Friends With One Direction (p...

By Hamashma

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It all started out with Kat's birthday party. Her sister, Hazel, wants Kat to be satisfied with the gift she'... More

Friends With One Direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Niall Horan?
Chapter 3: Starstruck
Chapter 4: What Makes You Beautiful
Chapter 5: Explaining Kat
Chapter 6: Better Than Words
Chapter 7: The Towel
Chapter 8: The Towel #2
Chapter 9: Up All Night
Chapter 10: I Wish
Chapter 11: Tell Me a Lie
Chapter 12: One Way Or Another
Chapter 13: I Want
Chapter 14: Irresistible
Chapter 15: Alive
Chapter 16: 5/5 Of One Direction.
Chapter 17: The Almost First Kiss
Chapter 19: I'm Sorry.
Chapter 20: Time To Leave.
Chapter 21: Texting Spree.
Chapter 22: Skype Time
Chapter 23: The Dream.
Chapter 24: Your Song.
Chapter 25: I Would
Chapter 26: Sirens.
Chapter 27: Cat Fight.
Chapter 28: Heart Problems.
Chapter 29: Broken Down.
Chapter 30: Story Of My Life
Chapter 31: Moments
Chapter 32: Last First Kiss
Chapter 33: Meet And Greet.
Chapter 34: Paparazzi
Chapter 35: The Date.
The Files.
Chapter 36: Niall's Twitcam.
Chapter 37: Eavesdroppers.
Chapter 38: I Don't Swim.
Chapter 39: The Date #2
Chapter 40: Midnight Memories
Chapter 41: Detective H. Styles.
Chapter 42: I'm Not Friends With One Direction
Chapter 43: She's Not Afraid
Chapter 44: 4 Months.
Chapter 45: 3 Years.
Chapter 46: Little Black Dress
Chapter 47: Karry
Authors Note
Chapter 47: Live While We're Young
Chapter 48: Does He Know
Chapter 49: Over Again
Chapter 50: Cheating?
Chapter 51: Loved You First
Chapter 52: Change My Mind
Chapter 53: You and I
Happy or Sad?

Chapter 18: Who Likes Whom.

922 25 4
By Hamashma

Hazel's POV

Me and Kat both explained what had happened to us.
Harry likes me?
Is that the secret?
No wonder why Niall didn't want me to know.
He doesn't want me to like Harry.
I don't even want him to.

I'm so pissed off at Harry.
After Harry told Kat that he liked me... Well... Lets just say that she's changed.
She's just... Different somehow.
She's really upset about it.
Even though she knows she can't be with him, it would still be good to know that her older sister isn't going to date the guy she loves. Or loved.
I don't know if she still does.

Now we're just lying on my floor next to each other.
Kat had gotten changed into her jeans and a tank top.

"I'm sick of guys already..." She sighed.
I laughed.

"Me to. They say girls are confusing? We're not that hard. Guys are the confusing ones." I said to her.

"Well, are you still gonna date Niall? Or Harry?" She said the last part quietly.

"I don't know. I like Niall, but he lied to me." I said.

"He didn't lie. He just didn't say that Harry likes you" she said sadly.

"You know, if I could, I would change what Harry thinks of me" I told her.

"Yeah, I know. But you can't" she said quietly.

"Maybe I can..." I whispered.

"What do you mean?" She said curiously.
I sat up.

"I really don't want Harry to like me. Maybe I could do things that he doesn't like in a girl? That might put him off me" I explained.

She sat up this time.
"You would do that?" She said excitedly.

"Of course. I hate seeing you sad like this. If it makes you happy I'll do it" I suggested.

"Yay! I'll help you" she said.
"Thanks. What's Harry's biggest turn off?" I asked.

"Swearing" she declared.

"Okay... So I just need to swear a lot in front of him?" I asked.

"Well, I don't think it will be that simple, but we'll give it a try. Oh and try to get close to Niall. That will piss him off" Said Kat.

"Let's go then" I said as I stood up.

"Wait! Are you still angry at Niall?" She asked as she got up off the ground.

"I don't know. Should I be? I mean, he didn't lie, like you said. He just didn't tell me. And he said he would, just not yet. But I know now. Does he know I know? I just don't know. It's hard to stay angry at him when I see his face. His face is so cute and sweet, every time I look at him, the anger fades away, even though I know I should still be angry. So when I go down there I'm going to forgive him anyway. And I heard him crying before, which is going to make me sad then I'm going to-" I was cut off.

"Hazel! Stop! Just forgive him. It's not his fault that Harry likes you and didn't want to tell you. I mean, Harry usually gets the girl, and Niall doesn't, so I see why he didn't tell you. He thought you would start liking Harry over him. He knows he has competition over you. I guess he really likes you, to not tell you about that" she explained.

"You're right, Kat. I'm going to forgive him. Did you see him cry?" I asked.

"Yeah. He was really upset. He was crying over you" She said.

Oh gosh. I made Niall Horan cry.
I feel like such a bully.

She saw my face.
"Hazel, don't worry. I'm sure it wasn't that bad. I bet Louis cheered him up anyway" she reassured me.

Of course Louis cheered Niall up. He can always put a smile on someones dial, even if they don't want to.

I smiled.
"Good. How long have we been lying up here anyway?" I asked.

She checked her phone.
"About two hours..." She said.

"Really? Wow. I am losing track of time a lot today" I told her.

"You are, aren't you? Anyway. Lets go. And remember to swear a bit, okay?" She reminded me.

I nodded and we walked out the door.
When we got down stairs, the boys were all on the couches again, watching T.V. this time.
They looked up at us again.
Harry wolf-whistled at us.
Being a douche, as always.

Just remember to swear, Hazel. I kept reminding myself.
I'm not a big swearer, by the way.

"Shut up, Harry" I scolded at him.
He looked kinda surprised.

Good. That means our plan is working.

"Sorry..." He apologized.

"You should be" I snapped back at him.

His eyes grew wider.

I sat next to Niall because there was an empty spot next to him. Liam was sitting on a couch with Zayn and Louis was lying on the floor. Harry was at a couch by himself.
Harry patted the space next to him, indicating to Kat to sit with him.
She ignored him.

"Can I sit with you guys?" She asked Liam and Zayn.
They knew what had happened between her and Harry so they said "Sure, come sit down" and moved over so they were squished, but still happy.

I smiled at Kat. She winked back.
Harry looked unhappy. Good.

"What are we watching?" I asked Niall.

"Paranormal Activity. It's kinda scary so I don't think you girls should watch it" Niall warned us.

I shrugged and leaned on him.
He looked surprised.
He probably thought I was still angry with him.
I smiled and gave an apologetic look.

I leaned towards his ear.
"Sorry for being a cow" I whispered in it.

"You're not a cow. You had a right to be angry. Are we okay now?" He whispered back.

"Yeah" I said and just leaned on him.
He held me.

"Do you guys have any blankets that we can use?" Louis asked from the floor.

"Yes. They're in that cupboard just over there" Kat said and pointed to the big cupboard. Louis grabbed some and tossed one at us.
Niall grabbed it before it hit my face.

"Thanks.." I said.

"No problem" he said.
Louis turned off the lights and shut the curtains, just to make it extra scary.
Did I mention I'm terrified of scary movies?
Kat's fine with them, but I'm not so much...

Harry's POV. {When Hazel and Kat walked in}

I wolf whistled at them. Why? Because they both look gorgeous and I wanted to lift the mood between us.

"Shut up, Harry" Hazel snapped back to me.
Well I guess that didn't lift the mood at all.
I was surprised. Hazel doesn't usually say that, but then again, I've known her for only 2 days..
I need to try to get on her good-side.

"Sorry..." I apologized.

"You should be" she snapped back again.

This is not like her. I'm guessing Kat told her everything.
She took a seat next to Niall.
Yep. Kat told her.
I patted the spot next to me and looked at Kat.
She turned her head away from me.

"Can I sit with you guys?" She asked Liam and Zayn. Of course they agreed.

They heard her whole speech about me liking Hazel as well as I did.
That speech still shocks me. Is all of that true?
Every word of it?
Of course it is.
She spoke from the heart about how she felt. It was a good speech.
It affected me as much as she wanted it to.
I understood every single word of it.

She's angry that I like Hazel, and she can't forgive me. Not yet. Because its too soon.
She's spent so long liking me that she can't get over the fact that I like Hazel, in an instant.
And she's right.
I never thought about how it would affect her if I admitted who I liked.
I'm such an idiot.
She really did love me.
I don't even know if she still does.
Now I've lost a friend.
I really like talking to her. It was great.
She listened like no one has ever listened to me before.
She actually understood me more than I did.

Now I've lost her, all because of me.

All my fault.

I'm such a douche.

I don't even deserve a friend like her.

I've only known her for a couple hours, and I broke her heart in
those few hours.

She's only 15.

But she's a great listener.
I love Kat's personality. She's so bubbly. But not now.

Because of me.

When I told her that I liked her
sister, that must have changed her.
She's not bubbly like she was.

"What are we watching?" Hazel asked Niall.

"Paranormal Activity. It's kinda scary so I don't think you girls should watch it" Niall warned them.
Even I found it scary in some parts. But I love the movie.

Hazel shrugged.
Okay then.

I know Kat will be fine.
She told me that she loved scary movies and cuddling up to anyone while she watched it.

Usually it would be Hazel that she hugged, because Tom is to young to watch.
Apparently Hazel is the scared one.
So Hazel would always sit with Kat, because she's brave.
But they're not together tonight.

Kat sat with Zayn and Liam, and Hazel sat with Niall.
Hazel leaned close to Niall.
He kind of looked surprised.
It was probably because of their fight.
But now they're whispering and smiling.
She forgave him. But not me...

"Do you guys had any blankets that we can use?" Louis asked from the floor.

I don't even know why he's there.
It's a scary movie. You're not supposed to be on the floor by yourself.

Eh, it's Louis. He does crazy things.
That's his normal...

"Yes. They're in that cupboard just over there" Kat said and pointed to a big cupboard.

Louis threw one at me, two at Kat, Liam and Zayn, one at Niall and Hazel, and grabbed the biggest one for himself. Obviously.

When Lou threw the blanket to Hazel, Niall caught it before it hit her.
Why does he have to be such a gentleman?
Why does he have to be so much better than me?
They cuddled up together.

Not ANOTHER movie where I have to just sit and watch them together again...
Maybe I can just leave now...
The movie started.
Too late...

Hazel's POV.

It's halfway through the movie.
I'm terrified.

I keep holding on to Niall and my body keeps jumping every time the paranormal stuff happens.
I hate ghosts.

Niall is so protective over me. It's cute.
Every time I jump or squeal, he always holds me tighter and smiles at me reassuring me that its just a movie.

My mum made us popcorn and then left again with Tommy, so we could just have 'teen time'.
Her words, not mine.

It's about 5:30pm.
Woah. It's kind of late already.
Oh well.

I enjoy One Direction's company.
They're just cool, relaxed, and fun guys to hang out with.

Maybe not Harry...
Well, he is cool and stuff, but I wouldn't say that I ENJOY his company.

He's just so flirty. Too flirty, if you ask me.
He's a good person at heart. I know that.
But he can't just like me. It's only been two days that I've known them.
Only two days.

He shouldn't just suddenly like me.
Neither should Niall.
And then again, I shouldn't like him either.
But I feel like I've known them longer, because they're famous. But I haven't known them personally for very long.

We've all just connected in those couple of days.
It feels like we've been friends for years.
We're all just so comfortable around each other.
I know it's weird, but it's true.

"Ah!" I squealed as the people were getting attacked by the paranormal ghost things.
The home video style makes it scarier.
Niall held me tighter.

"Are you sure you're okay to watch the movie?" He whispered to me.

"Yeah. I just get scared easily" I whispered back.

"Like this morning when you woke me up. You thought I was dead." he said quietly.

"Exactly." I said and cuddled close to him.

I feel really safe around him.

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