Nothing, Nothing at all...

By C4t1l1n4

64K 2K 1.7K

A Dark x reader fanfic. I will write it as if you are a girl, but the character is kinda tomboyish, so you ca... More

A couple of things to know...


6.5K 187 150
By C4t1l1n4

Click, Clack
Click, Clack
Your high heels talk on the sidewalk.

Swish, Swoosh
Swish, Swoosh
Your red dress brushes against your thighs.

Your heart beats as you walk alone.

The street lamp buzzes as you walk past it in the dark.

Your keys say as you fidget with them in your hand. You hold them with the keys sticking out in between your fingers, almost like Wolverine.

Click, Clack
Swish, Swoosh

Click, Clack...

You hear a wolf whistle and a deep voice calls out to you. "Hello..." You spin around, but see nothing, nothing at all. You turn back and continue walking. "Hello, y/n..." You hear the voice call again. You look all round you, North, East, South and West. Heck, you even look on roof tops and in trees, but there is nothing. Nothing at all. You gulp, clutching your keys tighter and pickup your pace, when you feel a pair of arms wrap around you. You stiffen in fear and shock. They slowly pry the keys out of your hand and toss them away into the grass nearby. "It's rude not to acknowledge someone, when they're talking to you..." The voice, a man's voice, says. He breathes out, his breath tickling your ear.

He spins you around and holds you to him, with his left arm. You finally see him for the first time. Eyes so dark brown they're almost black, framed in black, thin, wire glasses. His hair dyed such a dark blue that, yet again, it's almost black. You can't really see the rest of him considering the fact that he is holding you pretty tight. He smiles, revealing a row of sharp teeth, and looks into your eyes as he holds up a knife in his right hand. You squirm, but your fear strengthens him and your attempts are useless. He digs the knife into your chest saying "Don't be afraid, because nothing happened, nothing, nothing at all..."

Don't kill me, alright. Just because I left you at a sorta, kinda, not-so-really, cliffhanger.
Was that to long you think? Or to short? Or just right? Or what?
Anyway, I hoped you liked it, pls give me feed back and I will try to post more tomorrow, or maybe later today, depending on how I feel, what you say, and how fast I can type. XD
All in all, Buh-Bye!!

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