Broken Hope (boyxboy)

By PositivelyDazed

16.5M 650K 555K

Keegan is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turne... More

Chapter 1 - Breaking
Chapter 2 - Cocoon
Chapter 3 - Settling Surprise
Chapter 4 - Escape
Chapter 5 - Breakfast Breaking
Chapter 6 - Sparking Charm
Chapter 7 - Attachment
Chapter 8 - Forest Trails
Chapter 9 - Wounds
Chapter 10 - Scars
Chapter 11 - Guilt
Chapter 12 - Confrontation
Chapter 13 - Moving Forward
Chapter 14 - Sweet Whore
Chapter 15 - Lit Bond
Chapter 16 - Brighter Days
Chapter 17 - Frizbae
Chapter 18 - Social, Unsocial
Chapter 19 - Rebels In The Night
Chapter 20 - Distant Flame
Chapter 21 - Delightful Darkness
Chapter 22 - The Ferocious Lion
Chapter 23 - Under The Sky
Chapter 24 - Ally Cats
Chapter 25 - Delicious Dusk
Chapter 26 - Everything Must End
Chapter 27 - Packing Up
Chapter 28 - Home
Chapter 29 - Lurid And Lucent
Chapter 30 - On The Town
Chapter 31 - Another Paradise
Chapter 32 - Plan
Chapter 33 - Commence
Chapter 34 - Working With Progress
Chapter 35 - Return To Paradise
Chapter 36 - Growing Flames
Chapter 37 - Phase 2
Chapter 38 - The Process And The Faces
Chapter 39 - The Second Strike
Chapter 40 - Suspecting
Chapter 41 - Those Who Lurk
Chapter 42 - Determination
Chapter 43 - Slow Fall
Chapter 44 - The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 45 - Broken
Chapter 46 - Hope
Chapter 47 - Mending
Chapter 48 - BUSTED
Chapter 50 - The Reckoning
Chapter 51 - A Peaceful Place
Chapter 52 - From A To Zoo
Chapter 53 - Me And You
Chapter 54 - My Feelings
Chapter 55 - Venture Of Old Memories
Chapter 56 - The Queen Of Chaos
Chapter 57 - Obvious Oblivious
Chapter 58 - Slip Of The Tongue
Chapter 59 - There Will Always Be Light (End)

Chapter 49 - A Brighter Tomorrow

267K 9.4K 13K
By PositivelyDazed

I apologize for not updating last week. I got sick and it lasted longer than expected. Thank you for all of the get well messages by the way! I've been out of the writing loop for a little too long so keep in mind that my skills may be a little rusty.

Picture of Shaine (Elizabeth Gillies)

Theo's POV

School ended. Alayne was nowhere on school grounds so I assumed she went home. The school was in so much chaos after what happened at lunch. All of our friends looked lost, soulless, as if they were hit over their heads with a brick. Seeing this was all too familiar, it was the same for me after all, only, I took it much worse. Having someone you trust so integrated in your life only to find out they've been lying to you for who knows how long can be an extreme shocker, especially if you put your trust in them over someone else, someone like Keegan.

Stepping outside, seeing the green and feeling the warm breeze against my skin reminded me that summer break was right around the corner. Knowing that I can spend more time with Keegan made me happy, I would be able to mend the pain I've caused him, or some of it at least.

Before I headed home there was one thing I had left to do.

"Charlie, do you mind taking the bus back home?" I asked on our way to the parking lot.

"Why, you finally getting tired of having me around?" He snarked.

"No, its not that, I just... I have to go tell Keegan's boss he may not be able to come in for awhile." I explained. Charlie nodded in understanding before getting in the car.

"We going?" He asked looking through the window.

"Wait, I just said..." I started, but my sentence fell short as Charlie watched me blandly through the glass.

"I want to see where Keegan works." He said. I just sighed and got in the car.

"Alright, just don't complain to me when you get bored." I warned him.

The place was calm when we arrived, with very few cars around. Charlie and I got out of the car and headed for the entrance. The door bell went off as we entered. I'd forgotten it was there, its been awhile since I've last been to Keegan's work place.

"Welcome!" Keegan's boss of which I forgot the name of came over,  greeting us.

"Oh, I remember ya!" She exclaimed, raising a finger.

"You're Keegan's friend, arent'cha?" She asked after a moment of pondering.

"Uh yeah." I confirmed. We're friends, aren't we? I'd like to think so.

"Is he here with ya? Its almost time for him to come in." She asked, studying a piece of paper on her clipboard.

"About that... I came here to tell you that he may need some time off." Worry crossed her face as I finished my sentence.

"Why, is there'a problem? I-Is he okay?" She question, lowering her clipboard.

"He's fine, just... a lot's happened." I sighed.

"Everything seemed okay when he came in yesterday. What happened?" Sandra asked in a concerned tone.  I recalled her name after reading the name tag pinned on apron.

"I-I don't know if that's for me to tell. You might have to ask him yourself the next time he comes in, assuming you'll keep his position here." I said, trying to respect Keegan's privacy. I don't know if he wants to keep anything under wraps or not but as I said, it's not my place to tell.

"I... I see." Disappointment and sorrow rang in her voice.

"Before ya two go let me treat you to something, anything you'd like." She offered. I was about to decline hoping I could return home to see Keegan sooner but Charlie quickly accepted, taking a seat.

As we were waiting for our meals the door bell went off, drawing everyone's attention. In walked a long black haired girl wearing a flat expression. She almost reminded me of my older sister. I think I've seen her around school before. She tries to stay away from any attention so she doesn't stick out like a lot of people. From what I remember though she was one of the students who used to get in a lot of trouble around school.

"Oh hello Shaine, Keegan won't be coming in today so I have to ask ya for extra help around the shop." Sandra greeted. "With bonus pay of course." The tenseness rung over in this girl subsided quite noticeably.

"Why, what's up with him." The girl, "Shaine" asked.

"I don't really know. Though this man right here is one of his friends and he says Keegan may not be comin' in for a awhile." Sandra said, gesturing to me.

"Hey, you're one of those dicks from our school, aren't you?" She stated nonchalantly. Normally that probably would've lit a fuse but... I can see its true, I am a total dick.

"So, can you tell me why Keegan won't be coming in?" Shaine asked, strutting up to me. "Did you and your friends finally break the poor guy?" She asked, meaning for it to be humorous. When she saw the look that crossed my face her expression darkened like she was ready to break my soul. I could be quite intimidating but this girl was on a whole other level.

"It's complicated. I'd talk about it but I want to respect Keegan's privacy so that isn't for me to share." I explained once again.

"I'm guessing it was that b**** Alayne who pushed him." She snapped. "That tramp seriously has it coming. She's been pissing me and several others off for far too long." She said before turning around and walking into the back.

Just then Sandra returned with two slices of pie. It looked appetizing to say the least, but somehow it tasted better than it appeared. Charlie also really seemed to be enjoying it. It made me happy seeing him like that, knowing that we were on okay grounds again, and this was all thanks to Keegan honestly.

"Thanks for the meal Sandra." I said as we exited the diner.

"We should come here more often. We can always snag a free meal." Charlie joked, sending Sandra into laughter. I just rolled my eyes.

"Come back whenever ya went. I don't mind givin' free meals away to ya'll." Sandra said sweetly. I'd feel bad if I didn't pay her though.

"If you keep up that business model you'll be out of business in no time." I stated the obvious,  tossing out a wave. It  was her turn to roll her eyes.

Upon arriving in the driveway of our house Charlie practically leaped from the car before I finished pulling in. He rushed towards the front door racing the drenching rain. After shutting off the engine and grabbing my keys I followed behind.

Keegan's POV

Watching TV to pass the time was pretty boring and I didn't have much else to do, luckily Darby is one of those moms who love to show baby pictures of their children. She took a place next to me on the couch, pulling out an album of baby photos containing both Theo and Charlie's baby photos. There was also a girl I didn't  recognize in some of them as well. They were hysterical. Darby and I were set off in a fit of giggles while flipping through them. The photo of baby Theo, mouth full of bread and bulging eyes unearthed some of my buried emotion. I found myself getting excited for every new picture Darby pulled out. Seeing Theo and Charlie happy as kids reminded me of my own childhood, and it brought a smile to my face.

Sometime after Darby finished showing me the images I went back to watching movies on some channel. It felt odd hanging out around this house without Charlie or Theo around. I patiently awaited their return while watching a bunch of crappy movies.

Just as the movie was about end Charlie came bursting through the front door.

"Keegan!" He beamed coming over to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm alright, just a little bored." I chuckled.

"Wait here, I have a cool idea." He ordered before running up the stairs and off to his room. I watched, curiously. The front door opened up once again, this time Theo being the person entering. We both smiled at each other for a moment before saying anything.

"You feeling okay?" He asked, shutting the door and walking over to me.

"Yeah, just a little bored." I replied wearing a half smile.

"That's good." He said with relief. "I'm glad." He added, taking a seat next to me on the couch. 

"Not glad that you're bored, glad that you're okay." He clarified, but I already knew what he meant so I just chuckled. It felt a little strange having confessed my feeling to him yet he continues feeling so comfortable around me. This was not at all how I imagined it going.

Charlie came running down the stairs holding something in his hand.

"You're going to play me." He demanded, setting down what looked like a video game console. I'm not too familiar with these things as you can tell. Charlie dropped a controller in my lap before taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch as Theo, sandwiching me between the two of them. It made me very happy. Despite everything that's happened it felt like they were actual friends.

"Oh you boys are back?" Darby's voice rang behind us. We all looked over the edge of the couch to see Darby standing there wearing a smile.

"Hey mom." Charlie said before turning his attention back to the game. I guess they still aren't completely over the rut that's been left. That or Charlie just really likes games.

"Yeah we got back a little while ago." Theo answered.

"There's food in the fridge if you boys want anything." She told them before walking off into the next room.

"C'mon Keegy, choose a car." Charlie rushed, grabbing my attention. So we're playing a racing game then?

"Oh, sorry." I chuckled. It took me awhile to figure out the controls but that didn't really matter since Charlie still clobbered me in every race. Theo cheered for me every match despite knowing I would always lose and when I did good he praised my skill. Having the two of them here like this was great, I was having a lot of fun.

Theo wrapped an arm around my neck and scooted closer to me, my head resting on the side of his shoulder. It became more of a challenge to focus on the game being wrapped in the warmth of Theo. I was beginning to feel that maybe he actually liked me? Though I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. I don't want to end up being rejected after getting the wrong idea. I don't know how I would handle that, plus I'm satisfied with the way things are now. Darby was kind enough to let me stay here, and Theo is making great effort to make up for what he did to me. So far things are working out well.

The sound of the door opening caught my attention once again. This time it was Thomas returning from a meeting.

"What's going on here?" Thomas asked with a curious chuckle.

"Hangin' out." Charlie uttered over the side of the couch.

"Well this is certainly a surprise. Its been forever since you boys have been in the living room like this." Thomas pointed out.

"Oh welcome home sweetie." Darby greeted, coming from the other room before laying a kiss on Thomas' cheek.

"Dude, you really should pay more attention to the game." Charlie heckled, noticing my straying eyes. I broke a smile having listened to Charlie's bantering.

Darby and Thomas were talking in the kitchen while Charlie and I played games. I offered Theo the controller but he said he preferred watching. This setting was very comfortable. Sitting on the couch playing video games on a rainy day with adults talking in the kitchen. It felt like I was part of a... family.

After our long gaming session Theo and I returned to his room. I didn't know what to say or do, so I ended up standing around awkwardly while Theo was on his computer.

"So uh... how was school?" I asked, hoping to break the silence.

"Quite eventful actually." Theo chuckled, turning to face me in his seat.

"You remember Kevin, right? Well today he brought this huge monitor into the cafeteria and played camera footage exposing Alayne to everyone." Theo chuckled, with a devious smirk.

"Wait, you're serious?" I asked, my mouth ajar. "Why didn't you mention this earlier?"

"Forgot." He shrugged. I pouted in response. If this is true then that means I may eventually be able to go back. All of the judgmental stares and name calling affected me more than I let on. If that's changed then maybe school will be bearable.

"So... how did Alayne take it?" I hesitantly asked.

"I don't really know yet. She ran off before anything happened." Theo said.

"I also forgot to mention that me and Charlie stopped by your work place after school. I told Sandra you might not be able to come in for awhile. She said she'd hold your position until you return." Theo continued. "Assuming you planned on returning in the first place." I didn't know what to say, I wasn't expecting any of this. Today was overwhelming. Just yesterday I wanted to end my life, I wanted it all to disappear, but Theo stopped me. The very next day I get taken in by the Martins, Alayne gets revealed to be the fraud she is and by none other than Kevin.

"Thank you, Theo." I said, a smile capturing my appearance. He returned it, only his was a thousand times more attractive. My pale cheeks flushed a tint of red.

"Alright, well I think I'm going to hit the shower and head to bed." Theo said, standing from his chair.

"I'll be on the couch tonight. Mind if I take a blanket and a pillow?" He asked, pointing to his bed. I don't know why but I felt like I'd just received a blow to the gut. I was hoping he would sleep in his own bed tonight. Part of me wanted to ask if he would sleep with me in his own bed, but on the other half I didn't feel I was ready for that yet. Plus it would probably be awkward for me to ask him that anyway, especially since I just came out to him.

"I'll sleep on the couch." I told him in a stern manner. I don't want to take his bed away from him, especially since I'm only a guest here.

"No Keegan, you won't. You can have my bed." He replied in a direct tone. Before I could refuse he interrupted me. "Feel free to use any of my clothes, but I'd suggest the smaller ones in the corner of my closet." He walked out and headed to the bathroom.

Theo's POV

After a quick shower I returned to my room and grabbed one of my covers and pillows and headed for the couch in the living room. It was nowhere near as comfortable as my bed but I still managed to dose off to sleep pretty quickly.

I was woken by the smell of a familiar scent, Mom's cooking. I heard her and Dad chatting and giggling in the kitchen. I sat up immediately missing the warmth of the sun from the window at my feet. I stood up to stretch and noticed I was still half dressed.

"Good morning dear! Breakfast will be ready soon." My mother beamed as I reached the kitchen.

"Eggs and pancakes, hm?" I questioned.

"Yep!" Mom said, flinging her spatula around.

"Careful honey." Thomas said, backing away from her with a worried expression.

"Now now, I'm, not going to hit anyone." She giggled.

Charlie and Keegan both came down a couple minutes later.  I over heard Charlie telling him about some game he wanted to play with him. When Keegan's sight landed on my shirtless torso his eyes shifted and he turned noticeably red. It was the greatest feeling knowing I could turn him on like this. I smirked in response. For the longest time I had no idea all of his adorable reactions were cause of me. All those times he tumbled out of bed, all the times where he'd go red and try to avoid eye contact, they were cause of my actions.

I approached him and his eyes shifted anywhere but me. Keegan stopped as I approached while Charlie walked off to the kitchen. I figured this would be a good time to tease him. I left a body's length between us and towered over his shy red self.

"So, how did you sleep?" I asked, almost in a chuckle.

"With a pillow." He nervously responded. I did my best to hold in my laughter.

"No, I mean how was your night?" I reworded my question.

"F-fine." He stuttered.

"Just fine? Why? Is my bed not comfortable?" I questioned.

"No no, t-that not it!" He frowned and turned his gaze even farther away.

I wanted nothing more than to kiss him right there, but there would be too many drawbacks if I did. I know he likes me but I can tell he's still upset with me, and for good reason. I would've continued teasing the poor guy but breakfast was ready and I still had to get ready for school.

We all ate together like a family, expect I thought of Keegan as a love interest rather than a member of the family. My mother and father went balls to wall with questions like they'd done last time Keegan was over. I felt bad for the kid, but he didn't really seem to mind them. One question in particular caught him off guard though.

"So, have anyone on your eye?" Thomas asked casually with a chuckle.

"Uh u-um no... yes... I don't know." He struggled with an answer and was flustered. We were all amused. Me for a different reason than the others.

Me and Charlie got ready for school and headed out to the car after finally pealing Darby off our backs. I asked Keegan if he was coming but he said he wasn't ready to go back yet.

It just seemed like another average day of school but when I got inside I knew that wasn't going to be the case. Across the hall a crowd formed and in the center I was just barely able to make out what looked to be Alayne, and... Shaine?

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