Bond And Blood

By Salminion

18.3K 1.1K 2.9K

So in this story: What happens if Mira and Ephraim run away when the imperials raided their home? What if the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not an Update again....
Chapter 9
Chapter Number Something
New Allies for Some, New Enemies for Others
The Failed Plan
This Will Need Some Getting Used To
Injuries, Guilt, and Something Else
Grief, Torture, Pain, and Rebellion
Hera Runs Away
Plans, Electricity, and the Help
AND I'm Officially Drowning.. STILL AN UPDATE!!!!
Losing Hope
Stroke of Luck
Secret Meanings
Hidden Information
The Start and The Pain
Discoveries of Truth
A Day In Their Uncomfortable, Imperial Boots
And the Plan Commences!
Escape and Knives in the Back
Casualties and Risks
A Hint of Hope
The Cost of War
The Calm in the Middle of the Storm
Epilogue: Hide and Seek

Chapter 10: Sœurs.

553 31 19
By Salminion

Kanan opened the door and stared at the sight in front of him.

There stood a thirteen years old girl, brown hair marked with pink highlights, a lightsaber handle gripped tightly in her hands. But not just any girl....


The girl's head shot up and stared at Kanan in both suprise and fear.

"How do you know who I am?" She asked suspiciously.

"Don't-don't you remember me?" Kanan asked.

"Am I supposed to?" She asked with a narrowed glare.

"Tahara, I'm-I'm your brother, Caleb...Dume."

Tahara's eyes widened. "C-Caleb?"

L$I $N $E $I $S $S $M $I $R $K $I $N $G $!

A young girl was pushed foward, around six years old, holding a one year old baby. The older of the two had short brown hair and chocolate eyes, that were full of tears. The baby was a small girl, a brown hair barely growing and brown eyes wide. The only difference between the two was that the former had tan skin.

"Boy, meet your new companions. The older one Killiana," the Inquisititor's smile turned into an evil smirk, "And the baby Ally Bridger."

Ezra's eyes widened like saucers as he stuttered, "B-B-Bridger?!"

"Yes my boy, I'm afraid she is your sister. Anyway, they will be under your care. Make sure you do not make much know why," A smile creeper up on the yellow eyed man, "Or you know what will happen."

"Yes sir." Ezra mumbled accordingly as the two girls looked around at the small, poorly taken care of room. The girl, Killiana, handed over Ally to Ezra, "You're a Bridger?" She asked.

"Yeah." Ezra responded.

"My mum used to tell me about them, how they were 'The Voices of Hope' all over Lothal."

Ezra smiled, "Yup. That's them."

"But she said one day they got killed. Is that true?" Killiana looked over at Ezra curiously, as if that were just another detail in a story.

"Yeah that's....true," Ezra sighed. "And I got captured. Some 'friends' of mine were supposed to come save me two years ago but they never came.." Ezra looked down.

"I'm sorry," Killiana apologized, "If it makes you feel any better, my parents were taken by the Empire."

Ezra looked down, "I'm sorry. My parents would've been too of the friends didn't come along."

For long moment there was silence, which was promptly broken when Ezra said, "But we can't focus on the past. We...need to focus on the present, and right now we're trapped here. So...we need to find a way to escape."

Killiana's eyes lit up. "Yeah. And if we're gonna do that were gonna need to watch each other's back."

"Yeah, so let's form a team! The....Spirits of the Forgotten. Because people forgot us, and once your in here, your identity and existence is erased." Ezra said, eagerness fading away slowly near the end.

Just then, Ally started to cry.

"It's OK Ally," Ezra said softly, "We're gonna be alright. Let's call you....Phantom one."

"Yeah!" Killiana nodded her head, "And you can be Spectre and I can be Ghost!"

And just like that, the Spirits of the Forgotten was formed.


Three years later


Age Key

Ezra: 12

Killiana: 9

Ally: 4

Ezra, Killiana, and Ally watched as a seven year old girl with reddish black hair and brown eyes was pushed foward, the Inquisititor behind him simply saying, "Ruby" before turning around and locking the door.

The three children stared at the girl for a second before Killiana said, "Should she be Phantom, Spectre, or Ghost?"

"I say Phantom!!" Ally said eagerly, raising her hand in the air.

"Let's let her decide," Ezra said, and asked the girl the same question.

The girl stared at them for a second before saying, " "


So.....might have let you all off with two cliffies here....sorry XD.

So yeah. I didn't put anything there because I wanted to ask first the owner of Ruby what she would respond, but then I was like, "I'LL JUST STOP IT THERE!!" So yeah.


Yeah. My New Year's Resolution thing.

1) update this more frequently

2) try more in P.E

3) gain more self esteem

4) Something else that I'm not sure of yet...XD

So yeah. CLIFFIES!!!!!

P.S. Sœurs means sister in French.


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