So Far Away From You

By AvengedPunk

6.6K 130 42

when 2 girls get backstage pasess to hang with the sevenfold they both get caught up and spend the night on t... More

Chp 1- When a normal day turns around
Chp 2- On our way to the greatest day!
Chp 3-Meeting the guys!
Chp 4-during and after
Chp 5- After Party.....not so good
Chp 6- Messed up face But a nice talk
Chp 7- Friend Fight, this is gonna be great
Chp 8- Explainations and Broken Bones
Chp 9- Hospital Visit and Discoveries
Chp10- Pretty Rockin Cast!
Chp 11- Lipstick is the Devil
Chp 12- Facing the Rents
Chp 13- Florida!!!
Chp 14- The Drunken Beach
Chp 16- Unexpected Feelings
Chp 17- Yeah this is really happening
Chp 18-That date yeah about that
Chp 19- When Your the Monster
Chp 20-An interesting dinner

Chp 15- Haunted by Thought and MUFFINS!

247 3 0
By AvengedPunk

I looked over in horror OH SHIT what happened last night! I jumped and ran to the other side of the room. I was terrified what did he do what did i do what did we do! these ran through my mind. Weird enough we were in Brian's room...What the hell! I was still second guessing and asking myself why he was in the bed and not Brian and why did he have his arm around me and we were drunk anything could happen! I went back to the bed and slapped his face so he would wake up. He rolled over and moaned and i just shook him till he was awake

"What!?" he asked grumpily.

"What are you doing in Brian's bed!" i asked in a whisper yell

"Why are yo...?" he asked as i threw my hand over his mouth

"Hush! your gonna wake somebody up!" i whisper yelled again

 "what do you mean I'm in...HOLY SHIT!" he yelled!

i slapped him right across the face

"Shut the Fuck Up!" i yelled and clamped my hand over my mouth.

I looked at him with a death stare. Do you remember anything.. What did we do...why are you in bed with me!" i asked rapidly

'I..I.. I don't know" he stammered he tried to make a run for it i grabbed his arm and pulled him down and climbed on  top of him and pinned his arms. I knew he was aot stronger than me and could easily throw me off but he decided not to try.

"LIAR" i whisper yelled

Oh my god if Brain finds out what will happen! He'll hate me. I looked at zacky in the eyes!

"I swear if anything is said i will murder you slowly and painfully  physically and mentally.

He just chuckled. I looked at him with a what the hell look.

"Can you get off of me your kinda making me horny!" he said half serious half jokingly.

I Glared at him and climbed off punching him in the gut as i did so. Hi curled up in a ball holding his stomach witch gave me some self satisfaction.

"Remember what i told you!" i shouted at him and walked out of the room he followed and crept into his own so nothing looked suspicious.



                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ZACKYS POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to someone smacking my face and shaking the shit out of me!

"What!?" i moaned

"What are you doing in Brian's bed!" I heard Katie asked

"Why are yo...?" i began to ask and she clamped my moth shut with he hand

"Hush! your gonna wake somebody up!" She whisper yelled at me

 "what do you mean I'm in...HOLY SHIT!" I yelled

She smacked me square on my cheek. GOOD GOD WILL THIS WOMAN LET ME FINISH MY SENTENCE!

"Shut the Fuck Up!" she yelled still with my mouth clamped shut

She gave me a real dirty look

"o you remember anything.. What did we do...why are you in bed with me!" she asked with a hint of worry and shock in her voice.

'I..I.. I dont know" I stammered I tried to get up and go to the bathroom but apparently she thought i was going to run from the situation. She grabbed my arm in a death grip and pulled me down and climbed on  top of me and pinned my arms. I knew iwas alot stronger than herand could easily throw the twig across the room. ha ha.

"LIAR" she whisper yelled

she looked me straight in the eyes witch made me think hard about what happened last night....honestly i don't remember at all witch sucks ass but actually got me kind of worried. I dont think we did anything crazy at least i hope we didn't.

"I swear if anything is said i will murder you slowly and painfully  physically and mentally.

I chuckled a little to the thought of her actually being kind of hot. she looked at me with a what the fuck look.

"Can you get off of me your kinda making me horny!" I asked half jokingly and half serious. Its only the truth. Sly real sly. i rolled my eyes in the back of my mind. I really have to watch what i say.

She climbed off looking at me with the same death glare and punched me square in the gut, hard. I curled up and felt like i had to puke. God Damn! she turned around before she left out the door.

"Remeber what i told you!" she shouted at me and walked out of the room

I followed and crept out  the room and went to mine so nothing looked suspicious.

To be honest i was kind of worried. I walked over and lied in my bed and stared out the window to the beach. I honestly hope the thought of what could of happened doesn't eat my mind or Katie's. I already knew it was going to for Katie shell be worried about her and Brian. If anything does happen i swear to myself ill take the blame that's one thing i could be mature about.


~~~~~~~~~~~~KATIES POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked down stairs and decided to make breakfast. I searched through the cupboards. I found a package of blueberry muffins. Peyton walked into the kitchen wearing just Matt's shirt kinda like me except mine was bris. She pointed at me and smiled and i smiled back.

"You to!" she asked with a grin

"To bad i cant remember but it was probably AMAZING" she said

"DO you remember!" she asked making her eyebrows dance

"HA noo, Sadly!" i said thinking thankfully and not sadly i guess my face kinda showed it

'Whats wrong?" she asked

"Nothing, i just have a headache" i replied smoothly lieing

"OK! what are you making!" she asked happily

"Muffins i guess!" i replied in a giddy way to make nothing suspicious.

"Awesome ill get the stuff" she replied reading to box, she walked to the fridge for milk and eggs

"UH we have a problem!" she sad sadly

"What?" i asked worried

"we don't have any eggs or milk!"

"HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE MILK!" i asked super surprised since i love milk.

"I KNOW RIGHT!" she yelled back

"Great how are we so posed to make muffins" i said with a sad expression

We stared at each other for a minute

"INTERNET!" i yelled

after about 10 minutes of searching i found a recipe in stead of milk we can use water and in stead of eggs we can use applesauce.

"APPLESAUCE!?" i asked questioningly

i looked at Peyton and shrugged my shoulders

"we can try it!" she said in a curious way

"Why not" i said back

we went to the kitchen grabbed applesauce the muffin powder water and vegetable oil. we mixed up the gooey dough and stirred it into the mix. Then we smelled it. We both looked at each other with wide eyes

"OH MY GOD, it smells AMAZING!" peyton yelled surprised

" I hope it taste like it smells" i said in a hoping voice

We both immediately stuck our fingers in it and had a taste. It tasted amazing! I got out the cooking spray and soaked some muffin pans in it and poured in the batter. after a few minutes they were done. Peyton took them out of the oven. we let the cool off the took a muffin each.

"Ok here it goes" i said we both took a bite at the same time. Wide eyed and amazed


Jimmy and vicki walked into the kitchen rubbing thier eyes and yawning

"What are the two chickens up to this morning that they wake up the whole house. I immediately took two muffins and threw them at jimmy and Vicki. jimmy caught both and handed one to Vicki they both took a bite and became wide eyed and mmmmed. Jimmy jumped over the island and went for the whole pan. Peyton smacked him right on the hand

"Save some for the others!!!" she yelled

then Zacky and johnny walked in. Zacky looked at me and i immediately looked down. Peyton looked at my suspiciously. I looked up and gave her a sheepish smile she grabbed to muffins and threw them at Zacky and johnny. they bite into them

"OH MY GOD, these are THE SHIT!" yelled johnny

"did you poison them?" Zacky questioned looking at me

I sneered and went back to eating my own muffin. Jimmy successfully reached and got another muffin.

"What did you put in these!" jimmy asked in with his savory expression. he took a bite and fluttered his eyes.

I looked at Peyton then back to jimmy

"Secret ingredient" i said with an I'm not telling you i winked at Peyton

then last to come was Matt and Brian they walked in and i threw a muffin at them Matt  took a bite and had a huge grin on his face. His dimples made Peyton blush. Brian took a bite pleased to see Matt's reaction and MMEd really loud!

"These are delicious!" brian yelled "who made them?" he asked

"Me and Peyton!" i replied happily then the thought of me and Zack in a bed came and haunted me my happy face went to a blank face and i quickly started chewing on my muffin

"Great job babe!" he said happily scarfing down his muffin

"Sooo Matt" Peyton said drawing in the floor with her  feet, he came up and hugged her around her waist.

"Yes peyton" he asked gently

"where are we going for our date?" she asked with a smile on her face and a blush in her cheeks.

OH shit i forgot! me and brains date is tonight to! i thought to my self

"Speaking of dates!" brian called out looking at me and smiling

I looked at him and smiled back and Zack walked out of the room staring at the ground. Whats his problem? i thought to myself.

Brian walked up and hugged me and kissed my forehead i laid my head on his chest and nibbled on my muffin thinking about the thought that clouded my mind. The Haunting thought.

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