Super Into You (Winchester)

De Jaydie_Wadie

696 5 1

Evie Singer, adopted daughter of Bobby Singer, has known the Winchesters since they were young. Raised by bot... Mais

- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 -
- Chapter 15 -
- Chapter 16 -
- Chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -

- Chapter 2 -

57 1 0
De Jaydie_Wadie

We all stalked out of the diner as quickly as we could. "Holy crap, that was close." I said.

"We're not just going to leave them in there, are we?" Sam asked us. I shrugged and Dean nodded.

"Well yeah, there's three of them, probably more, and we've only got one knife between us." Dean explained. "I've been killing a lot more demons than that lately." Sam said.
I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. "Not anymore, the smarter brother's back in town." Dean said with a smile on his face. "Hello? I was with him for two months! I'm smart!" I said, pointing to myself.

Dean just grinned at me so I rolled my eyes, looking at Sam.

"Dean, Evie, we've got to take 'em. They are dangerous." Sam whined. 

"They're scared. Okay? Scared of whatever had the juice to yank Dean out. We're dealing with a bad mofo here. One job at a time."


Dean and I were dozing on the couch, both of us with big books on our laps, trying to learn about 'Castiel'. I hadn't quite fallen asleep so when Sam came in to check on us I groaned.

His eyes widened and he quickly scurried out of the house, but I was asleep before the door even shut. 

I'm not sure how long I was asleep for but I woke to the sound of static. Dean and I sat up to rub the sleep out of our eyes but Dean quickly grabbed his shotgun by the bed.

I get up and check Sam's bed, but he isn't there. Dean grimaced as he saw but that thought left our brains as a high pitched noise sounded throughout the motel. I put my hands to my ears, and Dean only put one to his because of the shot gun.

The mirror on the roof shattered above us and rained over us. We crumpled to the ground and Dean finally grabbed his other ear.

Dean and I screamed in pain as all the glass in the room shattered. Dad burst into the room as things shattered and called to us.

"Evie! Dean!" 


"So how're you guys doing?" Dad asked Dean and I as we drove to a warehouse.

We were going to summon this 'Castiel'. Dad didn't know, but Dean told me as we were getting ready. "Aside from the church bells ringing in my head, peachy." I said sarcastically. Dean nodded his agreement and pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" He said into the phone. 

"In my car?"

"Well, uh, Bobby's back. We're going to grab a beer." 

My dad gave him a shocked look but Dean just held up a finger.

"Done. Catch you later." He said and hung up.

"Why the hell didn't you tell him?" My dad asked. 
"Because he'd just try to stop us." Dean said shortly. I rolled my eyes, knowing it would be true. 
"From what?" Dad asked. 

"Summoning this thing." I said. Dad looked back at me shocked.
"It's time we faced it head-on." I justified. His face went red. 
"You can't be serious!" He said.

"As a heart attack. It's high noon, baby." Dean said. I shifted in my seat, trying to get more comfortable but it was impossible. "Well, we don't know what it is. It could be a demon, it could be anything." Dad tried to reason. 

"That's why we've got to be ready for anything." Dean said, pulling out Ruby's knife.
"We've got the big-time magic knife, you've got an arsenal in the trunk..." I said. Dad just shot me a look and I shut up. "This is a bad idea." Dad said.

"Yeah, I couldn't agree more, but what other choice do we have?" I said. 
"We could choose life." Dad said pessimistically. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Bobby, whatever this is, whatever it wants, it's after me. That much we know, right? I've got no place to hide. I can either get caught with my pants down again, or we can make our stand." Dean said.

"Dean, we could use Sam on this." Dad said. I coughed, reminding him I was here. 
"Nah, he's better off where he is. Plus we have Evie."

We finally arrived at the warehouse and started setting up. Dad and I drew every trap, every symbol, talisman every warding we knew. "That's a hell of an art project you've got going there." Dean said as we walked to him.

"Traps and talismans from every faith on the globe. How you doin?" I asked him. "Stakes, iron, silver, salt, knife. I mean, we're pretty much set to catch and kill anything I've ever heard of." He replied. 

"This is still a bad idea." Dad said. 

"Yeah, Bobby, I heard you the first ten times. What do you say we ring the dinner bell?" Dean said.  Dad reluctantly nodded and walked to the other table.

He grabbed a pinch of some mystic powder and puts it in the bowl, which started to smoke. He started chanting latin and when he finished we all waited. 

Dean and I sat across from my dad, swinging our legs back and forth. "You sure you did the ritual right?" Dean asked dad. Dad shot him a look and he put his hands up.

"Sorry. Touchy, touchy, huh?" Dean said.

As if on cue the roof started rattling from the wind . "Wishful thinking, but maybe it's just the wind." I said. Suddenly the doors opened and this amazingly attractive guy walked in.

He was wearing a business suit and a trench coat, his black hair styled up. Dean and Dad started shooting at him as he walked towards us, making the lightbulbs above his head explode. The bullets didn't stop him, they didn't even effect him as he made his way towards us.

"Who are you?" Dean asked. 

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." The man said. His voice at first sounded extremely sexy, but it gave me a sense of comfort and made me feel really good.

"Yeah. Thanks for that." Dean said. He reached back and grabbed Ruby's knife, plunging it into his chest. I just stood there, transfixed on the man, it never occurred to me to attack him like my dad and Dean.

The man looked down at the knife then back at Dean, pulling the knife out. Dad looked at him horrified and attacked him with an iron rod. He caught it without even looking and swung my dad around with it. He touched my dad's forehead and dad fell to the ground.

"We need to talk, Dean. Alone." He said.

Dean stood still for a moment before running to dad. I stayed rooted in my place as the man in the trench coat watched Dean, not even seeing me. "Your friend's alive." He said. Dean looked up at him with an angry expression.

"Who are you?" I asked before Dean could speak.

The guy turned to me and went to attack me but stayed rooted in his place, as I was when I first saw him. His eyes widened as he looked me over. "I'm Castiel." He answered.

He smiled softly at me and turned to face Dean. "Yeah, we figured that much, she meant what are you?" Dean said, slightly confused at what happened with us.

"I'm an Angel of the Lord." He said. I walked over to them and poked him. He looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"There's no such thing as angels. So what are you really?" I asked him, standing next to Dean. 
"Took the words right out of my mouth." Dean said.

I smirked at him and shrugged. 

"This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith." Castiel said.

Lights started flashing around Castiel and his shadow had massive wings. I gasped at the sight and looked at Dean, who looked terrified.

"You burned out my aunt's eyes." I said. Castiel frowned and shook his head. 

"I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be... overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice. But you both already knew that." He said the last part to both of us, Dean who was focused on the floor, looked up.

I took a step away from him and starting wringing my hands nervously. "You mean the gas station and the motel. That was you talking?" Dean asked.

Castiel nodded his head. "Buddy, next time, lower the volume." Dean sassed. I giggled a little and Castiel looked at me. He smiled quickly and looked back at Dean.

"That was my mistake. Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong." He apologised. 

"And what visage are you in now, huh? What, holy tax accountant?" Dean sassed back. 

"This? This is... a vessel." He said slowly, trying to figure out what words to use. I frowned.

"You're possessing some poor guy?" I asked, slightly disappointed. He shook his head and looked down at himself. "He's a devout man, he actually prayed for this." Castiel explained.

I nodded and looked at Dean, who looked agitated. "Well, I'm not buying what you're selling, so who are you really?" Dean asked. Castiel frowned, which made me grab his hand and rub it.

It wasn't intentional, more of an instinct. I hadn't even realised I had done it. "I told you." He said. He squeezed my hand and Dean watched us.

"Right. And why would an angel rescue me from Hell? And... and what the hell are you guys doing?!" He asked. I let go of his hand again and stepped back.

"I, I don't know." I said. Dean just looked at Castiel, waiting for an answer. "Good things do happen, Dean." He answered ominously. 

"Not in my experience." Dean said. I frowned and stepped closer to him. 

"What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?" Castiel asked. I watched Dean for his reaction. "Why'd you do it?" He asked, not answering Castiel's question.
"Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you." 


"Well, then tell me what else it could be." Sam asked Dean. 

"Why not ask Evie, she was all up and personal with him." Dean hissed at me. 

"Hey back off okay! I don't know what the hell happened." I yelled back at him.

He just growled and ignored me. "Look, all I know is I was not groped by an angel. She was." He sassed. I just let out a big breath and got up, walking away from him.

"Screw you Dean!" I yelled. I walked outside into dad's junkyard. I was fuming, so angry at Dean and his attitude. I kicked one of the broken cars.

I felt a little better so I grabbed a sledgehammer that was in the shed near the car and started smashing the stupid piece of junk.

One hit after another the car received dents and just as I was about to give the final blow someone grabbed the wooden handle out of my hands. I whipped around and saw Sam holding it in his hands.

"You okay?" He asked. I blew some of the hair out of my face and shrugged. 

"Peachy. What are you doing out here?" I asked him. 

"Getting pie for Dean, want to come?" He asked me. I nodded and we walked to the impala. 

"If she wasn't such a beautiful car I would have smashed her to bits." I said to Sam. He just rolled his eyes and jumped in the drivers seat.


"Yes, Dean, I'll get the chips...

Dude. When have I ever forgotten the pie?...

Exactly." Sam said to Dean over the phone. I rolled my eyes as he hung up.

"Dude, forget the pie." I said to him. He laughed and we got out of the car. 

"Hey isn't that the chick from your motel room?" I asked, pointing the the girl that was in his motel room the day we got back. 

Suddenly a face flashed in my head, Ruby's face. "No fucking way. You're FUCKING Ruby?!" I yelled at Sam. 

His face paled a little and his eyes widened in fear. "What? No? That's not Ruby? Ruby died remember?" He babbled. 

I just ignored him and stormed over to her, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her into the ally next to the shop. 

I pushed her against the wall and pulled out Dean's demon knife I swiped from his bag earlier. I held it against her throat and looked in her eyes. 

"You little fucking whore." I hissed at her. She looked over at Sam, who was running up to us. He tried to pull me off her but I pushed him away, throwing him into a wall. 

I froze and looked back at him. "Sam?" I said meekly. He groaned and looked up at me. 

"What the hell Evie?" He groaned out. 

"I'm, I'm sorry Sam I don't know what happened!" I exclaimed, running to help him. I helped him stand up and after a few minutes of me making sure he's okay we turn to Ruby. 

She held her hands up in surrender but I went to pounce on her. Sam held me back and pushed me behind himself. 

"You demon whore!" I yelled at her. Ruby looked over at me with a smirk. 

She had this look in her eyes, like she's got the upper hand. I knew girls, her eyes were basically saying, I had sex with Sam and you didn't so he trusts me more. 

Girls are like that. "Sloppy seconds are a bitch right." I said to her smugly. Her look faltered and she looked at Sam. 

"You two?" She asked him. I smirked but Sam just shot me a look. "Ruby." He acknowledged her. 

"So, is it true?" She asked him.

"Is what true?" I questioned her.

"Did an angel rescue Dean?" She asked us. I shrugged. 

"Even if he did it's none of your business." I sassed.

"You heard?" Sam asked.

"Who hasn't" She countered. Sam sighed. 

"We're not 100% sure, but I think so." Sam said. 

"Sam! Don't tell her anything!" I hissed at him. 

They both shot me a look to shut up but they needed to remember I had the knife. 

I dangled in front of Ruby and she took a step back. "Okay, well, bye Sam." She said and walked off. Sam went to grab her but I held him back. 

"What are you doing? We need her." He asked me. 

I raised my eyebrow at him and glared.

"Both you boys are such pricks." I said, stalking back to the car.

As we pulled up to the house, dad walked to the car window. 

"Keep the engine running." Dad said. 

"Why? What's going on?" I asked him, leaning across Sam. 

"I got a friend one state over -- Olivia Lowry. I've been trying to reach her for three days on this angel thing. It's not like her to ignore this many calls." Dad explained.

I racked my brain trying to remember who she was. "The hunter?" I asked him. 

"Yeah. We're gonna go check on her. You guys follow me." Dad said and walked to his car.

Dean walked over and looked at us, signalling us to move.

I jumped in the back, happy I would get to be away from both of them, and Sam moved over. Dean jumped in the driver's seat and looked around.

"Dudes, where's my pie?" He asked. 

I went to tell him what happened but Sam snapped his head back to me and gave me a look that made me very scared. I whimpered and slid down the seat.

Dean looked back at me then at Sam. "What's with her?" He asked. Sam just shrugged and faced forward.

Dean took off and about half an hour into the car ride Dean spoke. "So what happened with you two?" Dean asked.

I choked on air and Sam coughed, looking out the window. 

"Oh um well you see..." I started off, looking at Sam to continue. 

"Well it was really just a moment of weakness, didn't even feel that good really." Sam said. My eyes widened and Dean chuckled, watching me.

"Not that good?" I asked him. His eyes widened after realising what he said and he looked back at me.

"I mean it didn't mean anything! Not that it didn't feel good it felt...great?" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Like he said, moment of weakness. We both were upset and one thing led to another. One time thing. He has someone else now." I said, shifting the attention to Sam.

He glared at me but I just smiled at him. "A girl? Really?" Dean asked, not believing me. Sam just laughed it off.

"She means the girl from the apartment, right Evie?" He asked. I just sighed and nodded. 

"Yeah, that witch." I mumbled. 


We all arrived at Olivia's house armed to the tee, looking out for anything dangerous.

"Olivia?" Dad called out. We walked further in and saw Olivia on the floor covered in blood. I took a step back and Dad walked out.

"Dad?" I called out. Sam pointed to the door and there was a salt line. 

"Salt line." He stated. We all looked around the room and I walked over to an EMF reader. 

"Olivia was rocking the EMF." Dean said, looking at the reader in my hand. I turned it on and it went of the charts. "Spirit activity." I said. 

"Yeah -- on steroids. I never seen a ghost do this to a person." Dean said. I nodded in agreement and
Dad walked in.

"Daddy, you alright?" I asked him. 

"I called some hunters nearby..." He trailed off.

"Good. We can use their help." Dean said. 

"...except they ain't answering their phones either." He finished. I sighed and ruffled my hair a little.

"Something's up, huh?" Sam asked. 

"You think?" I said sarcastically. Dad walked out of the room, and Sam and Dean gave each other looks. 


"We're in Jackson. It's not pretty. He looks even worse than Olivia. What about you?" Dean asked me over the phone.

"R.C. I checked on Carl Bates and R.C. Adams. They've redecorated... in red." I said. 

"What the hell is going on here, Bobby? Why did a bunch of ghosts suddenly want to gank off-duty hunters?" Dean asked my Dad.

I had put the phone on speaker when the boys had called. "I don't know, but until we find out, you guys better get your asses to my place." Dad said.

"We're on our way." Dean said back, hanging up. I sighed and put my hand on my head. 

"This is so stupid!" I groaned. Dad just mumbled an agreement and kept driving. 

"Hey Dad?" I said meekly. He glanced over at me and saw my serious face so he nodded. 

"I-I wanna find my real parents." I said. The car swerved a little and he coughed. 

"You knew I wasn't your real dad?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"The doctor called, asked who I was, I said daughter he said not possible because..."

"I'm infertile.." He finished. I nodded and shrugged.

"It's no big deal, you're the best father ever but, I just wanna know." I said. Dad smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"As soon as we get home we can do a quick look." He said. I smiled at him and nodded.


Dad and I were at home, reading up on children put up for adoption around the time I was born when the lights started to flicker.

I grabbed my shotgun and prepared for whatever was coming.

I heard giggling and looked at Dad. He grabbed an iron poker from the fireplace and looked at me.

The lights kept flickering and the radio started playing up. To top it off a friggin ball started bouncing down the stairs.

As it reached the bottom we turned and saw two twins looking at my dad. They quickly grabbed him and knocked him out, dragging him away. 

I went to attack them but someone grabbed me from behind. "Krisie?" I asked when I saw who grabbed me. 

Krisie was a girl I tried to save on a hunt a few months ago but I couldn't, the wendigo got to her first. 

"You just let me DIE!" She yelled, throwing me into the wall. I hit my head against the wall and passed out. 

When I woke up I was in the basement tied to a pole. 

I groaned and shut my eyes. "You just left me." Krisie said, appearing right in front of me. 

"I didn't! I tried but I couldn't! I'm so sorry!" I yelled at her, tears pouring down my face. 

She punched me in the stomach and I groaned. 

"Sorry?!" She yelled, hitting me right in the face.

"Sorry isn't good enough! I died! You saved them before me, and now I'm dead! Because of YOU!" She yelled, punching me in my ribs. I groaned. 

"I know, I know." I said weakly. 

"You know?!" She yelled. She grabbed my hair and was about to smash my head back into the pole but an iron rod went right through her.

Behind her was Castiel, rod in his hand and a deadly expression on his face.

When she disappeared he untied me and pulled me into his chest. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded so he helped me up and walked me up the stairs. I opened it and started to walk in by myself.

I went to say thanks but he had vanished. I walked into the study and saw the three boys all sitting at the desk.

"I'm okay, thanks for askin'." I said sarcastically. Their heads all snapped to me. Sam quickly rushed to me and helped me sit down on the couch.

"Where were you?" He asked me. 

"In the basement." I said. They nodded and went back to reading. 

"So, they're all people we know?" Sam asked. 

"Not just know. People we couldn't save. Hey, I saw something on Meg. Did she have a tattoo when she was alive?" Dean asked.

"You saw Meg?" I asked him. He nodded and looked at Sam. 

"I don't think so." Sam answered. 

"It was like a-a mark on her hand -- almost like a brand." Dean said. I tried to think if I saw a mark as well but I couldn't remember. "I saw a mark, too, on Henriksen." Sam said.

"What did it look like?" I asked. Sam started looking around. 

"Uh, paper?" Sam asked. Dad handing him some paper so he said thanks and started drawing. When he was finished her held it up and Dean nodded. "That's it." He said.

"I may have seen this before. We got to move." Dad said. The lights and radio started up so Dad started handing us books.

"Follow me." He said. 

"Okay, where are we going?" Sam asked.

"Someplace safe, ya idjit." Dad sassed. I giggled and followed them to the basement. Dad took us to the panic room and opened it. it was filled with warding and made of iron and salt.

The boys walking in, amazed. 

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