Destiny Ninja 2: Kaito

By AngelynFelices

4.1K 66 17

BASED ON THE APP BY NTT SOLMARE A genius fire-wielding ninja who surpasses his ancestor. Kaito is the only so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

440 7 1
By AngelynFelices

One night has passed after we arrived at the Autumn Village and morning has come. Kikyo has joined us, and we are heading to the Field of Resurrection Lilies.

"Is this your first time to visit the Field of Resurrection Lilies, [Y/N]?" Kikyo asks me.

"No, I remember my father taking me there when I was little, but it's been a long time since then, so I don't remember it very well." I answer.

"The Field of Resurrection Lilies is literally covered with tons of lilies as far as you can see." Rindoh says.

"And the lilies bloom all year round with withering." Kikyo adds.

"Wow..." I say.

"It's said to be the closest place to heaven in Yamato Island and people see ghosts there sometimes!" Rindoh says.

"Although both Rindoh and I have never experienced such things before." Kikyo says.

"Really? I've never heard that before. [Y/N], if you could see a ghost, who would you want to see?" Shiroya asks me.

"You mean who I want to see out of the deceased people? Hmm..." I steal a glance at Kaito.

Kaito probably knows my answer already. Then I'd better just tell my honest answer...

"I'd like to see Lady [Y/N] the First, then." I answer to Shiroya.

"I would also like to see my ancestor." Kikyo says. "I have heard it many times that my ancestor was a very respected person."

"Kikyo, your ancestor is Lord Goyo, right?" I question to Kikyo. "He came to this island from a foreign land, and served Lord Yoshitsune Minamoto."

"Yes. I respect Lord Goyo greatly. Admire him, really."

"Ancestors, huh." Rindoh says. "I'm not so thrilled to meet mine."

"Really? Why?" Shiroya asks. "It sounds exciting to meet Lord Benkei."

"I'm kinda afraid that guy, who was notorious for being serious, is gonna lecture me for being irresponsible." Rindoh admits.

"So you are at least aware of your irresponsibility." Kikyo tells Rindoh.

"Yup, I am responsibly irresponsible!" Rindoh exclaims.

"You shouldn't be proud of that, Mr. Rin." Shiroya says.

"Haha." I chuckle.

While we are chatting around, Kaito, who had kept silent for the whole time, snorts in disapproval.

"It's such nonsense." he says. "I have no interest in meeting my ancestor."

"Kaito..." I say softly.

Kaito turns away and starts walking at a fast pace.

"Kaito..." I say again.

"This topic wasn't a good one apparently." Shiroya says.

"No, I guess not." Maybe I should have avoided talking about our ancestors. I didn't mean to make him upset, though. Sorry, Kaito.

Staring at Kaito's back, I let out a sigh quietly.


Though having been attacked by Ayakashi on our way, we manage to get to the Field of Resurrection Lilies in one piece.

"Wow..." It is so beautiful!

As I am fascinated by the bright-red resurrection lilies spreading all over the field, Rindoh pats me on the shoulder.

"[Y/N], look over there." he tells me.

"Huh? Oh!" I look at where Rindoh is pointing at, and find some parts of the field blackened and some other parts lightly covered by snow. "Are those signs of impurity?"

"I assume so." Kikyo answers. "I have never seen this place in such a condition before, but the Field of Resurrection Lilies is actually a much more beautiful place in its original state."

"Right now, even the village folk can't enter the Field of Resurrection Lilies that easily." Rindoh adds.

"Before all this happened, anyone could enter here as long as he or she had a permission from the chieftain."

"This looks really bad." Shiroya comments. "Why don't we hurry and purify this field?"

"That's right." Kaito says. "But, do you know how to do the purification in the first place, [Y/N]?"

"Don't worry. Just leave it to me!" I inform them. "I've prepared well for this."

"Great. I'm impressed." He smiles cheerfully, and strokes my hair in a slightly rough manner.

He gave me a compliment. I feel happy.

"But just to make sure I don't make any mistakes, I'm going to double check the procedure." I say.

"Alright." Kaito says.

"How are you going to double check it?" Shiroya questions me.

"Look, it's explained here in this scroll." I unpack my baggage and take out a scroll.

"What is that?" Kikyo asks me.

"This is the scroll that Lady [Y/N] the First left for her descendants in the House of [Y/L/N]." I answer him. "It explains how to wield the Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven."

"Cool. So what does it say exactly?" Kaito asks.

"Um, it says, 'If Yamato Island ever faces a crisis  and you need to wield the Sword, focus all your attention on the Sword and pray'..." Drawing his body close to me, Kaito looks into the scroll in my hand. His bangs brush against my cheek, and my heart jumps.

"This is how you purify the symbols? It seems awfully simp- Owo!" Kaito seems to notice how close he has been to me finally, and moves away from me in a fluster. "S-Sorry. I didn't see anything like, you know, uh-"

"N-No problem..." Feeling someone's glance on me, I turn my head towards the direction of it, and find Rindoh and Shiroya grinning.

"Love birds." Rindoh says.

"Geez, I'm jealous." Shiroya says. "But if it's Kaito, I guess I have no choice but to support him."

"So you give her up because he's your best friend, Shiroya? I could never do that."

"Sorry, Mr. Rin. Your effort to approach [Y/N] went in vain."

"H-Hey! What are you guys talking about?" Kaito cries.

"Yeah, you guys, we're not-!"

"Ahem, children, we have no time to be playing around. Let us get this purification done quickly." Kikyo scolds at us in disgust, and we mumble.

Kikyo is right. I have to concentrate. "Okay, I am going to purify the symbol now."

I put down the scroll by my feet, and hold up the Sword in front of my chest.

Focus all my attention on the Sword...

Just as the scroll says, I close my eyes and concentrate on the Sword in my hands. I feel heat starting to gather in my palms.

Is this my power gathering up in the Sword?

Trying not to lose my focus, I open my eyes slowly, and there I see the blade emitting bright light.

Wow... Kind of pretty...

"H-Hey, look over there!" Shiroya cries.

"Ayakashi are even here?" Kikyo shouts.


"Hey, kids! We're gonna slay them all before they get to [Y/N]!" Rindoh yells.

"[Y/N], you just stay focused on purifying the symbol!" Kaito tells me.

"O-Okay!" Kaito pats me on the back lightly, and plunges into the crowd of Ayakashi with everyone. I've gotten distracted by the Ayakashi for a moment, but I hurry and turn my focus back onto the Sword, which is losing the bright light.

"Gosh. Don't cha think this is so far the most number of Ayakashi we've seen at once?" Rindoh exclaims.

"Right. But the more Ayakashi there are to slay, the funner it is for me!" Shiroya cries.

"It's not time for fun, Shiroya!" Kaito yells.

"How could the ruddy Ayakashi enter this sacred place in the first place?" Kikyo shouts.

It is definitely strange. Even though the symbol is polluted, the air in this place should still be too clean for Ayakashi to enter.

"[Y/N]!" Kaito yells. "Just focus on the purification for now!"

"The light is getting weak again!" Kikyo shouts.

"S-Sorry!" I look at the Sword intently, and focus back on its blade. Kaito and Kikyo dash towards me, and start slaying the Ayakashi while standing on my both sides.

"Mr. Rin! Shiroya! You take care of those Ayakashi over there!" Kaito says loudly.

"Alright, leave them to us!" Rindoh says.

"Kaito, make sure to protect [Y/N]!" Shiroya shouts.

"Sure thing!" Kaito produces flames one after another with his fire-wielding ability, and burns the Ayakashi to ashes.

"You can surely wield large flames, but you'd better control their courses!" Kikyo yells to Kaito. "What would you do if one of your flames were to hit [Y/N]?"

"What? At least I'm better than you! You're merely dancing around [Y/N]!" Kaito answers back loudly. "You can only fight in close contacts anyways, so why don't you stop complaining and protect her back!"

Ah. Here they go again!

"What did you just say?"


"I am just telling you to be careful not to hurt [Y/N] with your gigantic bugger of a flame!"

"It's YOU who should be careful not to hurt her with your humongous sword!"

"Guys! I can't focus!" Kaito and Kikyo fall into silence, and look at each other. Then, as if having refreshed their moods, Kaito and Kikyo start slaying the Ayakashi again.

I cannot believe they would even fight in this situation. I can never tell if they're getting along or not...

As if to back up what I have just thought, they take care of the Ayakashi in harmonious cooperation, and I cannot help but smile.

Oops, focus, [Y/N].

I focus my attention on the Sword to pour my power into it once again. Sensing the blade charged with power and emitting dazzling light, I raise the Sword high above my head.

"Raahh!" I swing the Sword downwards with all my might. A strong light envelops us and I am almost blinded by it.

It's so bright. I cannot keep my eyes open...

After the light fades away, I open my eyes slowly. When I pull on his sleeve, Kaito looks around the field, too.

"The Ayakashi are... all gone." Kaito says.

"Yes." The Ayakashi, which seemed to appear endlessly, have all disappeared, and the Field of Resurrection Lilies is back in its original, beautiful state.

"How did this happen?" Kikyo says.

"It looks like there's more to the Sword than to just purify the symbol." Rindoh says.

"I see." Shiroya says. "The Ayakashi disappeared because [Y/N] wielded the Sword."

"It means the Sword also has the power to make Ayakashi disappear." Kaito says.

"I see." Kikyo says. "So this is what it means to purify the symbol."

"Yeah." Rindoh says. "I guess the purification gets rid of all kinds of impurity."

"Maybe it can also heal illness and stuff." Shiroya says.

"I've never heard things like that before though..." But I can tell the purification has a huge influence. This is the power only I can wield, and I have to exert it throughout this journey.


After having completed the purification of the Field of Resurrection Lilies successfully, we come back to the downtown of the village.

"Hey, [Y/N]. Are you alright?" Rindoh asks me.


"You're staggering. Tired, huh?"

"Of course she would be exhausted after having completed such a huge task." Shiroya tells Rindoh.

"Now that you ask me, I think I'm a little tired." Actually, I feel a little bit sluggish. I'm clearly consumed more than before I did the purification. But I'm sure everyone is also exhausted after having defeated that many Ayakashi. I cannot whine about my little sluggishness, can I.

"Maybe we should rest for a day or two before heading to our next destination." Kaito suggests.

"What... w-we don't have to do that just for me."

"Yes, we do. What are we going to do if you collapse from fatigue in the middle of the journey?"


"Kaito's right." Rindoh says. "I'm with him on that."

"Me, too!" Shiroya says loudly.

"Kikyo, you're with us, too, aren't ya?"

"Yes, of course." Kikyo answers. "[Y/N]'s health is at our top priority."

"Thank you, everyone." I tell them.

"Woohoo!" Shiroya exclaims. " Alright then. [Y/N]!"


"Don't you want to go around the city for a bit? I will promise to stop before we get tired."

"Ah, right! That's a good idea, Shiroya!"

"You are up for it, right, Kaito?"

"Yeah. If both [Y/N] and you are up for it, I'll join, too."


"I will go back to my house to report to my father." Kikyo says. "I should tell him that [Y/N] has purified the symbol successfully."

"Ah, that's right! I should also pay a visit to him." I say.

"No. We do not need the whole troop to just report. I will send your regards to my father." Having said so with a faint smile on his face, Kikyo turns around and goes away.

"Kikyo?" I wonder why. Somehow he seems different from how he usually is. He seems a little... down? But maybe I'm thinking too much.

"Hmph!" Shiroya says loudly. "What's with Kikyo? He's really antisocial!"

"Hey, be easy on him, will ya?" Rindoh says. "The Autumn Village chieftain apparently has given him some requirements to fulfill in order to become the next chieftain. I heard Kikyo needs to accomplish something in this journey, and I guess he's going to report about that, too."

"Requirements to become a chieftain. What's that?" Kaito asks.

"I don't know the details." Rindoh answers. "It's something Kikyo needs to accomplish. I'm not interested in the chieftain position anyways."

"Good, because if you were to become chieftain of the Autumn Village, it will be the end of it."

"Err, little Kaito?" Rindoh pinches Kaito's cheek while his face twitches.

"Ow-ow-ouch! It hurts!" Kaito cries.

"You, mister, gotta learn how to respect your seniors."

"If there was a respectable senior ninja around here, of course I would. Whereas you're just a big old man- Ouch!"

Having been snapped by Rindoh on the forehead, Kaito gets slightly teary in his eyes. Looking at Kaito and Rindoh, Shiroya and I naturally look at each other and laugh cheerfully.

"Geez. If you tell me that again, I'm gonna give you another punishment. A psychological one. Watch what you say, Kaito. That's the reason why you always end up in a fight with Kikyo." Then, turning his scolding face to a cheerful smile, Rindoh rubs his fist against Kaito's head.

Rindoh is like everyone's big brother...

"Alright kids, have fun with sightseeing in the city."

"Huh? You're not joining us either, Mr. Rin?" Shiroya says.

"Now that I'm finally back at home, I've got some errands to do. So, I'm going to go a separate way."

"Boring! You could at least show us around, Mr. Rin!"

"Sorry, kids. But we don't know what may happen during our journey or when we come back. I wanna take care of things while I'm here. There are village guide booklets at the entrance gate of the city center. Take them with you, okay? By the way, I recommend you try the niku-mans, steamed meat buns, at the steamed bun shop on the corner."

"Ah, Mr. Rin, you're going to see a woman, arent't you?" Kaito teases.

"Dream on! [Y/N] is the only one in my heart!"

"What...?!" Rindoh takes my hand and suddenly kisses me on the fingertips.

"M-Mr. Rin!"

"Hey, cut it out!" Shiroya cries.

"Haha! See you later, kids! Don't forget to keep some room for another delicious dinner this evening!" Smiling merrily, Rindoh walks away in the same direction Kikyo went.

"Good grief. You can't be too careful around that old man." Kaito says.

"Mr. Rin is such a grown-up when it comes to these things. I could never behave like him around women." Having said so, Shiroya takes my hand. And he grabs Kaito by the arm with his other hand. "Alright! Let's go look around the city by ourselves!"

Led by Shiroya, we start to go around the affluent downtown of the Autumn Village.


"Wow, look how all the buildings here are built in foreign styles." I say

"You couldn't find these kinds of buildings in other villages except here." Shiroya informs me.

"The Spring Village is also affluent, but the Autumn Village has more of an overseas vibe to it." Although I have only read about foreign lands through documents in my father's library.

"Look at all these dishes! They are all shiny!"

"It says 'silverware' on the shelf. So their dishes aren't made of wood or ceramics? Amazing."

"Ah! [Y/N], look over there! Wooow, it's a specialty store of hats and caps!" As we stroll about the downtown filled with exotic culture, Kaito shows a wry smile on his face, walking next to me.

"[Y/N]." he says.


"Can we all afford to be so relaxed during our journey to save the world? I just remembered you saying that to us before we started this journey.

"W-Well...! Th-The only few times I have been here, I had to do errands for my family, so this is my first time to look around downtown like this. It is true that we are on this journey to save the island, but I'd also like to see things this island has to offer." As Rindoh said, we never know what's going to happen next or when we'll be able to come back here. Could this be anxiety in my heart?

"Well, you're right. It's nice to look around other villages once in a while."

"Kaito..." I feel happy to see Kaito softening his expression.

"Ah! This is the place!" Shiroya cries. "This must be the niku-man steamed bun shop Mr. Rin told us about!"

"It smells so good." I say.

"Let's have some. Right now. How many do you want?" Kaito asks me. "Five? Ten? Or fifteen?"


"That is way too many!" Shiroya exclaims.

"Is it? We've walked around so much. I'm hungry."

"Kaito, let's get one each. We rarely come here so let's try all kinds of food at different shops." I say.

"Yeah, that's a good idea!" Gah. We could never understand where that appetite of him comes from his fit body.

He was also the one who ate the most last night when Rindoh prepared dinner for us.

Well, I guess it means he's in good health, and that's probably how he gets his energy charged.

We buy the niku-man steamed buns and eat them while walking down the street.

"Delicious!" I cry out. "This is my first time to eat while walking!"

"Me, too." Kaito says.

"Really? I've done it before." Shiroya says. "You two are high-society people after all."

"Hey, don't call me that."

"Right." I say. "You definitely don't look like a high-society person."

"Excuse me, [Y/N]?"

I chuckle. "Oh! Hey, I want to check out that store!"

"Hm, a tailor's store..."

"Sure! Let's go check!" Shiroya says.

Having finished the niku-man, we walk into the store.


"Wow." I say. "The store looks similiar to ones in other villages, but they have so many kinds unique fabric and different styles of clothes, don't they?"

"The clothes here remind me of Kikyo's outfits." Shiroya says.

"When foreign folk costumes were brought into the Autumn Village, the Autumn folk customized them into their original styles of clothes." Kaito says.

"Wow, Kaito, you know about it so well!" I say.

"No, it's written here."

"Hey, Shiroya! What do you think about this one? Isn't it cute?"

"Yeah, it's nice . It will look good on you, [Y/N]!"

"[Y/N], you're all about it practicality, aren't you? You should look for more elegant clothes."

"Don't you think it's better to wear practical clothes? It's hard to fight and train in dressy outfits."

"Is that all you ever have in your mind?" Kaito chuckles and snaps my forehead.

"Ah, hey look!" Shiroya exclaims. "The sign here says you can order and have traditional clothes made in this store!"

"What, really?" I look at the sign Shiroya is pointing at, and find it really saying so. "I see. Nice."

It says, 'We will make them in a short time.'

As I am staring at the sign, Kaito pats me on the back from behind. "Don't just stand there. Why don't you have them make one for you?"


"Yeah, that's a good idea! You should do it, [Y/N]!"

"B-But..." Should I really? I am afraid that I might appear as if taking this journey too lightly.

"It's our day off." Kaito tells me. "If you have something you want to do, you'd better do it."

"But... I...." I don't know if I have enough money for it right now...

"Don't worry about the money. This is my treat to you."


"I'll go talk to the salesclerk, so you pick the fabric and the style you like, okay?"

"A-Alright!" Kaito walks up to the salesclerk and talks with her for a while. "Kaito..."

"[Y/N], Kaito has a kind side to him, huh? Not just the eating side." Shiroya tells me.

"Yes." He's a little blunt, but he cares about me so much. What is this feeling? I feel so warm in my heart. Hot, almost...

I make my choice of fabric and style, and after we wait for some time, the first fitting of the Autumn Village's traditional dress is ready.

"Whoa!" I exclaim. "This looks so nice!"

"The dress looks so much better than how the fabric looked unsewn." Shiroya says. "It is elegant and will surely look great on you, [Y/N]! Now, try it on for us!"

"Umm..." As I steal a glace at Kaito, he nods to me with a smile on his face.

"Go ahead. You don't have to worry about making us wait." Kaito says.

"Th-Thanks!" I hold my brand-new dress in my arms and get into the fitting room.

Would I look good in it? I hope I can pull it off.

I start changing my clothes nervously. As I step out of the fitting room with my brand-new dress...

"Wooow!" Shiroya cries. "[Y/N], you look stunning in that dress!"

"Really?" I say. "Good. Thank you, Shiroya."

"Yes, you look really pretty in it! I knew it was going to look god on you anyways! Right, Kaito?"

Having been asked of his opinion from Shiroya, Kaito is petrified, just staring at me.

Oh no... D-Do I look strange?

"Kaito, what do you think?" I ask him. "Kaito?"

"U-Um, yeah. I think it looks good on you." he finally answers.


"There is no point in lying about it, right? I think... you look beautiful."

"Th-Thank you, Kaito!" I feel so happy. Kaito's praise makes my heart pound. What's with me really? My heart keeps racing. If it keeps going on like this, I may not last long.


The salesclerk tells us that she will send the dress to my house once it is finished, and with that, we resume strolling around downtown.

"Kaito, thank you again." I say to him.

"It's no big deal." Smiling gently, Kaito pats me on the head.

Kaito. He's really sweet. Oh no... My heart has been beating non-stop for a while. What am I going to do, what am I going to do...

While thinking so in my mind, I walk with Kaito and Shiroya on my both sides, when I hear...

"Hey, look at them." a village folk shouts. "Isn't he the son of the Summer Village chieftain?"

"What is the country-bred doing in the Autumn Village?" another village folk shouts.

"Ugh. He looks so vulgar." a third one says.

"But it makes sense. He is an uncivilized country-bred after all." a fourth villager says.

We sense the Autumn folk staring at us from a distance and talking behind our back.

They are so mean! Kaito and Shiroya look normal. Maybe they didn't hear them? Or maybe they are pretending they didn't hear them?

I glare at the village folk fiercely, and they go away in a fluster. Having experienced such a scene, I let out a deep sigh.

That was horrible. How could they say such things? The four villages are all different and uniquely attractive. Why do they have to put them in order? It does not make anyone happy to do it.

Feeling sad, I let out a sigh again, when Shiroya raises a cheerful voice. "I had so much fun today! Let's come back here once we are done with the journey!"

"Shiroya..." Maybe Shiroya did hear what the village folk said. Perhaps he is trying to cheer me up. Then, Kaito heard them, too? "Yeah, let's do that. Will you come along with us next time, too, Kaito?"

"Me?" Kaito says.

"Yeah!" I cry. "Now you've learnt the big city isn't so bad, haven't you?"

"There are so many delicious things here, too!" Shiroya adds.

"Hmm... I'm still not fully convinced."

"You are not being honest, Kaito." I say to him.

"Shut up." Making a sulky face, Kaito tousles my hair.

"Hey, stop it! You're messing my hair up!" Combing my hair, I look up and my gaze meets Kaito's, who is smiling gently at me.

Wh-What was that just now?

"Well, I guess I'll come back here again with you guys." Kaito has changed in this short while. He used to be harsh around people, but now he seems kinder. "Okay now. Let's go back to Mr. Rin's. I'm getting hungry."

"Already?" Shiroya says. "We had so much snacks today!"

"I've burnt everything I ate by walking around."

"Your stomach is amazing. Let's go back then, [Y/N]!"

"Sure." Both Kaito and Shiroya hold out their hands, and I hold them softly.

If everyone tries to understand each other even a little bit just like Kaito did today, then Yamato Island will certainly become a more beautiful and attractive place. Another aim of this journey to save the world might be to purify people's minds, too...

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