Love me like you do

By Ginny_weasley7

145K 3.6K 2.5K

Ever wonder what would of happened if Ginny went to a college outside of Hogwarts? Imagine this: Ginny leaves... More

Room 715
Emma Cooper
Girls night out
How to annoy Harry
Harry's game
Parties Kisses and Blake!
Bathroom snogs
Partners and Players
Quidditch preparations
First date
An unwanted visitor
Emilie at her best
One month mark
Lectures & Kisses
Blake wants me
Falling for Ginny Weasley
Everybody Meet Luke Mason
Forget the movie, snog already!
The Threat
New Friends and old friends
College Trip and bye bye Wales!
Splash fights and getting touchy
Emilie has a boyfriend?
The start of something new
Cheater be cheating
Man on a mission
Worried Ginny
Weird talks and blushing mad
Ex Friend, ex boyfriend
The fight
Emma strikes back
Vanilla Twilight
Love me like you do
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
{CONTEST thingy}


3.5K 99 90
By Ginny_weasley7

Edited 20•05•20

Ginny's POV

Since that day when we became "official", things between us were surprisingly not awkward. Which was very unexpected, if I do say so myself, because I am super awkward. Anyone can relate?  A tapping sound brought me back to life and I glanced to see my "fake boyfriend" typing madly on his phone. I frowned when I saw his face. He was so deep in his typing marathon that he didn't look at me when I cleared my throat. I rolled my eyes. I took my attention off of him and faced what lay right in front of me. I was lost in words and sheets. So much to do. I rubbed the back of my head trying to think of what to write next. I had an assignment that was due pretty much at the end of the week. Thankfully I wasn't on my own, I had to complete it with my two partners who- luck would have it, were Emilie and Nina. We were writing about the importance of muggle stuff in our life, much to my dismay  I only managed to achieve writing approximately 500 words. I grumbled at the thought of writing more. I thought about how much my partners have wrote because they seem to be doing much better than me. Because last time I checked in on my partners they of course, were doing fantastic. Emilie reveled that she had written 900 words while Nina wrote only 1000.  Yeah only!

"Babe are you hungry?" Harry asked sweetly. Finally some attention!! But I needed to focus.

"Babe?" Harry said again. I knew he was asking me something but I didn't know what because I was too engaged in this assignment. I jumped a little when I felt  Harry's strong arms pulling me away from my torment.  I had my back pressed against his front and I leaned in. Hm. I couldn't help but notice how I molded perfectly into him.  I played footsie with him. Which I won happily. I heard him chuckle.

"Yes" I limited myself to say anything more because that would mean I have to start up a conversation. Muggles tend to enjoy sport....

"What are you in the mood for?" I felt his  breath near my ear making me shudder all of sudden.  Harry lightly caress my arms, going up and down. I sighed in pleasure not really playing any heed to what he said. I hummed in response.

"Shall I make some cookies?"

Craning my neck I looked at Harry's face. I raised my brows in question. He can cook? I brought my hand to his jawline. I rubbed his jawline affectionately. Harry seemed to have leaned into my touch because he closed his gorgeous green eyes. He kept opening and closing them watching me intensely. Oh boy here comes the staring competition... Green vs Brown...

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" Harry asked breaking our intense stare contest. I couldn't help the blush that crept up on me. Darn him! If you asked me during the time when Harry and I hated each other, if I would kiss Harry I would tell you I would rather kiss a Slytherin. I know mean right? But at this moment I wanted to. No I needed his lips on me. Right now.

"I might kiss you back" murmuring back. My eyes shamelessly stared at his lips. I stole a look at his green orbs. I swear I saw Harry's eyes darken and he didn't wait on ceremony. Harry leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. I turned in his arms eager to see where this was going... knowing full well where... Of course with ever peck- it became pretty intense. Pecking turned to full kisses— with every second passing our kisses we're getting more heated and more passionate.  I felt light headed when his tongue entered my mouth— we declared a tongue won to which I lost. Oh this kiss.. oh this kiss.. it's pure bliss...
My oxygen level seemed to lessen so pulling away slowly I was panting.. quite heavily and so was Harry. Our foreheads were touching giving me the perfect opportunity to stare into his beautiful emerald green eyes. "Cookies?" I asked after a few minutes of staring at one another. I tried my best to defuse the situation...  Harry nodded. He seemed reluctant to stop but nonetheless took a hold of my hand tugging me towards the kitchen. When we entered Harry walked swiftly towards the cupboards. I soon followed taking out the cutlery.

"I'm going to win by the way" he said confidently handing me a wooden spoon.

"Nope I am, I can change you, players can love" I said confidently. I offered him a toothy grin before turning to look for a cook book of some sort. Harry snickered and I quickly glanced at him. Harry's smirk was still plastered on his handsome face. "Since you suck at cooking..." Harry unexpectedly lifted me up. I squealed in surprise and Harry set me on the counter top. Putting my hands on my chest I tried to calm the heart that was going absolutely crazy inside. CALM. BREATHE IN. BREATHE OUT!

"Now Ms Weasley I am cooking"

When I regained my control I took it upon myself to tease him.  "Actually I am Mr Potter" I said getting off the counter. Harry made no move to stop me. I did a little happy dance in triumphant.

"Such a child" Harry scoffed but I swear I saw a smile form on his face.  I knew he was joking and I didn't care less. I knew I would show him I am the best! I laid out all the ingredients needed. I hovered over the oven inspecting it. I haven't used a oven before, so me being me I ran and fetched my wand. Flicking my wand the oven turned on. I frowned when I saw the light turn off.

"Babe the oven is already on", Harry amusingly let out a laugh. He fixed my mistake and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks" I mumbled sheepishly.

Some time had passed and now we were both standing beside one another as we began the trill of cooking!  "Ok so add flour" I said reading off the cook book. Harry nodded and did what he was told. Satisfied I turned away to whisk my eggs.. I was grinning from ear to ear— happy out that I can cook, that was until I felt two big hands rub something on my face. Coughing instantly trying with every attempt to find some H2O present I had an epiphany of what just happened. My face was full of flour. Oh it's so on HARRY KONG! Little prat put flour all over my face. Flicking my wand the flour was beside me. Digging my hands through it, "Harry darling I have to show you something" I smirked not giving a second to answer.  Next thing I hear are coughs from his side. I laughed hysterically watching the scene reveal a very pissed off Harry. Harry brought his two fingers towards his eyes and wiped them away furiously. He pouted cutely and my heart I could tell you stopped. Harry reacted before I could. I quickly tried to dodge all his attempts but I was not fast enough. All the flour ended on my hair, my body, my ears! My small ears! Furious, I playfully threatened him. Harry only laughed and ran for cover as I grabbed some more flour but added some yokes. Oh it's war. World war flour!

Without thinking I got two eggs and lashed it at Harry. I couldn't stop the laughter erupting I watched with glee as Harry pulled the yoke from his hair shrieking.  As I was trying to control my laughter I felt my sides starting to hurt suddenly my heart dropped. I shrieked backing away Harry came at me at super sonic speed holding a carton of milk in his hand. Oh. No. He wore the biggest smile on his face and I backed away quicker. I took gigantic steps trying desperately to put some space between us. I thought hard on where to run but found no use.

He wouldn't!

"No Harry!" I warned holding up my hands. I wore a murderous expression but it didn't stop him.

Harry kept smiling as he cornered me. I kept with the glaring and threatening him but it was no use. Within seconds I felt the liquid gushing down my back. I screamed in response. I heard Harry's laughter cancel my cries.

"HARRY POTTER GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE" I roared angrily. Harry had literally given me no time to respond because he ran out the door ad towards his room. When I reached his room I let out another shriek of surprise when I was grabbed and pulled in. I was being pushed up roughly against the wall with my private space being invaded by him. I instantly pulled him close with my arms around his neck. Harry brought our lips together and I knew I wouldn't be the same again. He parted my lips and his tongue slipped in. I kissed him as hard as I could. Harry's hands lifted my top up exposing the sticky white skin. Harry didn't seem to mind as he touched the sticky skin. I closed my eyes taking in his delicate touches of heaven, not really caring on how fast this was going. I too decided to become bold and take the initiative. I pulled his top over his head and let my eyes wonder freely downwards. Oh wow...Before I could touch Harry had pulled me in again and shoved me towards the bed. He climbed on top while joining our mouths again... We continued our heated session up until a sudden lost of contact. Suddenly, all too soon Harry pulled away.

"I stink I must have a shower" he panted out.

"Yeah same" I said. I lightly got up searching for my shirt.

"Would you join me? You know save water like?" Harry wiggled his eye brows. I bit my bottom lip— at least tempting.. No I can't! This is too fast.

"No I'll have one after you" I said quickly and walked towards my wardrobe to get some clothes.

I heard Harry sigh and he started to pull his pant down and walked into the restroom. I gulped as his ass was on full display....

Oh boy.......

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