This Is My Story.

Oleh LilyxRose

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This is a collection of my thoughts from the past year or so... I used to publish them, but stipped as some b... Lebih Banyak

Coming Out.
A Thousand Lives.
Just Be You.
No Label.
Questions & Answers
World War Three
Self Harm.
Made Of Glass.
I'm Getting Over You.
See Me.
26 Letters.
The Sea.
You dont know me.
Taking a leap.
A New Book
This Girl
My Home.
Here I am
A Fish Out Of Water.
A lot to say
In love.
Winter Depression

Words Can Kill.

22 1 0
Oleh LilyxRose


I hate the saying *Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me*

You know when a kid would say something to you in the school playground and you'd cry to your mum or dad and they would say that to you to make you feel better.

But what they don't tell you is that when you get older, that's not true.

Yeah sticks and stones may break my bones.. But words.
They can kill me.

People don't take that into consideration, and if they do but say things anyway, then they're truly the most cruel and evil people in the world.

I'd rather have someone throw a punch at me than call me a name or tell me to kill myself.

Because a strangers words will hurt the most.
This person doesn't know you, but they say things about you, they take in your appearances and break them apart, point out the flaws that you see in yourself and make you believe it more.
Because they're a stranger.
Why would they lie right?

You can go ahead and say
"Oh they're just saying that because they're jealous"
Or "They're saying that because That's how they see themselves or have their own problems"

We say that to make ourselves feel better right?
I mean maybe that person really is just a horrible person.
A person that lives off of making someone miserable.

It's so easy for people to spread hate across the Internet, a few hateful words and a click of a button, it's so easy to do.

But I'd love to see someone try and do it face to face, because they wouldn't.

Keyboard warriors.
That's what they are.
They can give it when their identity is unknown.
But bring names and faces into it and they don't want to know.

That is what is wrong with the world.
Kids these days are so different than kids when I was young.

You think it would be different wouldn't you? That the younger generation would have learned to become nicer, to treat people better.

Because there is so much more awareness out there now for bullying and self harm and suicide.

You'd think people would be kinder.
But they're not.

I believe though that this generation. My generation.
The kids we have, will be the generation that we want.
They'll be the kids that will set examples and make the world a better place.

They won't see it as wrong if someone they know or even themselves are gay or bisexual or pansexual, or whatever else is out there.

They won't use words to hurt people, because they will be taught the damage that words can do.
At least I know my kids will.
I won't raise my child to be a bully, but I won't raise them to be someone that is bullied.
I won't raise them to be me.
A person that was bullied but done nothing about it.

I don't want my child to be too scared to go to school.
I don't want my child to cry because of the words people had said to them.
I don't want my child to become depressed.
I don't want my child to result in self harm.

My child will be taught from a very young age what it is like to be bullied and to feel that way.
They will be taught that words hurt so much more than a punch ever will.
Not that I am condoning them to punch someone.
They will be taught to spread love, and help the people that need it.
They'll be taught to stand up for themselves.
They will be taught to be strong.
Because I never was.

I want my child to come to me and be able to open up to me, like I never could with my parents.
I want that relationship with my child.
I want the world to be a better place.
I want people to stop trying to hurt each other with words.

You don't know me.
You don't know my story.
You might not even know my name.
Please don't use words against me to try and destroy me.
Please think before you say something.
Because you could be the very reason that someone chooses to end their life.

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