Love me like you do

By Ginny_weasley7

145K 3.6K 2.5K

Ever wonder what would of happened if Ginny went to a college outside of Hogwarts? Imagine this: Ginny leaves... More

Room 715
Emma Cooper
Girls night out
How to annoy Harry
Harry's game
Parties Kisses and Blake!
Bathroom snogs
Partners and Players
Quidditch preparations
First date
An unwanted visitor
One month mark
Lectures & Kisses
Blake wants me
Falling for Ginny Weasley
Everybody Meet Luke Mason
Forget the movie, snog already!
The Threat
New Friends and old friends
College Trip and bye bye Wales!
Splash fights and getting touchy
Emilie has a boyfriend?
The start of something new
Cheater be cheating
Man on a mission
Worried Ginny
Weird talks and blushing mad
Ex Friend, ex boyfriend
The fight
Emma strikes back
Vanilla Twilight
Love me like you do
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
{CONTEST thingy}

Emilie at her best

3.2K 92 95
By Ginny_weasley7

This chapter involves bad language!! (I warn that if you get offended by any of this I am sincerely sorry! Please do not get mad okey!)



I was walking around my dorm room messing around with my wand. "Wingardium Leviosa" I pointed my wand towards the lamp. It levitated and I was pleased as I said it right. Back home Ron told me I was saying it wrong and that i should "swish and flick", he also told me Hermione had told him the proper way. I couldn't stop laughing at how bossy she is to him at times. They were dating, but with Hermione at this college there dating seems to be distant. Hermione hadn't talked to me about it which worried me to the gutter. "Ah what are you doing?" Harry asked as he came out with his hair a bit damp, a Hollister jumper around his waist. A Hollister T-shirt on and black jeans. He looked hot and he was only in normal clothes. I wish I could see him in a suit and tie. That would be just wow.... "Accio Harry's wand" I said and Harry's wand came flying towards me. "Very funny baby give it back" Harry smirked as he came towards me. "Why should I? Your deadly with this" I smirked back. "So I can actually go now, I have practise now" Harry smirked.

"What why? Your going practise? I thought it didn't start till next week?" I tried not to sound like I missed him.

"No that's trials and exams, this is practise for it" Harry smiled as he grabbed his wand, kissed my head and spoke, "Accio Phone" Harry pointed his wand to his phone and it conjured towards him. "Harry?" I said. Harry was about to go towards the door but I grabbed his arm. "Yeah? Missing me already are we? You'll have me all tonight" he winked. My face heated up and I swotted his arm. "No" I stuck out my tongue. "Bye baby" and Harry kissed my lips. I tried to deepen it but he wouldn't he pulled back and smirked, with one last kiss he was gone before I could say Quidditch. "Goodbye" I said to thin air.

Walking towards the kitchen I pointed to the dishes and they began washing themselves. I sighed. My thoughts wondered this morning, Harry was cuddled up beside me. We were on the couch as we fell asleep watching tv. I smiled at the little cute moment we had. After my daze I left the kitchen I went to the lounge and began my homework...

Harry's POV

After I left my dorm, I went and knocked on Ryan's door. Ryan appeared with Janet behind him. Ew gross! "Hey Ryan" I acted cool like I didn't even noticed Ryan had his top off. While answering the door with Janet covering up behind him. Does he work out? "We have practice Rye" I smirked. Ryan shook himself out of his daze he nodded.  What has Janet done to my best friend? I laughed at him. "Shut up Potter" he poked me with his wand. "I'll meet you there" with a wave I left. Making my way down the big marble stairs, I went to the restroom doing my business I then washed my hands. Leaving I apparated to the AHQ(Auror's Heard Quarters) I was greeted by many people whom I train with. "Good day Mr Cook" I said to my advisor. 

Turning toward his office I knocked. It was obvious he was talking to another person. But he had disappeared. Okay then?

"Mister Potter" he smiled welcoming me in.  He motioned me to sit and I did. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yes sir" I said. He called two men whom I didn't caught there names to. He had kind of said it so fast that I didn't have time to process it. I slowly sat up fixed my jumper on my waist while I felt presence in the room. "Harry meet Chase Lynch" he pointed to a guy that stood tall, he had black hair, brown doe eyes and dimples. He held a wand in one hand and the other he held out for me to shake. Taking out my wand I put it on my left and shook his hand with my right. He gave me a smile but then he stood straight as he was like a soldier. "Hi" he smiled. I nodded back. Then another shadows appeared. Tuning towards it my jaw hung opened. "Harry meet...." My boss started. My eyes widened at whom that stood just before my eyes. Draco Malfoy?

"Malfoy?" I said in a disbelief tone. "You know him?"  My boss said surprised.

I nodded and Draco shuffled uncomfortably. "Hey Potter" he spoke. "Great you know him, now where's Atwood?" My boss had referred to Ryan. Probably snogging Janet. I smirked. "He's.." I started to say but shut it as Ryan jogged in out of breath.

"You're late Atwood " my boss said sternly. "Sorry sir" he said sincerely. My boss nodded and Ryan's eyes widened when he saw Draco in the room. "Malfoy?" He said. "Atwood" he said back. Our boss gave us all a look and just shrugged. "Okay so now that you all have met, you all must begin on your practise in a few moments.  You team up into groups of two, then I'll move you to a room where you are given a sheet to fill out. Then you can go home till I send out your grade, am I understood?" Our boss said. "Yes sir" we all replied.

Our training went on for about three hours. I went into a room where I had to fill in blanks to which a spell was used for. After I was done I made my way towards my dorm, tired and hungry. Once I arrived home I had forgotten my keys so I got out my wand and spoke, "Alohomora"

The door opened and I walked in, I looked around and I was greeted by a sleepy Ginny. She was sprawled across the bed, snoring softly. She looked so adorable while she slept.

Wait what did I just say? I shook my head while I took my shoes off and went into the restroom where I changed into my boxers. Coming out I picked up my sleeping beauty and carried her to her bed. Laying her gently down i used my wand to switch off the lights. Falling onto my bed I let the sleep take over me.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of cooking. Ginny must be up I thought. Walking into our kitchen Ginny was flicking her wand here there and everywhere. "Hey beautiful" I greeted while coming up from behind. Ginny jumped slightly and then calmed at my presence. "Morning, there's a letter there" she handed me a letter. Oh merlins beard it's my results! So soon? "Everything alright Harry?" She asked. I nodded and tore out the letter nervously.

Dear Mr Harry Potter,
I am pleased to say that you're results were outstanding! We wish if you could work with Mr Malfroy for the next task as we must switch teams over! It's nothing you shouldn't worry about! Results were
A1 and B2 which is outstanding
Yours sincerely,
Mr Richard Parks Cook.

I stopped reading. I was so glad I did good. Ginny looked over my shoulder. "Oh my god well done Harry" to my surprise she kissed me. I smirked at her and kissed her cheek. "Only four days till our month mark" I smirked at the red head that stood wand in hand while cleaning. "Yeah yeah fallen for me yet have you?" She asked. "No you?" I turned the question back to her. She shook her head.

"We should celebrate tonight" she said happily changing the subject. I will win this. "Yeah I would like that" with that I took out my phone and messaged Ryan.

Ginny's POV

That night the girls and I went out celebrating that night... Harry and his crew would be joining us. I was putting on a strapless dress when I heard my phone go off. Checking to see who it was.


Can't he get the message I'm with Harry.

Fake relationship though! But still!

Hey Ginny party by mine! Come on live a little! It's Emma's birthday and I think you would enjoy it.

I bite my lower lip unsure. May as well since the drinks will be free.


When we arrived at the party Emilie and I hit the dance floor while Ryan, Harry, Jason and the girls hit the bar. (Nina, Janet, Pely, Crystal and Eva) "Oh look it's Weasle" she smirked. Emilie sneered beside me while I tensed up.

"Hey I love your outfit, does it come with a pole?" Emilie shot while smirking at Emma who had a skirt that was way too short and was revealing her whole back side. Her top wasn't even one, it was more of a bra that she decided to wear. Her heels were so high up that it was as high as her ego could go!

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to slut city" muttered Crystal who had joined us.

Emma's face darkened while those around us giggled. I bit my lower lip from trying to not laugh. But it came out as a chuckle.

"Why you laughing bitch?" One of Emma's bitches spoke.

"Oh look it spoke!" Emilie chuckled.

All around the room there were "oohs" and "sassy much?"

Harry meandered his way through the crowd that had gathered around us. He held two shots Ryan took it and I glared at Ryan who winked back at me. I muttered a curse under my breath.

"Your so lucky I left my wand on my table in the kitchen" Emma spat while crossing her arms over her chest.  Emilie just winked back trying to annoy her while I stood awkwardly. Crystal had giggled beside me. "You should leave, none of you were invited" Emma gave us a glare. "Let me check where I have my invitation" says Emilie while looking in her bra. I quickly nudged Crystal whom she couldn't stop laughing at Emilie. Janet came to view with Ryan hugged around her. Awe. Was all I could say. Nina and Jason were snogging over near the bar, who could not miss them! Man those two were all over each other.

Emilie pulled out her middle finger which earned a "ohhhhh" from the crowd. I chuckled and so did Crystal. Emma's face was getting redder and redder by the second. This is Emilie Thompson at her best!

"Oh no your burning up, shall I get a bucket of water? Oh wait no I forgot you might melt" Emilie laughed.

I couldn't hold it in I laughed so hard I clenched my sore sides. Emma then lunged at me pulling me to the ground. Emilie didn't think twice she too was on Emma within seconds. It took six men to pull us away from each other. I had a bruised elbow and knee while Emma had scratches on her arms. While Emilie was free from injuries. Harry pulled me closer to him and looked at me. He mouthed "are you okay?" I nodded giving him a gentle smile.

"Bitch is what you are Emilie" Emma spat.  Emma's crew just turned the corner. Those fake plastic girls gave us glares and pointed there wands at us.

"Don't stand too closer to the heater babes plastic melts" Janet shot.

"Get the fuck out now" they barked at us. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him. He glared murderous looks at each and every one of them. "Do you really want to go there?" Harry snapped I could see anger bubbling in his eyes.

Emma looked at him and Harry answered, "I suggest you shut up and leave my girlfriend alone we were invited by your boyfriend"

"Oh look Weasley has to be protected by her b-o-y f-r-I-e-n-d" they mocked me. I knew what I was going to do, I saw that Ryan had a drink he held. He was laughing at Janet while she kissed his neck. "Accio Ryan's drink" I whispered.

The drink flew into to my hand and with that I poured it over Emma. "Much better don't you think Coop" I spat while grinning at Emilie who had a surprise look. I am a Wealsey whom you don't mess with! Grabbing Harry's hand, running away towards the door I heard Emma speak, "This isn't over Weasley" she glared. She grabbed a nearby wand and pointed it us. Emilie being Emilie had pointed it at her, followed by Janet who seemed to come back to reality instead of snogging Ryan. Janet had her wand pointed at Emma while Emma and her crew hand pointed wands at us. Ryan spoke, "We're just gonna go" always the peace keeper I rolled my eyes. "Get the Fuck out now" Emma spat while trying to wipe the beer that had spilled over her hair. Harry and I followed by our crew dashed out where we laughed about it once we had reached a cafe.

We couldn't stop laughing at what Emilie said, that moment Harry had turned to me dazing into my eyes. I found it adorable and found myself liking this fake relationship. Is this love? My heart bounding every time he is present. I get butter flies in my stomach every time I kiss him, I have electric currents flow through my veins when his hands touch mine. Is this love? No!......

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