Kylo Ren: The War In Our Hear...

By _J_Evans

282K 5K 868

As young Jedi, Nakari Kuolu, is sent to accompany the resistance's best pilot, Poe Dameron, to the planet of... More

Blast From the Past
Bruises and Broken Ribs
The Darkness
Who is she?
Going Home
Hello and Goodbye
Remember When
The Gala
Hello there!
The Throne Room
Not A Jedi
Supreme Leader Naku
Death Star2
Unexpected Circumstances
Keep Moving
Strange Hellos
The ending.


9.7K 179 7
By _J_Evans

Running through the Finalizer to get to the hanger was surprisingly easy, maybe he took my threat seriously and called off the Storm Troopers. I was in a fighter jet and on my way to D'Qar within ten minutes, but I couldn't help the sinking feeling in my stomach. 

     Lights started flashing in the cockpit and sirens went off, signaling that something was very very wrong. I flipped a few switches but it didn't do anything, I was still at light speed and losing control. The only choice I had was to pull out of light speed and attempt to land on the nearest planet. 

     It was anything but a smooth ride as I pulled into the nearest planet's system. I was coming in hot and heading straight towards a forest, definitely not ideal in anyway. I hung on for dear life as the fighter jet breached the tree line, slowing tremendously once the forest was blocking its path. On the impact of the hit, my head slams forward and hits the dash, resulting in blood trickling down my forehead.

    Great! At this rate I'd be adding a scar to my face on a weekly basis. 

    The fighter finally comes to a stop so I carefully look through the windshield.

     "Ahh!" The fighter tips forward before falling another three stories to the forest ground. "Oh my..." I try turning the fighter back on but it's useless, the only thing I was able to make work was the GPS which showed us as being in Zothel, a Mid-Rim planet that was a major supporter of the First Order. I don't think my situation could get much worse.



     As I walked through the trees, searching for the town or village, I couldn't help but contemplate what my life had become. 

    When I was around fifteen, my biggest dilemma was how I was going to get Ben Solo to notice me along with mastering my Jedi skills. Master Skywalker was a good trainer, he had treated me like a daughter since I started with him as a Padawan when I was only five.

     Master Skywalker had found me on the planet of Onderon while he was in the Inner-Rim. I had a mother and a father, whose names I no longer remember, but when Master Skywalker explained to them how the force was strong within me and that he would train me himself, they simply couldn't say no. 

     Ben and I trained together from a very young age but it wasn't until we went away with Master Skywalker, to become his apprentices and help  train the new padawans, that our relationship became more than friendly. 

     In the beginning it was Ben who didn't want to give me the affection he thought I deserved because he new it was against the Jedi Law. But after a while his feelings became stronger than my own, I was Ben's first and only love and he was mine. Shortly after we realized how mad we were for each other, he started talking about leaving and going somewhere were we could be together. 

      But I was against it! Master Skywalker needed us to help restore order and we couldn't betray the man who had given us everything. At least to me, Luke Skywalker taught me everything I knew, he was the reason I became a Jedi and even met Ben, I wasn't going to betray him. 

    But in Ben's eyes, Luke was the reason we couldn't be together. This was around the same time that he started taking such a strong interest in Darth Vader. I should have seen the signs but I was blinded by my love for him. 

    I was sent to D'Qar on a mission and Luke had instructed that Ben stay behind, this was Luke's way of seperating us, as if time would make our love die out. Ben wasn't stupid and he knew exactly what Luke was doing. Maybe that's what set him off. 

     I start to hear the sounds of a town so I quicken my pace, I was exhausted and starving, crashing a plane will do that to you. I finally step through the trees and I'm greeted with a small town, short buildings surrounded the perimeter and I was able to waltz right in. I guess the townspeople weren't really worried about unwanted visitors. 

    When I spot a cantina, I'm quick to make my way inside and find a table in the back corner. I didn't have any money for a meal or a place to stay so I was going to have to use the force to my advantage. I knew it wasn't the right thing to do but I didn't exactly have a choice. 

      "What can I get you?" The woman was human, as were most of the beings in this cantina with a few other aliens hanging around. 

    I quickly order something but stop her before she walks away. "I've already paid."

    "You've already paid." She says in a monotone voice before turning and walking back into the kitchen. Part of me felt guilty but the other part of me didn't care, I was hungry and I had to eat to survive. I would also need to find a place to live and get a change of clothes, I was sticking out like a sore thumb in this all black wardrobe. 

     My hand goes to the light saber that was under my poncho, I had to keep it hidden. Not only was it not mine but if anyone knew I was Jedi, the First Order would be here in a split second. 

     My head snaps up as someone takes the seat in front of me. She was a Twi'lek with blue skin, long lekku growing from her skull and coned ears. A gold dress was wrapped around her body and went to the floor while a gold head band covered her head and black ribbon wrapped around the top of her lekku. 

     "Can I help you?" I question after she leans on the table with a smirk on her face.

      "I know what you just did." She whispers and I raise a dark brow. "You're a Jedi, aren't you?" I remain calm as she leans forward even more. "You obviously need a place to stay and you have no money. You can stay with me." 

     "And what do you want return?" It was my turn to lean on the table as I waited to hear her full proposal. 

     "I'll be honest with you, I need to get off this retched planet."

    "Zothel doesn't seem so bad to me. Why do you want to get away so badly?" 

    I watched as the fake smile left her face and was replaced by a look of sadness. "My parents were murdered by the First Order for being Resistance sympathizers. I'm not safe here anymore."

     My heart went out to her and I felt as though I could truly trust her. There was something in her that I could sense was good. 

     "I don't have a way out of here yet but I can promise I'll take you with me when I do, we are both safer together than we are apart. I'm Naku." I hold out my hand and she shakes it with a small smile on her face.

    "Shesmuda." I felt as though this was the start of a good friendship, something of which I didn't have many.


I really hope y'all are loving it!! I'm really attached to this story and the characters and I'd LOVE to know what you think! Please vote (which takes a second) and comment if you like!

Thanks for reading!!

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