Love me like you do

By Ginny_weasley7

144K 3.6K 2.5K

Ever wonder what would of happened if Ginny went to a college outside of Hogwarts? Imagine this: Ginny leaves... More

Room 715
Emma Cooper
Girls night out
How to annoy Harry
Harry's game
Parties Kisses and Blake!
Bathroom snogs
Partners and Players
Quidditch preparations
First date
An unwanted visitor
Emilie at her best
One month mark
Lectures & Kisses
Blake wants me
Falling for Ginny Weasley
Everybody Meet Luke Mason
Forget the movie, snog already!
The Threat
New Friends and old friends
Splash fights and getting touchy
Emilie has a boyfriend?
The start of something new
Cheater be cheating
Man on a mission
Worried Ginny
Weird talks and blushing mad
Ex Friend, ex boyfriend
The fight
Emma strikes back
Vanilla Twilight
Love me like you do
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
{CONTEST thingy}

College Trip and bye bye Wales!

3.3K 83 69
By Ginny_weasley7

More pictures!

Emilie Johnson~Blair Waldorf.

Pely wavy ~ Selena Gomez

Crystal Brown~ Emma Stone.

Nina ~ Emma Roberts

Andi ~ Vanessa Hudgens

Edited April/15 2017

Sunday morning

Peeling my green eyes opened, I stared blankly at the ceiling, my eyes then landed on the restless Ginny Weasley. Her soft snores were so adorable. She looked younger when she was fast asleep. No sign of stress present on her face. Beautiful. Ginny Weasley you are beautiful.

My mind switched towards Ron. When Ron and I had a 'chat', we'll basically that chat consisted of threats from Ron.
They do's and don'ts. He gave me permission to date Ginny. I was thankful in a way because as I remembered the day Ginny and I shared our first kiss Ron had given me a black eye for a week. His parents were furious with him for months, as for Ginny we'll she acted innocent all around me. For some odd reason I wanted her, she was always on my mind. After that incident with Jake I had decided to give up on girls completely and turned into what muggles call it a "player". Shaking my head,  that's all I wanted, his permission to date Ginny. I remember when I was about 13 years old and I talked to Mr Weasley, Ginny's father. It was actually that day was that Jake incident.


Fixing my hair and trying to make it go flat. I was going to do it. I was going to ask Ginny out. Now firstly I must talk to Mr Weasley than Ron. He is the father of his only daughter.

"Your losing to your hair" says a voice behind me. Looking behind stood my mum smiling at me.

"I know" I smiled back. My mum was beautiful and I love her very much. She is everything to me but sadly I barely see her. Workaholic.

"Go get her" my mum smiled. I walked downstairs of my house and took some floo powder. Entering the fireplace I spoke clearly,

"Burrow" and then within seconds I appeared, Mrs Weasley rushed out to greet me but asked for my visit and why. "I'm sorry Harry but Ron isn't here"

"No I'm here for Mr Weasley" I smiled and Mrs Weasley told me he was in his muggle shed. I went out and knocked.

"Hello Harry what can I do for?" Now or never... "Hi Mr Weasley" I greeted.

"How can I help you? Is James alright? " asked Mr Weasley concerned.

"Yes of course, I am just here to ask you about Ginny" I said a bit nervously, my hands started to sweat. Mr Weasley raised his brows at me and I continued, "could I have permission to date your daughter" i said quickly. Mr Weasley smiled which shocked me. "Yes of course as long as you don't hurt her" Mr Weasley smiled at me and a huge grin widened on my face. "Thank you so much Mr Weasley" I smiled and shook Arthur's hand. "Harry" Mr Weasley said.

"Yes Mr Weasley?" I asked.

"Don't call me Mr Weasley" he smiled and I nodded.

End of flashback

I was thirteen and young, I was asking to date Ginny, my father told me you must asked if they only have one daughter so in this case I ask Mr Weasley, so I could ask Ginny out. Now I'm over girls kind of. Being a player was great fun in a way, It worked for a while but now I have Ginny back in my life, my player side has died down. I actually honestly think Ginny and I are the real thing. It's what I wanted once upon a time and now I'm lost to which if I want it still. What is this spell she has me under? She has me wrapped around her finger. Everything she does brings me into her, her perfect brown eyes, her smile that would be the death of me. Her laugh which my ears were blessed to hear, when she wiggled her eye brows at me I always find it sexy. She is beautiful and I hope she knows it. Man I'm in trouble. I don't think this is love. What is it then? I asked myself. Ginny is not like other girls, she's beautiful and knows how to keep me on track. She can read me like an open book...

"Harry?" Ginny said as she stretched.

"Morning beautiful" I greeted as I pushed the covers so I could get up.

"So that match?" I began to say but was cut off when Ginny spoke, "remember we have that trip Harry"

Oh yeah, we have to visit the Louvre Museum in Paris. We were to stay only three days. This was only a college trip. We didn't have to go but I was going to go if Ginny was going.

"Oh yeah, are you going?" She asked.

"Going where?" Hey I'm stupid okay, but Ginny's eyes I could get lost in them very easy. Brown who knew.

"Paris" in a duh tone Ginny gave me a weird look.

"Yeah, I'm going to sign myself down, when is it?" I asked.

"Tuesday" Ginny replied.

"Are you going?" I asked. Please say yes. Please say yes. I repeated. She is the reason I'm going. I need to work on Ginny. She is falling for me and I know it. Am I falling for her?

"Um I don't know, with the Match on Saturday I'll be exhausted when coming home oh well" Ginny sighed.
I didn't say anything as I was still working on my plan, our second mark is coming and I've been having weird feelings towards Ginny.

"Oh" was all I said and I made my way towards the kitchen. I flicked my wand and food appeared. I started to eat and think real hard. I heard Ginny go into the shower and that's when I decided to call up Ryan and see what this "love" is. Am I  in love with Ginny or is it my mind playing horrible tricks.

Taking out my phone I dialled Ryan's number.

"Hey mate" Ryan's voice boomed into my ear.

"Hey dude" I sighed.

"What's up? Potty sex that bad eh?" Ryan teased.  I would if found it funny but my mind full of thoughts.

"I think I'm falling for her Ry" I mumbled.

"What?" Ryan asked shocked. "You love her?"

"I don't know man" I answered. I let out a sigh.

"Meet me in an hour okay?" I contemplated on his question.

"Okay" I hung up after "goodbyes".

When I met Ryan he talked to me and I finally felt relieved.

When Monday came lectures went by so slow for me. I went straight to Jodie our secretary to sign for Paris and she let me. To my almost delight I saw Ginny's name down, so was my groups and Blake's...



When I packed that night Monday, my mind wondered to Ginny. Maybe it's time to make love you know? Like in Paris, show her how romantic I can be, make her fall for me... Ryan had suggested on telling her but I wanted to win!

Ginny and I turned in early as we were leaving for Paris that day, apparation we were going by so it didn't really matter what time we arrived as long as it was around three. The college booked our rooms for us and all we did was pay over there. We were given apartment rooms which had rooms that had attached to it, with only two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen, lounge and a game room. Ginny and I were sharing it with Ryan and Janet who had a room attached to ours. Pely, Andi, Jeff and Draco in another. Hermione, Ron, Neville who was researching was coming and Emilie. Eva, Nina, Crystal, Luke and Jason were last of us to share.

I woke Ginny that morning but she was so sleepy so I apparated to our apartment in Paris with the bags, checked in and then I apparated back to my dorm where I saw Ginny sprawled across the bed. I smiled.

"Ginny" I whispered. I nudged her a bit.

"Ginny, beautiful wake up" I said again. Ginny stirred. I kissed her cheek. A smile appeared on her face.

"Baby wake up Paris" I said and her beautiful brown eyes opened and landed on my green ones. "What time is it?" She asked as she yawned. I smiled and spoke, "half two, we have to go Ginny baby" I said as I slowly wrapped my arms around her. Ginny cuddled into me. I kissed her temple and then her forehead.

"Okay" I slowly pushed her gently off and got up to retrieve the coffee I made for her and the sausage rolls that I bought her. "Here baby" I handed her and Ginny's eyes twinkled. Wow.

"Thanks so much" she kissed my cheek and started to munch away at her food. "No problem babe" i smiled and I got out my wand. I put locking charms around our dorm and left a note for the cleaners. Ginny walked out dressed and her hair up. I love when her hair is down so I can run my hands through it but Ginny knows how to weaken me, when her hair is up.

"Where's my bags?" She asked worried.

"I already put them in our room baby while you slept" I kissed her cheek and then I took one finale glance around. Ginny spoke, "thank you" and with that we turned on our heels apparating and we arrived at "Val D'Europe" (a note I know this is a shopping mall but I might as well use it as a hotel/apartment)

"It's beautiful here" Ginny commented. Your beautiful I had the urge to say it but bit my tongue from doing so.

Walking towards our room which was 765, I put in the key and we were greeted by all our gang being there. Ron came as he couldn't stand being away from Hermione but the college doesn't care really, as Mr Weasley the Minister I might add said he could and that he paid.

We firstly had to spent the day, go meet up with Mr Crowe who was holding this trip and he told us to go to the machine on the fifth floor where we change our currency. Then hide our wands as this was a muggle city. After hiding our wands we had to find a place not too far to apparate to the Eiffel Tower.

After that we were allowed to get food and relax back at our apartment. Ginny wanted to go shopping so I agreed. I must get her something for our second month mark. But what?

Over the next day we did what we were signed. When we got back I made food for the gang and we relaxed by cuddling on the couches that we summoned by our wand to watch a romantic movie.

Ginny and I were cuddled up on an armchair. I kissed her nose and her lips lightly and Ginny teased me by letting her fingers skim the hem of my top. She traced the outline of pants as well and then she touched my abs. I nibbled her earlobe whispering sweet things into her ears.

"Stop you two" Emilie whined.

Ginny rolled her eyes at her best friend and just laid her head on my shoulder. Ryan and Janet had snuck off to do god knows what, Nina was cuddling with Jason who was playing with her hair. Hermione and Ron were snogging over at the other end. Ew.

"Get a room you two!" Emilie snapped.

Jeff kept staring at Crystal adorably and I couldn't help but smile as he stared at her constantly. Draco and Pely were in our kitchen making popcorn, Eva and Luke were having a staring competition. Emilie was on her phone texting some guy she met. I couldn't help but watch at how cute Jeff and Emilie started to talk. He kept trying to move closer but backed away as Crystal gave him a weird look. I gave a nod towards Jeff and he knew exactly what I meant.

"I just have to get water Gin" I said making an excuse. I heard Ginny groan but nevertheless she got up and I stood up and Jeff followed.

"You like her dude" I said and Jeff gave me a look.

"No I don't, what,..." He lied.

He lying.

"So how long?" I asked.

Jeff sighed and knew he wasn't getting out of this.

"Since I met her" he mumbled.

"Go get her" and with that I brushed past him and smiled. Ginny climbed back into my lap where we cuddled.

After the movie, Ginny was crying at the end as the man died. All the girls were too.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. Ginny turned to me and smiled.

"Yeah, it's just really sad" she hiccuped.

"Just a movie right? That's the reason for the tears" I smirked.

"I know, besides I'm not the only one crying" Ginny pointed to Ryan who had tears leaking, so did Jason and Ron. I gave them weird looks. "What? I'm not crying there's so much pollen in here" Jason defended.

"Maybe we should watch a comedy next time" I said.

"Oh no I can see sad movies" Ginny retorted.

"Oh I know you can" I tried to not laugh at the guys, the girls were already making fun of them and I decided to tease the crap out of Ginny.

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