Sharingan( sasuke x reader fa...

By oneseharu

372K 8.1K 4.9K

Book 1 of the Sharingan trilogy (y/n) a student of the leaf village academy,studies with the most coolest,ho... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
thank you
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Thirty- four
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Life update?


8.6K 199 197
By oneseharu


We finally reached Tazuna-san's house. It was a house entirely made up of wood. A little boy came running out of the house shouting,"yay! Grandpa is back! Welcome back grandpa!". He came and hugged Tazuna-san tightly. Both of them looked so cute!

When we entered, I noticed that the house was smaller than it looked. Kakashi sensei had zero chakra left so he went inside and took some rest. The little kid's mother was a really beautiful lady. I helped her prepare soup for sensei and snacks for the rest.

After a few hours, sensei woke up. He said that I would take a week or so to get him moving normally. Poor sensei. But one thing I can tell you he was stubborn. He wanted to make us do some training just in case if we face even more deadly ninja. We told him that we will be fine as we have teamwork and dedication.

"But I found the masked guy weird."said I .

"Yeah! Sensei, what do tracker ninja do anyway?" Said Naruto.

." Tracker ninja or the ANBU black cops are sent after rogue ninja to eliminate them. They might be carrying useful stuff like information,jutsu and chakra. The trackers extract them and return to the village to hand them in safe hands." Sensei just stopped talking and went into deep thought.

"Is everything alright sensei?"

"Huh? Yes so as I was saying, the trackers are very highly skilled ninjas. So for them it's a piece of cake"


"To speak the truth, Zabuza is still alive." What how?

"How is that possible sensei? I.... WE saw his body and you checked his heartbeat and told that it stopped!"

"He his had heart stopped only temporarily. It's a state of the body which stops the heart but keeps the body alive. Tracker ninja excel in these things. They are taught everything about the human body a nod how to stop the heart but keep the body alive. Do you remember with what did the tracker hit Zabuza with?"

"Senga! No way!"

"These needles aren't that dangerous unless they hit a vital organ. NOT the neck. They're modified needles used for medical treatment such as acupuncture. First : the tracker took Zabuza away who was more heavy than him. Second: he used senga which have a precise effect that are fatal. From these two points, we can conclude that that ninja wasn't trying to destroy Zabuza , he was trying to save him!"

"Come on! You are over thinking this,aren't you?" Said Tazuna-san.

"Encountering suspicion the ninja prepares quickly, hesitation leads to disaster. Every shinobi knows this saying." God damn it! I thought he was done for! I looked over to Naruto who seemed happy by the fact that Zabuza is alive!

"But sensei, you said prepare quickly. How are we supposed to train when you can barely move!"

"I can still train you!"

"Hold on! You need your rest sensei!"

"I trust you guys! You've grown so much!" Me?grown? Psh! That's not even 50% of what I can do!

"Things are going to get better, believe it!" Said Naruto.

" no they not going to get better and I don't believe it!" Said a voice behind us. It was Tazuna-San's grand son.

"Inori ! That was very rude! These ninja have protected your grandpa and brought him back in one piece!" Said Inori's mother.

"It's okay! He's just a little kid! Leave him be! Besides, I'm rude to them too!" Like grandson like granddad. Hmph! There is a thing called respect, ya know!

"Mom, don't you see? These people are going to die! Gatto is going to come back with his men and wipe them out!"

"What did you say brat? Listen up! You know what super ninja is? Well that's me only a lot better! I'm gonna be hokage! This Batto or Glato whatever he is called is no match for a ninja hero like me!" There you have the knucklehead blabbering about being hokage again. Well........ Leave him be. I think he might be the hokage! Because he's got guts!

"Hmph! There is no such thing as a hero. You're just full of stupid ideas!"

" what you say?" Naruto marched towards Inori. I stopped him while saying,"calm down,Baka!"

"If you want to stay alive you should go back where you came from!" Inori said while making his way to the door.

"Inori! Where are you going?" Asked Tazuna-san.

"I want to be alone." Inori replied, closing the door. Sheesh! What's up With him?

"Sorry about that."


"Alright! Training starts now! First: we will begin with the review of chakra, a ninja's basic source of power. Understanding chakra is essential."

"We know that!" Said Sasuke.

"He's right! A long time ago we learned about..... Uh.... catra!"

"Chakra? Go ahead (y/n)." What? Me? I have teach thus knucklehead about chakra? Damn it!

"Alright Naruto! I'll explain it to you so that you can understand it. Chakra is the elemental life energy for ninja uses and jutsu. It's the source of all power. Now, there are two types of chakra: physical energy which exists in all the cells in the entire body all working together and spiritual energy the primal of energy which is intensified through training and experience. Theses two chakra must be drawn in order to perform jutsu. Finally, hand signs focus on lease of chakra." FUCKING HELL IM DONE WITH THAT BAKA FOR LIFE!

"Right on all points! Iruka did have some excellent students!"  I mean like duh! We are the fucking best!

"Ugh! What's the big deal with all these complicated explanations! The main point is to learn the jutsu isn't it?"

"Naruto is right for once we are already using chakra in our jutsu." C'mon Sasuke! Not you too! I thought you were smarter than that Baka!

"No! You've not mastered this power! You barely scratched the surface of it!"

"What do you mean?"

"Calm down and listen! It's just like (y/n) said. You have to draw physical AND spiritual energy and combine it within yourself . But, how do you do that? Every jutsu requires different types of chakra in different proportions. You must choose them and use them in the right way. Now you've just guessed the proportions hoping they come out right. Even if you use a lot of chakra, unless you can balance and control it its all worthless. The jutsu won't work at all or it will just be a joke. You waste so much energy that way, then you're out of chakra and can't fight at all. You're just a target."

"So , how to we change that?"

"Train so hard that controlling your chakra becomes second nature. To achieve this goal , to beat this goal you must be ready. You might have to put your life on the line!"

"What to we have to do?" I asked.

"Climb a tree!"

"Climb a tree?" All three of us said in unison.

"Right. But there is just one rule: no hands!"

"What? You're kidding!"

"Am I? Let's see!"

Saying that he just move towards a tree, which took a while because he was taking the support of the stick thingies that handicapped people use. He kept his leg on the tree and.... Holy Sage of the six paths! He was walking on the tree!

"Well..... You get the idea. Focus you r chakra on the souls of your feet and use it to connect it to the tree. This is one way to apply the power of chakra. Now you must be thinking that how is this going to help? Well concentrating chakra at a certain point is harder than you think it is, especially on the soles of your feet. Concentrating a precise amount of chakra at one spot is the main goal of this training. If you can master that, then you can master any jutsu, theoretically.

"The other part of the training is to maintain chakra balance. This is hard for a ninja during a battle, as he has to concentrate at both things at once, which is dangerous. To prevent such danger, maintaining chakra balance should be second nature. Effortless. Use the kunai knife to mark a point on the tree till where you have climbed. Then try to go higher than that and mark it. Keep on going till you've reached the top. Now get going!"

I chose a tree closest to me. I concentrated my chakra on the soles of my feet, then proceeded.  SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!! I was climbing the fucking tree without my hands!!


I chose a tree closest to me. I concentrated my chakra on the soles of my feet, then proceeded. Wow! This is cool! But no... Ah! I fell right on my head. Not as easy as you think eh? Hmph! I will do it! One more time Sasuke. And...  Higher than before! Yes! I look over at Naruto and....


Who cares? Why does sensei care about catra?I chose a tree closest to me. I concentrated my chakra on the soles of my feet, then proceeded. No! I fell. I saw Sasuke looking at me with a wide grin on his face. Come on Naruto! you have to beat Sasuke! I try to find (y/n) ..... Where is she?

"(Y/n)! Where are you?" Shouted Sasuke.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n),Dattebayo!"

I heard sensei laugh. I turned towards his direction and looked at him with a questioning look. He pointed up towards the sky.

"Hey! Sasuke! Naruto! You guys should check this out! The view from the top of the tree is breathtaking! Come fast! I'm waiting!" (Y/n) shouted. She reached the top already? She is quick! Well now I got some motivation!


Damn! That was fast! Well, at least I got some motivation! I looked at Naruto and smirked and continued climbing the tree. We tried to further than each other. I had almost reached 3/4 of the tree. Come on Sasuke! Seeing the 'breathtaking view ' with (y/n) is the thing you wanted! Almost there! And yes!! But by the time I reached there the sun was almost about to set and (y/n) was sound asleep. How cute! I just sat on the top and admired the two stunning views that were in front of me. Suddenly (y/n) jolted awake. She looked at me and smiled. Soon, Naruto was there to join us. We stared at the pretty sunset. But half of the time I was staring at my sunshine.......😍


This chappie was not that short eh? Guess I'm starting to learn to write long chapters! 😁 and yes I love putting emojis sometimes!😜 AND sorry for the really really long update.

Until 6+6

Sejal x

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