have no idea, Barry, you really don’t and to be honest I guess I’ve seen how you are now” I shouted at him, people had stopped now and was watching us shout at each other “And what’s that then?” Barry shouted, a smirk on his face “A heartless cunt” I shouted and stormed up the stairs and through the doors to where Dynasty was helping Kevin, Imogen and Connor had gone so I ran over to help. At the end of lunch, I went with Dynasty outside to see Miss McFall off while Kevin went with Connor; I got some confetti off Rhiannon and we all through it up when Miss McFall walked out in a cream dress with Christine walking behind. “You look great, Miss” I shouted and she smiled at me “Thank you, Kaitlin” she said and got into the car with Christine. Once she’d driven off we all went back inside for our afternoon lessons, for me it was double art so I was happy.

When I walked out the classroom at the end of the day, I saw Barry leant against the wall but walked past him ignoring him “Kaitlin wait please” he shouted and grabbed my arm, spinning me round “I’m sorry, okay, I’m so sorry. I just-I don’t know, I don’t find it easy expressing how I really feel and you know that. I’m so sorry” Barry said as he placed a hand to my cheek, stroking it gently. I smiled at him a little before nodding and kissing him. We eventually broke apart and walked away hand in hand, we got into his car and drove over to my house. We’d spent an hour there already and were about to put on a DVD when Barry turned to me “What did you mean? About that I’d have no idea?” he asked, taking my hands in his, I looked up into his eyes and sighed, I knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer so I took a deep breath “In Rochdale…When I was dating Kyle…He’d always force me into having sex, there was only a couple of times when I wanted to but the rest he made me do it. For over a year now I’ve blamed myself for it but now I have realised that it wasn’t my fault and seeing you blame your sister…it just upset me, Barry” I admitted, I still wasn’t ready to tell him about what had happened recently but I was happy I’d finally told someone about what Kyle did to me in Rochdale. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry…” Barry said and pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that, cuddled on the sofa as we watched a movie.

Same as before, 5+ votes and 3+ comments for next chapter


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