Music, Harmony, & Love.

By ilovePentatonix

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Having to start a new school, Melody isn't to happy about leaving her friends and hometown behind. Little did... More

Music, Harmony, & Love.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

84 6 2
By ilovePentatonix

Chapter 5

"Nice car." Carter said looking at it with wandering eyes. It was a black Mazda Rx8, with chrome wheels.

"Thanks," I muttered with a small smile. "He's my baby."

"Wow you call your car a he?" Carter smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes because I love him." He laughed before asking, "So what kind of music do you listen to?"

"I listen to just about anything that catches my attention. If it doesn't feel right when I listen to it, then I don't really like it. What about you?"

"Same. Except I think I'm a little less picky than you." He poked my side making me laugh. I quickly pulled my keys out and unlocked the door. I grabbed my headphones out of the center console and threw my school bag in the backseat before closing the door and locking it.

"So, are you ready?" He asked looking down at me with his amazingly beautiful, crystal blue eyes.

I looked away before I started blushing. "Yeah let's go. "

"The fields are this way."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh really? I thought the fields were that way near the road." I said sarcastically while laughing out loud.

"Oh so you think you're funny?" He said with a smirk.

"Yes actually I do." I retorted.

He looked down at me and gave me the most adorable smile ever. I wanted to pinch his cheeks. I looked away, but he didn't. I felt his eyes burning a hole on the side of my face. I looked up at him "What?"

He smiled and looked straight ahead. "Nothing."

"No tell me. Do I have something on my face or something?" I said before lifting my hand up to rub my cheek.

"No." He said with an even bigger smile.

"Then?" I asked stopping, making him stop to turn around. I crossed my arms waiting for his response. He didn't say anything he just kept staring at me, though I couldn't quite read his expression. I felt self conscious so I started walking again looking at the bleachers. We continued to walk in silence until we finally made our way to the top of the bleachers. We sat down and there was a bit of an awkward silence. I couldn't take it anymore so I finally spoke up.

"So what's something that you like to do?"

He looked down at me then looked away. I saw a tint of pink forming on his cheeks. I waited for him to respond when he finally did. "Well I like singing, just no one really knows. I usually sing in my room. My parents haven't even heard me sing. I'm really into it, but I've never really told anyone. Well until today at least." He looked back down at me with a small smile.

He is absolutely perfect! I love singing too. Unlike him, my parents would always hear me sing. Now only my mom gets to hear me. I wonder when I'll see dad again. I washed those thoughts away quickly before barely whispering "Wow."

He looked a little bit worried when he heard my reaction. "I know I'm weird. Just forget I ever told you."

I smiled before laughing. "No you are not weird. Unless you consider me weird too for liking to sing as well."

His eyes brightened. "Can I hear you?" He said with hopeful eyes.

I quickly became nervous. "Uhm,"

He laughed "It's okay, you don't have to. "

"Maybe one day you can hear me, but ONLY if I get to hear you too."

He laughed before agreeing.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, and plugged my headphones in. I handed one to Carter, which made him scoot closer to me. I could feel his body warmth against my side. My arm tingled a bit when it made contact with his. We put the headphones in and I scrolled through my songs. I could feel him looking down at the song selection as well.

"Do you want to pick a song?" I asked handing him my phone.

He grabbed it and scrolled until he chose the song. Great choice. I smiled at the song he chose. It was 'Hearts a Mess' by Gotye. I loved this song.

He handed me my phone saying "I think you just got a text message."

I grabbed it and went to my messages.

: Hey Melody, it's Devon. Lizzie told me to tell you that she will text you later since her phone died. :

I could feel Carter reading over my shoulder. Nosy much? I replied back.

: Okay thanks.:

: So what's up?:

"Wow he texts back fast." I muttered.

"I told you he likes you." Carter said looking away. I thought I saw his jaw tighten a bit.

: I'm at the fields with Carter.: I replied.

The song was over and Carter asked "Do you have any rock?"

"Uhm yeah hold on." I scrolled up and found the Alesana album. I played 'The Hymn for the Shameless'.

I felt my phone buzz again. I opened the message.

: Oh. Well tell him I said 'hey' :

"Devon says 'hey'." I looked up at Carter.

"Hey." He said with little emotion.

: He says hey back.:

"Do you like Devon?" Carter was looking at me now. His question took me off guard.

"No. I mean I like him as a friend, but I don't like him in that way. Why?" I asked

"Just wondering." He said looking down at the field.

Well this is awkward. It was silent for a while except the music playing.

"So it seems like I was the only one at lunch who didn't get your number." Carter said breaking the silence.

"You didn't ask." I said with a small smile.

"Well can I have your number so I can text you too?"

I felt my cheeks grow warm. "Yeah. Here put your number in my phone and ill call you so you can get mine." I handed him my phone and he put his number in. I laughed when I saw that he put a blushing emoji that was smiling next to his name.

"What's up with the emoji?" I asked laughing.

"You're always blushing when I'm around." He said with a wink.

I felt my cheeks grow warm again. Crap! I hope he doesn't see me blushing again. I looked away looking towards the parking lot. I felt a warm hand grab my chin and turn me back towards him.

"See." He said with a smirk. "I always make you blush."

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