Hold Me Now (Ziall Fan Fictio...

By RosyPetals

71.9K 1.9K 629

When Niall Horan and Zayn Malik are paired up for a school field trip, Niall thinks it's some form of punishm... More

Hold Me Now (Ziall Fan Fiction)
Hold Me Now-One
Hold Me Now-Two
Hold Me Now-Three
Hold Me Now-Four
Hold Me Now-Five
Hold Me Now-Six
Hold Me Now-Seven
Hold Me Now-Eight
Hold Me Now-Nine
Hold Me Now-Ten
Hold Me Now-Eleven
Hold Me Now-Twelve
Hold Me Now-Thirteen
Hold Me Now-Fourteen
Hold Me Now-Fifteen
Hold Me Now-Sixteen
Hold Me Now-Eighteen
Hold Me Now-Nineteen
Hold Me Now-Twenty
Hold Me Now-Twenty One
Hold Me Now-Twenty Two
Hold Me Now-Twenty Three
Hold Me Now-Twenty Four
Hold Me Now-Epilogue

Hold Me Now-Seventeen

2K 47 31
By RosyPetals

Chapter Seventeen

Niall woke up in the middle of the night to the phone ringing. Zayn was asleep, and wasn't waking up anytime soon, his arms wrapped lightly around Niall's waist. Niall carefully untangled Zayn's arms, slipping out of the bed. He hurried to throw on his robe, which was lying on a chair, and quickly rushed to the phone.

"Hello, Niall Horan speaking," Niall said tiredly as he picked up the phone, putting it to his ear. The voice on the other end breathed for a couple seconds, sending shivers down his back. "Hello?"

"Hello Niall," the voice purred. "Darling, did you miss me? Because I sure miss my personal punching bag."

"No," Niall whispered, taking a shaky step back. "No no no." The other person chuckled, and tears formed in Niall's eyes, streaming down his cheeks.

"Yes, yes, Niall," the person said darkly, "it's me, Bobby. I've missed you so much, and I can't wait for you to come home, where you will face a sever punishment for leaving."

"No!" Niall shrieked, stumbling over things, backing into a wall. "No! No! I will never go back! You can't make me! I won't do it!"

"You don't have a choice. Des will get you. Why to you think I sent him? And Mr. Howl? Me and him go way back, before I met your stupid mother. I broke him out of jail and he became a teacher under a new name. I told him to rape you, Niall," Bobby chuckled.

"Why?" Niall sobbed, choking on his tears. "Why would you do something so awful? So sick? So cruel? What have I ever done to you?"

"You took her away from me!" Bobby screeched, breathing heavily. Niall sniffed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand, waiting for Bobby to continue. "You took Maura away from me," he said, quieter this time. "She loved me, I loved her. But Greg ruined it all! So she had to have you and give you all the attention!"

"Is that why you hate me?" Niall asked quietly, rubbing his cheeks. "Because of something I couldn't help? Mum would've loved you just as much as me if you had at least tried to love me. I know I always tried with you."

"I tried, but I could never be good enough," Bobby said, chuckling bitterly. "I always did it wrong somehow. So I decided to hate you both."

"Bobby?" Niall asked softly. When his father didn't reply, Niall continued. "How did Greg die?"

"I pushed him," Bobby said coldly, his breathing uneven. "I pushed him out because I realized that it wasn't all your fault, it was Greg's. But then you lived, and I had so much anger, that I pinned the blame back on you. So now you're coming home for good."

"No!" Niall screamed, his tears falling again. "Des won't get me! Zayn will protect me, he won't let you get me!" Niall heard the bed creak in the other room, signalling that Zayn was up and would be coming any second.

"Go ahead, I'd like to see him try. If he does, we will put a bullet through his brain. Sure, he may love you, but is he willing to die for you?" Bobby chuckled. Zayn's head popped into the room.

"Yes!" Niall shouted, sobs wracking his body. "Of course he would! He loves me!" Zayn dashed to Niall, wrapping his arms around Niall's slender body and taking the phone to his ear.

"Listen to me, Bobby," he hissed, already knowing who it was, "you stop with this stupid game. You touch a hair on Niall and I will break every bone in your body and hang you. You understand? Now don't call here again."

Zayn slammed the phone down, closing his arms around Niall. "Zainie," Niall whimpered, burying his face in Zayn's neck. Zayn caressed his back, placing soft kisses to the base of Niall's neck.

"Niall, angel, what did he want? What did he say?" Zayn whispered, picking Niall up. Niall wrapped his legs around Zayn's waist, his head resting on Zayn's shoulder as the older boy carried them to the bed.

"H-He told m-m-me he was g-going to get me h-home and hurt m-me!" Niall sobbed, his hands closing around Zayn's T-shirt. Rage filled Zayn as he clutched Niall closer to his body, his lips finding Niall's forehead.

"I won't let him get you," Zayn whispered, caressing Niall's cheek. Niall's eyes widened in fear, and he shook his head.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Niall squeaked, his legs tightening around Zayn's waist. "H-He told me h-he would put a b-bullet through your b-b-brain!" Zayn clenched his teeth together.

"Baby," Zayn whispered as calmly as he could, "everything is going to be okay. I'm going to take care of everything, alright? It'll all be okay."

But everything wasn't.


A knock on the door caused Mr. Howl to look up from the papers he was grading. "Come in," he said, leaning back in his chair. The door opened, and a boy stepped in, his face beat up. "Son? What happened to you?"

The boy walked into the room, scowling as he plopped down in one of the chairs Mr. Howl had to offer. "I obviously got in a fight. And lost," he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Mr. Howl chuckled. "Oh, I hate them all so much! I can't wait for Des to get them, both of them."

"Who says Des wants his son to come back with him?" Mr. Howl asked, putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs. His son raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so he'll take Harry. And of course he will take Niall, that's his orders."

"So what do we do once they take them? Zayn is going to want to go after Niall, and I don't want him to do that. We have to make him fall for me, and forget about Niall," the boy said, running a hand through his hair. He sighed, dropping his hands again. "And what about Louis? What do we do with him?"

"We'll figure Louis out when after we figure out Zayn," Mr. Howl said, picking up a pen from his desk and tapping on the oak wood. "Maybe if we find someone who looks like Niall and kill him in front of Zayn? That would prevent him from searching. And you can comfort him in his mourning."

"I don't know if that'll work, Zayn is smart," Mr. Howl's son said, his leg bouncing nervously. "What if you kidnap him? And I'm there, since you "kidnapped" me, too, and we form a relationship. Would that work?"

"Son, Zayn is strong. I don't know if I'll be able to get him," Mr. Howl said. They both sat in silence. "I suggest that we let him go after Niall. When Bobby hurts Niall to the point of death, Zayn will leave and come back to his friends. You make your move then."

"Well, it's the best we have at the moment," the boy said, biting his lip. "But what about Louis? He'll go after Harry, and we don't want that. I'm sure he would die for Harry, I wouldn't underestimate him."

"Well, son," Mr. Howl said as they both rose from their seats, making their way to the door. "What do you think we should do with him?" The two were at the door now, and Mr. Howl opened the door.

"We kill him?" His son asked uncertainly as he stepped out of the room. There was few people around, but the boy had whispered that, just in case someone was eavesdropping. Mr. Howl grinned.



The bed creaked under Harry's weight as he sat down on the bed, running a hand through his curly hair. It was very early in the morning, and Harry had gone to get a drink. Louis sat up from beside him on the bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Harry? What are you doing up, love?" Louis asked tiredly, putting his arms around Harry's bare chest. Harry sighed, tilting his head and placing a chaste kiss to Louis' soft lips.

"There's a lot on my mind, Boo," Harry said, wrapping his body around Louis' petite one. He kissed around Louis' neck, making the older boy giggle, squirming a little in Harry's grasp.

"Such as?" Louis asked when Harry stopped. Harry gave him a small smile, resting his forehead against Louis'.

"Des," he said, sighing as he sat back up. Louis frowned, resting his chin on Harry's shoulder. "Louis, he's a bad man, and I don't want him to hurt you. Ever."

"Harry, he's only here to visit Greece or something, it's not like he was coming to get you or something," Louis said, wrapping his legs around Harry's waist. He pecked Harry's cheek, drawing imaginary circles on Harry's arm.

"I know. But he could still hurt you, or Niall. Even Zayn or Liam. I couldn't love with myself if he hurt you. And Zayn would kill me if he hurt Niall," Harry said, toying with Louis' hair. "I'm afraid he's here for more than just a vacation. It's a little coincidental that he happened to come here at the exact moment we did."

"But your dad had no idea we were taking a trip here, did he?" Louis asked, nipping at Harry's neck, making him moan softly. Harry shook his head, both boys deep in thought. "So, someone either told him we were here, or someone sent him."

"But who would want to send him and why? If he wanted me, he could just easily take me down and drag me home. You would come, also, due to the bracelet," Harry said, pecking Louis' forehead. Louis yawned.

"I don't know, maybe he wasn't sent for you. He hasn't even touch you yet," Louis said, laying down on the pillows. Harry laid beside him, their limbs entwined. "But you know what? He seemed to know Niall, and Niall seemed to know him. Niall was shaking pretty bad, and Des called him 'Bobby's little amis'. Maybe Des did something to him in the past?"

"I don't know, but you should ask him tomorrow," Harry said, pulling the blankets over them. "But for now, get some rest. We will worry about everything in the morning, alright?"

If they had known what the next day held, they might not have gone to bed.


"You understand? Now don't call here again," Zayn said as the call ended. Bobby chuckled to himself, pulling the phone from his ear. He thought it was cute that Zayn was threatening him for Niall's sake.

"Zayn doesn't really love him," Bobby said to himself, scrolling through his contacts until he came to the S'. "But he does have wonderful acting skills." When he got to Des' contact, he clicked the phone button. Des picked up on the third ring. "Do you have him yet?"

"Gee, I don't get a hello? A how you been?" Des asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Bobby growled and Des threw up his hands in defense, even though Bobby couldn't see him. "But to answer your question, no, I haven't."

"And why not?" Bobby bellowed, pacing his room, biting his lip. "I sent you there two days ago! You've been there for over eighteen hours! You should have him by now!"

"Relax, Bobo," Des said, using a nick name he had once called Bobby when they were younger, "it'll all be okay. I'll get them, trust me." He stirred the soup he was making, the wonderful smell sending shivers down his body.

"Des, that's the problem, I do trust you," Bobby said, walking slowly up the stairs to the room he set up for Niall. "I trust you to get the job done quickly and right. I want my boy back! Have you even talked to him yet?"

"Of course I have," Des scoffed, "who do you think I am? But there was a boy protecting him, someone Niall seemed very fond of. I know he's going to get in the way of it all. What do you want me to do with him? Kill him?"

"No," Bobby said, reaching the long hall at the top of the staircase. "I don't want him dead yet. Either bust him up a little in front of Niall, or take him with. Either way, don't kill him, just break Niall."

"Yes, Bobo," Des said, tasting the soup. It was warm enough, so he took it off the stove. "I'll be rough with him. Do you want me to break Niall in, too? Or do you want him to be bruise free for you?" He took a hot pad out and set it on the table, placing the pan of soup on it. He walked to the fridge for water.

"No, go ahead and hurt him, too. Make sure to do it in front of Zayn if you bring him, and then tell me his reaction," Bobby said, passing several doors on his way to Niall's room. "But I want him home within the next two days, so when can you go and get him?"

"Now would work," Des lied, knowing it would be his head on a platter if he couldn't go now. "I can go and get him right now for you. And then he will be to you soon."

"Good," Bobby chuckled, pausing in front of Niall's room. "I'll see you soon. Don't disappoint me, Des." He ended the call, shoving the phone back in his pocket. He pushed open the door, walking into the room he had redone.

The walls were a dull gray, the window boarded up heavily. There were several pairs of chains connected on the walls, nothing else in the room. The carpet had been removed, and a cold cement floor was all that was left.

"I think Niall will be very comfortable in here," Bobby chuckled, smiling to himself. Then he turned around and walked out of the room.


It was getting late, and Mr. Howl decided it was time to go to his room and get some rest. He couldn't stop thinking of ways to get Zayn to fall for his son, and ways to kill Louis. Once Harry, Niall, and Louis were out of the way, Zayn was open til his son. Nothing could go wrong.

He shoved the papers in to his bag, glancing at the clock. It read 1:56 am in bright red numbers. He sighed, slinging the bag over his shoulder and grabbing his keys from the top drawer in the desk. He walked out of the room, locking the door behind him.

All the lights were already turned off, and no one was seen anywhere. Mr. Howl whistled a tune as he made his way across the carpeted lobby to the stairs, since the elevators probably weren't on. He walked down the three flights of stairs, down to the main floor.

His shoes clicked on the tile floor, and he ran his hand over the smooth ebony reception desk. He smiled to himself as he pictured Louis, a rope around his neck as he dangled from the celling, a knife shoved in his chest. Sure, Harry would be devastated over Louis' murder, but no one really cared about him.

Mr. Howl pushed open the glass doors of the building, making his way to his car in the dark, an uneasy feeling settling in his chest. He glanced around, his pace quickening. When he reached his car, he fumbled with the keys, eventually dropping them into the ground.

"Shoot," he muttered, his hands searching the ground. His fingers brushed over the ring of keys, and he mentally cheered. "Ah!" He screamed as someone grabbed the back of his shirt, pinning him against the car. His attacker was wearing all black, a ski mask over his face.

"Leave Niall alone or you will regret it! You understand?" The attacker barked, making Mr. Howl shutter. "He's mine!"

"Get the heck off of me!" Mr. Howl shouted, shoving at the man. The attacker chuckled, leaning close to Mr. Howl.

"Don't forget what I said, or you'll be sorry," he said, dropping the teacher and sprinting off. Mr. Howl touched his shoulder where the attacker had touched him, shaking his head as he regrouped. He picked up his keys and looked for the right one.

A hand clamped down on his shoulder, and Mr. Howl let out a squeak of fright. "Ben," Des said as his friend spun around, letting out a breath of air. Mr. Howl shook his head, chuckling bitterly to himself.

"You scared me pretty bad there," Mr. Howl said, shaking his head. Des shrugged, letting go of the teacher's shoulder. "But what do you want? Its late, and I really need to get to bed."

"You're not going to bed tonight," Des said, taking the keys from Mr. Howl's hand. "I need your help. Bobby wants Niall in two days, and you are going to help me get him. I'm assuming you know what room he's in."

"How about we make a deal?" Mr. Howl asked, snatching the keys back, letting out a huff. "I'll help you if you help me." Des thought about it for a couple minutes, finally agreeing. "I'll help you get Niall if you take Harry back home and help me kill Louis."

"Who is Louis, anyway? My son won't tell me who he is," Des said as he opened the passenger seat of the car, hopping in as Mr. Howl climbed into the drivers seat. "And anyway, I was going to take Harry back. He can't just run away from me like that."

"Louis is Harry's boyfriend," Mr. Howl informed him, glancing over at his friend as he started the car. Des' jaw dropped in shock, and his hands tightened into fists.

"I never knew he was gay. That fag, how dare he keep this from me!" Des said, taking a sharp breath. "Louis definitely needs to go. But why do you need him to be killed? What has he done to you?"

"To me? Nothing," Mr. Howl said, grinning as he pulled out of the parking lot. The streets were empty, as everyone was at home sleeping. "But he's a friend of Zayn's, and I need to get rid of all of Zayn's friends that we can. Bobby will take Niall, you will take Harry, and we leave Louis for dead."

"But why do you have to take away Zayn's friends?" Des asked, scratching his head in confusion. "And what about your son's roommate? Isn't he Zayn's friend?"

"No, my son's roommate isn't Zayn's friend, they annoy the heck out of each other!" Mr. Howl said, shaking his head. "And all of Zayn's friends need to be gone in order for him to fall in love with my son."

"Oh," Des said. The ride became very silent as they drove to the building where all the students were staying. "My van is around back. We drug Niall, after beating him and Zayn up a little, then throw Niall in the back. We then go back for Louis and Harry. Sound good?"

"Let's do this," Mr. Howl said, stopping the car and climbing out. Des grabbed three rags and a bottle of chloroform. They both walked up to the doors. "Ready?"

Des nodded, grabbing the door handle. "Ready."


Note: That jumps around a lot! But it was needed.

How was this one? Good? Bad? Could've been better? Amazing? Leave a comment!

I spent a long time writing this chapter (after a lot of procrastinating of course), and would appreciate if you would comment.

I want your thoughts on who Mr. Howl's son is. Who are YOUR suspects? Who aren't?

I hate silent readers, I really do. It makes me feel like you just read it and it's not good enough to leave a comment. And for some of you, you may find that true. But maybe you silent readers could leave a message in my inbox? Just to let me know you're here? Or leave what you would comment if you are too shy to say it on here? Pwease?

Thanks for all the reads! It means a lot to me!


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