A Weasley Mess *ON HOLD - REW...

By Nithmen

159K 3.9K 862

Because everyone needs a happy/feel-good story. 1993, her final year of school - at Hogwarts. The Weasley twi... More

II.Fight them with love
III.October Wonderland
IV.The Joy of Family
V.I swear, they're trying to convert me
VI.That's some Weasley!
VII.Merry Christmas
X.May I snog your brother?
XI.Planning your doom
XII.End of an Era
XIII.So... I'm snogging your brother.
XIV.Happy Birthday
A/N - semi important
XV.Back to Hogwarts
XVII.Fairylight and flames
XVIII.Finishing touches
XIX.Common room
XX.Future unspoken
XXI.The Burrow

VIII.It's magic

7.2K 186 61
By Nithmen

Thanks for the feedback! I get so happy. Hahah, so I just keep on writing - because I don't have a life. <3 except for university studies and the gym... Forget you ever heard that, it makes me feel old. Hahah

Christmas morning was perfect. She woke up early with Ginny, they threw on sweaters and kept their pajama bottoms so that they could run right downstairs and into the living room.

The living room was as Christmassy, if not even more. It might be the piles of presents under the floor, or the fact that Christmas supper already wafted through the entirely house.

The eldest boys were already up with their parents, and they met them in the living room.

"Merry christmas!" Both of the girls said at the same time, making them giggle like they both were young teenagers. They threw themselves down at the floor, Claire couldn't help but to catch the eye of Bill. They both smiled at each other a little secretly.

It wasn't like anything was really going on between them, she meant... They had only know each other for three days! But it felt so strange to be around him. She could not get it out of her head what had happened when they shook hands. There had been a spark, not just as in chemistry - but a pure spark of magic.

That wasn't normal, was it? Even as she sat here, naught but a few meters away from Bill, she could feel that her magic was... Odd. It was as if it worked on overdrive inside her, bounding in blue flames and sparks.

"Can we open our presents now?" Ginny said, obviously tired of waiting.

"We have to wait for the other boys." Mrs. Weasley chided, good natured as always.

Ginny wasted no time and ran upstairs immediately, screaming bloody murder to get her brothers up.

As soon as Percy, Fred and George got downstairs, Ginny got to sorting out the presents. Claire was pleasantly surprised when she saw that she had a decent amount of presents, even several from the Weasley's! They all opened their presents in peace and quiet while drinking coffee and eating all sorts of unhealthy food.

From her parents Claire got a new diamond bracelet and some pretty robes. It was nice, but a little too extravagant. From Mr. And Mrs. Weasley she got a bunch of candy and a hand knitted sweater, pale blue with a golden C. She absolutely beamed at Molly. From Ginny she got a book on Quiddich, an obvious hint. Fred and George got her a picture of the three of them in Hogsmead, all linked at the shoulders grinning. Percy gave her a beautiful planner, and the golden trio had showered her in sweets. Bill and Charlie had bought her a Kneazle calendar and actually a book about Aurors, how they had gotten that in time Claire had no idea. Other than that she got some foreign candy, jewelry and elaborate clothing from her aunts, uncles and cousins. Even one of her more cheeky Norwegian cousins had bought a pale blue, gold embroided lingerie set, which Claire had blushed like insane about and hid before anyone could see.

She had gotten Mr. And Mrs. Weasley a book on foreign cooking and a book on muggle artifacts. She had splurged on Ginny, buying a large Quiddich book and a figurine of a broom that apparently was really popular. Claire had no idea, she just ordered what her roommates had pointed out. Fred and George had gotten a large box from Zonko's. Percy got a large book on the Ministry of Magic's history. She had bought Charlie a batch of burn wound ointment wrapped in a bow, which he had laughed heartily at. Bill got knee protectors as a joke, and then a large book on foreign places and their magical lore.

And of course Máni had gotten ridiculous amounts of Kneazle treats, toys and a huge bed from Charlie. It was ridiculous, the Kneazle lay there in the middle of their group like the king he fancied himself to be.

"He is such a good boy..." Crooned Mrs. Weasley as she looked at the oversized feline with love.

"Mums in love with him." Ginny giggled.

"He brought me five fat rats and three mice this morning." She beamed, and Claire couldn't help but to laugh.

Everyone was really engrossed in their presents and Claire sneakily shoved a pearl necklace that she had gotten, over to Ginny. Ginny's jaw dropped as she looked at the obviously expensive piece of jewelry.

"Money doesn't matter, family is as family does." She nodded at younger girl who threw her arms around Claire.

"You're insane!" She shrieked, immediately making Claire clasp the necklace on. Everyone seemed a little surprised. Well, except for the twins and Percy. They knew Claire well enough to know that she wouldn't cling to valuables.

"But Claire! That must be worth a lot!" Mrs. Weasley seemed flabbergasted, and almost a little embarrassed.

"My family comes from a long line of money wasting idiots, I assure you that I would rather see my friends happy than cling to mere jewelry." She folded her hands in her lap, still getting incredulous looks. Mrs. Weasley shook her head and stared and the only blonde in a gang of redheads.

"You are quite something, aren't you." She almost look tearyeyed.

They had Christmas dinner later that day, the table pretty packed with people and food.

She sat right across from Bill, which had not been her idea. He had actually sat down there, smiling at her with his crooked grin, she could swear that even other people than Ginny were picking up on the thing that seemed to be slowly transpiring between them. It was probably just some sparks between the handsome Weasley and the new girl.

As she munched on potatoes, sprout, gravy and meat she kept feeling like someone was occasionally pushing at her, or kicking. It was so light that she didn't realize right away that Bill Weasley was leg flirting with her! It was not awfully obvious, but as she shot a look up at him, he was smirking in a way that was not due to Fred's joke about Percy.

So she let herself be pulled into it, occasionally bumping his leg back. The others must wonder why Bill kept smirking, or maybe they thought it was only due to the festive mood.

But they kept at it, casually bumping up against each other's foot during the entire meal. It was their little secret, but they made sure not to make too much eye contact. The last thing Claire needed was for everyone to think that she wanted to spend her holiday snogging Bill Weasley.

Which she totally did. Man, what a piece of man meat!

Man, she had to control herself. And that she kindasorta made happen as they finished the grand meal, desserts and headed off to the living room where the twins tried to play with cards, and the rest of them fought a dying battle with food coma.

Claire curled up in a snuggly chair and Bill sat down in the one next to hers. He did it as if it was just somewhere to sit, but Ginny looked at Claire with devious delight.

"So, how's Hogwarts nowadays?" Asked Charlie. Ever the chirpy - yet slightly put out by the amounts of food he had eaten.

"Oh, it's glorious!" Fred started.

"If you ignore the dementors." George looked more putout, but he grinned eventually.

"Of course we make do with the usual stuff, even now that we have an apprentice and a weapon!" Said Fred.

"Huh?" Charlie made a confused face, but that might also be his tired face.

"Lord banana over there is our new apprentice. He helps out a lot." George nodded at the Kneazle with awe and respect.

"And Claire is the best weapon against boredom! She hurts the feelings of at least four boys a'week." Fred grinned at Claire, who just stuck out her tongue at him.

"I do not!" She objected.

"Is it not a fact that you reject Flint twice every two weeks,"

"And Grant has become a regular!" George pointed out.

"And. It to talk about that Hufflepuff boy in fifth..." Fred drew out, making Claire chuck a chocolate ball at him.

"It's not that bad!" She crossed her arms, the twins chuckling.

"Is it really that bad, Perce?" Charlie asked. Percy rolled his eyes and huffed straineously.

"Worse... She's absolutely blind! And it doesn't help that they think her accent is cute." Percy actually grinned at her and laughed, everyone seemed shocked.

"She's exotic." Both the twins wiggled their eyebrows.

"I'm blonde with an accent, that does not make me a unicorn!"

And once again she found herself in the garden. Go figure, right!? Heavy on the sarcasm.

She sat at the swings again, but this time faced towards the house. It was a fact that most people were dead asleep indoors, she could hear the twins snore in the distance.

"Good evening, unicorn." Bill greeted from the side of the house where he came walking, still half a football field away from her.

"Hello, twitchy." She smiled, watching him approach her.

"So, thanks for the gift!" He pulled out the knee protectors and she giggled. He conjured a chair and sat down almost right in front of her with that crooked grin. It should be illegal to be that good looking...

"You're welcome, and thanks again for mine!" She smiled, knowing that she would be pouring over the book in no time.

"One must encourage the youth." He shrugged, a tad nonchalant.

"Youth!" She laughed, as if he was an old man compared to her. "I turn eighteen the 3rd of January, so I'm not that much younger than you." She crossed her arms and watched his eyes gleam.

"At least I get to say happy birthday before you go back to school then." She hadn't noticed how white his teeth were, not how his front teeth were a little crooked. He looked rugged, deliciously so. Man, why did she have to talk about him as if he was chocolate cake? Mmmh, that cake though.

"I expect a hug then, it's a big day!" Both of them laughed and she pushed off slowly, just swinging slightly back and forth.

"It was really nice to give that to Ginny." He seemed more sincere, still good looking though...

"Ginny deserves to feel pretty." She blinded him with her bright smile, almost making him see stars.

"Good she's taking tips from you then." He chuckles, sending her a glance that made her spine tingle.

"You're only saying that because I'm a unicorn." She pouted tauntingly before laughing again. She swung a little more, tapping his knee once with her boot clad toes. Electricity, magic and everything else between surging the air.

"You know... My brothers like to spin stories out of proportions, but I want to ask you."

"Straight from the horse's mouth?"

"Haha, yeah I guess. I just have a hard time believing that you have tons of boys after you, but still you seem so down to earth and single." He put some pressure on that last word, which made her stomach flutter.

"That's not a question, but I'll interpret one." She started, smiling slyly as she tapped his knee once more. He just smiled at it. "I think they're exaggerating it a lot. Sure, they are some Slytherin boys who seem to love the whole pureblood thing, but." She shrugged. "I don't want pureblood boys who chase me for my pedigree, and those who might not have such a pure line," she scoffed, "they're usually frightened by either my family or.. The twins." She started laughing.

"Yeah, if you have them on your tail...." Bill grinned. "You didn't mention blood traitors though." He pointed out, making her gape a little.

"You're cheeky!"

"No, I'm just straight forward."

"I'd say, it's a wonder my ankle isn't sore." She kicked him lightly in the shin before he caught her leg and held onto it.

"You're violent, aren't you?" He grinned as she tried to pull back her foot, that only resulting in her shoe falling off.

"Ey, give me back my shoe!" She almost wined, but he just held onto it.

"No, you hurt my feelings." Oh, she sure didn't. He was grinning widely at her.

"Aren't you a tad flirty for knowing me for almost four days?" She smiled, but felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter dangerously.

"You've gotta grip life by the balls!" He kept laughing, watching Claire's slightly outraged face for his wording. "Besides," he whispered, getting closer to her. "I like the sparks you emit." He touched her cheek, magic flaring.

"Is that..." She hiccuped from pure shock.

"Normal?" He smiled, seemingly quite occupied with the hues of blue in her eyes. "I don't know." He muttered. He removed his hand and smiled at her, the pretty blonde with those big, blue eyes.

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