The Boy Next Door Owes Me Ore...

By xLimewireJunkiex

4.7M 54.3K 8.3K

Sylvia moved to Florida and immediately was taken under by her neighbor. His name is Chase, and from the firs... More

The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(1)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(2)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(3)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(4)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(5)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(6)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(7)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(8)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(9)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(10)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(Character Picture)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(11)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(12)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(13)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(14)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(15)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(16)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(17)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(18)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(19)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(20)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(21)
The Boy Next Door Owes me Oreos.(22)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(23)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(Unofficial Character List)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(24)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(25)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(26)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(27)
Sorry To Disappoint You.
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (28)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (29)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (30)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos CONTEST?! :D YEAHH!
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (31)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (32)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(33)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (34)
The Boy New Door Owes Me Oreos.
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(36)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(37)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (38)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (40)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (41)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (42 PART ONE)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (FORTY TWO PART TWO)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos 43
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (44)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (45) THE END
My Roommate Ate My Oreos

The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (39)

76.2K 1K 294
By xLimewireJunkiex

Hello Wattpadians, sorry for the delay my brother is playing Call of Duty and barely let me on the computer. I hope you all Enjoy this post because I had a lot of fun writing it. I believe this is going to be a long post so because of all the effort put in I'm asking for
Votes: 200
Comments: 95
I know that's a lot but I need to start working on summer reading. If anyone has read The Cold Mountain feel free to message me ;) seriously please help me.
Anyway I need to warn you vulgar language and swearing takes place in this post. Sorry to say if you don't read it it won't make sense. No sex, just bad language. I starred it out though c: 
Please leave a comment and message and I will post. Have a good night.

Also, there is a story called Those Crayons by MissRadMad that you should check out, she isn't illiterate which is ALWAYS good to find in an author. please go give her a chance after youve commented on this haha 


It didn't take me long to realize there was only one place I needed to go to for answers. I knew now that because Coach had let me man handle the guys that I couldn't quit, no matter how badly I wanted to be home schooled and forget that people like them exist. I also didn't want to go to Abel's because I knew I would cry, and cry, and cry. Abel didn't need to see that, regardless, yes he's my best friend but he didn't need to know that I really can't handle the thought of someone doing that to him. I can barely handle a jock messing with him, but his own family breaking his arm?

Mikie had to be lying... Abel didn't mention that when he told me everything. He told me everything, or at least I had thought.

I was rushing to the hospital where my Dad works, I knew that doctors had strict rules when it came to patient doctor confidentiality but I needed to know and if I asked nice enough he would tell me.

Finding the new Tampa region hospital wasn't that hard. This hospital was huge, not just a build off a previously standing hospital, no it was all brand new state of the art, and people six towns over would choose to go to this hospital instead one closer to them because of how good it's expected to work.

The problem was when I got to the gigantic hospital, it took twenty minutes to just find the parking garage, and once in the hospital it was a lost cause. The parking garage had a glass encased walkway over the main road through the entire hospital, and once on the other side... lost immediately. It had one of those signs that states you are here, and even with people passing I took a picture of it with my cellphone.

“Lost. I'm lost.” I complained a half an hour later after walking around aimlessly, the picture was of no use at all. They probably just put that sign there for looks. God, I hated being in hospitals. They smelled funny, and that had pretty much disguised as a mall. They had nurse uniform stores here, and a convenient store. Someone must of forgotten this was a freaking hospital.

My impatience was growing, all I needed was to talk to my Dad and have him look up Abel. I needed to know the extent of the things he had been through, before I did something rash.

“Oh my God, ugh.” I grunted in complaint, and without warning someone rested a hand on my shoulder making me jump ten feet with a loud scream.

“Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!” I turned around to stare at this tall, lanky kid. The only thing informing me that he was older was the scruff on his chin and the scrubs he was wearing. “I work here, I'm a nurses assitant but I'm on my break... can I help you? You've been standing in the middle of the food court looking very disgruntled.” For a moment I just stared at him in thankfulness.

AN- I'm awful with names, especially last names. If you remember what Sylvia's last name is place tell me in a comment below, thanks.

“Do you know where I could find Stewart Rollins? It's important.” I asked and the man smiled.

“You are in the complete wrong building, here let me show you.” He started guiding me the way I came, and brought me to the south elevator. “So do you have an appointment with Dr. Rollins?” The man asked and I shook my head no.

“Oh, no. He's my father, I have to talk to him briefly.”

“Daughter?” He asked, sounding shocked. “I had no idea he had children. Is he expecting to see you today?” The elevator binged, and we stepped out to another glass hallway that lead to another building, and I was amazed to see my Dads name written on the signs everywhere to guide people to his wing. He had an entire wing.

“Nope, my Mom needed him to him but he left too early this morning for her to ask him what he wanted to do on their anniversary.” I lied straight through my teeth, but I did know it was coming up so it wasn't a complete bold face lie.

“Anniversary? Dr. Rollins is married too?” He looked amazed still, and I made a face. Why hadn't my Dad told anyone about us? It made no sense, he told us the stories he told his co-workers and about the kicks they got out of it. He lead me to a large wooden door with the name Stewart Rollins on it and I was impressed. “You sure now's a good time?” I stared at the tall kid in confusion.

“Yeah, thanks.” I said stiffly and opened the door giving that guy full opportunity to come in with me but he just shook his head and walked away.

The lobby to my Dad's office was empty, but I was surprised by how massive it was compared to his old one. No wonder he was excited to work here, all the chairs were void of anyone including his secretary desk. Had they gone to lunch without locking the door? I wondered before I heard voices coming from behind the next wooden door that probably lead to my Dad's office. I wished he wasn't in so I could just attack him computer without him knowing.

I opened the door without knocking, and was shocked at what I saw.

Some small, lean blonde was sitting on my Father's desk, her white shirt cast to the other side of the room, her black bra the only thing covering her and her legs were spread so wide in front of my Fathers desk that I could make out her long high heels on either side of her body.

I let the smallest gasp escape my lips, and immediately both of their heads whipped around to see me standing there. My Dad's eyes were wide and terrified as he pushed away from the desk and stood up but the blonde just looked mad that a seventeen year old girl had interrupted.

“Sylvia.” My Dad said, and I didn't recognize the tone he was using, I didn't even realize that I had tears coming down my face and I swallowed hard trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. “Sylvia...” He repeated taking slow steps closer to me.

I look a large step back until my back was pressed against the cool wall. “I.” There was nothing I could say, nothing came to mind to make him feel anywhere near as horrible as I felt. The blonde just continued sitting there, her legs were closer but she was still half naked watching as my Father cautiously approached me looking angrier by the second. “What!?” I snapped at her and she flinched a little.

“It would have been nice if you knocked.” She insisted in a bitter attitude and my blood began to boil.

“It would have been nice if you didn't f*ck my Father.” I wanted her to die, slow and painfully but before she could say anything else my Dad did.

“Cynthia, shut up.” He demanded, and her jaw set tightly. “Sylvia...” He closed the gap between us in three long strides and I turned my head so I wouldn't have to look at him. My heart was broken with betrayal and I wasn't even married to him.

“This is what you do? This is the reason you leave early in the morning and don't come home to late at night? If you come home at all?” I asked, my voice cracking and I could see in the reflection of the glass window his face distort in pain. All I knew was that I wanted him to feel more. “This is why you don't spend time with Mom or me... the reason you don't come and watch my soccer games?”

“Sylvia. No, you know-”

“No I Don't!” My voice echoed in the room, and it even scared me. I jerked my head to glare at him, so he would have to watch him own daughter cry. “I don't know anything. I can't believe after twenty years of marriage you're willing to throw that all away, willing to throw away Mom; the best thing that has EVER happened to you for some nasty hussy named Cynthia.” My teeth were gritted together so tightly that I was hurting myself.

“Excuse m-” Cynthia started.

“GET OUT!” He screamed at her, his face inhumanly red and she jumped off his desk grabbed her shirt and walked out without putting it on, or another word. “Sylvia, please let me explain.”

“You really expect me to listen to you explain just WHY you cheated on my Mother? Really?!” I demanded, and he reached out for my arm. “Don't touch me.” I yanked myself away from him and slid against the wall until he wasn't directly in front of me.

“I can explain though, I didn't. Cynthia just-”

“She jumped you? She ripped her shirt open and forced you to stare at her chest? Is THAT what you were going to say?” My Father looked awestruck, I don't think I have ever talked to him like that. “I don't buy that, and you know my Mother wont either.”

“Martha can't know about this Sylvia please.” My eyes widened at his words in utter shock.

“What?” I breathed, finally brought down a notch.

“Please don't tell you Mother about this, it will never happen again. Please Sylvia.” My Dad begged, and my broken heart shattered a little bit. My throat was closing up from my attempts to stop the never ending tears.

“Dad...” I pleaded, wishing he didn't ask that of me.

“Sylvia, anything you want. It's yours. Just, don't tell your Mother.” I made the mistake of looking into his watering eyes and my broken heart fell to my pelvis.

Ever since moving here, there had been nothing but cheating taking place. Chase cheated on his girl friend, Devon just cheated on her boyfriend Nick, and now my Dad... but one of thing that needed to stay the same was the honesty. I couldn't look at my Mother knowing how badly it would kill her to know about Dad, but it would hurt more if she knew I knew before. Chase told Maddy, Devon will tell Nick and my Dad has to tell my Mom. It would be the right thing to do, and I just couldn't believe he just tried bribing me to not say anything.

“No.” I whispered, and his shoulders fell. “You need to tell her.” He wouldn't meet my eyes.

“Baby, she will leave me.” He insisted, and I winced at his words. Devon had said the very same thing this morning.

“How many other people have you called baby?” I questioned and his mouth fell open a little. “You need to tell Mom what happened, everything that has happened,” I corrected, “you tell her now or I will.”


“DAD! You are going to tell her by tonight, or IM GOING TO!” I screamed and immediately he was nodding.

“Yes. Okay, you're right.”

I left him standing there, basking in his own lies, questioning everything he has ever done and just walked out without saying anything. In the halls the people walking by stared unaffected by how obvious it was, at my red blood shot eyes. It was much easier to find the exit, and the parking garage than it was to find his office, and I made it to my car quickly.

My hands were shaking so badly I couldn't start the car, my keys fell to to my feet and I just rested my head on the steering wheel and let even more tears come. The soft, tan leather provided little comfort as I rested my sore head, crying harder than I did in front of my Father. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn't even wrap my head around everything. I was crying to hard that my car was full of sobbing and gasps. I didn't know how long I sat there with my head on the steering wheel, letting my arm cover my red, puffy eyes from the little sun that the windows in the concrete parking garage allowed.

It was nearing four, and the air in the car was sticky and humid from my breathing. Honking and the sounds of engines disrupted my eerie silence every once an awhile but when kt was five the feeling of numb sickness passed, leaving me in shock and pain. My whole body hurt from sitting here for five an a half hours without any movement, and all I wanted to do is run from the car and just keep running, or hide in my bed forever.

But I couldn't go home, my Father probably hadn't gone home and told my mom and I couldn't go there knowing something like this when she didn't. I couldn't go home and not cry on her shoulder and not tell her everything.

With no where else to go, and the unwillingness to stay parked in this suffocating car I finally put myself together enough to pick up my keys, start engine and drive out of that parking garage. I probably should have ate something, but the very thought of food made my stomach turn and my throat close up.

I drove to the swimming hole Chase and his friends had shown me within the week of me moving to Florida. It was the only place I knew where I could go and be alone. It was eerie coming here without someone, after coming here with a whole pack of people. I remembered the happenings of that day, and how happy I was to have friends here. I never really told anyone but that was my biggest fear, no matter how strong of a dace I put on I need the comfort of others to feel better. I can't be alone for long periods of time without constantly being sad.

My biggest fear was being some sort of an 'Abel', but now that I could have the attention of everyone, and do I didn't want it. It was too late to quit the team, it was too late to leave that school all together and get on a plane and head to Devon's. That is if she would talk to me again.

Water kept lapping at the small body of sand, and as I dipped my feet in the water I realized I had gone the entire day without getting out of the tank top and cheer shorts. No wonder people stared at me, I looked like a slut. Maybe that was why that guy helped me in the first place.

Soon I was just laying on the sand, letting the water touch me. I needed to feel something, and this nuke warm water was better than nothing. I was barely wearing anything, so swimming was easy. My mind didn't even worry about the possibility of an alligator. My Mom would freak out if she knew I went swimming here. It was oddly serene here. No one bothered me, and I suppressed any thought of my parents, but when it started getting dark I walked out of the water completely soaked.

As I walked through the trees back to my car, with my only light being the moon I wished it was cold. I wanted to be cold... I wanted to feel like I was still in New Hampshire when everything was amazing. I had amazing friends that didn't expect too much from me, and a family that was happy. The seasons actually changed along with the temperature, and we could look forward to a snow white Christmas with a hoard of presents under the tree.

I couldn't expect that this year, and it wasn't even something I wanted. I didn't know what I wanted, I didn't even want to look that far ahead but as I climbed into my car and started it I immediately cranked the AC so I could feel the artificial cold eat away at my bones. I needed to feel anything other than the pain that was in my heavy chest. Was I overreacting? I couldn't tell, but I knew I was out of tears that was for sure.

The swimming hole that I spent another four hours avoiding the world there wasn't far away from my home, it was barely a five minute drive and I slowly drove by my house. Every single light was on and my Dad's car was placed in the driveway. I didn't have to crack the windows to hear my Mother screaming, and even in the darkness I could see shirts fly out my parents window.

So much for being all cried out.

I killed the engine on the curb, not daring to pull into the driveway. I wasn't willing to go in there. Slowly I walked up the front walk to my house and left the keys on the welcome mat. The screams of the accusations from my Mother seared through me.

“I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!” I heard her scream as I backed away from the house, unable to tear my eyes away from the living room window where I saw the lamp fly across the room and shatter against the wall but after that I couldn't see anything else because with the lamp the light went too.

I idly wondered how the house was going to hold up in this kind of argument, it was the first my parents had ever fought like this, and I painfully thought it would probably be the last.

“ALL YOUR SH*T IS ON THE LAWN, GET THE **CK OUT!” I was still on the walk when she said that, and it hurt me to know how close I was. I should run in there and hug my Mother. I should tell her that she will never be alone, I would never leave her but I couldn't make my legs go forward. I was crying again, and my eyes hurt to even blink. There was no winning side in this, I was a coward. I was too scared to even go in there.

When I hit the sidewalk, the front door opened casting light out on the dark lawn. My face was clearly seen to my Dad.

“Sylvia!” My Dad called, and my heart stopped. I couldn't go in there, I couldn't. My Mom shoved my Father out of the doorway and on to the porch and stepped out. She looked worse than me, and I shook my head. I never wanted to see that much pain on her beautiful face.

“Sylvia baby... come inside.” Her voice was soothing, but I could hear the tears. I wouldn't last a night here. I shook my head again and my Dad stepped off the steps and I took a step back before I finally felt my legs again.

I took off running down the side walk and ignored my parents yells to come back. I didn't intend to become another thing for them to fight over, but it was too late I was already spotted and prominent in their minds. They would be battling it out now over me, not over the damaged clothing.

My legs bounded against the side walk, and I was suddenly worried that my Dad or Mom might get in the car and rush after me not wanting me to be out this late at night. I sprinted across the street and cut into a neighbors lawn, all their lights were off and I knew an older couple lived there and they wouldn't notice if I cut across their lawn.

Once in their backyard, I ran through all my neighbors yard until I was faced with the familiar fence of my neighbor from across the street. I glanced to my house, the door was shut tight and all the lights were still on but my Dad's sleek black car was gone. Silently, I wondered if he was out looking for me or an hotel to spend the night at.

I climbed Chase's fence expertly, all the days of soccer practice definitely payed off by how easiy I hoisted myself up and swung my leg over. The wood scraped at my bare legs, and when I pushed myself to the other side the motion detector set the lights off. My heart froze in fear, as I let go of the fence and fell painfully into a decorative bush. The tall branches encased me from the lights, but stuck thorns into my flesh and I had branches pressed tightly against me. I couldn't see anything bu the leaves, but I could hear the sliding glass door open.

“Stupid, defected lights.” Chase's Dad, whose name I remembered as Rob, cursed under his breath before the lights were flicked off. After I heard both doors close soundly, I counted slowly waiting for five minutes in the darkness and pain of being in that bush. I didn't know if my heart was beating from the intense run I just endured or the fact I was now laying in a bush my neighbors backyard, unwanted.

To test to make sure Rob really shut the lights off, I wiggled in my bush, no lights turned on but the main part of the bush and part I was laying over broke under my weight making me roll the rest of the way down to the concrete around there in ground pool. At least I didn't fall in, but my body was definitely in a lot pain. I groaned quietly, picking myself up and setting me back on my feet. My body ached, but I was thankful no one had heard my thump or painful groan.

Quickly and quietly I hurried around Chase's pool and was thankful that his house was built the same as mine. There was a terrace that had sunflowers growing up the wood, I put my feet on the lowest part of the terrace and jumped up and down praying the old wood would would my weight. Similar to my house, the terrace was just leaning against the house so if I did anything stupid it would tip over. It was safer doing it here then when Abel does it to get into my window because if I did fall back it was likely I would just land in the water of their pool, not hard ground.

When I decided I either did this, and had a place to sleep for the night, or didn't and walked aimlessly all night, I climbed up the terrace trying not to kill ever flower I came in contact with. I didn't want it to be obvious that I had been here. I was thankful that this lead to Chase's window because if not I didn't know where else I could go.

Actually, that was a lie. I was fully capable of leaving Chase's lawn, running through the rest of the backyard until I made it to across Abel's house, then run across the street and bother him but something inside of me stopped that from happening. I could go to Abel's, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Abel had enough to worry about and I didn't need to add to his plate.

I was scary calm as I made it to Chase's window. Luckily, it was the other window in his room that held an AC, and this just had glass keeping me from his window. I looked in and saw Chase at his computer, he was just scrolling through his Facebook wall. I felt creepy invading on his personal space like this, but I didn't know how to get his attention without scaring the living crap out of him.

I tried to just open the window, but it was locked shut. Chase had to be the only teenage boy to lock his window when it was on the second story. I cursed under my breath and began tapping on the glass. Music was coming from his computer, and I recognized it to be Greg Holden. Had Chase stolen my music?

That wasn't important now, I told myself as I tapped harder on the window to get his attention. Nothing, and the song switched to heavy metal. Luck really wasn't on my side today. I took my fist and punched the glass once as hard as possible without losing my balance on his rickety terrace.

He jumped out of his computer chair, sending the wheeled chair to glide across his room and get caught on dirty clothing. Chase turned around, ready to fight to the death when he spotted my face outside the window. I could just barely see my ghostly white expression, so I knew what he was seeing.

“AH!” He grunted, making me jump a little. From outside his door his Mother yelled.

“What Chase?!” She asked, sounding tired and less than enthused. Chase just stared at me, looking like he was unsure if he was really seeing me or not. I brought my finger to my lip to tell him wordlessly to keep my presence a secret just encase he didn't already realize his Mother wouldn't like me showing up like this.

“Uh. Nothing Mom, sorry!” He called, “I thought my mint X-Men comic has a ripped corner. Stupid I know.” Chase laughed breathlessly, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Good God Chase, just to bed.” She complained, without even popping her head in. Slowly Chase took a step back.

“Yeah Mom, sounds good.” He said, clicking his door closed. Chase didn't move from his spot until he watched me try to open his window again and fail. Instantaneously he was there, clicking it unlocked and opening it. “Sylvia?” He breathed, and I rolled my sore, aching eyes. “What are you doing?!” Chase whispered, and my legs wobbled a little.

“Trying to fall to my death, mind if you helped me in?” I asked, surprisingly myself with my wittiness. I didn't think I had it in me at the moment. Chase stepped aside and grabbed my arms and silently hoisted me into his room. I rested my feet on his hard wood floor and sighed in relief. His room was comfortably air conditioned, and I realized then cold I was from the AC from my Moms car still.

“Your lips are blue.” Chase pointed out, “and you're freezing. Did you just take a dip in my pool?”

“No you idiot.” I snapped but then bit my lip. “Sorry, I didn't mean that.”

“Yes you did.” He grunted.

“You're right, I did. But I am sorry. I went swimming than sat in an AC'd car. That's why I'm cold.” I explained and Chase still looked confused.

“Sylvia what are you doing here? You're soaked, you look like crap... I don't understand.” I broke eye contact with him, willingly myself not to cry. I was all out of tears, remember? Please don't let me cry in front of Chase...

“Sorry I don't look perfect.” I bit at him playfully, but no emotion went behind it and without warning Chase tapped my chin up to look at him.

“You don't have to look perfect to be welcome to my window at ten at night... hell you don't have to look perfect to EVER climb in my window.” I rolled my eyes at him and regretted it because I released the tears I had been trying so hard to keep in. My face puckered in pain and I made eye contact with Chase for the first time since him noticing me outside his window.

“Oh God.” I wailed quietly, and immediately Chase wrapped his warm arms around me.

“That's what I was afraid of...” He rocked me back and forth comfortingly, but I couldn't return his hug. My arms just hung there effortlessly.

“Why am I here?” I asked myself, more tears coming. My eyes hurt, my cheeks hurt, my throat hurt... I just wished I could go home and pretend none of today had ever happened, but it was too late I was already in Chase's arms, there was no turning back. “Just... tell me. Before anything else just tell me did you know about Abel?” I demanded, pulling away. Suddenly remembering this morning, a time that felt like so long ago. I stared in Chase's eyes, determined to seek the truth out. I needed to know this before I continued letting him hold me, because the answer would make all the difference in the world.

I would rather walk around aimlessly all night, and sleep on a park bench then sleep in the cretins bedroom.

“Are you referring to what Ryan said to you this morning?” He asked, and I just wordlessly nodded. “Sylvia, I know I don't deserve your trust, but I need you to believe me when I tell you that before Ryan said anything this morning... I had no idea about Abel. The bruises, and the cuts... I thought that was from school, I never knew. The only thing that ever stands out to me is his broken arm in the seventh grade but he told everyone he fell out of a tree while he was climbing. I thought long and hard about it today, and it around that time he grew to be the outsider you know today. Sylvia I had no idea, and I am so sorry. I will never, ever do anything else to hurt him. I promise you and him.” His voice rang with sincerity, and my broken heart grew cold when he mentioned the broken arm. I had forgotten that I had gone to that hospital to get answers about Abel, immediately when I thought about the hospital more tears came. “Sylvia, I swear!” He pleaded.

“I believe you.” I whispered. “I just wish you didn't need to have to know that Abel gets beat at home for you to be nice to him.” I insisted. “But it's okay, thank you.” There was no emotion in my voice and Chase just stared at me.

“Abel wasn't the reason you climbed in my window this late at night, looking like death Sylvia and I know it.” He pulled me away from his warm body, and for once I actually wanted to close the space between Chase and I. I was suddenly so cold. “Sylvia, look at you. You're bleeding.” He examined my long legs, that did have cuts and scraps up and down them, and my arms that had bleeding pen holes from the thorns from the bush in his backyard. The arm I landed on while falling out of the bush was probably the worst of it all, with a long scrap, but it had stopped bleeding. I didn't feel any of it though, I was terrified, my body seemed void of any of that pain besides the ache in my eyes and the deep pain that swallowed my heart.

I closed my crying eyes. “Chase... I don't want to talk about it.” I cried.

“I can't accept that as an answer Sylvia, any other time and I would. But... it's late and you just climbed through my window looking, no offense, like sh*t. Please just tell me, whatever you say here will never leave this room by my hand. Now please, just explain to me what happened once you left soccer practice today.”

“Gosh you sure know how to sweet talk a lady.” I said sarcastically, laughing humorlessly. Chase let me got, and let me sit on his bed while he fished clothing out of his jam packed dresser from dry clothing for me to wear. All of this happened without a word, Chase turned around and let me strip in privacy. The only thing I left on was my undies, I discarded the dirty booty shorts, bra and tank top and dressed in his baggy boxers and t-shirt. I still felt naked without my bra, but I couldn't bring myself to put it back on because the padding still held river water.

I sat Indian style on his large bed, resting against the plush pillows and Chase sat at the foot of his own bed just watching me. “Alright, now...”

I could tell there was no avoiding it. “If you tell anyone, I will break into your house, steal stacks of your comic books, throw them in the garbage with five gallows of gas and watch them burn. Maybe invite some people over to watch them light up in flames, understand?” I threatened him thoroughly and he smiled.

“You put time and thought into that threat, you have nothing to worry about now continue.” Chase smiled warmly, and I began the long story of what I was thinking about when I left the field and drove to the hospital. I told Chase about the guy that helped me and stopped abruptly when I got to the door of my Dad's office. “Please continue.” Chase breathed, giving me his undivided attention, and squeezed my foot comfortingly.

“I walked in on my Dad and his secretary.” I said flat out, and watched as the color drained from Chase's face.

“” Was all he could say.

“And I made him tell my Mom because it was the right thing to do.” Chase smiled warmly.

“You always were the self righteous one, you did the right thing. You have done nothing but the right thing since coming here.” Chase insisted and I smiled continuing with my story and explaining up until Chase saw me through the window. “You feel in my bush?” He asked and I chuckled lifelessly.

“Yeah.” I nodded, letting another small laugh escape.

“That is so cool.”

Later on, Chase escaped downstairs to get me food after listening to my stomach growl for twenty minutes. When Chase got back to his room, I was in the same place and he waltzed in with a shopping bag full of stuff. Before he sat back down on his bed he just threw the stuff on his bed, sending food and band aids flying on the bed and locked his door. I just stared at him.

"What Sylvia? I'm a seventeen year old boy, I'm sure that with the rare happenings that my parents do discover my door locked they won't ask." I didnt say anything but he knew where I was going with that silence. "As I said... I'm seventeen." My face distorted in disgust.

"That's gross." I complained, pawing through the grocery bag.

"That's the truth sweetheart." Chase laughed, and joined me on his bed going through everything that he collected. My hands landed on the package and I immediately knew what it was. My face lit up, and chase looked thrilled that he had pleased me.

When I read the label, I made a face. "Still not getting it right I see." I complained, still tearing open the package and beginning to eat my weight in the original oreos.

"Still not getting what right?" He asked and I smirked.

"Well if I told you it wouldn't mean as much when you finally get it right." I smiled, this time actually meaning it a little.

After we ate our fill in junk food, and Chase continued to keep my mind off of things that revolved outside of his bedroom and placed band aid sloppily on everything that looked bad, we yawned and thought it would be best to go to bed. Chase got up and grabbed a blanket from his closet and threw a pillow on the floor

"Night Silly." He smiled, and as I was getting up to make bed on his flood he sat down on it. I just looked at him.

"You're going to sleep on the floor?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm not going to make you." He insisted, laying down.

"But... its hard wood you might get cold." I insisted, throwing my legs over his large bed.

"What is this the eighteenth century? Besides, were in Florida. If you get cold you just turn the AC up." He joked snuggling into his pillow.

"I'm going to feel awful if I steal your bed for the night." I said looking down at him.

"Well I'll feel bad if I make you sleep on the floor."

"Then can we just share the bed?" I asked. "Its big enough." I really didn't want to share the bed with him but I also didn't want him on the floor.

"Honestly Sylvia. I don't trust myself to share a bed with you and not touch you." My face turned beat red. "I'll be good here." I didn't argue with him anymore and shut the light off climbing into his cozy bed.

"Thank you for everything tonight Chase." I said into the darkness.

"Anytime." He mumbled sleepily. 


Im sorry for the awkward spacing, I wrote half of this on my tablet and it does that automatically. I hope you like it anyway. Tell me what you think. (:

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