| The Confessions of a cake s...

By LiveLife_ShipCake

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The diary of cake shippers, where a bakery full of cupcakes confess their beliefs in cake. Beware; no muke al... More

The Confessions of a Cake Shipper
ten facts about moi
introduction and whatnot
Hiya :)
hello bitchez & dick carriers
dramatic fanatics
april fuckin fools
the world of gay
One-Word Prompts
luke af
new AU¿
Future Hearts
Poor mikey :(
sHiP rAnT {mostly muke lmao}
nice guy
imagine thIS
I'm okay i promise
countdown to cake
Cupcake Bakery Meeting
Cake Debate: Otp questions
Cake thingies: imagine your otp
WOULD U RATHER {cake af}
Bake me in a oven bc i'm still cake af
Real bands save fans, real fans save bands.
new year's nostalgia
it's gonna be alright
everything is going to be okay
jayden is v anger
'Happy birthday to me, we're gay af'
guess who's back back again heather's back tell a friend
*sigh* music tag
Cake and SLFL
Fan art
Cake Community AU?
dog w a blog
Cake is ALIVE thanks
Kneel for me
listen this is the only proof I am still alive
the ballad of me and my brain
have mercy on my soul
shamless self promo lol

Squad reinvented

264 32 99
By LiveLife_ShipCake


so, i was thinking. ((Again)) and

Fandoms change.

Some come,

Some leave,

Some return,

And it's sad sometimes, but it's okay.

People ship other things, or grow up and it's life. And it's ever changing and it's beautiful. So i feel like a lot of the major cake writers on here have changed, and the old ones will always remain, but i thought it'd be cool to add some new people that you all prob know and love as much as i do.

so here's some new members with 5 facts about themself :)) ;


caketopia (Hayden)

^^ Heyo, that is me. call me hayden, hayde, bitch, hayds, anything. I am 15 years old and I ship cake very much. It has consumed my life. here are 5 facts about me (not that I am super interesting)

1. I wear black all the time, you will probably not catch a time where I am not. black is the best color ever i don't know why people who hate it walk the same earth as me.

2. I have super curly blonde hair (i hate it) and my eyes are boring grey:-(

3. I think I am funny but really i laugh at my own jokes while people scold me, but thats okay because if i think I'm hilarious then I'm hilarious.

4. i am in love with amber run, they are an amazing band, and felix archer is MINE and no one else's so back off if you think he is yours. they make super awesome music and i don't know why people who don't like them walk the same earth as me.

5. if you want to be my friend you must know i am a hockey fanatic and could talk about it for hours, my dad works for the red wings and it has been a blessing hanging out with the players because they are the best people ever (besides the cake fam of course)

also i must say: sophie (lukehoodings) is my favorite person on wattpad. i love u sophie;-)

ok so that was all about me. i know im kind of boring but i have one thing in common with whoever it reading this, we both ship cake.


-cake-mashton- (Ella)

check out that nervous laughter

well hey hi hello. idk how i was even noticed by destiny bc im just some lowlife wattpad user oml.

but yes im ella and i guess i ship cake.
look at me trying to be nonchalant hahahahacakeismylife.

so five((sos)) facts about me lets do this shit.
1. i curse a lot not even sorry.

2. im like 5 years old wtf im a baby.

3. i like to think i have a good taste in music. p!atd, atl, boys like girls, pvris, tøp, mcr, 5sos, the 1975, halsey, etc. = my music taste.

4. im heteroflexible ((as my friend put it 'mostly straight but could be in a relationship with someone that's the same gender')) at least that's what im identifying as rn?? i might be bisexual or pan, all i know is that guys are beautiful and girls are beautiful and there are so many pretty people hELP ME HOLY FUCK.
also my mom and whole family except my siblings are homophobic af so im not coming out for a while yay :-)))))

5. i have big lips and big gray/blue eyes and curly blonde/brown hair and im short.

everyone wrote really long facts and i would do a sixth fact but im scared destiny will kill me and i don't want to get in trouble the first time im on here so ill just call it a bonus fact. :-))))

bonus. i play the ukulele. yay.

and that's a wrap!
hopefully you guys don't find me too boring, and if you do oh whale.

((also im writing this as im hiding in the bathroom bc my family just made fun of caitlyn jenner. i stood up for her bc they were using the wrong pronouns and i just want to throw up i hate my family a lot sometimes yayayayayclosemindedpeoplekillmepls))

xx ella


consider-me-special (Shayla)

holy shit when Destiny asked if I wanted to be a part of this I was like '!!!!!!' (no joke I actually flipped the fuck out) and now damn this is a thing that's happening ok let's do this

1. heyyyooo it's ricoooo nah jk I'm Shayla, 14, a vvvvvv smol Filipino freshman babby from Chicago and I say lmao too much

2. I'm literally a sucker for anything aesthetic so think of me anytime you see anything aesthetic yeah? ;-)

3. I AM SUCH PHAN TRASH OK SO IF YOU WANNA TALK PHIL LESTER OR DAN HOWELL (or cake 'cause ya know that's why i'm actually here lmao) THEN I'M YOUR GIRL

4. I like to think of myself as a detective shipper for Cake which means that bEYOND ANYTHING, I ASPIRE TO BE AS GOOD A DETECTIVE SHIPPER AS THE LARRIES BC SHIT YO THEY'RE FUCKING SHERLOCK

5. Music taste: (I'm literally listing everything in my Spotify playlists lmao) All Time Low, All-American Rejects, As It Is, blink-182, Boys Like Girls, The Cab, The Colourist, Echosmith, Halsey, the entire High School Musical soundtrack (fucking fight me ok), Fall Out Boy, Marianas Trench, Mayday Parade, One Direction, Panic! At The Disco, my goddess Taylor Swift, Twenty One Pilots, my son Troye Sivan, the 1975 and of course 5 Seconds of Summer

P.S. This was so hard to do bc I have to log on to Destiny's account and my lack of ability to navigate through Wattpad well added to the fact that I was trying so hard to not accidentally fuck anything up brought me to tears lmao


ItsAnInfamousWorld (Heather)

hI okay so I'm heather and I'm pure calum trash. I'm very honored to be in this now because most of the authors here I admire and because Destiny is bomb af.

Some Things To Note About Me
1. I. Love. Reading. I will fight any math teacher who stops me from reading in their class and I've been obsessed with reading since I could read. My favorite book as of now is The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao because Junot Diaz is aMAZING.

2. I also love music. Taylor Swift is my queen. Drake is amazing, so are 5sos, mcr, and twenty one pilots (I'm such joshler trash lmao))) and I also like Halsey, Hoodie Allen, New Politics, Ed Sheeran (sweeran for life fight me) and The Wombats, The Beatles, Lana del Rey, etc..

3. I write very shitty poetry and it sucks very badly but some people like it (?) I guess

4. My best friends in the whole wide world are paperxvalentines and novocaineftcal they are so amazing and sweet and wonderful and extraordinary and I love them so much they have to put up with my random bouts of girl meets world rants and Jayden's voice is heavenly and Maya's so smart and cool and emo (don't deny it you know it's true)) and they make me cry all the time because my friends are so amazing they make me tear up because how can people like them be real like ??

5. As aforementioned 4 score and 7 seven years ago, (that was such a dad joke I'm so sorry) I am pure calum trash and I will ship cake until the end of time and beyond that because they belong together I mean lOOK AT THEM. I'm sorry but lashton is incest and muke automatically switches to puke on my phone bc that's what it is (@ hailey you're such a disgrace to this fandom with your muke shipping smh smh smh)
a very small teeny tiny part of me may ship malum
the idea of malum makes me feel all warm inside iM SORRY most of you probably already know this though bc in the cake awards I was chosen as biggest malum/cake shipper so yeah. That's me. I would tell you what I look like but all you have to do to find out me appearance is look at your local trash bin tbh.
this is like 500 words long what the fuck is wrong with me I'm so done with myself. Goodbye you beautiful baguettes see you soon.
your neighborhood pizza addict,

heather cx.



PanickingWithRoses (Hailey)

there is only one thing on my mind.... and that is how tf did i end up here :D hello and yes i am hailey and im 13. im so shocked to be here bc im crap and yall are freaking awesome. and so i guess ima say some facts about me even tho yall probs dont care but here we gO.

1. ive shipped cake b4 i even knew their names ok when i saw them i was like "i ship it" and look at me now :D and i love to write cake even tho i suck at updating and my stories are the description of trash woo and bottom!calum af even tho im not pickey with this bc cake smut is gonna be hot either way

2. most of yall say you see me everywhere so that officially means i have no life, therefore i am a loser and im fucking proud of that and even sometimes say im funny which is rare and yall may say this to make me feel better about myself bc i send my day crying over chrissy costanza and how perfect she is and that only thing i exercise is my jaw when i eat doughnuts and i get winded when i walk up my own stairs so yeah ok sorry yall dont care ima just continue (as u probs already guessed from the use of 'yall' a lot, im from texas)


4. my music taste is everywhere idk
5sos, 1d, p!atd, atc (against the current), halsey, selena gomez shes queen ok lets fight, sws, ptv, troye sivan, all time low, ac/dc, etc. etc.

5. idk another one so here are my other otps ok fight me:
tronnor (troyes my little angel, u hurt & disrespect him ima cut a bitch k), larry, kellic, phan, and idk um mashton & niam bc cute af
oh and idk why the cake fam hates muke bc i lowkey ship them dont hate me bc everyone should know this by now but cake > muke
bye loves! x


chocolatexcakes (Hellen)

Hello! It's hellen and i'm really happy to be a part of this seriously (i was freaking out wow) Thank you so much Destiny!

Here 5 facts about me:

1. My name is hellen and idk why i have double L in helen please ask my sister. I'm from indonesia and 16 years old yay.

2. I'm top and dom!cal af because it's my shit urgh and cake is like my religion. I think about the possibilities they're real everyday and how cute cake is when they're together. So. Fucking. Perfect

3. I love drawing, writing, and singing (even though my voice is far from good).
I'm really in love with arts and graphic/digital designs âÂ¤Ã¢ÂÂ¤Ã¢ÂÂ¤

4. I watch anime and read manga (mostly read) so if you do too talk to me omg. but reminder i rarely read straight romance ok except  the plot is good af and make me cry. I'm into more shounen, gore, sports, and boys love stories lmao.
   I love japan so much, i love their culture, food, creativity and language omg. I'M IN LOVE. AND sometimes i wish my fav fictional characters can be real bc they're perfect i'm crying.

I'm lowkey Michael Clifford's child.

5. ATL, p!atd, halsey, melanie, taylor, avril, 5sos, troye, fob, 1d, ptx, japanese pop/rock songs, etcetc are mostly my music taste.

Okie one more sohomotho is my best friend (+enemy) and i love her vvv much even though i hate her sometimes bc she's rude and annoying :^)

P.s follow @ alluringcake at twitter pls it's our cake fanpage yay. We post everything about cake at there!

Thank you so much for reading this people, i love everyone and hmu if you want to talk, yay bye!

° hellen❤


And ofc me jay and maya hold it down still.

i hope yall welcome our new squad members with open arms, they're talented and amazing and i love them ((:


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