My Strength Comes From Those...

By AilynYuki16

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After returning to the islands after a year, Sora and Riku are called to undergo the Mark of Mastery. While S... More

Worries & Nightmare
Training and Tests
Return of Lost Friends
Strange Dream Eater & Trouble's Brewing
New Power
Land of Departure(Sora's Story)
Land of Departure(Riku's Story)
From Nobodies to Humans
Rescuing Sora
Xehanort, Terra & Vanitas
True Form
Welcome Back, Ven
All's Well That Ends Well(For Now)
Okay then(revise)

Dream & Mimi

794 14 0
By AilynYuki16

My Pov

I made it to Radiant Garden and everything seemed peaceful. I walked around, greeting several people, when I came to Merlin's house. I looked at Tai.

"Tai, do you want to see everyone before we go see Grandma and Aunt Yami?" I asked.

"Yee!" Tai squealed. That was his way of saying yes. 

"Okay. Let's go." I said. I knocked on the door and heard Yuffie's voice.

"Who is it?" Yuffie asked.

"It's me, Yuffie." I answered. The door opened and I was trapped in a Yuffie hug. "Yuffie! I missed you too, but I think you're crushing Tai." Yuffie let go and I saw Tai was fine. He made a pouting face at Yuffie.

"Sorry..." Yuffie said. Tai smiled and giggled as if to say 'that's okay'. "What brings you back to Radiant Garden?"

"I've been having a lot of worries and I think that might be causing the nightmares that keep me from sleeping. Everyone suggested getting out and seeing everyone to take my mind off things." I said.

"They're right. Come in." Yuffie said. I walked in and saw everyone. "Look whose here."

"Hikari. Welcome back. And you brought Tai." Aerith said.

"Yeah. I want to spent any time with him that I can." I said.

"You're doin' you're best. That's all you can do." Cid assured me.

"What's wrong?" Leon asked.

"These awful nightmare, rather memories, keep plaguing me in my sleep and I can't get back to sleep. I think I'm gonna walk around town. Do you mind watching Tai?" I said.

"Of course." Aerith said. I handed Tai to Aerith and the second I did, I felt a huge rush go through my body and felt so tired.

"Why... do I feel so... sleepy?" I asked.  My vision went black as fell. The last thing I heard was everyone yelling. I opened my eyes and found myself in Traverse Town. I walked around and look into a mirror that was set down. I had shrunk! I looked fifteen again! But, my hair didn't have the highlights anymore. I noticed my clothes were different too. I wore a pale yellow top trim with frills with a blue gradient layer sewn over it, bound by sky blue ribbon. At the top of this ribbon is a rainbow clam shell and a ruby star. The blue fabric has dark blue lining and a trim of pale yellow frills around the top. At the middle are similar frills, along with a gradient green, and blue fabric covered in speckles, bubbles, and pearls. Sky blue frill lined straps reside on each shoulder, while hanging beneath them is a puffed, pale yellow sleeve with a sky blue ribbon that has an ornament on the side and trim of frills. I still had my locket around my neck. A blue gradient skirt with semi-pleating at the corners and a speckled design of white, gold, turquoise, and green. The bottom was trim in blue, lined by yellow lace to accent the ruffled, layered yellow fabric sewn on the left of the skirt. That section was adorned by a ruffled, sky blue ribbon that has a colorful clam shell and ruby star on it. Gold dangles hung from the right of the waist, each with a tiny orange gem on it, and an amethyst gem hanging from the bottom, along with sky blue bunched fabric. On my feet were blue gradient boots with a dark blue sole and wedge heel to match the detail on the boot. A clam shell and gem star were sewn to the top of the foot. The middle is laced with sky blue ribbon and held by a gold hanging ornament in the middle, while chiffon ruffles are sewn around the top(Look at Aikatsu; Pearl Shell Coord). I heard noise and hurried toward it. I saw Riku protecting a girl from some strange, but cute creatures. I summoned Starlight, jumped and landed on my feet, creating a small wave that destroyed some of them. "Miss me?"

"Hikari!" Riku exclaimed. More of the creatures came at us.

"Get the girl to safety, I'll be alright." I said. Riku and the girl ran. More and more of them kept coming. I needed help. That when a light came from above me. Three strange orbs appeared. From some reason, I knew what they were; a Prickly Fantasy and two Intrepid Fantasy. I merged them together and a strange little bunny was formed. It was primarily colored in yellow and green. The dots on its ears, stripes on the collar and its lower legs were colored purple. The collar's primary color and lines on its cheeks were yellow. It had yellow heart shaped eye in the black eye space. A strange symbol was located on its chest. It started attacked the others and I realized it was helping me. Together, we defeated the strange creatures. "Thank you. What's your name?"

"*squeak*." it said. I looked it over.

"Since you have long ears, I'll call you... Mimi." I said. The bunny seemed to like that name as it twirled on its ears and jumped. "Come on, Mimi. We need to find Riku." We hurried and looked for Riku. That's when I saw Riku and the girl talking.

"Seriously, thanks. I'm Shiki, how 'bout you?" the girl introduced herself.

"Riku." Riku answered.

"Thanks, Riku." Shiki said.

"Sure." Riku said. He started to walk away.

"Hey! That's it? You chat a girl up and then say 'sure', and walk off?" Shiki asked. Riku stopped and turned back to face her.

"I'm bad at this. Sorry." Riku said. I giggled and decided to show myself.

"Man, Riku, you are bad at this." I said. Riku turned and his face lit up.

"Hikari!" Riku exclaimed. Riku ran to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around a little.

"Riku!" I squealed He sat me down and noticed Mimi next to me.

"Where did you find this Dream Eater?" Riku asked.

"Dream Eater? You mean Mimi?" I asked.

"That's what Mimi and Komory are." Riku said. He pointed behind him and a colorful little bat landed on his shoulder.

"Well, some strange orbs just appeared, I merged them together and Mimi was made." I said. I noticed Shiki. "Hi there, Shiki. I'm glad to see you're safe."

"Thanks, um..." Shiki said.

"Hikari." I said.

"Hikari. So, I guess the way Riku was happy to see you, you're the princess he mentioned." Shiki said. I blushed. "And he's your knight in shining armor." I looked at him. He coughed and looked away."

"Yeah." I said. I went back over to Riku. "So, I'm wondering how I got here. One minute I'm fine and then the next... I felt sleepy and fell asleep."

"You fell asleep? We're in your dream? That can't be!" Riku said.

"Why-?" I asked. My hand suddenly became transparent. "Looks like I'm waking up. Just be careful and watch Mimi for me okay?" With that, light filled my vision as I blacked out again.


No one's Pov

Three people sat on top of the Twilight Town trains station tower. They were the Nobodies Axel, Kirihxa and Roxas.

"Hey, Axel. You haven't forgotten?" Roxas asked. Axel looked at one of his best friends.

"Hm? What?" Axel asked.

"You made the three of us a promise." Kirihxa said.

"I did?" Axel asked.

"That you'd always be there... to bring us back." Roxas said.

"Yeah..."  Axel said. The two younger Nobodies turned to him and pointed to their heads.

"Got it memorized?" Kirihxa asked. Axel laughed and the young Nobodies disappeared.

"Best friends forever." Axel said. The memory soon faded as Lea, Axel's original self now revived, begins to regain consciousness.

Lea: "Where... What happen to me? Roxas? Kirihxa?" Lea couldn't remember where he had heard those names, but knew he had heard them. He then looked around and saw the other Nobodies who had also been revived; Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo, Myde, Dulor, Lauriam and Elrena.

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