The Cliché of the Dork and th...

By CandyHeartPop

270K 9.9K 4.7K

Edd Vincent, a soon to be adult, had always been a timid person afraid of disappointing his parent's and spen... More

A Dork Crushing on a Jock
A Chilly Afternoon
A Naked Dork On My Bed
Pizza and Blushes
The Morning After
Chapter 6 (currently rewriting,still readable)
Love is Sweet Like Strawberries. Chapter Seven
Telling The Friends Chapter Eight
Friends...Love? Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten It's Been A Long Day
Chapter Eleven Dreams
Chapter Twelve Morning before our Date
Chapter Thirteen My Little Eddward
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen Would We Regret It?
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
[Chapter Twenty Three]
*Lemon~Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Extra Chapter (Valentine's Day Special)
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Frank's Chapter
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six (Fixed)
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
A Cold Household
A Secret Between Us

Chapter Nineteen

5.4K 226 73
By CandyHeartPop

Quick Author's Note! IMPORTANT!!"
As of June 2019 I'm currently rewriting the chapters of My Dork so if you're currently reading it, if you'd like I'd love for you to reread My Dork from the beginning and read all the stuff added in! I'll update when the rewrites are finished in the future when I update a new chapter !

Kevin's POV:

"You're late! Take a seat and you'd better pay attention!" Mrs.Hogler screams at us as we walk into class.

Edd lets go of my hand and apologizes to the teacher while I just click my tounge. As we walk to our separate desks I notice everyone staring at us weird.

After about 5 minutes I can still feel everyone's eyes on me. "If you have shit to say spit it out!" I yell standing up and looking at everyone in the class.

"Mr.Barr! I suggest you sit down and yell again and I'll send you to the principle's office!" Mrs.Hogler yells.

"Yea Yea..." I say sitting back down and see Edd looking at me worried. I wink at him and smirk when he blushes and turns back around.

{Time skip}

Second period ended and I started walking to third, keeping my eyes open for Frank.

The stares from second period didn't die down. Now people were whispering and it was pissing me off.

Coming late with Double D is probably the cause of this. People at school think I hate his guts,but it's the opposite.

"Hey Kev!!" I hear a voice yell that could only belong to Naz. I turn around to be greeted by Naz and Nat running towards me. "Dude the whole school's talking about you and Edd!"

"They all saw you two holding hands now everyone's asking if you two are a thing!" Nat says.

"You two are a thing now right?"
"Yeah did you hit that ass yet?"

They asked me questions saying stuff really loud catching the attention of people around us.

"You're too loud" I growl and glare at the people staring,and walk to third period.

Time Skip

I haven't seen Frank all day,but I can't say that's a good thing cause I really want to kick his ass.(Intrusion here: I was writing this sentence and for some reason I wrote kiss his ass and was like woah Kevin wtf?!)

It was lunch already and I was walking to my usual table with Naz,Nat,and some of my other jock friends. Passing by Edd's table I heard Eddy talking to Edd.

"I still think you should stay with me."

This asshole just doesn't stop does he? Sitting down with my lunch I ate my lunch in peace. In peace till I saw a
certain someone taking Double D out of the cafteria holding his arm. Putting my lunch down I started running.

Author Notes:
Dani here(aka Author) so this chapter's short ,because I didn't really know what to write exactly when they got to school so this happened.
I'll try to update fast so please wait!
Love you guys!

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