It's a Love-Hate Relationship...

By xXxAppleheartxXx

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(read Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right before you read this) The story of Dazy, Kyle, Jayden, and October contin... More

Truth or Dare*3*
A Death in the Night *4*
House Shopping *5*
Sheen meets the Smith Twins*6*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *7*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *8*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *9*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *10*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *12*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *13*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *14*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *15*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *16*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *17*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *18* Final Ending
Note to Readers!

It's a Love-Hate Relationship *11*

662 13 0
By xXxAppleheartxXx

Just a little warning, Danny might put naughty thoughts in some of your heads ;)

*~* October's P.O.V. *~*

"Hey October, do you have any more friends like Danny and Toby?" Alex asked me, not too long after Dazy and Kyle left with the twins.

I chuckled and shook my head when I saw his hopeful expression. "Sorry, but they're the only two that I know about besides you."

"Damn... You sure you don't know any? He could be like, twenty," he said.

Again, I shook my head. "Nope. Those two were the only ones I knew about. Maybe there's some guys hiding it from you," I suggested with a shrug.

"I like this kid!" Danny stated with a grin while hugging Alex from behind. "He's cute and innocent. Hmm, maybe if Toby leaves me, I'll have a back-up boyfriend..." His thoughtful grin quickly changed to a seductive smirk. "Ya know, we could always have some fun.. The three of us in my big, empty house."

I looked at him strangely before laughing, hearing Amaya, Candy, and Lindsey joining in from the other room as Toby joined us. "Don't give him any ideas Danny," I warned after I stopped laughing.

Toby looked at Alex and Danny before pouting. "Why didn't you tell me what was happening in here? Those three evil girls tried doing bad things to me, and you guys started talking about naughty things! I wanna join the naughty talk!"

Alex grinned and I started laughing again.

"If you guys want to do that so badly, just go to Danny's house and come back in an hour," I said, making Danny stare at me in horror.

"October! One hour isn't long enough to put make-up on him!" he cried. "We need two hours to find the perfect dress, put it on him, add the make-up, and to fix his hair!"

"There is something wrong with you," Jayden muttered as he passed us to go to the kitchen, Brian nodding in agreement.

"There is not!"

"Danny, just go do whatever you need to do, then come back. Don't hurt him though," I told him while shaking my head.

"Or what? You'll chop my balls off and feed them to my parents? I wouldn't hurt him unless he hurt me," he said while letting go of Alex before freezing.

"What's wrong with him now?" Jayden asked while joining Brian on the counter.

"Maybe he's trying to remember where some condoms are," my friend suggested before laughing at Danny's horrified expression.

"MOVE GOD DAMN IT!" he shouted while pushing past Toby and I. He ran to the fridge, and pulled out a candy bar that was hidden behind all the food. "I FOUND IT!" I started laughing again when he started jumping up and down with the chocolate in his hand. "You hid it 'cause you thought I was getting fat!" he said when he stopped, and pointed at Brian. "But I found it! I'm finally smarter than you!"

Brian gaped at him for a few moments before asking, "How did you know where that was?"

"I have my ways..."

"Danny, give me it please," he said while getting off the counter and holding a hand out towards the hyper guy.

"No!" he said stubbornly while shaking his head furiously.

"Daniel, give it to me! It's mine!"

"No!" He squealed and hid behind Toby when Brian took a step towards him. "RAPE! SOMEONE SAVE ME!" he screamed, making Brian stare at him in confusion.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked while chasing Danny around the living room and kitchen.

"I found it! It's my award for finding it!" Danny whined as he ran around the house, often tripping over things like the couch and counter.

"God damn it Danny, give it to me!"

I laughed as I watched the two chase each other, until Danny ran into me, making both of us fall to the ground. We stared at each other for a few seconds before we started laughing.

"They're probably on crack," Toby said, the other three nodding in agreement.

"My wife and I ain't on no drugs! Unless..." he looked at me expectantly, and when I shook my head he grinned. "Good. Now you four better shut up, 'cause if you wake up my baby boy, I will kick your asses!"

Alex looked confused as he stared at Danny and I. "Isn't Jayden Valentine's dad...?" he asked.

Brian nodded. "Yeah, but Daniel has something screwed up in his head, so he claims everything as his."

"Do not!"

I grinned as Danny stared at them before I pushed him off and took the candy out of his head. "Neither of you can have this now, it's mine unless you're gonna eat from it after me," I told them while starting to eat it.

"No! It'll turn me into a girl!" He quickly moved away from me and hid behind his boyfriend. "I don't wanna be a girl! You gotta stick somethin' up you for a week, and you get boobies, and you go through all the pain, but then again that part wouldn't be different..."

"Daniel somethin' Crain!" Amaya shouted while her and her friends joined us. "Why are you telling us this? You're probably scaring Alex!"

Danny froze and when he realized what he said, his cheeks turned pink. "I didn't mean it! I was just saying what would happen if I turned into a girl... How do you guys put.. things.. up you for one week every month? I mean, isn't it basically like a dude is shovin' somethin' up you?"

The four other guys looked uncomfortable when he asked that, while Amaya, Candy, Lindsey and I all exchanged a glance.

"You really want to know the answer to that?" Lindsey asked.

When he nodded, Candy sighed before walking over to him and putting an arm around his shoulders. "If you want to know so badly... Go ask a girl that uses those," she told him before calmly walking back to Amaya and Lindsey.

"Wait, so you guys don't use those thingy-mer-bobbers?" he asked with a frown. "Why don't you, and what do you use then?"

Amaya beckoned for him to go over there, and when he did they told him, his expression immediately went from a curious one to a disgusted one, making me chuckle.

"Oh my God, that's disgusting! And you have to change those all the time? That is just nasty! It's so.. Ugh." He shuddered in disgust. "Thank God I'm a man!"

"You liking things being shoved up your butt is the same thing as a girl liking to be with a man," Lindsey said while patting his head.

Danny covered his ears and shook his head furiously. "I don't want to hear it! You guys are making me scared now! I don't wanna be a girl!" he exclaimed, making us laugh.

"You guys are so weird.." Toby mumbled while shaking his head before looking at Brian and Jayden. "How do you guys put up with them?"

They shrugged in response as Danny pouted and glared at his boyfriend.

"Usually Danny's not around asking weird questions," Brian said while sitting on the counter again.

"Hey dumb-asses!" Amaya shouted, catching everyone's attention. "So what's the plan for tonight? I want to try cooking, so I need to know who's staying."

"I have to babysit tonight," Brian told her. "And those two promised to help me, so they won't be here."

She nodded before going to the fridge.

Danny smirked and looked at me. "Looks like you two are gonna play mommy and daddy," he said, glancing at Jayden when he said 'daddy'.

"Don't encourage them," Amaya warned, still searching through the fridge. "I've forced them in a room together a few times, and they either ended up screaming at each other, or fell asleep with cuddling each other."

Jayden glared at her, while Danny laughed. "Shut up Amaya," he growled, making her smirk.

"Don't worry Jayden, we'll keep Valentine downstairs with us so you two can have some fun," she told him as he glared at her murderously. "Aww, don't deny that you wish she's drunk and locked in your room. What happened to the two lovers that ran away with each other for a week and had fun?"

I stared at her and felt my cheeks get warm as he glared at her.

"We didn't do anything like that," he muttered.

Alex looked at me and grinned. "Doesn't look like that, Papa Jay," he sang, making me glare at him and Amaya giggle.

"Shut up!" Jayden and I muttered at the same time, making everyone else smirk in amusement.

"Well we gotta go, you guys have fun!" Brian said while shoving Danny and Toby towards the door. He took the rest of the candy bar from me, then headed outside. When they left, I looked at Candy and Lindsey, who joined Alex.

"Hey fat-ass, get off the counter. We put food on that ya know," Amaya said flatly as she pulled food out of the fridge and stared at her brother.

"Yeah, I know," he said with a shrug.

"Get off before I shove a steak knife up your butt," she threatened while grabbing a giant knife. He hopped off of the counter and muttered stuff as he sat on the stairs. "I'm going to need some help cooking, and it's gonna be a surprise for you two," she explained while pointing the knife at me, then Jayden. "So go take Valentine out of the house, and don't come back until we call you. Understand?"

"You can't kick me out of my own house," I muttered as Alex stepped towards me.

"It'll be fun! Come on, you gotta change out of those clothes before you go anywhere," he said before leading me up to my room. When we were in there, he closed the door and went through my stuff before pulling out some clothes. "Here, change into these. Once you come back and you're done eating, you can shower and relax. We'll keep your baby in the basement with us so you won't have to worry about anything."

I looked at the clothes he had pulled out. They were a black pyramid stripe tank top, white skinny jeans with rips in them, and some black flats with a bow on it, plus my studded black and white belt. "You guys better not do anything stupid," I muttered before changing and brushing my hair. Once I was done, I slid my phone and wallet in my back pockets, woke and changed Valentine, then took him downstairs. "Burn down the house and I'll kick your butt!" I told Amaya as she shoved me outside.

"Whatever. Just be nice and have fun, 'kay?" She handed me Valentine's car seat before closing and locking the door behind me.

Stifling a groan, I quickly put him in it before putting him in the back seat of my car, then got in the passenger seat since Jayden was in the driver's. "Where are we going?" I asked after putting my seat belt.

He shrugged and started driving somewhere. "Dunno."

"Then let's go to a park," I suggested with a shrug. Honestly, I wanted to see how Michael and Malissa were doing. Jayden must've thought the same thing, 'cause he drove to the park that we always saw them at. When we got there, I got Valentine out of his car seat and sat next to the tree I always sit by, and let him crawl around.

"Hi!" someone exclaimed with excitement before running over and giving me a hug, then Jayden one. I grinned when I saw it was Michael, and Malissa wasn't too far behind him. "You guys haven't been here together in a long time. Where were you guys?"

"Just been busy I guess," I told him with a shrug.

He sat down beside me as Malissa came over and said a shy 'hi' before sitting down too. "Is this the baby you two had?" Michael asked when he noticed Valentine.

I nodded and leaned against the tree. We talked about random things, until the two got up and played tag with Jayden. Valentine grinned and giggled whenever they ran past him, and kept playing with the grass.

"Have you let Jayden hold him yet?" Michael asked, sitting down and scared me.

"Not yet, and where the hell did you come from?"

He shrugged and watched his sister run and laugh. "You should let him. When I asked if he was your guys' baby, he looked like something was hurting him badly," he told me. "I think it'll make him happy, and he's probably gonna make a good daddy. Watch."

I looked up and watched as Jayden grabbed Malissa with a grin and spun her around so she was facing the way she had just run from, both of them laughing as she started chasing him. It made me smile a bit, and Michael grinned when he noticed that.

"See? You gotta let him help you, or you two will both be sad when one of you find someone else," he said. "Valentine is gonna need a daddy, and he's right in front of you."

"I guess.." I mumbled, looking at the ground not wanting to talk about this.

"Michael, Malissa, time to come in!" a woman called while stepping out of a house.

"I gotta go. You should really let him hold your son sometime soon before something bad happens," Michael said while standing up. "Bye!"

"Later," I said quietly as he walked away, Malissa following. Jayden sat down beside me, and we sat in silence for a little bit until he broke it.

"He looks a lot like you..." he said out of nowhere, while studying Valentine.

"Everyone keeps saying that," I mumbled while continuing to stare at the ground.

"Are you glad he does..?"

I thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "I honestly don't know. It's weird though, most people usually argue over who the child should look like."

"Well we're not like most people."

It was silent for a few minutes, and I thought of what Michael had told me before he left. "You wanna hold him?" I asked after making up my mind.

He looked at me and looked surprised. "Really?"

I nodded. "Choose now or you're going to wait longer," I warned while handing him Valentine. When Jayden held him, his eyes lit up right away, and he grinned as Valentine poked him and giggled. My lips curved upwards a bit, until my phone vibrated. Frowning, I pulled it out and looked at the text.

Danny: OMFG that is adorable! It's about fuckin' time you let him hold his son!

Silently cursing at him, I quickly replied. Me: Where the fuck are you?

Danny: Hiding.. You won't be able to find me, no matter how hard you try ;)

Me: Daniel Phillip Crain, you better tell me where you are right now or I'll make sure you and Toby will never be able to have fun. I can see him freaking out and covering his special spot right now. Not too long after I sent that, I got two messages.

Danny: I can't! Please don't hurt me, I'm too beautiful to die!

Amaya: You guys can come back now

I sent Danny a quick reply saying that if he makes a big deal about it, I'll make sure he won't ever be happy, then told Amaya we're heading back. "Amaya wants us to head back," I said before standing up.

"Okay." Jayden glanced at me as we headed back to the car.

When we got there, I took Valentine from him and put him in his car seat, then got in. I am going to murder Danny slowly the next time I see him, right after chopping off his little buddy. If Brian has something to do with this, I'm going to do the same to him for not warning or telling me. Once we got to the house, I took Valentine inside, only to be pushed to the table by Alex. He took Valentine out of my arms, and I licked my lips when I saw a big slice of a homemade chicken pot pie sitting on the table in front of me. I quickly sat down and put a forkful in my mouth as Amaya came in and stood in front of me. Aw shit... I should've known that she found out Chris always makes me this when he wants me to do something, or when he needs to tell me something important that I wouldn't like. "Yes..?" I asked after chewing and swallowing the yummy food I had in my mouth.

"Alex, keep Jayden out of the room," she ordered. Her friend nodded and shoved her brother into a closet and locked him in, making me chuckle until Amaya looked at me. "First of all, I need you to promise me that if you try running away again, you'll at least let me know."

I nodded. "'Course I will. I'll leave you a note if I do, and if I'm gone for over a week, I'll make sure I send you money for food and anything like that."

"Alright. Now I need to know, what exactly are you and Jayden right now? Like are you dating, are you friends, or something else?"

"Dunno, probably a teeny bit more than friends," I said with a shrug while taking another bite.

"Uh-huh, sure... Well you two can have fun and do whatever you want tonight, but you have to stay upstairs, got it?"

Looking at her curiously, I asked, "What're you guys doing down here?"

"Nothing that you should be concerned about. We'll keep Valentine down there with us, so if you guys get busy he won't be scarred for life," she told me with a grin.

"How are you so sure something like that will happen?" I questioned.

"No reason. Now hurry up and eat so you can go upstairs!"

I sighed before finishing my dinner, then went upstairs. "Water's working, right?"

"Yeah. I'll put the idiot in here in after I have a talk with him, so you do whatever until then."

"Alright," I mumbled, not paying attention to what she was saying, then closed the bedroom door behind me before going to the bathroom connected to my room. After making sure the door connecting the two rooms was closed and locked behind me, I turned on the shower and started stripping down before getting in.When I was done showering, I brushed my hair after wrapping a towel around me. I dried my hair with a different towel, and set it on the sink counter when I was done before opening the door and stepping into my bedroom.

"You should walk around like that more often," someone said.

I looked up and saw Jayden on my bed, staring at my body with a smirk. "Asshole," I growled while going over to my dresser to grab some clothes. Once I grabbed some, I went to the bathroom and pulled on the clothes I had pulled out. Ignoring the idiot next to me, I sat on my bed and started looking through the movies on my phone.

"What're you doing?" he asked while looking over my shoulder.

"Nothing," I replied while putting my back against the wall, and finding Get Him To The Greek. "Why're you in my room?"

He shrugged. "'Cause I can be in here, and I brought something up here without Amaya finding out."

I glanced over at him and grinned when I saw he had vodka and fruit punch. Setting my phone down, I asked, "How'd you get it in here without her knowing?"

"Can't tell you, it's a secret."

A few hours after that, the bottle of vodka was empty, and there was no more fruit punch. I pushed Jayden off the bed, and he stood up while staring at me expectantly. "I'm thirsty. Go get me something to drink," I ordered while pointing at the door.

"You got legs, go get something yourself," he said in an annoyed voice.

I stood up and easily cornered him, though he kept stumbling, and stared up at him. "You're going to get me something to drink, or I'll cut off your little buddy," I threatened.

"Fine!" He moved past me, and as soon as he opened the door Alex pushed him to the ground.

"You're not aloud to leave this room," he said while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Then can you get me something to drink?" I asked while laying on my bed. "If you don't, I'll make sure you never get a boyfriend."

He hesitated before nodding and heading to the kitchen. When he came back a minute later, he tossed me a flavored water, before shutting and locking the door behind him as he left.

"You're evil," Jayden muttered while getting up off the floor.

"So?" I put the water bottle on the ground and grabbed a Mike's hard lemonade from my top dresser drawer. "Stop staring at it and just ask if you can have one, idiot," I mumbled while pulling out another one and tossed it to Jayden, who was eyeing mine.

A few more drinks later, I closed the blinds, which were letting in moonlight now, and crawled under the covers.

"You're seriously tired?" Jayden asked while putting another empty bottle on my dresser.

"Durr. Why else would I be in bed?" I questioned. Our words were slightly slurred, but mine were a bit more than his since I drank more. He smirked, so I stuck my tongue out at him. "You're a pervert," I told him.

He shrugged and pulled off his shirt and jeans before laying down next to me. "I've been called worse."

"Didja know you're a pedo-bear?" I asked with a grin. When a thought came to mind, I started laughing before saying, "I can see Chrissy tryin' to seduce Annie-belle in a panda suit."

Jayden shook his head and chuckled. "You have a weird imagination."

"Noo, perverts have weirder imaginations. So you got a weird one," I told him while poking his cheek.

"No poking," he said while grabbing my finger to make me stop. I pouted, making him close his eyes and groan. "Don't do that...." he mumbled.

I smirked before licking my lips and pouting again. "But I wanna... It's fun," I told him, making him groan again.

"I said don't do that."

"Or what? You're gonna become a zombie and eat me?"

He chuckled and let go. As soon as I poked him again, he frowned and grabbed my pointer finger again. "No."

Trying not to laugh, I pouted again, making him let go and groan again. "What's so bad about it?" I asked while poking his cheek numerous times. When he grabbed my finger again, I pouted and he glared at me.

"Knock it off."

"I will if you play music," I said while handing him my phone.

"Fine.." he muttered before getting up and plugging my phone into the ihome, then played music softly, so it wouldn't wake up anyone. "Happy now?"

I shrugged. "Maybe." Reaching over the edge of the bed, I pulled out my water bottle, which was half flavored water, the other half vodka.

"You shouldn't be drinking that," Jayden said while trying to take it away from me as I started drinking it.

"You shouldn't be tellin' me what to do," I muttered before quickly finishing it. When he laid back down, I sat on his lap so I was straddling him, then whacked his cheek hard with the empty water bottle.

"What the fuck was that for?" he asked while rubbing the cheek, which now had a red mark.

I smacked him again with it, but this time on the other cheek. "You're an idiot, 'n you need to learn what you're not aloud to do," I told him, words slurring. When I looked at him, I smirked as he glared at me. "Ya know, you're sexy when you're mad."

"October, you're drunk," he said while trying to get me to lay down.

"Am not," I argued while smacking his forehead.

He glared at me again. "Knock it off or I'll smack you with that."

Curious to see if he really would, I smacked him again. He grabbed the bottle, and continued to glare at me. "I thought you said you were gonna hit me," I said while calmly staring at him.

"Just go to sleep," he told me while tossing the bottle across the room.

"Make me." I stuck my tongue out at him and staring laughing when he rolled us over so he was pinning me down to the bed. Grinning, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer with my arms around his neck. "'Maya says she wants us to have fun."

"You're drunk."

"So? You gotta stop actin' grumpy, or everyone's gonna think a purple panda shoved somethin' up your butt." I stopped to think for a second, before saying, "Or they'll think you're angry 'cause you can't get laid. I bet the second one's true, 'cause you're an old man. Didja know old dudes put dust in people when they get lucky? Danny's gonna be swallowin' dust pretty soon, 'cause Toby's old like you."

"Go to sleep October," Jayden muttered with a sigh.

I ignored him, and kept saying whatever came to mind. "He had a crush on Chrissy once. He wanted to swallow Chrissy's dust. I don't see why Anna loves a dude that puts dust in her, 'cause that'd just be creepy. But it'd be white dust... You're gonna explode with snow in a year! Chrissy probably already does, and all of his friends do, an-" I was cut off when lips crashed against mine, but they were only there for a second.

"Will you shut up now?" Jayden asked, looking annoyed.

"Nope," I replied, making him groan.

"Why not?"

"'Cause..." When he was least expecting it, I pulled him down and pressed my lips to his. He froze for a second, before kissing back, making me smirk in victory.

I opened my eyes when I heard someone mumbled something, and saw that it was still dark. My phone was still playing music quietly, and I saw Jayden sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. Not really knowing what to do, I poked his back, making him turn to look at me. "What're you mumbling about?"

"Nothing," he muttered.

"Mhmm, sure..." When I realized I only had my underwear on, I grabbed a random shirt from beside the bed and pulled it on. Right after it was on, my head started throbbing so I groaned.

"Go back to sleep," he said quietly while laying down again.

I stifled another groan and put my forehead against his chest while laying down. "I promise won't yell at you tomorrow as long as you make sure my head doesn't kill me," I mumbled while holding up my pinkie.

"Okay.." He wrapped his pinkie around mine for a second before putting his chin on top of my head.

After a minute or two of silence, a question wouldn't let me sleep. "Do you really love me?" I asked in a barely audible voice.

"Yeah," Jayden said quietly.

"But doesn't it hurt when I keep rejecting you?"

"Yeah.." he mumbled with a small sigh.

I could hear pain leaking into his voice, making me feel guilty as I yawned and closed my eyes.

"But I won't stop trying.."


I woke up and felt someone running their hand through my hair. My head throbbed, and I groaned a little loudly.

"Your fault you wouldn't stop drinking." Jayden said in amusement.

"Shut up," I muttered while sitting up. "I'm gonna take a shower," I said after the pain died down a bit. After he nodded and moved so I could get off the bed, I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, wrapped a towel around me, then dried my hair the best I could before pulling it back and quickly brushed my teeth. When I stepped back into my room, I looked around and saw that everything was picked up, and Jayden was laying on his stomach on the bed with shorts and a t-shirt on. Making sure I was quiet, I pulled on some undergarments and shorts before looking around for a shirt. "I'm stealing one of your shirts," I said while grabbing one of the shirts I found in his bag, which was sitting by my dresser.

"I don't care," he mumbled with a yawn.

I pulled the shirt on before sitting on the bed. I glanced at him, and saw that there was dark lines under his eyes. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

He shrugged and kept his eyes closed. "Maybe a little bit.." Then he sat up and yawned before saying, "Cable's on in here."

Ignoring what he just said, I looked at him before saying, "You need to sleep."

"I'm fine..." he mumbled while turning on the TV and leaned against the headboard.

"Bullshit, you're about to fall asleep," I told him as he yawned again.

"No I'm not," he argued stubbornly while pulling me on to his lap.

I sighed and leaned against him as he wrapped an arm around my waist, and rubbed my back. "Jayden, you need to go to sleep. I'll be fine," I said softly when he yawned.

"I'm fine," he muttered.

"No, you're not. Go to sleep."

He shook his head.

Stifling another sigh, I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck. "Go to sleep," I mumbled as he struggled to stay awake.

"I'm not tired," he lied with a yawn.

I stayed silent for a little bit, until he fell asleep. My head started hurting again as I tried remembering what I said last night, but I ignored it. When I finally remembered it, guilt gnawed on me. He had said he loved me, and wouldn't stop trying to be with me, when I've been a bitch to him because I don't want to be caught up in a bunch of gang stuff. The bedroom door opened, and I turned around to see my favorite grandma smiling at me. I got up and gave her a tight hug. "I've missed you grandma," I murmured while hugging her.

"I've missed you too October," she told me with a smile while hugging me back. "You should come downstairs and say hi to your grandpa."

"'Kay, I'll be down there in a minute," I told her. When she headed downstairs, I shook Jayden awake.


"Come downstairs with me," I said while turning off the TV.

"'Kay.." He got up with a yawn before grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs.

I glanced at him and bit my lip. What else happened last night? When we got to the living room, I saw Chris talking with Amaya and grandma, and I saw grandpa playing with Valentine. Amaya looked over and smirked when she saw my hand in her brother's, making Chris look over too.

"You two better not've done anything last night," he said while glaring slightly at Jayden.

"She's an adult now Chris, it shouldn't matter what she does," grandma said while smiling a bit.

Grandpa came over and handed Valentine over to Chris before giving me hug. "Don't listen to him, he's just jealous that you had a child before him," he told me quietly with a grin as I hugged him back.

"He had his chance for a few years," I agreed, making Chris look at us strangely.

Amaya pulled me back a little bit, so there was a space between us and the others. "I called Dazy and Kyle and told them that your grandparents are here, is that alright...?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine with that as lone as it doesn't get too noisy.."

"Hangover?" When I nodded again, she smirked. "Did you guys use protection?"

"Shut up," I muttered. "And I can't really remember a lot from last night. If you want to know so badly, go ask your brother."

She grinned before heading over to him.

I sighed before walking over to the kitchen, and sat on the counter, watching everyone.

"Bored?" someone asked while sitting next to me.

"Kind of," I said with a shrug while glancing over to see that it was Jayden. "What exactly happened last night?"

"You got pretty drunk, and kept talking about old guys putting dust in people when they got lucky," he replied while rubbing the back of his neck. "You told me Danny used to have a crush on Chris, and that he's going to be swallowing Toby's 'dust' soon.."

"It'd be white dust, or hard snow," I said with a small smile, remembering when Danny always wanted to stay the night so he could see Chris.

"You two make a really cute couple," Amaya said with a grin while coming out of nowhere, standing in front of us.

"Whoa, where'd you come from?" I asked while staring at her.

"From my mama," she replied while rolling her eyes. "Dazy and Kyle are almost here, and you two need to get off the counter so I can started making lunch for everyone."

I got up and laid on the couch, rubbing my head with a groan.

Jayden sat down on the couch and rubbed my temples. "If you keep groaning Chris is going to think I drugged you," he muttered as Chris shot him a look.

I gave my older brother the finger before putting my head in Jayden's lap. "Why'd you let me drink so much?"

"You kept beating me with a bottle when I tried telling you to stop," he answered with a shrug.

Dazy and Kyle got here as I chuckled, and had the twins. "Great, more noise..." I mumbled while putting my head on my arms. I stayed on the couch as they all talked, and when they sat down to eat lunch I pulled Jayden upstairs. Neither of us were hungry, so we weren't eating with them. I laid on my bed and yawned as he closed the door behind him. "I'm gonna take a nap, and you gotta take one too or you'll pass out while walking," I said while pulling the blankets over me.

"Then go to sleep," he told me while laying down next to me.

I closed my eyes and felt him rub my back lightly. When I remembered Amaya and Dazy were downstairs, I silently cursed at myself for not locking the door. I got a bad feeling they were going to make the rest of today hell because of my hangover...

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