Truth or Dare[WattyAwards2011...

By XxIcyxX

2.3M 27.6K 4.8K

**I AM SLOWLY EDITING THIS!!!** WARNING: This is in no way a fairy tale. Kylie's been living life as simply a... More

Copyright Statement/Warning
Truth or Dare: Prologue/Teaser
Truth or Dare: Chapter 1
Truth or Dare: Chapter 2
Truth or Dare: Chapter 3
Truth or Dare: Chapter 4
Truth or Dare: Chapter 5
Truth or Dare: Chapter 6
Truth or Dare: Chapter 7
Truth or Dare: Chapter 8
Truth or Dare: Chapter 9
Truth or Dare: Chapter 10
Truth or Dare: Chapter 11
Truth or Dare: Chapter 12
Truth or Dare: Chapter 13
Truth or Dare: Chapter 14
Truth or Dare: Chapter 15
Truth or Dare: Chapter 16
Truth or Dare: Chapter 17
Truth or Dare: Quick Author's Note
Truth or Dare: Chapter 18
Truth or Dare: Chapter 19
Truth or Dare: Chapter 20
Truth or Dare: Chapter 21
Truth or Dare: Chapter 22
Truth or Dare: Chapter 23
Truth or Dare: A Quick Spin-off of Chapter 23
Truth or Dare: Chapter 25
Truth or Dare: Chapter 26
Truth or Dare: Chapter 27
Truth or Dare: Chapter 28
Truth or Dare: Chapter 29
Truth or Dare: Chapter 30
Truth or Dare: Chapter 31
Truth or Dare: Chapter 32
Truth or Dare: Chapter 33
Truth or Dare: Chapter 34
Truth or Dare: Chapter 35
Truth or Dare: Chapter 36
Truth or Dare: Chapter 37
Truth or Dare: Chapter 38
Truth or Dare: Chapter 39
Truth or Dare: Chapter 40
Truth or Dare: Chapter 41
Truth or Dare: Chapter 42
Truth or Dare: Chapter 43
Truth or Dare: Chapter 44
Truth or Dare: Epilogue
Truth or Dare: Blake's POV (Chapter 44)
Dedications (and all that cheesy stuff)
Want me to read your books?!

Truth or Dare: Chapter 24

38.1K 420 58
By XxIcyxX

***Author's Note: I'm dedicating this chapter to uh... you could say 'friend' of mine (:  anyways, his character is super obvious at times... vv LOL ENJOY :D***

Amidst the confusion of the times, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives. ~Thomas S. Monson

"Yea, I totally would. I would kill you happily. Good night, good night, when we say goodbye it is happy sad. I shall say good night until tomorrow."

"Let sleep live on your eyes and peace in your boobs. If I were to sleep in peace, in a very sweet sleep. I shall not because I'm going to my father who is a ghost in jail. I feed off of his help and my problem to tell." Ethan finished, both of us taking a huge bow, me laughing silently at our ridiculous script. I felt my cheeks turn red at all the gawking looks that were directed towards us.

It was my idea to translate the script literally, word by word, instead of the full meaning. The entire class suddenly burst into laughter, clapping at the same time, and looking admiringly at Ethan and I.

We both walked over to Mrs. Brute who was staring at us in a disconcertingly way. I quickly grabbed a piece of paper on my desk and crossed my fingers, hoping that the humor would win us extra points instead of deducting them.

"That was a most well done presentation, but unfortunately, you both translated--"

"Literally." I finished.

"We planned it like that." Ethan added in.

"Yes, but the idea of this--"

"Here." I handed her the piece of paper I had picked up from my desk. "That is the actual translation, but we found it kind of dull, so we decided to add a little humorous twist to it."

"I see. Well, I admit, that was unexpected." she quickly scribbled on our grading rubric and handed it to Ethan. "Well done." I leaned over to get a glimpse of our grade, but Ethan quickly folded the paper, keeping his face completely blank and walking back to his seat, ignoring my protest.

"Give it to me!" I hissed, attempting to grab the paper. I tried to take in his emotion, but he kept his face completely expressionless. For a moment, I stopped breathing as frantic thoughts ran through my head. "We got a bad grade didn't we." I groaned with finality, slumping against the chair and rubbing my temples. All of a sudden, I felt extremely dizzy as my breath came in shorter and shorter amounts. A 'B', I thought with anxiety, we got a 'B' or worse. "Can I please see it?" I pleaded, biting my lips, hoping to prevent the hot tears that were threatening to leak out.

"I don't know." Ethan said hesitantly. "You might not like it."

I bit back my cries of frustration, trying to be more subtle, "I don't care, just give it." I frowned, trying to grab the paper from me.

He stuck the paper in his back pockets, "No."

Grinding my teeth, I almost raised my hand to ask Mrs. Brute, but stopped right when I realized the bell already rang, and I had no time to ask any questions because I had to rush to band, the furthest class away from here. I cast a scathing look towards Ethan, who returned it looking sheepish. Seething, I stomped off in the direction of band, we did that bad?


I made my way over to the lunch table, already seeing nearly everyone there except Jessica and Dustin who were probably at some other table. Glaring angrily at Ethan, I took a chair as far away from him as possible.

"You guys okay?" Chez asked, looking confused from Ethan to me.

"No." I said bluntly.

"What happened now?" Aiden asked.

"He won't give me a piece of paper." I stated, suddenly realizing how lame that sounded. "I mean, our grade paper."

"She's just upset I get to take her to the horror movies." Ethan chimed in, his blank expression developing to a smirk. Wait what?

"A horror?" I exclaimed in confusion, my voice shooting up two octaves.

"Yes," Ethan nodded. "A horror." he made his voice shoot up two octaves as well.

"But why?" Just as I asked, Ethan slid the paper across the table to me. Cautiously, I opened it up, dreading the worse. My mouth dropped open at what I saw; my mind frantically tried to take it all in. On the paper was my worse nightmare.

Oh no, it's not what you're thinking.

In Mrs. Brute's handwriting, it said we had gotten a hundred percent. Next to it was my worse nightmare. Ethan had taken the time and liberty to write in the space: Which horror movie should we watch?

I let out a long sigh, half happy, half upset, and thoroughly amused, letting Chez jerk the piece of paper away from me and read it. Chez's face immediately lit up after reading the paper and quickly handed it to Ever who was looking quite curious herself.

"Ethan and Kylie are seeing a horror movie!" Chez exclaimed loudly, ignoring my furious glare. She winked innocently at me, "I'm sure it'll be lots of fun. Just the two of you..." she drifted off.

I slumped against the table in defeat. Was an 'A' really worth going to a horror movie? How about going to a horror movie with Ethan? Sadly, I answered yes, both times.

"It's okay," Aiden said, patting my elbow. "It isn't that bad."

"That bad?" I half-screamed. 'That bad' didn't cut it. It was horrible! Need I remind everyone how I hate horror movies. Not even with a fiery passion; I just hated them. Who ever created the concept of scaring people is stupid, I officially decided.

"Yup, not that bad." Aiden replied.

I glared at him, "Thanks so much for the support."

"You are so welcome."

"I don't get why you are so scared." Ever said bluntly. I stared at her tongue-tied, unsure how to respond to her straightforward statement.

"Ah, well," I started, "I've always been scared of horror movies or books. They are... scary. And I hate getting frightened cause I start imaging crazy stuff that may happen to me at night and that scares me." I tried weakly, how else was I suppose to respond? I'm scared because I'm scared, period. That answer apparently didn't satisfy her, because she looked at me skeptically.

"Really?" Ever drew out the word in a somewhat mocking tone

I nodded my head in response, why is she acting like this? An awkward silence settled over the table as everyone looked everywhere but at me and Ever. I gave a tentative smile towards Ever, who returned it with something that looked more like a grimace. Sighing in frustration, I quickly got up from the table, ignoring the wondering looks everyone was giving me.

"Ever, can I talk to you?" I said tightly.

"Sure." she shrugged, following me outside into the courtyard. Once we got out there, I took a seat on the same bench that Aiden and I had sat on only a couple weeks ago. It felt like forever. "What do you want?" Ever asked, her brown eyes piercing into mine.

"Are you okay?" I asked, a bit sharper than I intended to.

"What do you mean?" she looked taken aback, and I wondered whether I could have possibly misread her tone.

"I mean like," I stuttered trying to gather my thoughts. Could I have possibly been wrong about her? "You seem..."

"Seem?" she probed.

"I mean..."

"Just tell me." she said exasperated.

Biting my lips nervously, I conceded, "You seem sort of out of it recently."

"Out of it?"

"Yea," I drifted off, staring at the tree in front of me to avoid her glance.

"How so?"

"You just seem so distant." I blurted unknowingly.

"Do I?"

I turned to stare at her, wondering what it was with her indirect responses. More like questions to my comments.

"What?" she said, giving me a weird look.

"Nothing." I murmured.

"No," she grabbed my arm tightly. "Tell me."

"You just seem mad for some reason. Like that whole thing with horror movies; how am I suppose to explain that I don't like them? I just don't. And yet you made it seem like I was a complete moron." I rambled. Once I finished, I gasped at what I said in horror, I did not just say that. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I quickly apologized, hoping that she would accept it.

"I'm not mad." Ever said, a bit tightly than I expected. "Let's just go." She got up and walked back into the cafeteria without a second glance. I watched her receding figure for a second, wondering what I could have possibly done wrong. As far as I was concern, I did nothing wrong; correct me if I'm wrong.

Letting out a sigh, I walked back into the cafeteria, feeling completely displaced. At this moment, I would have given nearly anything to take a look at what was inside Ever's head. One thing was for sure; her statement that she wasn't mad was a complete understatement. I felt a premonition that she was more than made; she was furious. But furious about what? It couldn't possibly be because I'm dating--

"Kylie!" I felt a pair of arms grab me from behind, covering my eyes. Startled, I let out a somewhat high pitched squeal, but then immediately clammed shut, instead silently struggling against my assailant.

"This is rape."

"Is not," the voice said, sounding extremely offended and trying too hard not to sound like himself

"Is too," I squirmed harder. "And I know who you are."

"Who am I?" the voice challenged, sounding a bit upset that they weren't able to disguise their identity.

"I won't tell until you let me go," I retorted.

"Well that's not--"

"Rape!" I yelled, interrupting his sentence, feeling certain that the people around us were looking at us strangely. "Ra--umph."

Aiden quickly clamped his hand that was over my eyes, over my mouth. "Be quiet." I briefly considered sticking out my tongue and licking his hand so he would let me go, but in the end, I decided not to. I tried sending help messages towards Chez and Chris who were giving us amusing looks. I wasn't sure whether to be surprised or not that Ever wasn't there, but that thought was quickly pushed out of my mind as Chez mouthed the word 'sorry'. I let out a huge huff, so much for best friends.

"Ethan! I have your girlfriend captive!" Aiden called; I could nearly imagine the gleam in his eyes.

Rolling my eyes at his attempt, I tried wiggling my way out.

"That's cool," Ethan's nonchalant reply came back.

"Cool?" I half-yelled, although it came out as 'koo?'

"What did she say?" Ethan asked, using an infuriating calm voice. I squeezed my eyes shut, wondering how I even got involved in such things.

"Probably, trade me for a french-fry." Aiden replied.

"I don't think she's worth a french-fry though," Ethan complained, holding up a french-fry teasingly at me. He looked from the fry to me as if debating on which one was worth 'more'.

I narrowed my eyes, shooting Ethan death glares that I felt for certain would do a sizeable amount of damage.

"If you don't, I'll have to drag her to the next table." Aiden responded in a threatening way.

After a long silence, where Ethan pretended to ponder over the situation, he finally agreed, "Fine." Then, in a very depressed manner, he handed over the french-fry to Aiden who immediately let me go. "Goodbye french-fry, you have served me well," Ethan dramatized, as Aiden, pretending to let out a cackle, ate it gleefully.

I shot them both the death glare, "You are too kind. It's great to be reminded how I'm worth a french-fry." They both looked sheepishly at me, and Chez gave a little laugh.

"It's fine," Chez tried to look sympathetic, but the look was ruined by the large smile she was giving me; the creepy large smile that is, "I think you are worth two french-fries and a tatter tot."

"I personally think she is worth two french-fries and two tatter tots." Chris argued, crossing his arms across his chest stubbornly. "Maybe even cheap bag of ketchup from McDonalds." Ethan and Aiden pretended to look closer at me as if summing up my worth. Chez thoughtfully stroke an invisible beard.

"You guys are such a great friend." I said sarcastically, trying to seem mad. My act was ruined as I felt the edge of my mouth turn up a bit. Everyone must have noticed because a fresh wave of laughter rolled over them.

Rolling my eyes, I sat down at the table, my eyes drifting to a table in the distant, settling on a single person I recognized so well. That slightly curled brown hair, I pondered thoughtfully, zoning out on the conversation at the table. I'd recognize it anywhere.

As if realizing she was being stared at, Ever turned around and looked straight at me, her composure stiffening. She caught my look briefly, then turned back and excused herself from the table, walking further away. Shocked, I stared into the space in which she was just sitting moments ago.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm nearly a hundred percent sure Evelyn Garcia gave me the ultimate death glare. For no apparent reason at all. Unless, I felt my throat tighten up at the thought and my stomach churn uncomfortably, unless she still has feelings for Ethan.


For those who didn't know, the Romeo and Juliet lines were suppose to be--


Sweet, so would I. 

Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. 

Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow 

That I shall say good night till it be morrow. [Exit.]


Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast! 

Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest! (33)


Yup, So I hope that didn't confuse anyone. Anyways, I got a question, if you were to ask Kylie ANYTHING what would you ask her?! PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME . Please :3 I NEED YOUR ANSWER LIKE PRONTO!! If I don't get at least one answer, then I'm afraid i can't upload the next chapter ;~; sorry. You'll see why (;

Anyways, my chapters are going to be a bit longer from now on (I literally prewrote like 5 chapters because I'm afraid I'm not going to have much time once school starts :/) and all chapters are quite long. So, hopefully, that'll make you guys happier :D Again, i want to thank you all for sticking with me for so long! This means soo much to me, no joke!

So, what do you think about Evelyn? Ethan? Chez? Aiden? Kylie? :D

Again, I'm ending this with saying: VOTE trust me, you'll gain... uh... eternal... love? from me? o.O haha but please vote and comment every vote counts for Watty's!! Thanks :D


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