All I Need

Galing kay Torichick235

222K 3.2K 4.5K

A Kirisuna fan fiction. Higit pa

A Day to Ourselves
The Dreaded Dinner
The Dungeon
Quest Completed!
Back to Reality
What Happened at School
Safe and Sound
A New Title
Lazy Day
Under the Mistletoe
Christmas in Alfheim
Moving In
New Friends
Back To School
The Big Day
Give a Girl a Pearl
Lazy day
Back Online
Wings for a Tail
Be Prepared
Missing You
Time to Let You Go, But Wanting to Bring You Back
No More Cloudy Skies
Viva Happy and Small Surprises
The Black Swordsman's Birthday
Complications and Uncertainty
Breaking the News
No Show
Girls Day
Hellooooo, Doctor.
Love Words
Promise Me
I Promise
Some Assembly Required
I'll Fight for You
Chapter 2 of the story

Happy New Year!

6.1K 98 189
Galing kay Torichick235


Asuna woke up on the couch, still in Kazuto's arms. She looked over at him. He was still asleep. He was sitting with  pillow behind his head and both of his arms around her. She smiled and moved a little. She sat up and kisseed him on the lips. 

When she sat back down, he was smiling. She smiled, too. Kazuto sat up and looked down at her. He looked groggy. She could see how, though. He probably had a crick in his neck, too. She went to get up and get him some coffee. 

Her arm didn't hurt, thankfully. She thought it would after sleeping in such a strange position. She reached up in a cabinet and pulled out two mugs. The first one was just plain red, the other was just plain blue. 

She turned on the Keurig and waited for it to heat up. While it did, she bent down and got a box of k-cups out of the cabinet under the counter. She set the box on top of the counter and then shut the door. 

She opened the box and started refilling the k-cup holder. She was almost done when the keurig finished. She stopped stacking k-cups and put the blue mug under the keurig and put in a k-cup, then pressed medium cup. 

She stacked the rest of the k-cups and then took the cup off the keurig. She put hers on and then went to the fridge for the creamer. She poured a little in Kazuto's cup and then put a lot in her own. She hated the taste of black coffee, but Kazuto seemed to like it ok. She knew that he liked a little creamer, and she had even tried it that way. She had almost gagged on the coffee when she tried it. 

She stirred the coffee, then took them both out to the living room, where Kazuto had fallen back asleep. She set the coffee back down and then sat back down by Kazuto. She took a sip of her coffee.

She didn't realize how cold she was until she swallowed the first sip. She shivered as it went down. He insides became warmer, but her outside didn't. 

Asuna got up and stoked the fire, which had died down a lot during the night. She got it going again and then went over to a box marked linens. She opened it up and pulled out an old comforter. She dragged it over to the couch and draped it over Kazuto and herself. 

Kazuto shivered and then pulled Asuna closer to him and hugged her. She smiled and hugged him back. They cuddled on the couch for what seemed like a short time. Asuna looked up at the clock above the mantel. It was already almost lunch time. 

Kazuto had woken up, but they still hadn't moved. Asuna had finished her coffee and Kazuto had begun working on his. She got up and took her coffee cup into the kitchen and put it in the sink. She would have to do the dishes in a little while after lunch. The water she put the dishes in last night had become icy cold. She didn't mean to touch it, but it still happened. 

Asuna got out things for sandwiches, which was just an easy thing that happened to be one of Kazuto's favorite things that she made. She fixed them up with chicken, lettuce, in Kazuto's case, some spicy sauce, on white bread. She put some chips on the side. 

Asuna took the plates out to Kazuto, but he had disappeared. She looked down the hall to see a light coming from underneath the bathroom door. She just put the plates down on the coffee table and turned on the T.V. to wait for him.

After a little while, he returned. Asuna had been watching a new episode of Arrow, which was intense. One of the main characters had just been shot. Asuna was on the edge of her seat with her eyes glued to the television. 

Kazuto sat down on the couch. He had already seen this episode. He'd watched it on his phone while on the tube ride over. He smiled and watched the look on her face as the episode ended. She jumped as the credits started. 

"NO! Come back! I have to know what happened! What kind of show is this? I hate it, but I love it!", she said. 

"Yup. I watched that yesterday. I didn't like the ending. I stood up on the train and thought about throwing my phone down and just walking away. I didn't, but I thought about it.", he said. 

Asuna looked over at him. She was still reeling from the emotional hurricane that was just set off in her brain. She wanted to go and punch the T.V. Instead, she just fell over on the couch and dug her face into the nearest throw pillow.

Kazuto laughed and then fell over on top of her. She groaned and moved. Kazuto suddenly remembered her arm and got up off of her. He felt horrible for having done that. 

"Are you alright?", he asked quickly. 

"Yeah, you just landed on my shoulder. It's alright, but it hurt a little. It feels fine, now. Don't worry. It was more discomfort than actual pain.", she said, trying to comfort him, but feeling like she was just making things worse. 

Kazuto was frowning. He obviously was at war with himself. 

"I just don't know that I'm the one for you. When I'm with you, you keep getting hurt. I hate that. I just want to keep you safe and happy, but every time I'm with you, you keep getting hurt. I don't know if I'm really the one that you're supposed to be with.", he said. 

Asuna felt like a knife had just been pushed through her heart, and then twisted. She couldn't even believe that Kazuto would have these thoughts. She hated that he felt this way. 

"You could not have known that would happen. Why are you beating yourself up about it? It would have happened regardless of if we had gotten together or not. I never wanted to bring this up again, but do you remember what I told you all those years ago in Sword Art Online, the day that we ended that game?", she said. 

Kazuto let his head sink further towards his knees. Asuna saw tears fall from his eyes between his hands. She stood up and went in front of him. She got down on her knees and looked into his face. He had his eyes clamped shut and looked like he was in the greatest pain he'd ever been in. 

"I told you that if you went into that battle and didn't come out, I would kill myself. I would have no reason to live anymore. The same goes for this. If I lost you, I would jump right off the roof of this building because I wouldn't be able to cope without you. You are my world. If you start having second thoughts about being with me, then my world crumbles apart. I can't lose you. If I do, you'll be attending a funeral the next day.

Don't ever think that you are responsible for me getting hurt. Unless you pushed me in front of a moving car, or did something intentionally, then there is no reason for you to blame yourself for me getting a little hurt. If anything, you saved me. Because of you, I have a reason to fight for my life. Now, don't ever say anything like that again, or I will hold true to my words. If you ever leave me, then you won't ever see me alive again.", she said, very seriously, not faking a single word of it. 

Kazuto's tears had started to fall harder. She put her arm around him and hugged him, putting his head on her shoulder. He hands went around her and pulled her in close. Asuna felt his body shake with sobs. She just hugged him until he stopped crying. 

This wasn't the first time she had ever seen him cry. He'd cried when Yui disappeared from SAO, he'd cried when he rescued her from Alfheim, and he'd cried when his uncle had a heart attack and they weren't sure if he was going to make it. 

Asuna had cried in front of him more than he'd ever cried in front of her. She new that, but he had always been there when he was in tears, so she planned to be there for him when he needed a shoulder to cry on. 

"I'm sorry, Asuna. I'm sorry.", she heard him whisper. 

"Shh. It's alright. Don't worry about it.", she cooed. 

Kazuto bent down and picked her up, setting her in his lap. They stayed like that until the fire had died down again. Their food had gotten a little warm next to the fire, but it was cooling down, now. When Kazuto looked at her and smiled weakly, she put her hands on both sides of his face and kissed him. He embraced her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her in as close as he could. 

When they came apart, Asuna looked up at the clock. It was 2:00. She hopped up and handed him his sandwich, then quickly ate her own. She had to get ready for the new year's festival. She had her kimono ready to put on in her closet.

"Well, you had better go get ready for New Years. I have my things here, but you don't. You're still in the clothes you were wearing yesterday.", Asuna said. 

"Actually, I figured that this would happen, so I brought some clothes to change into. Their in my backpack by the door.", Kazuto said. 

Asuna smiled. 

"Well, I'll get a shower first. I'll be quick. I will need some time to get ready. It's a good thing that the festival doesn't start until 5:00. I'll be in my room, so you can use the other room.", she said. 

Kazuto nodded and stood up, taking both of the plates into the kitchen and throwing them away. Asuna hadn't felt like washing more dishes, so she just used paper plates for the sandwiches. 

Asuna traveled down the hallway and went into her room. She took some pajamas out of the drawer, along with some underwear, then grabbed her shower stuff and went into the bathroom, which was down the hall, right beside the living room.

She set her things down on the counter and then got into the shower. She washed her face, first, then moved on to her hair and body. When she was done, it was only 2:30. She had been in there longer than she had calculated. She wrung her hair out, then put it up in a towel to dry it. 

She got dressed, then walked out. She ran to her room and shut the door. When she turned around, she almost passed out. Kazuto was looking at the things on her dresser. He had a little stuffed dolphin in his hand. He looked over at her. 

"Did I scare you?", he asked. 

She nodded, still trying to catch her breath. He smiled. 

"I remember this. I got you this when we went to the aquarium for our third year anniversary.", he said, holding up the fuzzy gray dolphin. She smiled and nodded. He put the dolphin back down on the dresser, then walked over to her. She was still leaning against the door. 

"So, are you going to let me through or are you just going to keep me here?", he asked. 

She paused, then realized, she was leaning up against the door, keeping him from leaving. 

"I'm fine with it if we stay in here, but you might not like it.", he said. 

Asuna's face turned red as she stood up and quickly backed away from the door. Kazuto laughed and then opened the door and left. Asuna took a deep breath. She had no time to waste. She had to get ready. She only had about two and a half hours to be completely ready. 

She walked over to the closet and opened it up. Her kimono was hanging inside on a hanger. She pulled it out and laid it across her bed. She had a lot of kimonos, but she liked this one the most. It was pink and had a little bit of fur around the neck line. It had cherry blossoms on it and red lining. 

She spread it out so that it didn't wrinkle, then went back for her shoes. She found them and then set them beside the bed. She put her fan next to the kimono. She loved New Years. It was one of the only times when she got to dress up so formally and go out with Kazuto. 

Asuna walked over and sat down at her dresser and pulled out her makeup kit. She rarely wore very much makeup, but today was a special day. She wanted to look really nice. 

Asuna started on her makeup. She put on the basics, then went on to eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick. When she finished, she looked a little weird with her hair up in a towel, but her face looked nice. 

She put her head back, letting the towel fall of her head. She got up, picked up the towel, then hung it on a hook behind her door. She would have to take that back to the bathroom in a little while. She went back and sat down at her dresser and reached for her hair coconut hair product.

She poured some of the coconut oil into her hands and then massaged it through her hair, letting it soak in. she liked the feeling of her head being massaged. She always took her time on things like this. 

When she finally stopped, her hair was a little less tangled. She wiped her hands on her pants, then reached for her hair brush. She slowly untangled her hair, starting at the very bottom and working her way up. She had to have extreme patience with her hair. It was always a hassle. 

The only reason she wore it the same way all the time, was because it was the only thing that stayed all day and kept it out of her way. She liked the way it looked, but it was beginning to seem boring. She would have to look up a new way to do it so that it was still out of her face, but a little more interesting. 

She finished brushing through her hair and then put the hairbrush back in the cup she had it in. She had multiple brushes, all of which she would have to use today. Asuna bent down and got into a box that sat under her dresser, by her feet. She opened it up and pulled out her hair dryer, and curling iron. 

She plugged in the hair dryer first, then turned it on. The hot air hit her face and she pointed it away. She hardly ever used her hairdryer because she hated the hot air hitting her face. Asuna turned it back off and took a hair band from her clip box. She tied it around the cool air button and then turned it back on. 

The air was cooler now. She picked up her round brush and began drying her hair, strand by strand. She added a little bit of curl to her bangs. She was tired of them laying flat all the time. Now, they had a little more volume. 

She ran a hand through her hair and searched for any places that weren't completely dry. She found a big one right behind her neck. She always forgot about that spot. She turned her hair dryer back on and dried the spot. When it was done, she put it back in the box and turned on her curling iron. 

She could hear the water turning off in the house. She knew that Kazuto was finally out of the shower. She didn't know how he could take longer than her in the shower. It didn't matter. She didn't care. 

Asuna let the curling iron down on the dresser. While she waited on it to heat up, she brushed through her hair. It didn't take long at all for the curling iron to heat up. The little red light flashed at her. She checked the setting before using it. She didn't want it past 30. 

It was on 25, which was perfect. She picked out the first strand of hair and started curling. This would take a while. 

(time lapse to when she is done curling her hair)

Asuna put the curler down and unplugged it. Now all she had to do was style it. She decided to put it up in a half ponytail, and then put the half ponytail in a bun. This didn't take long to do. She brushed her hair back into a full ponytail, then separated half of it out. She finished it quickly and then looked at herself in the mirror. 

She loved the way she looked. She could have done something a little more challenging, but she didn't have the time. Her kimono alone would probably take half an hour. It was already 4:00. It would probably take them 15 minutes to get to the festival. 

Asuna got up and picked up the kimono from her bed. She separated the different parts and spread them out all over the bed. She took off her pajamas, then got started on putting on the kimono. 

She put on the juban, then slipped on the kimono, wrapping it to the left. Next, she put on the belt, straightening it and adjusting it. She tied it and then picked up the next belt. Kimonos had three different belts, all worn differently. She wrapped it around herself, then adjusted it, too.

The next step was the hardest for Asuna. She couldn't usually do it by herself, but she would have to try. She wrapped the obi makura around her waist and made an attempt at a decent bow. She was impressed that she managed to do it. She turned the belt around, then straightened the fabric that had drifted. 

Finally, she slipped on her socks and slid into her shoes. She was finally ready to go. She took one last look in the mirror before picking up her purse and her fan, and walking out the door. She looked over at the other room, which was across the hall from her room. The light was on under the door. She could hear Kazuto getting dressed inside. 

She smiled as he seemed to be having trouble with his clothes. She wondered what he was wearing. He seemed to be struggling with it a lot.

SShe giggled. Kazuto heard her on the other side of the door. He smiled and opened the door. Asuna was startled. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. I just... Are you wearing a kimono?", she said. 

"Yeah. You mind helping me with it? I have no idea how to put it on. I was going to surprise you, but I guess not anymore.", he said. 

Asuna smiled and gestured for him to come closer. She set her purse and her fan down and then helped him straighten the robe. He had somehow gotten it on weirdly. It looked crooked. On top of that, it was inside out. 

She took it completely off him, then straightened it out, and put it back on. She went into the room, grabbed the belts, then came back out. He held them while she put the on him one by one. When she tied the last one, she stepped back and looked at him. 

He looked very handsome. His kimono was solid black, big surprise. It had a little bit of gold lining on the neck, though. That was the only thing that kept it from being totally boring. Kazuto looked down at himself. He already had the shoes on.

He held his arm out for her to take. Asuna picked up her purse and her fan, then took his arm. They left the apartment and got in the car. Now that she lived so much closer to Kazuto's house, she didn't have to drive for an hour to see him, or to get to school. It was actually closer to a five minute drive. 

They drove past his house on the way to the festival, which was right down the street at the park. They parked the car and went in.

There were lights everywhere. The booths lined the streets and the smell of food made Asuna's mouth water. She saw colorful kimonos, fans, and umbrellas. She had considered bringing her umbrella, but she didn't see a need to. 

Asuna took Kazuto's arm again and they walked down the road, looking at the different booths. They stopped to look at different things, like masks, fans, shirts, and dolls. Asuna saw one booth that had katanas and swords. She almost ran over to it. 

There was one that looked a lot like the one that she had. It was a blue and green rapier with curly designs, but this one had more decorations on the hilt. The blade was really blunt. It was obviously just for show, but she still thought it was cool. 

Kazuto was looking at one that Asuna gasped when she saw it. Elucidator was mounted on the wall. The blade was genuine. Asuna came over to stand beside him and they looked at it. Kazuto even picked it up. 

"It's even just as heavy as my old one. The price isn't bad, either. I think I'm gonna get it.", he said. 

Asuna was still shocked that it was here. She knew that it was a well-known monster drop item. There was even one in New Aincrad, but they hadn't reached that floor, yet. Asuna was actually pretty sure it was the next floor up. 

Kazuto took out his wallet and extracted a few bills. He handed them to the man at the booth and then took his change. 

"That sword comes with a scabbard. Go ahead and choose one that you like from over there.", the man said. 

Kazuto picked up a scabbard that strapped on your back. Asuna wasn't surprised. She knew he would go for one like that. It was even black. 

Kazuto strapped on the scabbard and sheathed the sword. Just as he did, Asuna heard a familiar voice in the crowd. She turned around to see Sugu and Shinichi, along with Klein and Emma. She waved at them. Sugu saw her and grabbed Shinichi. They both walked over to greet them. 

"Asuna. What's up?", Shinichi asked. 

"We found Kazuto's old sword from SAO.", she said. 

"You did? I wanna see it!", Sugu said. 

Kazuto unsheathed the sword. 

"So this is the sword that you kept comparing my kendo swords to. I was wondering why you kept saying they were so light. Are you wearing a kimono?", she said. 

"Yeah.", he replied nonchalantly. 

"I didn't even think you knew how to put one on.", she said. 

"There's a lot you don't know about me.", Kazuto said. 

Asuna laughed. She walked over and slid her hand into his hand. Kazuto put Elucidator back into his scabbard and smiled. They walked away from the sword booth and walked as a group. Klein and Emma had disappeared, but no doubt they would run into each other again. They would be here until 1:00, which was how long the festival was open. 

Asuna looked up at all the lights that decorated the trees. There were lanterns hanging over the path from strings of lights. Kazuto looked over at her expectantly. 

"What?", she asked. 

They all laughed. 

"I asked what you thought of your new apartment.", Sugu said. 

"Oh. I love it. It's a lot bigger than others. I got a great deal on it. I'm almost unpacked, so it will be ready for when we have two people living in it.", she said, smiling at Kazuto, who smiled back. 

"You're probably one of the luckiest girls I know. You have it all. You've got great friends, you're pretty, your grades are straight a's, you live on your own, and most of all, you have a great relationship. Seriously, your life is like it's straight from a fairytale.", Sugu said. 

"Well, I wouldn't say I have it all. I actually wish that my life was different. I wish I was more like you. You have a pretty normal life. You have a great family, good grades, and you don't have your mom setting up marriage meetings for you all the time. My mom is still trying to get me married off to somebody else. I haven't even told her that I'm engaged.", Asuna said. 

Sugu gasped. "Really? I thought she knew. I thought you would have told her first.", she said. 

"Oh, she knows. She just doesn't want me to get married to Kazuto. She keeps trying to split us up and pair me with somebody else. My dad is the only one that keeps her from doing things that are pretty much illegal.", she said. 

"Anyhoo,... Anybody hungry? We'll buy.", Sugu said. 

"Starving. I wasn't hungry until I smelled all the food.", Kazuto said. 

Asuna could see that he looked a little sad. She guessed that it was because of her mom. She hoped he wasn't on about what he was upset about earlier. 

Sugu managed to find a little booth selling ramen. It smelled amazing. Asuna got a bowl and then finished it quicker than she thought she was able to. The disposable bowl and chopsticks were all piled into a nearby trash can. 

Sugu and Shinichi stopped to look at a booth that had a bunch of different trinkets. Asuna went with them. Kazuto stayed next to the booth and waited for them to get done. Asuna found a little music box that had a fairy on the top of it.

(play the music now)

 It was pink and had flowers in its hair. It played a song that Asuna thought was really familiar. She had no idea where she had heard it before, but she knew she had. 

She looked at it for a long time. She loved the little song that it played. The music made her want to dance. She took one look at the price tag and knew that she couldn't afford it. She had spent most of her money on an apartment and furniture, not to mention food. 

She put the music box down and then walked over to Kazuto. She was a little sad that she couldn't get the music box, but it wasn't that big a deal. She felt like a child that was heartbroken after not being allowed to get a toy. 

Asuna took Kazuto's arm and they walked off, leaving Sugu and Shinichi to look at the other things at the booth. Asuna held on tightly to Kazuto's arm. he didn't question it, just let her hold onto him. 

They walked around the festival, looking at all the booths, playing different games. Kazuto played a ring toss and won a little stuffed panda bear, which he gave to Asuna. She smiled and looked at the little bear. It was fuzzy and soft. 

She put the little bear in her purse so she wouldn't lose it. She was having a lot of fun just spending time with Kazuto. They walked over to one booth that was vending wall posters. Asuna picked one up that was a picture of a lake that reminded her of the view from their cottage on floor 22. 

She put it back and then picked up one that was two swords stuck in the ground so that they were crossing. One was black, the other was white. She smiled and put that one back, too. The next one she picked up was of a little pink flower that somehow reminded her of Yui and Thea. 

She fought back tears. She wished they could be here with them. She wished that they could experience the world that they knew. She wanted them to be physical people. 

Asuna put the poster back down before she started crying. She picked up a poster that had a picture of the yggdrasill. It looked like it was from ALO. She put the poster back down as a single tear escaped her eyes. 

All of the wishes she wanted to come true the most were the ones that she knew never could. She felt a hand on her back as she wiped the tear away with the back of her hand. She turned to see Kazuto smiling at her. She smiled back at him. 

At least she got this wish. She got to spend the rest of her days with one of the people that she loved more than anybody in the world. She wanted nothing more than to be with him for the the rest of eternity. 

Kazuto pulled her in for a hug. His arms wrapped around her and held her safely and securely in his arms. He didn't know why she was upset, but he wanted to make her feel better. He wanted to make her feel like the only girl in the world. 

Asuna wrapped her arms around him. She almost forgot about the sword that now hung on his back. It was just like in SAO, but they didn't have to worry about monsters or getting to the next floor in order to survive. 

She felt better now. Kazuto let go and wiped the tear residue off of her face with his thumb. She smiled and grabbed the hand that was on her face. Kazuto smiled down at her. 

They walked off hand in hand. Asuna took out her phone to check the time. It was already almost midnight. There was only 15 minutes left in 2028. She nudged Kazuto and showed him the time. He smiled again and then started pulling her towards the docks. That was where the view of the fireworks was the very best. 

They found an empty spot on the wharf and sat down. They hung their feet over the side of the dock. Asuna took her shoes off first. She didn't want to lose one in the water and watch it float away. 

She set them next to her and looked up at the infinite sky full of stars. She couldn't see as many stars as she could when she went to the countryside to visit her grandmother's but she could still see a lot. 

She pointed out all the constellations that she could name, and a few that she couldn't. Kazuto pointed out a few and then was cut short when a flash of color and a loud bang shattered the quiet. The first fireworks were starting to go off. 

Asuna looked up in awe as the colors danced across the sky, reflecting over the water and illuminating the dark. Kazuto looked only at her. He watched her eyes sparkle with the light from the fireworks and the stars. He wanted to look at them forever. 

Asuna watched the fireworks until they stopped with the same awe and amazement as a child. After the fireworks were over, she stared at the beauty of the water. She knew the water was cold, but it was still beautiful. 

The glassy surface of the water and the starry sky, combined with the city lights made Asuna think of how beautiful the world was. She sat and thought about how beautiful everything was, especially on a nice night like tonight. 

Suddenly, Kazuto sat down beside her again. She didn't even notice that he'd left. She jumped a little, startled by his sudden appearance. 

"Where did you go?", she asked. 

"I told you that I was going to go get some cotton candy. Here.", he said, handing her a cone with fluffy pink cotton candy covering the end of it. She took it and plucked off a piece. She loved cotton candy. The way it dissolved in her mouth was something she never got tired of. 

Asuna looked at Kazuto. 

"Happy New Year.", she said. 

"Happy New Year.", he said back to her. 

Kazuto put his hand in his backpack and touched the little music box. He had bought it as a wedding present for her. He wanted her to forget about it and then surprise her. He took his hand back out of the bag and zipped it closed. 

They sat there eating their cotton candies and talking. Asuna leaned over and put her head on Kazuto's shoulder. He put his arm around her waist, not wanting to put it on her bad shoulder. 

She looked up at him and smiled. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She was a little surprised, but didn't protest. They kissed and then Asuna sat up again. She looked at the time and was shocked to find that they had been sitting there for almost an hour. 

"Wow. It's almost 1:00. We'd better get home.", she said. 

"Ok. Hey, instead of going home, do you mind if I bunk over again tonight? I get the feeling that Shinichi will be staying the night since he lives an hour away. I kind of don't want to be hearing that all night.", Kazuto said. 

"Uh, sure. Have you ever really heard them?", she asked. 

Kazuto laughed. 

"No. I was just joking, but I don't want to make him sleep on the couch.", he said. 

Asuna felt relieved. She stood up and put her shoes back on. She picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Kazuto stood up after her and extended his arm for her to take it, which she did. 

They walked back through the festival and got back in the car. It was a fun night, but now they were tired and needed to rest. Kazuto drove them back to his house for a change of clothes, then back to Asuna's apartment. 

They went inside and then put their things down. Asuna went straight into her room and changed into her pj's. She took a makeup wipe to her face, then went back out to make up the couch for Kazuto. 

She dug in the linens box for a sheet. The comforter had been gotten out that morning and was still draped over the back of the couch. She tucked the sheet into the cushions and laid out the comforter, then turned to see that Kazuto had changed into his flannel pajamas and was coming out of the bathroom with his backpack. 

He set the bag down by the door and then went and sat down on the couch. Asuna sat down on his lap and put her arms around his neck. He smiled up at her and put his arms around her, pulling her down for a kiss. 

They kissed goodnight, then Asuna went around turning off all the lights. She turned them off in the kitchen, then the living room, and finally she went into her bedroom and got in bed. She turned off the lamp and laid back on the  pillows. They had never felt so soft and warm. 

She fell into a dreamless, peaceful, restful sleep.


Whoo! That was a long chapter. *wipes sweat from forehead* 

Sorry about the delay on this one. It took me a couple days to write it. I am tired, so I am not going to leave much of a note on this one. 

Stay spicy, my magical tacos. I loves you. Vote and comment if you like it or have a suggestion for it. Bye. 


Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

Magugustuhan mo rin

35.5K 780 41
(They keep adding girls to the harem so this is how I would imagine Asuna being fed up. This is a Kirisuna story... Enjoy the ride.) (UNDER EDITING) ...
55.2K 509 18
Fanfic kiritoxasuna ❤️❤️ enjoyyy (i do not own all cover pictures !! ) love you guys !!
18 0 7
A fantasy adventure story with a touch of romance.
21.7K 335 9
This a collection of Kirisuna Short Stories. Enjoy!