Love or friendship? That is t...

By JustRogTaylorLove

5.7K 208 101

A beautiful childhood friendship between Yasmin and Roger will survive over time through a variety of events... More

Chapter 1: Truro / Cornwall - September 6, 1960.
Chapter 2 - Truro / Cornwall - December 1961.
Chapter 3 - Sixteen years old . - part 1.
Chapter 5 - Drive my car
Chapter 6 - Broken.
Chapter 7 - Father and son
Chapter 8 - Car accident .
Chapter 9 - The Party and the kiss.
Chapter 10 - Friendship Bracelet .
Chapter 11- 1967 Year of choices
Chapter 12 - Hurt
Chapter 13 - Decision
Chapter 14 - Friends again.
Chapter 15 - Eighteen years .
Chapter 16 - London.
Some explanations
Chapter 17 - Studies .
Chapter 18 - 1967 Christmas.
Chapter 19 - All you need is love
Chapter 20 - jealous brother .
Chapter 21 - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 22 - 1968.
Chapter 23 - 1968 - Part 2
Chapter 24 - 1968 - Part 3 - Brian and Victoria.
Chapter 25 - 1968 - Part 4 - ads .
Chapter 26 - 1968 - Part 5 - Band Smile .
Chapter 27 - 1968 - Part 6 - Roger teacher and shows the band Smile .
Chapter 28 - 1968 - Final part - Party New Year / Hey Jude .
Chapter 29 - Confused with a woman and the red dress.
Chapter 30 - Trip to Truro, family, confessions and virginity.
Chapter 31 - Feijoada , caipirinha and return to London .
Chapter 32 - Tim and Yasmin - Love Story
Chapter 33 - Fights.
Chapter 34 - Fights - Part 2 - Friendship undone .
Chapter 35 - It's over. - End of the first season.

Chapter 4 - Sixteen years old - part 2

227 6 0
By JustRogTaylorLove

Roger's behavior was very strange . He was super harsh with me.

- Good afternoon to you too Roger . I came to know how you are , after being with Regina last night, but by the way came at bad time .

- What do you know , Yasmin ? Regina and I stayed last night. We kissed and ...

- No need to go into detail about last night, Roger . I 'm an idiot for coming here . Only their harsh behavior says it all. I've noticed you do not want to see me. I only regret that tomorrow we will have to do a biology work together in class, as was already agreed last class. See you tomorrow.

- Yasmine wait. - It touches on her friend's arm.

- Bye Roger .

- Yasmine, do not go. - Says he sad sitting on the couch. - Forgive me for the harsh manner in which I spoke to you. I did not mean that.

- Roggie, what happened? I made you something? - I said sitting beside him passing my hand on her beautiful short blonde hair. Were you bothered by Jonny giving me a stolen kiss and I have liked? And because I hitched a ride with him to leave?

- Yes, Yasmine. That's it. I felt jealous. I apologize for being so stupid. I know that Jonny is a nice guy, I'm friends with him, but I felt jealous of you. And I can not explain why. Forgive me for being so silly. I just feel afraid that on the day you're dating someone you forget, do not want to know me. So I acted like that.

- Rog, I repeat: never leave you. While you want me in your life will always be by your side. I can date, get married, have children, you will always be by my side. It's my best friend. - Kiss his face and he smiles fondly.

- Sorry for my silly jealousy crisis. - He lay in my lap.

- Ok my angel, no need to apologize. Over time I discovered his knack jealous. - Smile.

- And I want to tell you something else, princess. But it's not about my jealousy. It's about my parents.

- What about your parents, Rog? They are at home?

-. There They went to the house of some friends and asked me to look at Clare. But this morning they fought again. They had a very big fight. My mother is suffering much, Yasmine, I'm not supporting it.

- I'm sorry Rog. My parents sometimes also discuss and ...

- Yasmine The difference is that their parents love each other and love you, give you attention. The question of my parents is different: they fight almost every day. My father demonstrates that not love my mother as before. My mother suffers silent, but I caught her crying sometimes. And my father turned away from me and Clare. This has hurt me a lot.

- Calm your heart, Rog. Everything will work out and know that I will always be with you at all times.

- Thank you Yasmine. - Says kissing my left hand fondly. - I love you too my friend.

- I love you too my friend. I listened intently to everything Roger said. He was still lying in my lap and I was affection in her hair in silence, until he fell asleep.Roger was sleeping so calm. It was the whirlwind of emotions while awake. Roger is very outgoing, intelligent, adventurous, funny. He did not for a moment. But while the watch while sleeping realize how much he is lacking and needs attention.I stayed for about half an hour stroking her hair and thinking about my future. The future of Roger. I wonder what fate holds for us? I just hope he can fulfill his dream of being a great musician, I had a great journalist and that above all we ever be friends forever.

A short time later he woke up smiling at me. I froze on the spot. Your smile was the most beautiful. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled as he looked at me as if to read my thoughts.

- Wake up, sleepyhead. - said jokingly.- 

I see you even slept. - I smile. - Also with you stroking through my hair. You're to blame.

- Now I'm to blame? None of this, Rog.I look at the room wall clock and you're a little late.

- Rog, I have to go. I still have to study for a history test tomorrow and study a little biology. Remembering that we work in pairs in class tomorrow.

- Can I accompany her to his house and take Clare us. I will not leave her alone here.

- Okay. - Smile - combined . You can call Clare.Roger gets up from the couch and will call Clare. I was relieved that everything was normal between us again, but I noticed a look of sadness on Roger , because of their parents. Apparently things went from bad to worse with their parents .

Shortly after Roger appears with Clare in the room. The little girl holds me tight and said :

- I love you Yasmin . Thank you for making my brother happy . When you argue, Rog is saddened by the corners of the house . I do not like seeing him like this . Now when you are well you are super happy.

- Clare , I promise you that I will always be next to his brother , although he was boring sometimes. - I say smiling. Roger , Clare and I are walking on the sidewalk and talking about music. 

Despite the early age Clare is a fan of The Beatles as Roger and me. 

After that day , Roger and Regina were a few more times , but then my friend did not want to know it. As for Jonny and I only stayed on friendship and did not win any more stolen kiss .

In August, in one of the presentations of the band Jonny Quale and The Reaction in school on a Saturday afternoon , Roger met Elisa , a school girl. She was in the second year of high school like us, but in another class. Roger and she became after the band's performance . Before leaving Roger introduced me to Elisa . I liked her way. It's a very pretty girl , intelligent and responsible .The following week they were every day in school and later in the month of August Roger asked her to dating.I was very happy for my friend. Elisa hope that makes you happy . But I started to get annoyed. I felt a terrible fear of Roger not care about me anymore .

Finally came September 6 and now it's my turn turned sixteen. My birthday fell in the middle of the week and my friends gave me congratulations at school. On Saturday there will be a birthday party at my house, with the consent of my parents, that I will call some classmates and my great friends Roger, Paul, Layla and Victoria. Rog asked if he could take Elisa party. I said yes.Saturday finally arrived. My mother ordered snacks, cakes and pastries. He said he would go with my father's house a couple of friends and they would midnight to sing happy birthday to me. After midnight the party would end and I would have to clean the dirt to stay in the house.

My party started six in the evening, reaching the first guests like Paul, Layla and Victoria. I gained present them and other guests. I received calls from my grandparents, uncles and cousins ​​of Brazil. I was very happy.At seven o'clock Roger arrived with Elisa my party. Elisa greeted me smiling, wishing me happy birthday and then Roger hugged me tight delivering my birthday gift.

- Happy Birthday, Yasmine. I hope you enjoy the present.I opened my gift quickly and by the time I saw him in front of me grinned. I won a 1965 LP Beatles - Help I so wanted.I hugged and kissed Roger's face and said:

- I am in love with the Beatles. Thanks my friend. I have been wanting this new LP of the band, after watching the movie. I will now put to play.I headed towards the turntable and put the LP . At that time the guests began to dance the songs that were played . The first was Help. I looked closely at the cover of the LP and saw Paul , John , George and Ringo . The four were beautiful on the cover, but my passions always were Paul and George . I am completely in love with them.

My friend Paul approaches me and said, smiling :

- Also in platonic love for Paul and George?

- Always, my friend, always . My dream is to watch one show yet. Who you know can.

- I also have this dream , but now come with me. Come dance with me. The host has to be the center of attention tonight. You are very beautiful , Yasmin . With all due respect .

- Thank you, Paul . - I say smiling and will dance with him .

I see Layla and Victoria talking to some guys in our room, and Roger and Elisa dancing agarradinhos . After this scene actually have more desire to dance with Paul to provoke Roger . Yes , I want to lead my best friend . I'm not understand my reaction .  

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