A Dangerous Life [Teacher/Stu...

By izzystorieteller

1M 19.2K 1.7K

Riley Swan is a 17 year old junior in high school. She's a year behind everyone else because the year she was... More

First Day of School
First Assignment
Getting to Know You
It's a Date
Reasons and Reactions
Sober Hangover
Valentines Day Special Chapter
Old Friends
A Little Bit About the Past
More Then Just a Teacher
Can You Keep A Secret ?
Are You Insane?
A Day To Remember
Sisters...Do We Have To Love Them?
Thank You Presents
Daddy ?
Chris vs Daddy
The Gang
I Can Take A Hint
Am I Pretty? Or Are You Too Old to Answer That?
Get Over It
What Eli Knows
Introducing Tina
Pick One...Or Two
Cold Feet
Right Back Where We Started
Losing Your Family, Mind, and...Hair?
The Wedding...
Coming Back to Reality
He's Just That Kind Of Guy
For The Confused. ( a brief explination of last chapter)
The Real Carla
Bite Marks
Loaded Questions
Loaded Answers
The Pomise Game
Elephant Tattoos
A Hand to Hold
The Fight
The Call
Who Are You?
Who Are You?
The Father of a Psychopath
The Cousin
I'm Fine....
Sneak Peak!!!!!!!
Daddy's Back In Town!
An Orphan's Christmas
The "AHHH" Moment
A True Family
What a Father Really is
False Positives....
Merry Christmas
Daddy Dearest
The Trush Shall Find You Out
Say Something...Give Me A Reason To Stay
All In Good Time...
Sign Here
True Story
Lift Your Foot Off The Gas!
He Stole My Youth or She Stole My Dog
Be My Hero
Welcome Back
Horton The Herdless Elephant
Just Like Them
Drawing The Line
When I'm Gone
The Ripple Affect
Let Me In!
The Tree House
I Love You...
Are Your Sure?
Get Your Shit Together!
Hands Off
Mother Knows Best
One Phone Call
1. Allies
2. Family Affairs
2. Family Affairs
3. Divide by 3
4. It takes Two to Tango
5. Scorpion
6. Playing the Blame Game
7. Burning Bridges
8. Casualities
A Life On The Edge (Description of Sequel)

Cold Feet

10.6K 193 42
By izzystorieteller

Part 2: The Ferris Wheel Scene 

“Yeah! Yous gets to go to the carnival!” Joe slurred, I almost forgot she was still here. When I’m with Riley I sometimes forget my surrounding because she consumes all my attention. “Will you carve me a pumpkin?” Riley laughed and nodded. “Yay!”

“Joe, its time for you to go home now.” she smiled at me but I could tell by the vacant look in her eyes she didn’t hear me. “JOE!”

“I heard yous! Cheesus!” she grumbled. “Nice meets with you Wendy.”

“Riley.” She corrected with a smile.

“Riley! Well isn’t that a pretty name.” I groaned and turned Joe towards her car. “Bye Ly-Ly!”

“Bye Joe.”

“I sees yous at the wedding.” She giggled.

“And I’ll be keeping a close eye on you at the wedding.” I smiled as I poked her nose she laughed and gave me a hug.

“I loves yous.”

“Love you too Joe.” She smiled at me and tumbled towards her car. I shook my head and looked over towards Riley. I had to do my best to not blatantly stare at her. I was used to her looking beautiful, because she was a beautiful girl, although I wasn’t used to her looking…sexy. I held my breath to make sure that I none of my thoughts came spilling out of my mouth.

Maybe I should have taken my medicine today.

She looked…who was she meeting and why was she dressing like this for them? She was wearing a loose belly shit showing off her flat stomach and pieced belly button. Her shorts were incredibly short and started right below her hips and ended just below her butt. No wonder Johanna was looking at her ass cause she was right, it looked good. Because her shorts started so low, they showcased the tattoos on her hip. She wore a jacket to hide the ones on her shoulder and back. The jacket had some baseball logo on the pocket. She wore a flat bill hat that had the same logo. It wasn’t until I noticed the hat logo did I see that her belly button ring was the same as well.

I didn’t know she liked baseball so much.

“Oh! My dad got me all this stuff from his team.” She smiled playing with her hat. Shit I need to quite doing that.

“Oh yeah that’s right you’re dad is a minor league baseball player?” she nodded excited and folded hands behind her back; she was so cute. I saw Johanna’s car drive by and waved at Logan when he saw me. “Come on, let’s go to the carnival.” She smiled that breathtaking smile of hers and walked with me towards the gate. I handed the man behind the box our tickets and led her into the carnival. “What do you want to do first?” I said looking around at all the rides and booths. She bit her lip and shrugged.

I could see a twinkle of excitement in her eye as she looked around. She looked amazed and intrigued by everything she laid her eyes on, from the rollercoaster’s to the fired Twinkies. It was cute, how she was amused by anything and everything. It was like she’s never been to one before?

“Is this Riley’s first time going to a carnival?” I teased her as I put my arm around her shoulder.

“Yeah. I always wanted to go to the Fall Carnival as a kid, but I never really got to go.”

“When is that person you’re waiting for going to be here?” I asked wondering how much time I had alone with her.

“Um…he said around 2:30 maybe 3:00.” I flinched at the pronoun ‘he’ but shook it off.

“Alright, do you want to…”

“I want to go play at the dunk tank!” she cheered as she dragged me towards the game. I laughed at her childish attitude. “I’ve seen this in movies a million and one times. I want to play.” I laughed and followed her to the booth. “So how does it work?” she asked taking the three white plastic balls from the man.

“You have to stand behind this blue line and throw the ball at the red circle to make this guy fall into the water.” I said placing her behind the line. She was squirming around as I moved her, because she was so excited.

“Hey sexy!” the boy in the tank whistled at her. “Why don’t you come over here and I can make you wet instead.” He taunted as he winked at her. She scrunched her nose up in disgust and threw the plastic ball towards the circle. She missed by a mere inch. She groaned and scowled at the circled, I had to hold back a laugh. It was a shame; she was so close. “Aw it’s okay sweet cheeks. Girls weren’t made to throw balls anyway, they were made to fondle them.” He laughed, and it made me want to throw the damn ball for her when she missed again. “OOO its okay kid. Come find me after my shift is over and I’ll show you how to handle some balls the right way!”

“Fuck you dip-shit!” she glared at him.

“When and where baby. I get off at 3:00, I’d do you real good.” she growled and quickly picked up the last ball. I grabbed her arm before she could throw it.

“Whoa. Hold on.” I laughed. “You’re wrist keeps flicking to the right.” I said stepping behind her. I moved her shoulders to face the circle, and I could feel her tense up. I pulled her arm back and pointed her in the right direction. My chest brushed against her back and I could feel her shiver and pull away slightly. I frowned taking a step back, and took my hands off her. She turned around and gave me a confused look. “Go on, try it now.” she turned back towards the tank and glared at the kid as he gave her a taunting smirk.

“Bet you one-” the kid fell into the water before he could even finish his sentence and Riley leaned her head back as she laughed at him. She turned around and smiled at me. I gave her a high five and put my arm around her shoulder again as we walked through the carnival.

“So, are you’re parents back yet?” I asked just trying to make conversation. I could feel her tense up beside me.

“No…their trip got extended.” I nodded and didn’t say anymore about it. I knew she was lying to me about her foster parents being away. Either she didn’t want me meeting them or for some reason they weren’t there. Either way she wasn’t telling me the truth, but I wasn’t bothered by it. She had a reason, and she’ll tell me the truth when she’s good and ready. “Your sister seems…”

“Yeah I know. She has a problem and we’re working on it.” She chuckled and I laughed with her. “I’m sorry if she made you feel uncomfortable.”

“No, it’s okay.” She smiled at me; I loved her smile.

“So what do you want to do next?” she looked around with a pensive looked and then her face lit up when she finally came to a decision.

“Lets ride ALL the rollercoaster’s!” she cheered. I laughed and dragged her off towards the closest one. Five rollercoaster’s, two rides on the merry-go-ride, one walk through the hall of mirrors, half a maze, four game booths, one trip to the arcade, and one more rollercoaster ride later, it was well past 3:00. Who ever she was waiting for had yet to show, and damn did I needed to take a piss!

“I’ll be right back.” I said as we walked off the last ride. She laughed and nodded as she took a seat on a bench. I walked into the restroom and did what I needed to do as quickly as possible. This place was disgusting. I washed my hands and walked out of the restroom, I pass by a concession stand and thought of Riley. I smiled and walked up to the booth. “Two vanilla waffle cones please.” The girl behind the stand gave me a flirty smile as I gave her the money. I leaned up against the counter and looked over to the bench I had left Riley. I was surprised to see her talking to some guy. I wonder if he was the kid that she was waiting for.

She seemed annoyed by his presence. I felt a little relived to know she didn’t really enjoy his company. Was I jealous? Yes. Is that bad? I mean I was getting married in two days. Two short days. I am spending my day off with someone other then my fiancé. I’m enjoying this day with someone else…away from Carla. Is it bad that someone other then my fiancé can make my heart race and make me laugh with just a simple comment. Is it bad that someone other than my fiancé can make feel jealous by have a simple hickey or just by talking to some random guy. Is it bad that someone other then my fiancé can hurt me simply by moving away from my touch, or not looking at me a certain way? Is it bad that I…have feelings…for someone otherthan my fiancé…my student…two days before my wedding? Probably.

“Here you go sir.” The girl behind the counter gave me a flirty wink as she handed me the ice cream. I smiled at her without paying the flirtation any mind and walked away. I walked towards Riley and noticed she seemed a little upset when she was talking to that guy. I got curious. I walked to the side of one of these stands and…eavesdropping is such an ugly word…lets call it curiously investigating.

I was eavesdropping.

“What are you on a date or something.” The guy asked.

“And what if I am?” she teased.

“Who is he?” whoa! Possessive much? Danger alert!

“Calm the fuck down Ricky! I’m just waiting for someone. I’m not on a date.” I felt a little sting when she said that but I ignored it. “What are you doing here anyway? I thought you hated carnivals?”

“I do. I’m working, speaking of I have to be somewhere. Just remember what I told you.”

“Okay.” She said annoyed.

“So you’ll answer?”


“Answer the damn phone when I call alright!” well that wasn’t very nice. Someone needs to teach him how to be polite, because that is not how you ask someone to do something.


“Good. Remember Pete’s Pub.”

“Pete’s Pub, I’ll be there.” I could hear him laugh.

“Cool, answer the phone.” she groaned and I could hear him walk away. I looked around the corner to make sure he was gone. What was all that about? That was weird; I wonder how she knew that guy. His face was a little beaten like Blake’s, I wonder if they know each other. I feel like I’ve seen him before…but where. I know that kid; I just can’t put a place or name. Huh, oh well. She was checking her phone when I walked up beside her.

“Was ice cream one of those food’s you were forbidden as a kid?” I asked sitting down beside her. She beamed a smile at me and took the ice cream from my hand.

“Thanks! No. It was actually one of the few things I could have.”

“Really? That must have sucked, not being able to eat all the fun stuff as a kid.” She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. “What were you aloud to eat?” I asked out of curiosity.

“I was kind of like a vegan kid.”

“No way!”

“Yeah!” She laughed. “I ate a lot fish, vegetables, fruit…a lot of pasta, but never tomato sauce. Hella meatloaf, shit ton of crackers, I didn’t really get the fun meals.” I chuckled and shook my head. I felt bad for her. That must suck. “It didn’t suck as much as you may think. You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never had it.” I was confused at first, and then I realized that I must have said ‘that must suck’ out loud. I really need to get this under control. HEY!

“Who was that kid you were talking to? I saw you two when I was walking up.” She looked a little surprised and shocked. She probably thought I didn’t see them.

“He was just…somebody that I used to know.” I nodded feeling a little reassured and a lot less jealous.

“Where is that person you were waiting for?” I asked curious. She shrugged and looked a little disappointed as she checked her phone again.

“Guess I got stood up.” she mumbled. She frowned as she sent out a text message. I bit my lip and looked around thinking of a way to get her to smile again. I hated it whenever she frowned like that. I could feel her eyes on me as I looked up at the sky searching for an answer. She always liked to look at me when I think, I don’t know why. Maybe she likes the faces I make. Whatever. I liked it. Is that bad? Probably. The sun was setting and the sky looked pink, and purple. I could see the Ferris wheel start to light up out of the corner of my-

THE FERRIS WHEEL! I caught her staring at it once or twice.  

“Hey what do you want to do next?” I asked her. She looked at me confused and a bit taken back.

“Um maybe we can-”

“Want to go on the Ferris wheel?” She looked at me a little shocked, and I could see the cute tint of pink in her cheeks as she smiled shyly.

“Yeah…” I smiled and threw the rest of my ice cream cone away and pulled her up.

“Let’s go!”

“Wait, Mr. Clark.” I cringed inwardly and stopped. I looked at her and scrunched my face up in disgust. I hated it! I absolutely hated it, when she called me that. I even hated it when she called me that in class. She smiled at me apologetically. “I mean…Lyle…I need to finish my ice cream.” I laughed and sat down at a picnic table with her.

We sat in silence for a little while as I watched her eat her ice cream. I have to admit watching her lick that ice cream cone was turning me on. The way she flicked her tongue over the length of swirl. The way her hand gripped the base of the cone and her eyes closed in joy as she licked away at the ice cream. She looked pretty hot as she took those long and slow licks across the white swirls. It nearly sent me off the edge when she got some of it on her nose and she flicked her tongue out to lick it off. Goddamn, that’s sexy. I wonder what she would look like licking a --

WHOA, DANGER ZONE! I need to stop thinking like this, especially when I can’t seem to keep my thoughts to myself today. I need to calm down, because I could feel myself getting hard under the table. She’s going to finish her ice cream soon and she will defiantly notice my bulge if I stand up. Shit what am I going to do? How do you not get a hard on watching this? Who the hell looks that sexy eating fucking ice cream! Is it bad that my student turns me on? Probably. Shit I need to fix this.

Wrinkly old grandmas, wrinkly old grandmas, wrinkly old grandmas, wrinkly old grandmas, wrinkly old grandmas, wrinkly old grandmas…

“What did you say?” she asked biting into her cone.

“Nothing.” I smiled. Thank God it’s gone! I let out a breath of relief and leaned my head on my hand.

“Hey, if I asked you to win a me stuffed animal would that make this an official date?” I laughed and nodded.

“Yes, and that would mean I’m officially cheating on my fiancé.” I teased. Is it bad that I sort of want this to be an official date? Probably. Is it bad that I’ve decided to win her a stuffed animal before we go home? Probably. Is it bad that I don’t care? Definitely.  She frowned and went back to eating her ice cream. Her phone vibrated the table. She ate the rest of her cone and picked it up. After checking it she groaned and let out a sad and heavy sigh. Is she okay? “What’s wrong?” I asked concern plain in my voice.

“Nothing.” She mumbled closing her phone. “Let’s go to the Ferris wheel now. The line is shorter.” It was darker now and the Ferris wheel was bright and all lit up. I stood up and put my arm about Riley’s shoulder as we walked towards the line. Once we go to the front the old lady running the line smiled at us.

“Aren’t you two just adorable?” She chuckled as she let us into a booth. The wheel started to move and she leaned in towards me when I put my arm back around her shoulder. It was subtle, but I noticed.

I’m getting married.

I moved my arm and put it back down between us. She frowned slightly and looked around. I need to get my head straight. I can’t be flirting with my student two days before I get married. I love Carla. She’s the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. She’s the woman I want to give my life to. She’s the one.  

“What time is it?” I pulled out the pocket watch Carla gave me and smiled at the inscription once again. She is just amazing; she doesn’t even have to be here to make my heart race. She’s my whole world.     

 Here I am on a date with a girl she doesn’t trust or like while she’s off being amazing saving lives at the hospital. I can’t believe I got mad at her this morning for leaving. It’s her job. God I love that woman. I can’t believe there was a single second I even had an ounce of doubt in my mind. I found myself smiling like an idiot at just the thought of her.

“6:30.” I’m such a jerk.

“It’s really pretty up here.” She said looking around. I nodded. I can’t believe I’m doing this. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I looked over at her and saw those gorgeous green eyes staring back at me with such concern and anxiety. I smiled and remember why the hell I was here in the first place. Riley was awesome. I could see such pain and turmoil in her eyes every time she looked at me. I could see the scars her past has left behind, but yet she still finds the will to smile every day. I swear this girl has been through more shit then I can ever know and I can see all that just by looking at her. I want to know what she’s been through. I wish I could take all that pain she’s experienced and put it somewhere else so she doesn’t have to deal with it anymore.

“You sure?” she asked looking in my eyes for any sign of deceit.

“You’re awesome Riley.” Her eyes widened with shock. God she was so beautiful, was it fair to all the other girls that she got to hog all this beauty. I pushed back her hat so I could get a better look at her face. I moved the hair away to the side and smiled at her. “You are such an…amazing human being.” Where were you when I was 17? She looked nervous and flustered. Did I say that last part out loud by accident? Probably. I rubbed my thumb across her soft cheek and wondered what it would feel like to lay a kiss there.

I’m getting married…so I’m not allowed to find out.

“I had a lot of fun!” she smiled as we walked out of the park.

“Yeah me too. I’m sorry whoever you were waiting for didn’t show up.” she shrugged and didn’t say anything more about it. “How are you going to get home?”




“It’s late and it’s dangerous I’m not letting you take a bus and walk home dressed like that in the dark.” She furrowed her brow in confusion.

“This is how I always dress outside of school.” Jesus Christ! Is this a joke!

“I’m taking you home.” I didn’t give her time to argue. I brought her over to my bike and gave her my helmet. She mumbled something under her breath, but got on behind me nonetheless. It didn’t take long to drive her home. I drove a little faster then necessary just to get her to hold onto me tighter. Is that bad? Probably. I pulled up to her apartment building and parked my bike. “Do you want me to walk you up?” she looked pensive at first but then smiled and nodded. I took my keys out and checked my watch for the time.

“That’s a cool clock.” She said as we walked into the building. I smiled.

“Thanks.” I said stuffing it back into my pocket. I followed her up the step with my hands stuffed in my pocket. “So it’s just you and your brother?” she hesitated at first but nodded. She stopped in front of a door and turned to me with a thoughtful looked. She bit her lip as she was thinking about whatever it was going through her mind and before I knew it her arms were wrapped around me.

“Thanks for today.” She mumbled into my shoulder. I relaxed and hugged her back. She smelled so good and she was so soft I felt like I could just hold her forever. I pulled back and smiled at her. Before I knew it, I was caught up in those deep green eyes of hers. I was leaning in getting closer and closer to her lips wondering if they still tasted like ice cream


“See you Sunday.” I said. I let go of her and left, I need to get home to my fiancé. 

AHHHH!!! DID YOU LIKE IT?? tell me what you guys think! did you like the little look inside Lyle's brain? Did you like Lyle and Riley's little date? How do you think Lyle knows Ricky, if any of you picked up on that! i'm sure someone can figure it out x) 

anyway next chapter is back to normal except it's the day before the wedding!!! it's going to be pretty crazy. Riley is going to be all over the place, it's going to be a little sad a little crazy a little intese a little of everything !!! CAN'T WAIT !!!


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