Blame It On The Streets 2 (CO...

By allmyhoespretty

135K 5K 701

With Keenon and Khia making their big move to New York with their little one (who you will meet in this book)... More

10 Pt. II


11K 304 55
By allmyhoespretty

3 months, 3 months. You'd be amazed with all that went down in these three months. I feel as if my relationship with Keenon is slowly starting to fade. Did we rush into things? Or is it just him not giving me the attention I need. I've done some things that I will regret later but right now all that I want is right here, right now in this moment....


I turned over to face Odell watching him yawn and stretch, I smiled and so did he.

"Sleep well?"

"I did."

He looked at his clock.

"Better get going, before hubby gets up."

I rolled my eyes getting out of his bed putting on my clothes.

"What're you doing tonight?"

"I don't know yet. I think I have practice later, why you stopping back over for round two?"

I shook my head no. As bad as it sounded and looked I was sleeping with Odell. After the party we got each other's number and started texting from then. Yes, I felt bad but with Keenon being so busy he wouldn't know. Penelope is at daycare through out the day. Everybody schedule is so perfect.

"Right, so who's better?"

I sat and thought about it knowing it was nothing to think about. "I don't kiss and tell."

"C'mon, you been getting the same dick from him since forever. Don't you think it was time for something new?"

"Odell, your a nice guy, a really nice guy. But I'm having a affair with my neighbor. What are we going to do when this gets on Media Take Out?"

"Shit, do what people always do."

"And what is that?"

"Talk to the press about it."

"And Keenon? He might kill you, hell he might even kill me!"

"Look, you knew I wanted you that night after the party, and I know he not giving you what you want otherwise you wouldn't be in my bed every other week."

I sucked my teeth and let out a deep breath. "I think I should tell him."

"For what?"

"Cause he's going to find out eventually."

Odell chuckled coming closer to me. "No no no... listen he won't find out."


I poured Penelope her bowl of fruit loops knowing she was going to make a mess but who cares she's 1.

I turned to a door being open and Khia walked in. Her hair was in a messy pony tail and she looked like she got in a fight.

"You left early? Where you been?"

"I uh- I went jogging."

"Jogging 4 in the morning?"

"Yeah. That's the best time to go."

"So you went jogging from 4 to 8."

"No..Yes, well I had to stop and have coffee and a bagel or something."

"Oh.... oh okay, I missed you this morning."

I tried to give her a kiss but she put up her hands. "No no no.."

"What's wrong?"

"Im sweaty.. really sweaty and stink. Can I wash first?"

"Yeah if you want to."

I watched her walk off down the hall and I turned back to Penny who was just looking with her big brown almond eyes.

"You done baby?"

She grabbed her spoon and started to play around again.

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