The young assassin: Nova

De fishprincessmeenah1

15.3K 539 43

10 year old nova witnessed her parents deaths right in front of her eyes. She was left to die in the streets... Mais

When everything changed
Nova's journal
Nova's journal 2
A friendly surprise
A friendly surprise 2
~10 years~
Unfamiliar territory
Jacob stern and nova kenway
The answered questions
Adjusting to the new life
A wonderful evening out
The first contract
The first contract 2
The first contract 3
Nova's realization
Nova's realization 2
Nova's realization 3
Framed 2
Framed 3
Meeting the uncle
Meeting the uncle 2
Nova's journal
The errand
Christmas special
Out on a day with jacob frye
The shock
Unexpected turn of events
The truth

The truth 2

366 10 2
De fishprincessmeenah1

Nova had awoken to the sound of a weeping man next to her and the silent murmurs of others
"Please do not die nova...I need you...we need you..." The voice belonged to that of uncle Jacob, she wished she could wake up but she couldn't move her body, her eyes would refuse to open and her body had felt stiff almost as if everything in her body refused to function normally
Oh Jacob please don't cry, I'm right here
It pains me to see you upset
She wanted to cry oh so desperately but she couldn't
"I want you to know miss nova that I'll find out who Did this and make them pay!" It was Nicholas.
Please don't trouble yourself Nicholas besides it's my fight and I must go alone
She felt warm hands on hers from both sides making her feel loved even if she couldn't physically express it
She could one hand had belonged to Jacob while the other she assumed was Nicholas's.
Her hearing had drifted in and out only able to hear fragments of different conversations
"I hope grandmaster-" one said
"She'll make it-" said another
"She will live-" she could tell that was Jacob's
"Please be ok grand-" she couldn't tell who else was talking but considering how many voices she had heard and weeping as she could only assume all the rooks or if not most of the rooks including the assassins were with her hoping and praying for nova to see another day. She loved them all as if they were her children, her own but she couldn't help but to feel abit...out of place and disconnected from them as the memory of what had happened in the cellar, what she saw was hard enough on her but hearing what Giovanni had to say was much worse
How could Jacob lie to me all these years?! And Thomas Kenway who I thought was mentor and friend was nothing more then a lie to satisfy his greedy needs of wanting the daughter he never had, I bet the rest of the brotherhood knew of what Thomas had done and shrugged it off like it was nothing when really it scarred me as a little kid. I hope you rot in hell Thomas you son of a bitch!

Hours had passed since nova was able to take control of her body once more finally she thought

She had opened her eyes only to look up in the ceiling of the room she was in, she smiled and sighed knowing she was safe but couldn't help to feel somewhat naked I guess you could say
Without her gauntlets and brass knuckles she had felt the familiar coldness of the gauntlets missing as she held her arm up into view above her head only to sigh realizing one of the blighters will have it
"Bloody hell..." She whispered to herself. She lifted herself up to sitting position and had shifted the pillow upward so it could help her back. She looked to her side seeing stitches and a light white blouse on her made of silky material
"......" The room was silent not even a mouse had scurried, the time looked to be that of 12 in the afternoon.

She looked to the door only to see Jacob sitting on a chair next to the door asleep with traces of tears that went down his cheek.
"Uncle Jacob?" She had raised her voice wanting answers and explanations hoping that maybe Jacob could ease her as he always did. He had jumped upon hearing his voice and looked at nova blankly and wide eyed as he stood up as fast as he could an went to embrace her as right as he could, his shoulder and body began to tremble as tears ran down his face again but not tears of sadness instead it was tears of joy and delight. She did not hug back
"Jacob tell me the truth and nothing but the truth...did Thomas Kenway, my mentor kill my parents?" The question had truck a nerve as he regained his posture standing tall before nova and wiping his tears away pretending as though he didn't cry in the first place, his face had turned serious and any trace of joy or delight was gone in a blink of an eye.
"...who told you about that nova?"
"After all this time...I didn't think it would be him to tell you of that..." His voice was that of pure grief and pain
"So it is true...what Giovanni had told me was the truth...and you knew about it this whole time didn't you?"
"....." He became silent
"You lied to me all these years and for what?"
Her voice had cracked as tears threatened to spill, her throat had become dry as she blinked multiple times trying to make the tears diss appear and force herself not to cry again
"I...I wanted to tell you nova but me and Thomas were good friends and I didn't wish to ruin our Friendship, I know what he did was wrong and mutiny but...I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone of the truth in fear that he would be executed and you would be sent to an orphanage..."
She ha felt herself being torn in every direction, not sure on what to do
"Thomas killed my parents and killed my chance at having a normal life..." She wanted to oh so badly hate Thomas but she couldn't, she's couldn't hate the man who brought her to the brotherhood and trained her.
She looked away from him and spoke in a harsh tone towards Jacob
"Tell the rooks and my assassin that they should be careful, Giovanni is out to destroy everything I love including the rooks and my assassin, he will stop at nothing...tell the rooks that if any blighters attack them...let all hell break loose and the same goes for my assassins...they are ordered to hep the rooks if such a thing were to happen...uncle Jacob I'm unfit to retrieve my gauntlets from the blighters..."
"I understand and I'll have it back tonight..." He voice had trailed off as he turned and shuffled out the room finally leaving nova to herself and to her own thoughts. Everything had gone wrong for her in such a short time
First Jacob disappearing with Eva the Harlet and then her blood uncle dying the night she had gotten drunk still bothered by the fact that she couldn't be there for him to hear his last words or for her to say her last words to him, Jacob had been so kind and loving to her despite everything she's been through but now hearing that he knew of Thomas murdering her parents in cold blood was almost like betrayal to her, she wanted to be angry at him too but couldn't bring herself to be mad at the man who had been so gentle and caring to her since she was 12, since the first time that had met, he had been her guardian angel growing up and she loved that but now it was different, she couldn't see Jacob as the man she knew, for now anyways. She had hated the idea of Giovanni her once loyal brother had been out to get her, out to destroy everything she loves and out to see her dead or miserable.
Oh giovanni...what have you brought upon yourself?
Her knuckles had clenched as she heard footsteps at the front of her door, her body had straightened and her hands had unclenched, her eyes staring at the door wandering who could be at the door already, she just woke up a few moments ago. The door finally opened as she saw Nicholas's beaming smile and that he had held a rose in one hand, he still as nervous as ever only making her smirk
"Nicholas it's wonderful to see you even if our evening out...turned into a disaster, please sit" she had pointed to a chair next to her small one single bed, he smiled and shook his head no only making her abit curious. "Miss nova..." He walked to her and had handed her the rose only causing her to blush faintly, she had never been given a flower by no one not even Thomas or her ex partner Jacob, she looked down at it only smiling wide as she saw Nicholas smile a well
"I'm sorry...if I didn't ask you out that night then maybe...all of what happened could have been avoided" his Boyce had sounded that of sorrow and pain mixed with abit if humiliation "Nicholas it was not your fault"
She placed her hand onto Nicholas's hand and held it
"I think...nova I was worried...everyone was worried about you even the rooks, you must tell this Giovanni man to leave you be"
"He won't till he sees me dead or miserable"
"I'll kill him you wouldn't have to deal with the pain on your own"
His words had sent her stomach turning at the thought of them fighting
"No Nicholas! I appreciate what your trying to do but...thus is my fight and I must go alone and hopefully come out alone" Nicholas had a tear run down his cheek, his grip tightened into Nova's hand
"I'll be there to fight by you're side whenever you need me, I can promise you that!" Those words sent her heart into a craze as she blushed even more seeing as how brave and confident he was only making her attract towards him even more then she was which wasn't by much
"Thank you...Nicholas" she had pulled him down alittle just enough to peck him a kiss on his cheek only making him smile more then ever, she for once felt truly happy again having hope for love once more.

Jacob did as promised and had received the gauntlet back for her but instead had sent Nicholas in her room to give it back since he figured she would need time on her own without him.
She sighed as she put her gauntlet back back on.
"Nicholas?" He perked up at the sound of his name and smiled at nova
"Yes ma'am?"
"I was hoping...nicholas...the brotherhood has lied to me ever since I was a child, so
What should I do?" She needed Help and she knew it
"I know how you feel grandmaster nova isn't my decision to make"
Yeah thanks Nicholas
She knew he was right but she needed guidance of some sort, she was conflicted.
She saw the order as a lie, greedy assassins is what they were, corrupted men and women. She smiled a big grin as she decided then and there what she would do

She had gotten dressed into her trench coat and the rest of her attire as she walked out the hospital ignoring the nurses waves and nice gestures towards her, she knew what she had to do and how she was to do it. She had tried her best to avoid all the assassins and rooks especially Jacob with only a little bit of success, the assassins would bow in her presence and the rooks would shout and holler her name glad that she was alive and walking some would cry where they stood the moment they saw her. She would feel guilty for betraying the rooks and her assassins sine she considered them family but what the order did to her was unforgivable, treacherous really and she wanted more then revenge, she wanted the obliteration Of the assassins.

She had finally made it to the docks only to see her ex partner Jacob and Eva leaving the ship they both had taken when they escaped France and the captain was not there, instead his son Robert had taken upon the vessel, she hadn't seen Robert in person but his father had talked very highly of his son and often told her stories of him, his son is his pride and joy along with the ship. She smirked as she walked up to the two of them only to grab Eva by the arm an drag her away from him
"Eva we need to talk..."
"What do you want?"
Her voice was full of fear
"I wish to join the Templars, I do not wish to be an assassin anymore" what nova had said had surprised Eva as her eyes widened and a smile formed on her lips, she nodded and had turned to Jacob not realizing that he was staring at them both, she had pulled her hood on and  looked straight at Jacob not caring about him or what he thought
"Me and nova will be going back to France Jacob, me and her will be back "
She giggled like a happy school girl as she grabbed nova by the hand and had pulled her to the ship
"Captain robert!!" She had ran towards the man and whispered in his ear something inaudible
Robert had nodded and had began to scream and holler orders to his crew to prepare her for another trip into the open waters as his crew were loading up the ship and preparing her for the waters, nova had sighed and looked up into the sky inhaling the salty air of the ocean.
"What made you change your mind about becoming a Templar nova?" Her question had pulled nova back to reality as she sighed and sat done on a near by crate, her body slumping and her hands held each other
"Turns out my whole life was a lie from the start, my mentor Thomas had killed my parents when I was 10 and took me in 2 years later but of course I didn't know it was Thomas who ruined my life and chance at a normal life...I had found out yesterday by his son Giovanni after he left me for dead under the city of London...he killed a farming family just because he wanted a daughter he could never have...and my 'uncle' Jacob had lied to me knowing the truth since the beginning not once telling me or showing any hint of remorse..." She could no longer speak anymore as she could see Eva about to cry
"That's the saddest story ever..I'm sorry nova"
"I'm sorry as well....sorry that I couldn't tell it was Thomas who had done it, I was such a fool to think that the assassins could help me, to think that the assassins stood for something that would bring justice to all, my eyes are now open...I see what they really are now...and I'll make sure they pay for their ignorance"
"That's what the Templars are for, to bring true justice to everyone, to bring order from chaos, to make sure everyone is safe!, the assassins know not of what they do and what will happen if they succeed but you have finally awoken nova...I know my father will say yes..."
She smiled as nova smiled as well
"May the father of understanding guide us"
Nova and Eva had repeated those words in unison, they both held hands as a sign of their new found alligence
"Sorry about your knees"
"It's fine you were simply doing your job when you were blind"
They both sat in silence within each other's pretense for the rest of the day

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