Into Minecraft

By MinecraftNINJAAA

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Imagine being transported into Minecraft with some of the awesomest Minecrafters out there, like SkyDoesMinec... More

Chapter 1 - This is War
Chapter 2 - Plans
Chapter 3 - BOOM
Chapter 4 - Double Trouble
Chapter 5 - Stuck in a Cell...
Chapter 6 - Ninjas
Chapter 7 - Nightmare
Chapter 8 - Intern
Chapter 9 - Squidlox
Chapter 10 - We Can't Let Them Win
Chapter 11 - Watching Armies Fall
Chapter 12 - Escape
Chapter 13 - I Don't Know You
Chapter 14 - Empty Seats
Chapter 15 - They're Alive!
Chapter 16 - Finally, A Happy Chapter!
Chapter 17 - Minecrafters UNITE!
Chapter 18 - Won't Back Down
Chapter 19 - "Won't Back Down?"
Chapter 20 - Downhill
Chapter 21 - Finally Accepting Defeat
Chapter 22 - DIEEEEE!

Chapter 23 - No Words Can Describe This Chapter

3.1K 95 60
By MinecraftNINJAAA

A/N: it is...the final chapter of Into Minecraft...ermahgurd.

I guess I have nothing more important to say, other than this has been so amazing to write this and read all your comments (I've read each one :D), and I can't wait until I write the sequel!

For this chapter, I recommend listening to "Marchin On" by OneRepublic while reading. It describes this whole story soooo much :D

If you haven't figured it out yet (I've said it like a million times), there will be an epilogue after this chapter that will probably be up tomorrow or later tonight. And also, this is the last author's note I'm writing for this story. Just thought I'd mention that. Derp.

So, I shall shut my face now. Now curl up with a banana, eat the heads of helpless gummy bears, and enjoy the last chapter of Into Minecraft :)

- - -

Chapter 23:

"I should've known it was you three. And Deviant was with you guys too, right?" Mr. Boss said, glaring at the three interns in front of him. They didn't say anything, just stared in fear. "Of course I'm right. Now, I think you all know what's going to happen now." They knew.

Up in the control room, Mr. Boss was ready to send the three of them into Minecraft. He typed in everything at the control panel, and was ready to send them straight to the Nether. "I'll finally be rid of you, and I can move along with my work without anyone trying to interfere," he said as he typed.

"I'm sure someone else will try to stop you," Jeremy said. "And when you get rid of them, another person will try. It's just going to go on and on. You'll never win."

Mr. Boss sighed. "Jeremy, I once thought you were a good kid. You were my favorite. Now look at what's happened."

He continued typing as the interns just stood under the bright teleportation beam that would soon send them into the game. Mr. Boss finally finished setting everything up, and began the timer for their teleportation. 30 seconds.

He walked up to Intern. "Any last words, Jack?" (Yes that's Intern's name. It's the first name that popped into my head xD)

Intern waited until there were 15 seconds left. "Yeah. Have fun in the Nether."


Intern grabbed Mr. Boss and pushed him under the beam, and he, Jeremy, and Emily moved away just in time.

"NOOO!" Mr. Boss yelled as he was teleported away into Minecraft.


"Guys, I think I finally got it," Intern said, staring at all the codes and random numbers and letters on the main screen a the control panel. After they sent Mr. Boss into the game, they began trying to figure out how to free the Minecrafters again. Two hours had passed since then.

"Really? That's awesome!" Emily said, hugging him. Once they realized they were hugging, the pulled away and blushed.

"So, uh, yeah. But there's bad news too," Intern said awkwardly. "We would have to go in there to free them. And the thing is, anyone who didn't enter on that one day three years ago is still trapped forever. So we would be stuck there."

"Oh. . ." Emily said.

"Will the people who died be brought back too?" Jeremy asked.

Intern thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think so." He took a deep breath and let it out.

"I think we should do it, then," Emily said. "If it means freeing all those people and bringing back the dead, it's worth it. At least we won't be alone. And who knows? Maybe someone else someday will figure out a way to free us too."

"I agree," said Jeremy. "We'll be saving a lot of people. If we didn't go through with this, all our work would be for nothing."

"Okay." Intern took another breath. "Let's do this."


Adam stood in the Squid King's transformation chamber in the dungeon. He had been staring at the machine that turned everyone into squids for about an hour, trying to figure out if there was a way to change everyone back into humans. He knew that he couldn't just put a squid in and they would just come out back to normal. No, there was something more than that.

He circled the machine for the millionth time. If only there was a button labeled "Reverse Button." But, after a little more closer observation, he got it.

On the bottom of the machine there was some kind of glowing blue ingot. He grabbed it to see if he could pull it out of its slot, and it worked. And what could he use to replace it with? Take a wild guess.

Adam took out a butter ingot he always kept with him, and popped it into the slot. The whole machine turned from an ugly squid-blue, to a shiny buttery color. Adam smiled, excitement filling him.


He jumped and turned around to see Rosie and her Ninjazoids. She laughed and said, "Sorry to startle you. So what are you doing?"

"I think I found out how to change everyone back," Adam said, looking at the machine. "Do you think you and the Ninjazoids can gather everyone who's been turned into a squid and bring them here?"

"Please, Adam, this is me you're talking about. Of course we'll be able to do that!" She smiled and nodded towards the Ninjazoids, and all of them instantly split up to find everyone, while she stayed to talk to Adam. "So you're still alive? I'm actually surprised," she said jokingly.

"I'd like to say the same about you," Adam replied. "Anyway, shouldn't you go try to find a certain someone?"

"Yeah," Rosie said. "I'll go now. Be back in a few minutes!"

And as she left, she could hear Adam back in the transformation chamber saying, "Rosie and Ty, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" And she just smiled and went to find that certain someone and finally do what she vowed to do.

In under and hour, Rosie and the Ninjazoids made it back with every single Minecrafter who had been turned into squids. The squids yelled and cursed at them like any squid would, but they just ignored them. They were way too happy to finally be getting everyone back. Adam began to start up the machine as Rosie brought the first squid over.

Once the squid was inside, Adam placed his hand on the lever. "Sorry, man. I gotta do this." He pulled down the lever. The squid screamed in extreme pain until it was over. He came out as a human.

"W-what happened?" he asked, confused. He looked around. "What's going on?"

Rosie practically tackled him. "Ty!" She hugged him tight, and even though he was still confused, he hugged her back. "I missed you Ty."


"I'll explain later," Rosie said, pulling Ty out of the room.

Adam smiled, thinking of how cute that moment was, but then went back to changing everyone back to humans.


Ty and Rosie sat up on a cliff over an ocean under a tree and watched the sunrise together. She had been explaining everything that had happened since he was kidnapped by the squids, and when she was finished they just sat quietly beside each other.



"I'm sorry," Ty said, looking into her eyes.

"Sorry? For what?" Rosie asked, looking back at him.

He sighed. "For whatever I did when I was. . .you know. . ." He then looked at the ground in front of them.

She moved closer to him and said, "It's fine. It wasn't really you. The real you couldn't control anything."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I just feel like--"

"Yes I'm sure!" she said, cutting him off.

And then they both looked into each other's eyes again. The moment was perfect. They began moving closer and closer. Everything around them went silent. They were about to kiss, but of course--


They immediately pulled away from each other and blushed. Adam, Jason, Dakota, and Quentin were hiding up in the tree that Rosie and Ty sat under.

Rosie stood up. "YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" She began climbing the tree in rage.

"OH SHIT!" Dakota yelled. The four of them jumped out of the tree and ran away. Rosie jumped down and ran after them, and Ty followed behind, laughing.

Everything was back to normal.


Later that day, every single Minecrafter gathered in a snowy forest. But it wasn't just any forest. It was the very forest they found themselves in when they were first sent into Minecraft. And this time, they were going back to the real world.

Three people who said their names were Jack, Jeremy, and Emily appeared earlier, telling everyone they could send them back to the real world and also bring back anyone who had died. They explained how they all even got there, and how they've gotten rid of the man who started this all. And now, the Minecrafters could finally go back.

The portal was open, and they had limited time. So one by one, people jumped through the portal, finding themselves back through the computer closest to their homes.


Deviant had found AntVenom earlier that morning, and it was practically love at first sight. But now they would be separated, and it was the worst thing to leave each other.

"I can't believe right after we meet, you have to go," Deviant said, hugging him. "I wish you could stay."

"Me too," he said, "but I have to go back. Maybe we'll see each other again someday."

She sighed. "But we might not."

"Ten minutes left!" Jack announced to everyone still left.

"I'll remember you," he said. And then, he pulled her close and kissed her. She kissed back, and sparks flew. They both just wanted the moment to last forever. But then he pulled away, and looked back at the portal. He whispered in her ear, "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered back. And then, he left.


"Seven minutes!"

Rosie jumped onto Ty's back and hugged him. "I don't wanna go!" She rested her head on his shoulder as he walked toward the portal and stopped in front of it.

"Me neither," Ty said as she jumped off his back.

"We live on different sides of the country," she said. "We won't be able to see each other much."

He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their foreheads and noses touched. "Then when we do, it'll be even better. Don't worry, I'll fly over sometime and visit you. I promise."

She nodded and smiled. She looked around to make sure no one was around them, and then she pressed her lips against his in a perfect kiss. Everything around them seemed to disappear so it was just them in their own world as they kissed until they heard:

"Five minutes!"

And then the kiss stopped, and they were back in reality. "So I guess we should go now..." Rosie said.

"Yeah, I guess we should. You can go first if you'd like," said Ty as he set her down.



After she disappeared into the portal, he stepped through.


"Four minutes!"

"I'm glad we did this," Emily said to Jack after he announced how much time was left.

"Me too," Jack said. "When they're all gone and we're left here, at least we'll be trapped together."

"Yeah," Emily said, smiling at him.

Deviant walked over to them, almost in tears. "Hey, guys." She looked at the ground.

"You okay?" Jeremy asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She took a breath. "I think so. It's just. . . I may never see him again."

Emily hugged her. "Yes you will. Someone will get us out of here someday, and then you can see him again." She hugged her tighter.

"I hope so."


"Three minutes!"

Adam stood in front of the portal and looked back at everything. He was the only person left.

He thought about everything that had happened in the last three years. All the great memories everyone shared. All the battles they faced. The good times, and the bad times. None of that would ever be forgotten by the people who experienced it. It all became a part of them.

Even after the whole war they just faced, Adam didn't want to leave. No one did. Too much happened over three years. Too many people became close to each other. This whole thing started as a tragedy, but by the time the first year passed, Minecraftia became their home. Sure, there were countless dangers in this world, but it was still a part of their home.

But going home meant seeing his family again. Going home meant reconnecting with the real world. Going home meant seeing Dawn again.

So Adam took in a deep breath and looked at the world that was Minecraftia for one last moment. And then, he stepped through the portal.


Everyone made it back home. They were reunited with friends and family. Everyone was happy to be back after so long, but sad that their lives in Minecraftia were over.

Nothing would ever feel the same. But people tried to settle and adjust to things as quickly as possible. No matter what had happened and what will happen, they'll keep going with one foot in front of the other, marching on until the end. Of course they were sad that it was over, but at the same time, they were happy it all happened.

And they all knew that it would be all different when they would log into Minecraft.

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