Double the Trouble

By NiallsPrincess326

65.3K 2.9K 787

Emmersyn Ellis and her twin brother Jack were put in an orphanage at the age of seven. They are now both four... More

-meet em and jack-
-both or none-
-lots of povs-
-already hurt-
-hug me-
-wrinkled and drugged-
-take me into your loving arms-
-drop it-
-oh, jack-
-?netflix and sleep?-
-party for me, party for you-
-going everywhere-
-new york, new york-
-pizza and nyc-
-returning fears-
-out in the city-
-too young for you-
-black eye-
-found you-
-is she paranoid?-
-room swap-
-running out of options-
-teenage runaways-
-oh no, it's him-
-time to turn back-
-Call the Police-
-cake fight-

-late nights-

1.4K 67 15
By NiallsPrincess326

Please leave your comments through out the story so I can get some feedback xx

I haven't updated in so long so this is a long-ish chapter. Sorry :/
Emmersyn's POV

"This is going to be cool!" I smiled widely, plopping down up-right on the black leather dressing room couch. Jack sat next to me.

The guys were all changed and their hair and make up was currently in the process of getting touched up, but I couldn't help the excitement rushing through me.

I couldn't wait to hear them perform, they'd done their mic checks and everything, but promised-somehow-the live show would be way better.

Luke finished first and came walking over to me, the stylist-Lou, who does my hair-warned him not to mess it up before he sat down. He just chuckled and pulled out his phone slipping into the empty spot next to my brother.

I took out my phone replying to Matt's messages that I had missed earlier.

Matt: Hope ur having fun'
Matt: thinking of you

I was in the middle of typing when Jack grabbing my phone reading the messages out loud.

My face heated up, I knocked the phone onto his lap, picking it up and standing up walking out the door. I headed toward the bathrooms to have some space.

Jack, of course, came up in the hall behind me, grabbing my shoulder.

"He's going to be trouble." He said warningly. I rolled my eyes, looking back down at my phone and continuing to walk. "Listen, I'm serious. He got you drunk at that dumb party, he's a boy, he doesn't have good intentions Em."

"What if I said that about Sharon?" I sassed.

"Charlotte?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes, nodding and adding a small shrug.

"You couldn't say that about her because she's actually a good person."

"Well you don't know Matt! It's not like I like him anyways, I-"

"Again guys?" Someone groaned standing a little ways behind us in the door. Jack and I turned around to see Ashton standing there.

Jack smiled, casually stating that we were fine.

Ashton walked over to us, grabbing each of our phones from us and holding them in his hands. I gasped, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Rest of the tour, no phones. Now talk this through and come back in the room."

He disappeared back into the dressing room, I narrowed my eyes at my brother then marched in behind Ash with Jack following.


I stood close to the stage entrance, jamming out to the songs the lads were singing. I'd heard a few, but not all. Besides, hearing it through a phone was no where near as amazing as hearing the music live.

Ashton was going nuts behind the drums, there were points where it looked like his head was going to smash into one of the drumsticks, but that luckily didn't happen.

Jack stood on the side of me, seeming enjoying the concert as well.

I recorded it and snapped a few pictures of the lads on Luke's phone.

They closed the show with the song 'Waste the Night' which happened to be my favorite.

They rushed off stage, sweaty and hyped. Luke ran at me, grabbing his phone from my hand before picking me up an spinning me around. "Did you have fun?"

"Ew, Luke you smell." I laughed, wiggling out of his arms. He rolled his eyes, letting go of me and looking at me waiting for a response.

"Of course I had fun. You guys are great." I smiled, Ashton coming over to give me a hug after talking to Jack. I shook my head, quickly ducking down to dodge him.

"Can you guys go take showers first?" I scrunched my face up.

The guys glanced at each other and before I could process anything, four guys ran at me pulling me into the middle of an extremely sweaty group hug.

"Jack! Save me," I yelled over dramatically, attempting to wiggle my way out. Jack just smirked, holding up someone's phone and snapping a quick picture. I narrowed my eyes at him before finally being real eased form the group hug.

The guys laughed and ran off down the hallway, hopefully to shower. I turned to Jack, "That was disgusting."

The two of us began heading down the hallway the guy's had just disappeared down. Just as we approached the dressing room, Ashton came rushed out. His wet curly hair splashed us as he ran by.

At least he's clean.

"What was that?" I questioned, walking into the room. Michael looked just as happy as Ashton as he stood there shrugging on his coat.

"Meg and Amy are here," Calum explained, rolling his eyes. "Well, here in New York. We have to go pick them up."

Jack and I slowly nodded out heads, Michael, Calum, and Luke escorted us out of the room and down the hall.

"I'm going to see my girlfriend," Michael sang, "La-la-la!"

"Relationships," Luke groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up Mikey, no one like you." Calum added.

"My girly friend likes me," Michael pouted, his arms crossed as he pretended to angrily stomp away from us.

The four of us followed Mikey outside to where Ashton was waiting inside a limo. Why we couldn't just bring a regular car was a question I didn't have an answer to until I got inside and saw there were to security guards in there. And apparently more security waiting at the airport.

Ashton had the biggest smile on his face the whole car ride, he was so happy I was tempted to ask for my phone back, it seemed like a good time. But instead, I just stayed quiet, trying to turn to look out the window well wedged between Luke and Jack.

When we pulled up to the airport Ashton and Michael stumbled from the car and ran up to the two girls standing by the airport door well security guards hurried their hugging sessions along.

The four of us go out to go greet Amy and Meg as well.

"Hi guys," Amy smiled, giving each of us a hug.

We all slipped back into the limo after the girl's luggage had been set in the trunk. I tried my best to keep my eyes open as we headed to some burger restaurant right outside the city.

I successfully managed not to fall asleep the whole way there.

Jack and I stood in the back of the group as we entered the restaurant. They immediately took us to a table, even though the place was pretty full. After sitting around the long table and talking extremely loudly, we ordered our food.

"Do you think he'll give us our phones back?" Jack whispered to me, putting the menu in front of his face. It didn't matter if he blocked his mouth or not, no one was paying attention to us.

I shrugged, "I hope. I'm not going to be able to go this whole time without it. Plus, he's going to have to deal with us if he don't have them, right?"

He smirked, catching my drift and nodding in agreement.

We finished our male and everyone was talking about who knows what, then we somehow ended up walking down the street at two in the morning when all I really wanted to do was sleep. It was a long day with the concert and picking up Meg and Amy, then going out to eat.

Jack was definitely over tired, he was jumping down the street doing failed hand stands and yelling at me to stop being so boring.

I sighed, running ahead to catch up with Jack.

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" Jack questioned, a wide smile on his face. I shrugged.

"I don't want a boyfriend right now anyways, so I guess I'm not mad. If I had my phone I would've probably already told Matthew that I didn't want to talk, or something."

Jack nodded with a wide grin, "Good, stay away from guys. It makes my job easier."

"What job?"

"Being your brother, duh." He rolled his eyes, elbowing me in the side. I punched his shoulder, wincing when my finger made a cracking noise.

"Tone down the arm muscles." I grumbled, shaking my hand around.

"Emmersyn! Jack!" Ashton called, making the two of us turn around. Ash nodded his head to the side, telling us to come back over to them. "We're going to head to the hotel it's a little late."

"A little," I scoffed as we approached them. Ashton rolled his eyes, wrapped arm arm around my shoulders and leaving me back towards the limo.

"So Ash," I smiled, mustering up the sweetest voice I could.

"Oh no." He sighed at my tone.

"I was wondering if maybe I could get my phone back. I made up with Jack and I don't think you want us bothering you all the time and-"

"I'll think about it," He cut in, removing his arm from me and opening the limo door. I sighed, climbing in followed by Calum, who I ended up sitting next to, and the rest of them.

This time, once I had sat down and the car began moving there was no way in hell my eyes would stay open. I tried my best, rapidly blinking to keep myself from falling asleep. But, soon my eyes were too heavy and my head kept falling to the side until my head rested on top of Calum's shoulder and I was completely asleep.

3rd Person.

They soon pulled up to the hotel, instead of waking up Emmersyn who was sound asleep, Calum lifted her up and carefully exited the limo.

The eight of them were escorted by a few fans waiting outside trying to rush over to them. Somehow, the sleeping girl managed to stay asleep.

"Put her on the bed," Ashton mumbled tiredly as they entered one of the rooms. Cal nodded, gently laying down Em. He slipped her shoes off and left them on the floor then Ashton came over and removed her coat before pulling the duvet over her.

She shifted a bit, but stayed asleep. Everyone went into their rooms and slept, well for two and a half hours: at least.

Right before five in the morning a loud shriek was let out by one of the girls. Ashton, being in the room jumped up along with Jack who happened to be sharing a bed with the one whom had been screaming.

"Em?" Jack asked worriedly.

"Let me go!" Emmersyn yelled, kicking around the blankets.

Amy and Ashton climbed off their bed, walking over to Em.

Ash reached out for Emmersyn, who was still asleep as she let out loud panicked screamed and kicked around the covers.

"Em," Ashton lightly shook her, "Emmy, love, it's okay. Listen, it's me Ashton. Wake up. You're okay."

This didn't stop her from continuing, probably not even hearing Ashton over her constant cries for help.

Jack took the blankets off her, figuring it might help her feel less restrained. He was shaking though, he'd seen his sister like this in her sleep once. She woke up crying and would only talk to him, telling him it was the worst nightmare she had ever experienced and the look of horror in his sisters face was enough to make him feel like he too had the same dream.

"Emmersyn," Jack said shakily, glancing up at Ashton.

"Has she done this before?" Ash asked. When the boy went to open his mouth and reply, the door between the two rooms opened and a sleepy looking Calum and Luke entered followed by Michael and Meg.

"What's going on?" Luke asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Not sure." Ashton replied, frowning at Emmersyn who was now extremely stiff. She stopped screaming and her breathing became loud and heavy before her eyes opened. She looked horrified, Jack had seen that look before and it worried him more than he could explain.

Emmersyn's face of fear was soon took over by embarrassment as she saw how many people were standing around her.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked, lightly placing his hand on her arm. She flinched, leaning closer to her brother.

Calum and Luke back away from in front of the bed to give her some space.

"I-I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Emmersyn glanced at Jack.

"Can you guys just give her some space?" His voice came out a bit cruel, so he paused for a minute before muttering. "Please."

Luke, Cal, Mikey, and Megan gave Em a worried glance before going back into their room and Ashton sat on the side of the bed by her with his eyebrows furrowed together looking extremely nervous.

"It was just a bad dream, that's all." She nodded at him. Ashton nodded slowly.

"Want to go for a walk?" He offered. Emmersyn glanced at Jack quickly, then back at Ash sheepishly nodding her head.

He gave her a small smile, standing up off the  bed and walking over to his suit case pulling out a t-shirt to put on so he had something more than just sweats on.

Emmersyn was still in her perky tight skinny jeans and wrinkled t-shirt from last night. She wanted to change into something more comfortable, but decided to just go for the walk first.

"Put on a coat," Amy piped up.

"We're just going for a walk inside, babe." Ashton promised, nodding his head towards the door to get Em to follow him as he exited the room.

The two of them began silently walking around the quiet hallways.

"What was the dream about?" Ashton asked, glancing over at Emmersyn who had her eyes focused on the ground.

She stayed silent for a minute, and Ashton didn't want to push her too much so he was silent as well.

"I'm not really sure," She admitted quietly, looking up at Ashton to see his reaction. But he didn't have one, his face stayed the same.

They turned a corner leading them down another hall.

"Sometimes," her voice cracked as she spoke, "I have these dre-nightmares and when I wake up all I can remember from them is how scared I was."

She paused, thinking for a minute. "That sounds dumb. I sound like a baby."

Ashton quickly shook his head, grabbing Em's arm and pushing her from walking. "Don't say that. It's not dumb to be in pain, something's bothering you and I'll help you get over it. We all will." He immediately pulled her in for a hug. Emmersyn immediately melted into him, feeling much more calm than she had been before.

They just stood there, in the middle of the hallway embraced in each other's arms. Emmersyn closed her eyes, mumbling "Thank you Ashton. Thank you for everything, being with you guys has been the best thing that's happened to us and I can't thank you enough."

A wide grin came across Ash's face with Em's words. "You've done a lot for us too, believe it or not."

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