It Needs to Be you(Lesbian St...

By AliciaBloMieLudick

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to the new age
Chapter 2 -Dear John
Chapter 3 - Some lies should be told
Chapter 4 - Did that just happen?
Chapter 5 - Make it stop
Chapter 6- Only the bad girls like the taste of tar
Chapter 7 - Neon colors to welcome you to reality
Chapter 8 - Some we will win some we will lose
Chapter 9 - I keep dreading this day
Chapter 10 - We are beautiful
Chapter 12 - Love

Chapter 11 - Kiss and tell

6K 217 33
By AliciaBloMieLudick

Authors Note

Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long
Hopefully it was worth the wait.

Please remember those comments and votes **



Lasey P.O.V

“Wait what do you …are you saying you’re going on a actual date with her?”Em asks totally shocked.

Believe me so was I when Bridgette called me. Bridgette the almost insanely beautiful girl from the other night.

“I am thinking about it I really don’t have any reason not to go do I?”I ask Em seeming her roll her eyes at me and nod

“You don’t really know anything about her besides what if she is a serial killer. You I would save you but I kind of wanted to watch the star wars movies tonight. It would be an inconvenience.”She says playfully

“Well you do that I’m sure I won’t be calling for help. Besides what happened with you and the tutor?”

She covers her face giggling the girlish grin on her face. I love the fact that I know exactly how Em is feeling just the way she shows emotion all over her face is really amazing.

“We are taking it slow. “

“I’m guessing you and Bridgette won’t be taking it slow tonight seeing as you basically ripped each others clothes off the last time you saw each other.” Em says glaring at me

“Don’t judge me Em I have never lusted somebody this much. I mean I did want Zoey a hell of a lot but its different with Bridgette. While I wanted a relationship with Zoey I just want..On second thought lets talk about something else. Like oh I don’t know the fact that your mother hates me!” I say hoping she would not ask any further questions regarding Zoey.

I don’t really understand while everybody so wants me back with Zoey when they clearly forget I was Zoey and I let her in and trusted her. For what did I ever think me and Zoey would be different to all the other whores Zoey went through. I bet she is very proud of herself carrying my virginity round like a gold medal and being ever so pleased that she added another name to her oh so dark big black book.

I may be over exatirating right now but sometimes laying in my bed staring the ceiling these cryptic dark message seep in and make me believe things that I never would have. Things like maybe she planned all of this to the core. Even planning out taking my virginity. I suppose I could’ve said no but still I bet she planned it.

I know what Bridgette is. I won’t say the words out loud because no matter what I don’t want to be classified under the same category as Zoey did. Truth is I’m 20 years old and drinking partying and having sex is going to be a part of growing up. I should let Zoey do the same if she’d only let me do that as well. If we really are meant to be like she keeps saying then it will still be meant to be in a few years.

Next time is there is one I will be stronger.

I won’t let her close enough to hurt me yet. For now I am going to be testing out the theory of ,the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

It’s a brand new Lasey bitches. My own savour.

“Lasey come on we have class.”Emily says dragging me behind her

Great English Lit I bet this will be fun.

Zoey P.O.V

“What the hell Eva?”I say shocked seeing Eva half naked on my bed

“What I thought I would surprise you? Make up sex?”She purrs her hand travelling up her thigh.

Keep your damn thoughts straight Zoey Davids!

“You really have to go now. I can’t do this.”I say turning around

“What the hell Zoe you hate me that much?”Eva asks sadly making me turn around

“No it’s not that really you are just way too sexy to have naked on my bed. Eva I am feeling so stupid right now but we have to talk I need to say a few things. Um just out your clothes b ack on then we can talk things over.”I say smiling politely and walking away as fast as I can feeling my resistance slipping away.

Sitting on the cough I see Eva walk into the lounge pulling her shirt over her bare chest. God help me. I quickly stare at the TV waiting for her to be fully clothed. Once she finally is I turn to her seeing her face sadden.

“I thought you like my breasts.”Eva says frowning at me

I nod “Believe me I do but it’s not fair.”

She stays quite for a while probably trying to figure out what is going on with me.

“Well what is it then because I didn’t understand the break up, I thought maybe you just had a lot on stress do to the fact that your nights became crowded with med books. So I accepted the break up. Is that the reason you broke up with me Zoey? Or is there something you’re not telling me?”She asks sweetly even worried that it might be something big.

Which it is.

“Lasey.”I say seeing her face change to shock

“What about Lasey?”She asks

“I’m so sorry Eva I really didn’t expect things to happen the way that it did. Lasey and I was in high school together. Well we dated. She was the first girl I loved. I didn’t want you hanging out with her because the more I was around her the more I felt those feelings come back. I thought I was over it I mean high school was two years ago. We didn’t end well me and Lasey..”

“I don’t think I need to hear anymore.”She says jumping up from the couch.

“Eva I’m so sorry I never meant to hurt you..”I say seeing her turn around staring at me like she didn’t know me at all.

Then she had this humor filled grin on her face it was a bit intimidating.

“You’re the girl Lasey was telling me about. The one that broke me heart. Now you did the same to me. Zoey you don’t have a chance with Lasey. She hates you and frankly I wish I did so that I didn’t have to feel this. I wish so badly you knew this feeling. For once you could just feel unworthy, unwanted and pushed aside. You won’t because you the great Zoey Davids the girl who breaks hearts. The pieces of the puzzle seems so clear now. Lasey was right. “She says walking to the door

“Eva! I’m sorry..”

“Don’t be. I should thank you. “

Lasey P.O.V

“Miss you are late.”The professor yells to Eva whom is walking towards me and slides into her seat. Her eyes red and swollen.

“Won’t happen again sir.”She says taking out her book.

This might be the first time I have seen her with the right book I guess she doesn’t want to share with me. She looks really sad.

“Are you okay?”I ask her seeing her look at me curiously

“I know about you two.”She said opening her book

She knows about us? Did Zoey tell her? Not likely

“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t think it mattered .”I say seeing hershake her head

“It matters to me. You can have her really I am nobodies second choice.”

Second choice? What is she talking about Zoey loves her. I mean I know Zoey said they broke up but I really did think they would get back together.

“You guys will work it out.”

“I think I should be the one to say that to you. You’re the one she wants.”Eva says holding her hand asking me not to say anything back.

For the rest of the period she didn’t say another word she just ignored everything and did her work. And me being Lasey Lane was over thinking everything. What did she mean that I am the only one that she wants? Did Zoey tell her she still loves me? Like she has told me over and over again. Perhaps.

This is also another reason why I am so sceptical trusting Zoey again. They say once you have broken up with someone things will never be the same again and I believe in that so much. I cannot imagine being with Zoey again while I still have a few memories to look back on and smile about, wouldn’t get back together spoil those memories. I wouldn’t want to find out those memories mean way too much to me.

After the lesson is over I see Eva walk out of the class as fast as she can and I find myself rushing after her. Why? I have no clue.

“Wait up.”I say grabbing her arm

“What Lasey she is yours.”She says her eyes filled with tears

“She is not mine Eva all Zoey cares about is Zoey. I have somebody. Forget about Zoey and go find a great girl. Don’t please you’re going to make me cry.”I say feeling myself tear up a bit.

She smiles and lightly squeezes my hand and walks away.

I stand still for a while holding in my breath wishing I could be back in high school. I shut my eyes and remember it. As clear as ever. I am in maths class sitting bored out my mind and then those dumb ass jerks start making fun of me and then I felt her sqeeuze my hand and whisper to me the sweetest things. She promised to protect me. Holding my hand so tightly but I didn’t want her to let go ever. In fact if I could’ve stayed in that moment forever I knew I would die happy. Those are one of the moments.

One of the moments that flashes by daily. One of the memories that won’t go away no matter how hard I try. I feel love again in those five minutes of each day. Wishing I hadn’t felt it at all , because what would have been there to miss if there was no Zoey and there was no locker room kiss. If there was no Zoey grins and my Zoey giggles. I would probably find someone more suited to love, Someone who wouldn‘t hurt me, someone secure and loyal.

Maybe it wasn’t Bridgette, but someone else waiting to meet me and be everything I need.

Zoey P.O.V

“Sam I really don’t need another lecture. I just need to go find Lasey.”I say putting on my leather jacket.

“Zoey I really don’t think this is a good idea. You know Lasey is working through some things just give her a bit of space she will come around. If you don’t you might just spoil your chances with her for good. Right now the best thing to do is stay away and let her be.”Sam says putting on her jacket.

“What are you doing?”I ask her as she puts on her jacket

“Well if you going to do something stupid then I am going with to watch.”She says smiling

“Good to know you have my back buddy.”I say rolling my eyes and walking out of my house with Sam following behind.

“Hey aren’t we going with your car?”She asks

“No car is broken we are walking. Still up for it?”I ask seeing Sam looking utterly disgusted with the idea

“Fine but if I freeze to death you will have to explain to Rachel why she has a popsicle for a girlfriend.”Sam says

“Oh this is actually great because now I can convince you not to do this while we are walking. “

“Not gonna happen Sam I need to see her.”I say smiling

“First there is the chance of ruining everything like I have already disgust. Then we have the fact that you don’t even know if Lasey is home. Thirdly …nevermind.”Sam says holding her hand infront of her mouth frowning to herself.

“What is it Sam?”I ask

“Nothing. Nothing that you need to worry about just something Emily told me today.”Sam says staring at the ground

“If you say so. So listen you want to get some food first from the little bistro first cuz I could eat a cow. I wanted to say I could eat you but I don’t think I will ever eat you.”I say jokingly feeling Sam push me

“You are so sick! “She says laughing

Both of us walk into the Bistro and then all of my senses suddenly shut down. I couldn’t move I tried to run believe me I did but my feet didn’t want me to go. I tried look away it wasn’t possible. There she was MY girl making out with somebody else. MY girl touching some other girls leg. MY girl definitely uninterested in me.

I could feel Sam pull me back trying to get me out of the bistro. I stayed and I waited and waited till finally her eyes met mine. She didn’t seem guilty of anything illegal but she did look shy. Like I was making her feel uncomfortable.

She looked away and brushed her hand over the girls cheek smiling lovingly to the girl. Like draggers puncturing my heart I clenched my teeth my feet reading to run and knock that girl out. Then I heard Sam.

“Zoe comeon we have to go just let her be.”Sam said making me turn to face her.

“Was this the third reason?”I ask her seeing her nod

“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Emily told me but I didn’t know they were going to be here.”Sam says taking my hand “Lets go.”She asks again

I took back at Lasey whom is not even acknowledging my presence and I force myself to walk away. I had to get out of here and soon.

“Come on I will buy you a drink.”Sam asks patting my back.

She doesn’t love me. Not anymore.

I see Sam take out her phone and read a message. She shakes her head and starts texting back.

“Who is it?”I ask

“Lasey.”Sam says

“What did she say.”I ask

“Um she said ‘Hey Sam I feel really bad that Zoey just saw all of that please make sure she is okay.’”

“That beer sounds pretty great now.”I say forcing a smile.

“Just give her time she will come around. If you really are meant to be together you will be together eventually.”

I can’t believe that just happened. The way they were holding each other I just don’t want to think about them being any more physical than that.

“Are you okay?”Sam asks

“Nothing a fck can’t fix. My guess is that is what Lasey is doing tonight.”I say as we walk into the club

“Don’t be an idiot you will regret this is the morning.”Sam says

Will I? I don’t think so. Lasey won’t I’m sure of that and why should she be able to go and throw herself around like that but I have to stay up her ass all the time beggin her to forgive me. I get that I was an asshole in high school but damn is she really going to punish me forever.

“I love her Sam!”I say seeing Sam look behind me.

“Oh you love me?”I hear her voice and turn and see her and the same girl holding hands

I shake my head in frustration and walk to the bar ignoring her completely. I don’t want to talk to her and I sure as hell don’t want to be introduced to her girlfriend.


“What do you want Lasey.”I say not turning around

“Um first your eye contact.”

I turn and look at her I probably looked angry as fck but when I saw her smile it did calm me down a little. Even if I didn’t want to be calm.

“Ok what do you want?”

“I want you to understand.”She says putting her hand on mine

“What are you doing?”I ask totally shock by her sudden friendliness

“I want to be twenty Zoe. It doesn’t mean I’m going to sleep around so don’t worry, but I want to have fun and go crazy. I know things are shaky with us but I don’t want there to be an us at least not now. I need you to understand that because I really do care about you.”

“And her?”I ask pointing at the girl.

“You want to dance with me?”Lasey asks smiling at me

“No I want to talk it out and know where I stand with you Lase.”

Lasey shakes her head and takes my hand in hers.

“Nope I want a dance.”

“We can be friends.”Lasey whispers to me

Friends? I already know that isn’t going to work but if that means seeing her more than I would be her best friend.

“With benefits?”I joke seeing her smile and me and lean into me

“If that is what you want.”She blushes

Authors Message

 Hey guys I think the book is about half way

 now so tell me what you think of this books up
 until this point.
The Lasey Zoey scenes are going to be very intense
 from the next update onwards but before that I want
 us to just show some love to all of these characters.

 Also I want to thank my fans for not always trying to 

correct my grammar or tell me about it. English is not
my first language so it takes some getting used to writing in English* 

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