The young assassin: Nova

By fishprincessmeenah1

15.3K 539 43

10 year old nova witnessed her parents deaths right in front of her eyes. She was left to die in the streets... More

When everything changed
Nova's journal
Nova's journal 2
A friendly surprise
A friendly surprise 2
~10 years~
Unfamiliar territory
Jacob stern and nova kenway
The answered questions
Adjusting to the new life
A wonderful evening out
The first contract
The first contract 2
The first contract 3
Nova's realization
Nova's realization 2
Nova's realization 3
Framed 2
Framed 3
Meeting the uncle
Meeting the uncle 2
Nova's journal
The errand
Christmas special
Out on a day with jacob frye
The shock
Unexpected turn of events
The truth 2

The truth

138 10 0
By fishprincessmeenah1

"Wake up nova" in all the darkness of her vision she heard a familiar voice, one she hasn't heard since she was a kid.

"Wake up nova!" The voice became abit louder and abit harsh, her eyes had flickered open as her vision was adjusting to her new surroundings and the dim lighting.

She looked around the room, no the cellar she was in, her eyes had widened as her heart began to pound rapidly, her head was throbbing in pain, her body was still numb but was regaining its senses. The walls looked dirty and in poor condition, mold had grown on the bricks, the ground was hard and cold only making her cold the moment her body regained itself, she sighed heavily as she saw her own breath, the cellar was freezing, cold and disgusting, she looked at her wrists only to see that her gauntlets were missing, her throwing pouch was gone and as was her belt, everything of hers was gone only making her feel defenseless and vulnerable but the one thing that mattered most to her that disappeared was her gold brass knuckles Jacob had given her when she was 12, her eyes began to water
Where am a I? Where's the brass knuckle? Where are my weapons?!
Her eyes threatened to release tears as she sniffled.

"Don't cry yet nova, I haven't even done anything to you!" The source of that voice only made her look in dent of her cellar only to see a face of someone she knew

"Giovanni?" Her lips curved as she smiled happy to see her long lost friend who was deemed dead a year after Thomas's passing, she liked to think that they were close, she stayed by Giovanni whenever she could always taking blame for his antics and cleaning up after his messes.
"Nova..." He stepped out of the shadows, the sunlight above the entrance of the cellar showing him fully, her eyes widened as she saw the same robes that belonged to mr. Xiang
"Giovanni...burn those clothes, they aren't yours!" She didn't wanna see him wear that, she wanted someone right now, anyone even her ex partner Jacob
"Oh dear nova...I wish to tell you something that might be important to you" his smirk widened as a memory flashed through her head
"You were the same one from the tavern weren't you?" She didn't wish for that to be the truth but even she couldn't deny the inevitable

"Yes I was" he smiled at her as he opened the cellar and crouched in front of her, she turned her gaze away from him not wanting to look at him, her heart beat was still rapid, her eyes leaked a tear afraid of what Giovanni was to tell her, she was saddened that her child hood friend Giovanni drugged her and dragged her down to a cellar underground of London, she was ashamed of Giovanni, ashamed of his existence, ashamed that she even knew him

He had placed his finger to her chin, their eyes had met, he smirk as he got closer to her, their lips just inches from each other, her eyes became glossy as she stood still afraid to move. His breath smelled like that of alcohol
"Nova...Thomas was the one who killed your family all those years ago, it was his fault, I'm just picking up where he left off" her eyes widened at the new information
"No...your wrong Thomas didn't do it" her voice had shriveled
"Oh? I can tell you why...if you beg" his voice had become raspy, her lips trembled and her body had shook as she swallowed her saliva
"......" She dared herself not to speak trying not to show weakness

"After my mother died in action Jacob frye had told Thomas that she was pregnant and wanted to tell him herself after the contract but she never made it" hearing that only spilled tears down her cheek and onto the floor

"My little sister died and so did my mother, after that he got the idea to kill your parents and take you two years later"
He had paused as if reminiscing his mother and unborn little sister
"After you were taken in i was robbed of my love and attention, you had taken it nova! If it wasn't for you he would have loved me more then he loved you!"

"I'm sorry" nova couldn't seem to say anything else as the new information was sinking in not realizing the pain she caused Giovanni

"Oh? Your sorry? What the hell will a simple sorry do Hm?" He growled at nova in anger as he stood up with a straight back
"You know disgust me, I don't understand what it is that he saw in you!"
His barking had sent Nova's headache even worse as she gripped her head wanting the pain to go away
"Are you even listening?!" He kicked nova in the stomach in anger, the kick had sent her stomach turning as she grunted and held her stomach
"Oh god" she turned away from Giovanni and walked to a corner of the cellar and threw up
"That's bloody disgusting..." The smell was enough to send him gagging as he covered his mouth and nose not wanting to smell it
"My stomach isn't feeling good excuse me you asshole!" She snapped at Giovanni only making him angry as he grabbed her by her fish braid and pulled her back and threw her onto the ground
"Giovanni stop! Violence isn't the answer!" She screamed as she laid on the ground not wanting to move
"Oh? Says the one who is an assassin!"
"We were both trained under an assassin and we kill so the rest of the world could be better, the Templars can not be reasoned with by simple words so the only option is to kill them! You know that as much as I do!" She had forced herself to sit up regardless of the shooting pain in her back
She ha glued her eyes to Giovanni watching his every move as he paced back and forth in the cellar
"That is besides the point!"
"Then what's the point of doing this to me huh? It won't solve anything! It's not gonna bring Thomas back and give you the attention you oh so crave from him!" She knew she had said the truth but she could tell he didn't wanna admit it
" took his love from me! I was nothing more then a forgotten son to Thomas, a burden, a shame..."
His voice had trailed as he stooped in front of nova and had punched her in he face and then stabbed her side with his hidden blade causing her to scream in pain mostly from the stab puncture.
"Thomas please stop..." Her voice was cracking as she held her side and had used the wall to help her lift her to her feet, she had applied pressure to the wound making sure it wouldn't bleed as much
"It pleases me to see you like this nova..." His tone was like a poison to Nova's heart still not able to accept that he hated her so much and had only wanted to see her in pain.
She bit her lips as she looked at Giovanni struggling to stand up as her legs felt weak
"Where are my weapons?"
"Find them..."
"Giovanni this isn't funny!" Her eyes had become glossy as tears fell down her cheeks
"Giovanni please..."
"Here's a of my blighters have it, to be more specific a female"
She had a vein form on her headache sick of everything that has happened, sick of looking at Giovanni, sick of being stuck down at the cellar and sick of herself for crying in front of the enemy who she thought was a friend
"Burn in hell giovanni!" She spat out blood to the floor still able to taste the metallic of her blood
"I'll be taking my leave now nova...I hope you don't make it out of here" he had left the cellar door open as he walked into the darkness disappearing from her vision as she began to breathe heavily and shudder
"Must get out of here or I'll die here..." She had started walking out the cellar still in pain as her legs still wobbled but she forced her body to move forward and had tried to ignore the pain on her sides making it almost impossible for her to not cry in pain.

Seconds had turned to minutes as minutes turned to hours and she felt incredibly lost

"Where the hell am i? many hours have I been down here?, how much longer am I gonna last with my blood still seeping?" A thought senecio had raced in her brain and most of them leading to her death which is what she didn't want. She had punched the brick wall angry, afraid and alone
She finally came across a dead end with a latter going up and out the sewers, no light had shown from the open hole only making her think she was gone the whole night and day
"How long was I out for exactly?" She sighed and had gone to the latter holding onto it as she began to climb up only to feel dizzy as she looked to her punctured side only to see more blood gushing out
"Damn it!" She mentally cursed herself as she had climbed as fast as she could up the
Latter and out the sewers.
She stood up and held her sides once more hoping that she would make it to a nearby hospital
"I need to make it..." Her breaths had became shorter as she continued to walk, her vision was somewhat blurry, her body had become hot as hell as she limped feeling pain in her left leg.

She stood outside the hospital doors, it had become difficult to breath, she had still held her side and applying pressure to her puncture wound but she knew she would die if she was to not seek help soon
"I will make it..." Her hand had opened the door only to see nurses rushing to her side as she immediately fainted and almost fell face first to the floor, her hearing was shutting down as was all feeling in her body, her vision became black as she thought to herself
I'm gonna die...I'm sorry uncle Jacob...I love you

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